D&D Monster Index v1.0


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Hi all,

For some time now I've been working on a index of D&D monsters across all versions of the D&D game. My index is still far from complete, but I think it now covers enough sources to be useful to other people, so I'm releasing it into the wild :).

If you'd like to download a copy of the index, click here.

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Creature Cataloguer
and far far less complete than your list (but i'll share anyway) is my source list here that i've been putting together for the CC upgrade project:


  • mnsrs.xls
    36 KB · Views: 174


Shirokinukatsukami fan
BOZ said:
have you also seen this: http://www.geocities.com/conclave27/DuDlds.html (link to "1E/2E/HM Monsters")

Yeah. There are a handful of 1E/2E products in that index that I don't currently have covered, but not many. I don't have any plans to incorporate the Hackmaster critters, because I don't think they qualify as D&D monsters.

I remember that you (was it you Boz?) mentioned contacting the author of that index with a view to helping make it more complete, but he declined your offer. That's why I included a list of all of the sources that are covered in mine -- if anyone would like to help make the index more thorough, I'll gladly update it to include other people's contributions.

I'm also going to try to include new Creature Catalogue conversions as they are uploaded to the site. (The index currently includes all conversions listed under "Converted Monsters"). By my count, there are only 3390 monster for which 3.x versions haven't yet been published :D.


Creature Cataloguer
Echohawk said:
I remember that you (was it you Boz?) mentioned contacting the author of that index with a view to helping make it more complete, but he declined your offer.

that is what happened, yes. ;)

3390? we'll have that done in no time. :D
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Monster Junkie
Very nice, Echohawk! I added a link to it in the Monster Indices thread. I also included those that BOZ provided.

Voidrunner's Codex

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