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[d20 / D&D 3.5] d100 NPCs Thread

John Q. Mayhem

Unfettered 2; PHB, Arcana Unearthed

A combat seaman, these stats could represent marines or combat-trained sailors, and of course, PIRATES!

Alignment: Any; pirates usually evil, often chaotic

Human war-mariner Human unfettered 2nd-lvl.
Combat: AC= 15 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 class) (touch 13, flat-footed 12, vs. melee 16); Hit-points: 14; Initiative: +2; Speed: 30 ft; BAB +2, Grap +4, melee: +4 (1d6+2, 19-20/x2, cutlass), +0 (1d6+1, x3, boarding axe), ranged: +4 (1d8, 19-20/x2, light crossbow).
Saves: Fort 0+1, Ref 3+2, Will 0
Abilities: Str 14 (+X), Dex 15 (+X), Con 13 (+X), Int 10 (+X), Wis 10 (+X), Cha 10 (+X).
Racial Traits: Human: Bonus feat, 1 skill point/level, 4 at 1st.
Skills: Climb +9, Profession (seaman) +5, Spot +3, Swim +9, Tumble +6, Use Rope +7
Feats and Powers: Two-Weapon Fighting, Athletic, Defensive Stance.
Equipment: Sturdy sea clothes, cutlass, heavy crossbow, boarding axe, leather armor
Note: This character's armor will often be some equivalent to leather, rather than actual leather armor. I used AU's TWF system, because I like it better. It is +0/-4 rather than -2/-2. A war-mariner who operates a ship's ballistae or catapults would have Profession (siege engineer) +4 rather than Tumble +6.

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Hilda and Olga were born from a prostitute from different fathers. Both eventually ended as barmaids in one of the PCs' favored inn. However, despite they feel attached to each other, the two sisters are extremely different from each other; in fact they have been nicknamed "the night and the day".


Commoner 5th level; DMG 3.5

Olga, the half-orc sister, was unfortunately born ugly. Then, as she was also born strong, she was usually held in fear and left alone. She thus grew lonely, and witnessing the suffering and violence around her, yet being spared of it, grew sad yet good hearted. As an adult Olga regrets being held at bay because of her appearance, and thus has become of an abrupt temperament, even if deep in herself, she is nonetheless kind hearted. Hilda is her only family, and thus she is very protective of her, even if she dislikes her evil ways.

Alignment: NG (benign and good hearted behind her gruff behavior and ugliness)

Olga: Half-orc, Commoner 5th-lvl.
Combat: AC= 11 (touch 11, flat-footed 10); Hit-points: 26; Initiative: +1; Speed: 30 ft.; BAB +2, Grap +5; Atk: melee: +5 (1d6+3, 20/x2, club), ranged: +3 (1d6+3, 20/x2, 20 ft., club).
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1.
Abilities: Str 16 (+3), Dex 12 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 8 (–1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 7 (–2).
Racial Traits: Half-orc: Darkvision, orc blood.
Skills: Climb +5, Craft (cooking) +3, Handle animals +6, Swim +5.
Feats and Powers: Great fortitude, Toughness.
Equipment: Clothing, club.


Rogue 3rd level; PHB 3.5

Hilda, the half-elf sister, was born beautiful, and because of this and living in a violent environment, she was unfortunately abused during her childhood. As a result, she grew mean and evil, bent on taking her revenge on many men as she can. Hilda is no fool however, and will always take great care to not do anything that would put her in danger, using devious schemes and trickery if need be. With her clever lies and charming, she indeed has led many men to kill each others. Olga is the only person she trusts and cares for, even if outwardly she keeps taunting her at every opportunity.

Alignment: NE (vicious and hateful behind her charming behavior and prettiness)

Hilda: Half-elf, Rogue 3rd-lvl.
Combat: AC= 12 (touch 12, flat-footed 10); Hit-points: 11; Initiative: +2; Speed: 30 ft.; BAB +2, Grap +1; Atk: melee: +1 (1d4–1, 19-20/x2, dagger), ranged: +4 (1d4–1, 19-20/x2, 10 ft., dagger).
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1. Immunity to sleep effects, +2 vs. Enchantment magic.
Abilities: Str 8 (–1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10 (+0), Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 16 (+3).
Racial Traits: Half-elf: Low light vision, Immunities (see above), Skill bonuses (counted below), elven blood.
Skills: Bluff +11, Craft (cooking) +2, Diplomacy +9, Gather information +7, Knowledge (local) +4, Listen +6, Profession (prostitute) +2, Sense motive +6, Sleight of hands +8, Use rope +8.
Feats and Powers: Deft hands, Skill focus (bluff); sneak attack +2d6, Evasion, Trap sense (+1).
Equipment: Clothing, dagger.

