D20 Combat mechanic


I'd like some input on this. I converted my old zombie/ terminator apocalypse setting to D20 but I have a old combat system we used to use and it worked out pretty good. What do you guys think of its use with D20, pros and cons are welcome.
First off I don't know if I should modify the HD or not or keep what D20 already has, for ex.
The character sheet is broken up to several areas, it has a diagram of a human body with the torso, left arm, right arm, left leg, r leg, head (or can go into greater detail l foot etc,,) which right now is 6 areas.
There is a spot next to each area with 2 lines, one for the BP (body points or I guess HP now) and then one for the AP (armor points).
So if joe shmoe gets a 1d8 hd ,I guess they can roll 1d8 for each body area so if he rolls a 6 on his torso he gets 6hp there.
Ok, now weapons are all classed into certain groups with a penetration class, A,B,C,D etc..
SO joe is wearing a ballistic vest and the badguy shoots at him. he rolls over his AC and hits joe. The badguy is using a 9mm which say is class A. He hits joe, rolls a 1d6 and hits joes torso (lucky for him) but it does not penetrate the vest (the vest is rated as all armor is for a certain penetration class, this one protects from A)
He rolls damage and takes it off the armor points for the vest and not joes HP. (we have blunt trauma damage rules too)
joes returns fire with his M-4, and hits the bad guy who is also wearing a Alpha rated vest. He rolls 1d6 and hits him in the torso too. The M-4 is using a 223 round which is rated as Bravo so it penetrates the vest and does damage to the vest and the HP.
I know it sounds complicated, abd it does take planning on the PC's part and a list of ammo and what PC they are but it used to work real well for us. I'm asking because we are thinking of actually publishing our game world for D20 modern or OGL Horror.
What do you think, be honest so I can fix it if its worth fixing.
We also use a threshold of pain which is a combo of constiution and willpower to determine how much HP you can lose before passing out etc... On criticals we also have a list for each area, ex. a critical on arm could mean lose of use, severe bleeding, shattered elbow etc. This also applies for armor (those that need it, power armor for ex, lose of targeting, air supply etc.)

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