D&D 5E D&D Third Party New Releases for May 4-10, 2023


Check out this week's D&D third party new releases! Please subscribe and share if you can.

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This Week's Featured Products
An Equal Portion Dealt: Culture in Character Creation (races) An Equal Portion Dealt: Culture in Character Creation - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Arcane Armaments (armor, weapons, items) Arcane Armaments - Adventures Await Studios | DriveThruRPG.com
Arcane Tools, Treasures & Trinkets (osr, items) Arcane Tools, Treasures & Trinkets - Mothic Knight | DriveThruRPG.com
Bloody Wrath of Countess Mekula, The (3.5E, adventure 0) The Bloody Wrath of Countess Mekula - AC11 Studio | DriveThruRPG.com
Cavern Crawl 12 Frolicking Fey (adventure 1) Cavern Crawl #012 - Frolicking Fey (5e) - Grim Press | Cavern Crawls | DriveThruRPG.com
Circle of Nourishment: A Druid Circle of Rituals and Harvest (druid subclass) Circle of Nourishment: A Druid Circle of Rituals and Harvest - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Escape the Mind Slavers (Iron Kingdoms, adventure) Escape the Mind Slavers - Privateer Press | Iron Kingdoms: Requiem | DriveThruRPG.com
Explorer's Guide, a Collection of Places (locations, hooks) Explorer's Guide, a Collection of Places - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Founding of Bridgemire, The (system neutral, adventure) The Founding of Bridgemire - BrianJansen | DriveThruRPG.com
Frosts of Issenzar (adventure 10-11, maps, audio) Frosts of Issenzar - Arcane Minis | DriveThruRPG.com
Guide to the Village of Barovia (Ravenloft, reference, NPCs) Guide to the Village of Barovia - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Hellboy: Korhonen Series, Part 2 The Wet Werewolf (adventure) Hellboy: Korhonen Series, Part 2 - The Wet Werewolf - Nightfall Games | Hellboy RPG | DriveThruRPG.com
Illuminated Cavern, The (adventure 10) The Illuminated Cavern - The DM Tool Chest | DriveThruRPG.com
Level Up: Gate Pass Gazette 12 (A5E, weapons) Level Up: Gate Pass Gazette Issue #12 (A5E) - EN Publishing | D&D 5th Edition | Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition | DriveThruRPG.com
Machinations of the Blank (encounters, items, feats) Machinations of the Blank - Critical Crafting | DriveThruRPG.com
Monster Souls (items, optional rules, crafting) Monster Souls 5E: 170+ New Magic Items - Compass Publishing House | DriveThruRPG.com
Multiclass Feats: Armorer (feats) Multiclass Feats - Armorer - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
NPC Centesimo (NPCs) NPC Centesimo - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Phagefall: A Crisis in Dieselspace (Spelljammer, wildspace system, location) Phagefall: A Crisis in Dieselspace - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Spells from the Forgotten Vault (A5E, spells) Spells from the Forgotten Vault (A5E) - Purple Martin Games | DriveThruRPG.com
Strange Life Forms of the Astral Sea: Beings of the Distant Reaches (monsters) Strange Life Forms of the Astral Sea: Beings of the Distant Reaches - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Sub-Classy: Supplement 2 (subclasses) Sub-Classy: Supplement 2 - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Tasha, Iggwilv and Zybilna: A full account of Tasha’s history (reference, items, prep) Tasha, Iggwilv and Zybilna: A full account of Tasha’s history - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Tome of Terrors (monsters) Tome of Terrors - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Wilderness Dressing: Jungles (reference) Wilderness Dressing: Jungles (5e) - Raging Swan Press | GM's Resources | Wilderness Dressing | Designed for 5e | DriveThruRPG.com

Our Books
Dragonlance Companion (races, subclasses, spells, items, monsters, encounters, adventures) Dragonlance Companion - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Feywild Companion (lineages, subclasses, spells, items, monsters, encounters, adventures) https://dmsguild.com/product/371389?affiliate_id=183912
Fizban's Vault of Draconic Secrets (subclasses, spells, items, trinkets, hooks) https://dmsguild.com/product/375174?affiliate_id=183912
Potions Unlocked (items, locations, NPCs, spells, monsters, hooks, optional rules, pod) https://drivethrurpg.com/product/359021?affiliate_id=183912
Secrets of the Drowgar (race, subclasses, deities, NPCs) https://dmsguild.com/product/354228?affiliate_id=183912
Swarms of the Multiverse (monsters, locations, optional rules) https://drivethrurpg.com/product/393995?affiliate_id=183912
Van Richten's Libram of Lineages (lineages, optional rules) https://dmsguild.com/product/357972?affiliate_id=183912

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