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This is a GREAT thread. VERY USEFUL.

I have been following it for some time and am giving it a little bump :)

Have long had plans to contribute, but rarely have my books when on net. I need to copy the template you use and get to work. I did a series of NPCs for Port Jevid (for and adv from Dungeon). Some of these would be good here, but again I will need to format them.

Furthermore I have used some of these NPCs already. Worked great. It is si handy having several options for commonly met NPCs when in town. This would have to be one of the most useful threads ever.



#71 - City Crime Lord (Imlik)
Expert10; Source (DMG & Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed.)

This crime lord is the King of the underground, preferably in a port city. He also has strong connections to a Necromancer secret society and is in charge of all their dealings here. Imlik is extremely intelligent, crafty and ruthless. He has a good memory and always speaks calmly and rationally, never admitting to his involvement in any crime; he just suggests accusers go to the city guard (who of course are also in his pockets). He avoids fights, having so many lackeys to do this for him. He also squints when talking. Nearly 50 yrs old, thin and balding, with a hawk nose and craggy features.
Nefarious activities: Produces poison, has money lending stores, gaming houses, prostitutes, supplies bodies to necromancers and deals in drugs: ‘blue’ (mushroom powder) & agony’ (liquid pain) – Both detailed in Book of Vile Darkness.

Alignment: Any evil

Imlik: Human Expert 10th-lvl.
Combat: AC= 17 (touch 13, flat-footed 14); Hit-points: 55; Initiative: +3; Speed: 30 ft.; BAB +7 /+2, Grap +6; Atk: melee: +11/ +6 (1d4, 19-20/x2, dagger +1), melee: +12/ +7 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2, bladeboot +2), ranged: +11 (1d4, 19-20, dagger +1).
Saves: Fort +5 (+6 vs poison), Ref +6, Will +9.
Abilities: Str 8 (-1), Dex 17 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 15 (+2), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 11 (+0).
Racial Traits: Human: 1 Bonus feat, 1 skill point per level, Unbound: extra talent feat at first level.
Skills: Balance +9, Craft (poison) +16, Craft (Sculpting) +3, Diplomacy +10 (+14 convincing someone), Disguise +2, Forgery +4, Gaming (Intrigue – card game) +9, Gaming (Old Men’s Bones – pick up sticks) +4, Gather Information +14, Hide +5, Jump +4, Knowledge (Business) +16, Knowledge (Religion) +13, Listen +2, Move Silently +3, Open Lock +4, Sleight of Hand +13, Spot +2, Swim +11.
Feats and Powers: Born Leader [talent], Expertise, Poison Immunity (spider venom), Skill Focus (Craft (Poison)), Spy [House Regional feat grants +2 Disguise, Forgery & G.I], Weapon Finesse (factored into attacks above).
Equipment: Fine clothing, 15gp, 25sp, golden ring with personal seal (hand with silver and gold coin on it), dagger +1 (hidden in small of back), blade boot +2 (FRCS p95), antitoxin, neck collar/protector (SS) & buff coat (treat as leather armor) +2 w SR13, silver hip flask with potion of bulls strength. (Of course he has access to much more than this [especially poisons], but does not carry around anything that could have him arrested)
Note: Natural leader feat from MCAU – added in to skills, also has extra feat due to being unbound.

I hope this guy is OK. I actually generated him using random generator and then 'back-built' his skills etc to suit the guy I had in mind, which involved switching several skills (hoping I haven't mixed which were class and which were not due to experts 'choosing' 10 class skills)
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#72 - Brigand Scout
Rgr 2; Source (PHB)

The merchant's wagon was rolling along the track just fine until he came to the fallen log. It must have been toppled by the previous night's storm. Well, it would be a few minutes' work for him and his guard to clear it off the road. Or so he had hoped. An unnatural "bird call" alerted him to the danger, but it was already too late. A dozen men, clad in lincoln green and armed with bows appeared, marching forward out of the bushes. "If I'm lucky," the merchant thought, "they'll only take my money and my goods."

Bandit leaders can't afford to be too picky about whom they recruit and lawless young men both ready to kill their fellows for money and able to hide within eyesight of the road without being seen are not too common. Far better to have only a single scout or two hide by the road and alert their companions who are out of sight when the quarry is within reach.

