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[d20 Future] 22nd Century: Solar Odyssey to Hell [PCs and NPCs]


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Creating characters for this campaign:

1) New account and specific pic. To join this game you must create a new account on Enworld, that will bear the name (username) of your PC in this game, and use one of the pics shown below. First joins = first chooses; tell me which pic you want, and I send it your way in the good size and kb weight. Thereafter, to play you must only use this account/username/pic. (The purpose is to help generate a sci-fi / starship crew ambiance.)

2) PC race and background: Your character is human… or at least looks exactly like a human. No alien race allowed, so if it's not human, it's probably a bioreplica droid, or maybe a covert Moreau (see here for ideas). Other than that, your character may come from anywhere in the Solar System, although it is 99.99 % probable that it is from Earth. (Those familiar with Transhuman Space will now where else the character could have grown up.)

3) PC classes: Basically, anything from d20 Modern + d20 Future is allowed. However, spellcasters (d20 Modern) are not allowed, and some advanced classes won't be really appropriate for this game (such as: Personality, Dimension ranger, Nuclear nomad, etc.). On the other hand the following supplement is allowed: Blood & Space 2: High Flyers and Ground Pounders.

4) Suggestions of Classes and skills: This is essentially a starship's crew, the kind you would find in Star Trek. As such, combat (including use of medium armor), investigation skills, scientific knowledge, technical skills, and zero-G training will be much useful. Likewise, warriors and scientists types would do well. On the other hand, crooks and celebrities have nothing to do here; and skills like Bluff or Diplomacy will probably see little use, although if a PC has such skills, there will be a couple of circumstances where they may be of use.

5) Starting Level: All PCs begin at 8th level.

6) Ability Scores: Use the point-buy method: 32 points (see DMG 3.5 p.169, or DMG 3.0 p.20).Then, as your PC begins at 8th level, you also twice get a +1 to one ability score of your choice.

7) Hit-Points: They are rolled using an online dice roller. This will also be used for important rolls and checks during the game; it's nice because it sends the result of die roll to emails (so yourself and the DM).

8) Equipment: Will be discussed between DM and players on a case by case basis for special stuff. Otherwise simply buy whatever you want using your starting wealth; but don't forget that you will be provided with equipment by the mission's sponsor (including a starship).



This thread is for posting your characters' stat-blocks. However, to join the team, ask questions, etc., you must first go on the Talking the Talk forum: here.

Thanks :)

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First Post
HAR-Vee #4047 (HARDENED ARTISIAN ROBOT 5), Biodroid, Smart Hero 3/Gadgeteer 5

Representing (HAR-Vee) aka: Masada 

Strength     14 (+2) 
Dexterity    16 (+3) 
Constitution -- (--) 
Intelligence 18 (+4) 
Wisdom       10 (+0) 
Charisma     10 (+0) 

Size:   Medium 
Height: 6'
Weight: 400 lb 
Talents: Savant (Craft Mechanical, Disable Device)

Total Hit Points: 61

Speed: 40 feet 

Defense:     21 = 10 + 4 [class] +2 [dexterity]  +5 [Integrated Alumisteel Armor] 
Touch AC:    16 
Flat-footed: 15 

Init mod: +3 = +3 [dexterity] 

Fort:     +4 = 4 [base] +0 [constitution]  
Ref:      +7 = 4 [base] +3 [dexterity]  
Will:     +3 = 3 [base] +0 [wisdom]  

Attack (handheld): +6 = 4 [base] +2 [strength]  
Attack (missile):  +7 = 4 [base] +3 [dexterity]  
Grapple check:     +6 = 4 [base] +2 [strength]  

Reputation:    +2 = 2 [base] 
Action points: 12 (lifetime) 

Light load:      < lb 
Medium load:      lb 
Heavy load:       lb 
Lift over head:   lb 
Lift off ground:  lb 
Push or drag:     lb 

Wealth: +5
AP: 10

2-hand Iron Bar   +6 Attack [1d6+3, crit 19-20, 5 lb, bludgeoning] 
Knife             +6 Attack [1d4+2, crit 20, 0.5 lb, one-handed, slashing] 
Shoulder Mnt MasterCraft (improved damage)
Laser Rifle       +9 Attack [4d8, crit 20, range incr 40 ft., 3 lb, ballistic, automatic] 

Feats/Talents/Class Abilities: 
robot traits, Simple Weapons
Personal Firearms
Savant (Craft: Electronic)
Builder (Mechanic, Electronic)
Savant (Disable Device)
Mother of Invention 50
Stone Knives +1
Handyman (Mechanic, Repair)
Advanced Armor Design
Stone Knives +2
Mother of Invention 250

