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D&D 5E [D&D 5E] Tattered Memories: An Adventure in Tethyr (COMPLETE)

Forged Fury

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A frown of concern crossed Janelle's face. "I'm not sure... I'm about to head to the south gate to get the food supplies for this evening. You can come along, I'm allowed a helper to move the supplies. Maybe you can catch Captain Holt's attention. He's a fair man, but firm."

As Janelle finished, Brue caught sight of Dorin entering the tavern, a large leather-wrapped bundle held in his hands.

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[section]Brue's attention drifted to Dorin. She eagerly eyed Dorin, hoping for a glimpse of her chain shirt, then nodded her acquiescence at Janelle. "I'm happy to help with the food stores, you got it. I'll just see if Dorin's finished with the armor he's promised me, and then I'll be ready to go with you to the gate. Half a moment?" The earth genasi wove her way from the end of the bar through the room, a grin writ plain on her face. "Master Dorin!" she called. "Have you got the armor with you?" Brue gestured to the leather-wrapped bundle in Dorin's arms. She thrust her unfinished ale at the dwarf. "Trade you?"[/section]

Forged Fury

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Dorin walked over to a table and glared at the men sitting around it. Without a word, they rose and wandered off towards the bar. With the table cleared, the dwarf dropped the bundle on it with a jingle of chain. Untying the leather straps and pulling the bundle open, the dwarf revealed a serviceable and appropriately fitted chain shirt, freshly oiled.

"Here ya are, Brue. It should fit well." Waving away the offered beer, he finished, "No thanks, I'll keep to my own spirits."

Janelle approached from the bar and said, "Lovely armor... are you ready to go, Brue? I need to get the food soon, or you may have another fight on your hands."

[section]Brue shuddered in pleasure when Dorin extracted the chain shirt from its leather wrapping. She immediately set about removing the boiled leather breast piece on loan from the temple, and slid into the chain shirt. A sigh escaped her. "Oh. Oh! This is keen work, Dorin, thank you." Brue shook her shoulders to get a feel for the new armor. The metal rings felt deliciously heavy and cool, even against her cloth garments. "It seems to fit very well, my thanks." Brue took a second sip of her bitter ale, then put down the mug at Dorin's table. She nodded at Janelle, picking up and tucking the boiled leather armor under an arm. "Aye, I'm ready." Brue followed Janelle out the tavern door, ready to head toward the south gate.[/section]

Forged Fury

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As the pair exited the tavern, Janelle directed Brue towards a wooden handcart. "You'll need to grab that, there will be quite a few heavy things to bring back." The murmur of the crowd grew louder as the gathering mass caught sight of the two women, clearly aware of Janelle's role in keeping the town sustained.

Dropping the leather armor in the handcart, Brue followed Janelle south along the Trade Way. The genasi asked for a brief stop to allow her to return the leather armor to Commerce House. "No problem, my dear, I'm sure the Coinmaster is charging quite the loan fee." As Coinmaster Cooper was not in, Brue simply returned the armor to the closet from which the cleric had earlier produced it, figuring she would catch him up on things when she returned to Commerce House that evening.

Returning to the road, Brue continued following Janelle south until they arrived at the southern gates a few minutes later. Knowing what to look for, the genasi spotted stakes in the ground similar to what had been setup at the north gate. As the woman approached the yellow stakes, a commanding voice called out from the gate. "Good evening Janelle, please stop where you are and my men will get the food stores moved to your side of the wall."

The tavern keeper stopped and waited. After a few seconds, the south gates opened up. Four soldiers with heavy crossbows took up position, two at either side of the gate. The men looked alert, but not overly threatening. It didn't appear that they were expecting trouble, but were prepared for it all the same.

Behind them came a pair of soldiers, one pulling a handcart similar to the one Brue was manning, albeit it stacked with food. The other wore the air of command like a mantle, clearly an officer of some sort with distinguished features and an aquiline nose. Decked out in finely crafted splint armor, the officer carried a flail in one hand and a shield in the other. The shield bore the wave and tower insignia Brue had previously spotted on the proclamation tacked to the door of the Mossy Nymph. Looking at the pair of women, the man said, "My man will unload the cart, at which point we will withdraw and you will be allowed to collect the food stores. I see you have found new help, Janelle. How are things in Mosstone?"

[section]Brue stopped the cart as directed. When the guards appeared, she surveyed their rapport with Janelle, then leaned over to Janelle and whispered, "Greycastle's asked me to help keep the peace, but also to investigate the cause of the plague. Vials would like me to go to the Wealdath to hunt for fairy cap mushrooms. He says he can make a cure for the plague with them. But I need permission to leave from Captain Holt, and the guards seem more comfortable around you than around others. Can you help me start the conversation about asking for an audience with the Captain? I need an "in." Brue assumed her sincerest pleading tone, making eye contact with the barkeep.[/section]

Forged Fury

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Nodding toward the officer, Janelle said in a low voice, "Dear, that is Captain Holt." Clearing her throat, she continued in a louder voice, "Aye Captain Holt, a new helper. This is Brue, newly deputized by Sir Greycastle to help keep order."

Captain Holt looked up from observing his subordinate's progress. "A new lawkeeper?" Squinting in the fading sun, Holt assessed the genasi. "I've never seen your kind before... are you native to Mosstone, good woman?"

[section]Brue nodded, affirming the Captain's assessment. "Well met, sir. No, I'm not a native Mosstonian. Just happened to be passing through the area and got caught unawares." Brue carefully crafted her phrasing and intonation, so as not to lie. Or be off-putting. She looked the Captain in the eye--albeit from a distance--and continued, bold as brass. "Captain, I wonder whether I could have a word. And, if a word is possible, how to best go about having that word while still honoring the quarantine?" Brue paused, considering. "It's about a potential cure, sir." She let her words hang in the air, hoping he'd be enticed enough about the prospect of an end to the quarantine to inquire further.[/section]

OOC: Brue has a point of inspiration. I'm away from my 5e material (but will look when I get home). Do I need to declare in advance of an action if I want to use her point of inspiration?

Voidrunner's Codex

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