Alignment: usually NE or CE (the brigand scout survives through murder and robbery) Possibly CG or even LG if you seek to emulate the Robin Hood legends.

Bandit scout Male Human Ranger 2nd-lvl.
Combat: AC= 15 (touch 13, flat-footed 12); Hit-points: 9; Initiative: +3; Speed: 30ft; BAB +2, Grap +3, melee: +3 (1d8+1, /x3, battle axe), ranged: +5 or +3/+3 (1d8, /x3, longbow).
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +0
Abilities: Str 13 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 9 (-1).
Racial Traits: Human: Bonus feat, +1 skill point/level.
Skills: Climb +3, Hide +10, Knowledge: Nature +2, Listen +7, Move Silently +10, Search +5, Spot +7, Survival +5 (+7 tracking).
Feats and Powers: Alertness, Rapid Shot (b), Stealthy, Track; Favored Enemy: Animals [+2].
Equipment: Leather armor, longbow, 20 arrows, battle axe, dagger, 2 days' rations, winter blanket, wineskin, 1 pp, 2 gp, 5 sp, 3cp.

Notes: the bandit scout is also a very good poacher and it is likely being caught poaching that led to his becoming a bandit.
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#73 - Brigand
Com 1/War 1; Source (PHB, DMG)

A lot of brigands don't start out that way. At least this brigand didn't. He was born to a respectable family of (relatively) poor farmers. He wasn't the oldest son, but the his older brother was conscripted by the Duke when several of the the neighboring towns raised the Bundschuh standard in revolt. Though the Duke was victorious, his older brother never came back. Ordinarily, that would have made him his father's heir. But his father was unhappy with his lazy ways and the company he kept. His father declared the youngest brother his heir. That didn't sit well with the soon-to-be-brigand, who took to doing even less work on the farm and to drinking long hours with his friends (the ones of whom his father didn't approve). So, when one of them proposed leaving the life of working in the fields and toiling for their landlords and going to the Greenwood to join the brigand gang, sharing a common purse and spending the money they stole on ale and whores, he joined up.

Alignment: usually NE or CE, etc. Though, if you want to emulate the Robin Hood legends, he could even be lawful good (with a slightly different backstory).

Brigand Human Com 1/War 1.
Combat: AC= 14 (touch 11, flat-footed 13); Hit-points: 8; Initiative: +5; Speed: 30 ft.; BAB +1, Grap +2, melee: +2 (1d8+1 morning star), ranged: +2 (1d8, /x3, longbow).
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will -1.
Abilities: Str 13 (+1), Dex 12 (+1), Con 10 (+0), Int 11 (+0), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 11 (+0).
Racial Traits: Human: Bonus Feat, +1 skill point/level.
Skills: Climb +2, Handle Animal +2, Listen +3, Profession: Farmer +1, Spot +3, Survival +0
Feats and Powers: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes.
Equipment: leather armor, morning star, dagger, longbow, 20 arrows, coin purse (1 gp, 7 sp, 3cp), hip flask of whiskey.

Note: Despite this character's 2 HD, I would still treat him as being CR 1/2 (call it an ad-hoc adjustment if you insist on a formal justification). Everything except his HD and some largely combat-irrelevant skills are the same as a normal War 1.


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#74 - Veteran Brigand
Ranger 3/Rog 2; Source (PHB, Complete Warrior)

Some brigands have been in the game a fair amount of time or were experienced hunters and warriors before turning to banditry. The veteran brigand is just such a character. He will form the backbone of a group of brigands and could even lead a small group of brigands that's a suitable encounter for a low-level party.

Alignment: usually NE or CE. (He makes his living by waylaying and murdering travelers).

Entry's name: Human Rgr 3/Rog 2
Combat: AC= 17 (touch 13, flat-footed 14); Hit-points: 35; Initiative: +3; Speed: 30ft,; BAB +4, Grap +6, melee: +7 (1d8+2, 19-20, longsword), ranged: +9 or +7/+7 (1d8+2, /x3, composite longbow).
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +1.
Abilities: Str 14 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 13 (+1).
Racial Traits: Human: Bonus Feat, bonus skill points, favored class: any.
Skills: Climb +7 5r, Craft (bowyer/fletcher) +8 8r, Hide +11 8r, Jump +7 5r, Listen +8 8r, Move Silently +11 8r, Search +8 8r, Spot +8 8r, Survival +3 3r (+5 tracking), Tumble +10 5r.
[/B]Feats and Powers:[/B] Endurance (b), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot (b), Track (b), Weapon Focus: Longbow; Evasion, Favored Enemy: Dwarves [+2], Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding, Wild Empathy +4.
Equipment: Masterwork studded leather armor, masterwork buckler, mighty [+2] composite longbow, 20 masterwork cold iron arrows, silvered dagger, masterwork longsword, potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of cure light wounds, potion of invisibility, coin pouch (3pp, 5gp, 1sp, 7cp), waterskin, bedroll, backpack, bowyer's tools, 2 days' rations.
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Turanil, I really like what you did with Hilda and Olga. Some common characters with personality are nice and offering two different takes on the barmaid type is nifty too.


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Taking a break from my brigand band to bring you a different take on high level NPC classes inspired by a thread on D&D demographics from a while back.

#75 - Toothless Joe, high level commoner
Com 12; Source (PHB, DMG)

Go into enough towns, and sooner or later you'll meet a tough customer--someone who has made it on his own and has overcome great hardships in order to do so but is quite content to simply live an ordinary life. That guy is toothless Joe. When he was fourteen, he was guarding his family's cattle when a griffon swooped out of the sky and attacked them. He didn't take kindly to that. (Though it might have been wiser to leave it alone). The next day, his family found him. They had to sew his intestines back into his stomach before they could take him to the priest, but he was alive. Later, when the orcs attacked Abbotsford and burned half the town to the ground killing his wife, Toothless Joe survived, married a young girl from a nearby village and rebuilt his farm as well as the local temple of Pholtus with his own hands. Later, when the wolves invaded from the Gamboge, Toothless Joe defended his herd with a spear. When the blinding sickness struck the vicinity of Ogburg and killed his second wife, Toothless Joe lived through it. When the hippogriffs migrated north from the Flinty Hills, Toothless Joe fought them off. When the dwarves drove the hobgoblins out of the mountains, they learned better than to raid Toothless Joe's farm. And when they kidnapped the womenfolk from a some of the outlying farms, Toothless Joe was on the posse that hunted them down. (His armor and weapon were his share of the loot from that battle). Toothless Joe has never been much interested in civic life. He's never been the militia captain, the village gorman, or anything else. He's just a survivor. He's outlived two wives and is growing old with the third. Now, his children and granchildren are scattered throughout the southern reaches of the Prelacy of Ogburg, and Toothless Joe is still alive and kicking.

Alignment: It could be any, but in this case, it's LN

Toothless Joe, high level commoner Human Commoner 12.
Combat: AC= 17 (touch 12, flat-footed 16); Hit-points: 49; Initiative: +1; Speed: 30 ft; BAB +6/+1, Grap +8, melee: +11/+6 (1d8+5, x3, spear), ranged: +8 (1d8, 19-20, light crossbow).
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +8.
Abilities: Str 14 (+2), Dex 12 (+1), Con 13 (+1), Int 13 (+1), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 12 (+1).
Racial Traits: Human: Bonus Feat, Bonus skill points, favored class: any.
Skills: Craft: carpenter +8 5r, Craft: mason +2 1r, Diplomacy +5, Knowledge: architecture and Engineering +3 2rcc, Heal +6 2rcc, Listen +8 6r, Profession: Farmer +11 9r, Spot +8 6r, Sense Motive +9 5r cc.
Feats and Powers: Die Hard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Negotiator, Weapon Focus: Spear.
Equipment: +2 studded leather armor, +1 ring of protection, +2 spear, light crossbow, 20 masterwork cold iron bolts, healer's kit, masterwork carpenter's tools, silver holy symbol of Pholtus, potion of cure light wounds, potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of remove disease, house, farm, lands, heavy horse, riding horse, riding saddle, saddlebags, and quite a few cattle.

Note: Toothless Joe isn't a warrior and doesn't go out of his way to fight, but he's not afraid to fight for his family, lands, or possessions either. It's likely he doesn't realize the worth of the spear and armor he took from the body of the hobgoblin shaman or he would probably have sold them to improve his herds. He knows the value of the ring, but it was a present from one of his daughters from his first marriage who married a wealthy merchant.


Oh, man - you guys are great. I'll see if I can contribute anything in the next few days (if the thread's still open). One day, though, I'd love to see (and contribute to) 100 Spellcasters, because man, I think they're definitely the most difficult to come up with on the fly.

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