Skill Ability         Tot  Mod  Rank Spec. 
Computer Use Int       15    4   11	
Craft: Electronic Int  18    4   11   3 (Builder, Task Hand)
Craft: Mechanic Int    23    4   11   5 (Savant, Builder, Handy Man, Task Hand)
Craft: Cybernetics Int 16    4   11   1 (Task Hand)
Craft: Structure Int   16    4   11   1 (Task Hand)
Decipher Script Int     4    4    0	
Demolitions Int         5    4    0   1 (Task Hand)   
Disable Device Int     19    4   11   1 (Savant, Task Hand)
Forgery Int            16    4   11   1 (Task Hand)
Investigate Int         4    4		
Know: Tech Int         15    4   11	
Know: Physics Int      15    4   11	
Listen Wis              2    0    0   2 (Sensors)
Navigate Int            4    4		
Profession Wis          0    0		
Repair Int             18    4   11   3 (Handy Man, Task Hand0
Research Int           15    4   11	
Search Int             16    4   11   1 (Task Hand)
Spot Wis                2    0    0   2 (Sensors)
Bluff Cha               0    0		
Sleight of Hand Dex     4    3        1 (Task Hand)
Pilot Int               5    4        1 (Task Hand)

Robotic Traits:
Immunities: Biodroids are immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless. They are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain (except as noted under Destruction/Restoration, below), energy drain, or the effects of massive damage. They cannot be raised from the dead (but again, see below).

Robotic Gear:
Task hands function just like advanced hands, except that they are equipped with additional joints and often with additional or telescoping digits, enabling them to multitask, as well as to spread the robot's grip strength over a slightly wider area.
A robot with a task hand gains a +1 equipment bonus on Climb, Craft, Demolitions, Disable Device, Drive, Escape Artist, Forgery, Pilot, Repair, Search, Sleight of Hand, and Treat Injury checks. This bonus improves to +2 if the robot has two or more task hands. At the GM's discretion, the robot can gain this bonus when attempting certain Perform checks as well.
Damage: Nonlethal bludgeoning only.
Purchase DC: 10 + one-quarter the base purchase DC of the robot's frame.
This sensor system includes hi-definition video sensors with darkvision (out to 120 feet), acoustic audio sensors, a chemical vapor scanner, pressure sensors, and multiband radar that uses multiple concurrent radar signals in different frequencies to gather more data.
A robot with a Class VII sensor system gains a +2 equipment bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. All other skill checks are made without penalty. The robot also gains a +2 equipment bonus on initiative checks.
Type: Audio, Olfactory, Tactile, Visual.
Purchase DC: 22.
Robots are often used to explore environments inhospitable to organic creatures. The survivor array enables the robot to better traverse harsh terrain and withstand hostile conditions. A survivor array includes the following units:
o Topographical and astronomical guidance systems that grant a +10 equipment bonus on Navigate checks.
o A pressure-sealed, energy-resistant frame that allows the robot to function normally in low-gravity, high-gravity, and zero-gravity conditions, prevents oxidation and corrosion, and provides resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10.
Purchase DC: 15 + one-half the base purchase DC of the robot's frame.
Restriction: Licensed (+1).
This easy-to-acquire alloy is lightweight and reasonably strong. Bioreplica robots and liquid-state robots cannot have integrated aluminsteel armor.
Equipment Bonus: +5.
Weight: One-quarter the weight of the robot's frame (rounded down).
Speed Penalty: -5 feet.
Purchase DC: 10 + one-half the base purchase DC of the robot's frame.
Restriction: None.

Harvee has spent most of "his" machine life fixing and jury rigging devices of all types inside the confederation. Starships, weapons, armor, anything and everything. Harvee typically hauls around a back full of spare parts and pocket welder. While highly innovative, Harvee's creation have a tendency to explode after a few uses. But even so, sometimes all you need is a couple of good shots.

Harvee has experimented with crafting his own upgrades from time to time. But he rarely does so since he blew both arms off in a botched strength upgrade.
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First Post
This looks good. However, I don't see the stat-block, but at the same time I see a strange item in your post (like a quote box with nothing inside). I guess there is a stat-block that I cannot see...

So, I can suggest the follwing stat-block easy to copypaste and use to post here. Of course you can detail it more if you wish:


[/B]Class(es) [/B]; Source (d20 Modern / d20 Future, ...)

Short description of this unique or generic character. You may describe the typical and simple behavior, type of work, where he may be found, etc.

[/U]Starting occupation[/U]: blah-blah (bonus skills and feats). [/U]Allegiance[/U]: none or any. [/U]Reputation:[/U] +0 (blah blah)

[/B]PC's name:[/B] Race and Class Xth-lvl./ Class Xth-lvl./ etc.
[/B]Combat:[/B] HD: XX; Hit-points: XX; MAS XX; Initiative: +X; Speed: XX; Defense XX (touch XX, flat-footed XX); BAB +X; Grap +X; Atk +X melee (1d4, unarmed strike), or +X ranged (2d8, firearm); AP X.
[/B]Saves:[/B] Fort +X, Ref +X, Will +X.
[/B]Abilities:[/B] Str X (+X), Dex X (+X), Con X (+X), Int X (+X), Wis X (+X), Cha X (+X).
[/B]Racial Traits:[/B] Race: Darkvision 60 ft., Bonus 1 feat, etc.
[/B]Skills:[/B] Craft (blah blah) +X, Knowledge (blah blah) +X, etc.
[/B]Feats and Talents:[/B] Alertness, Skill focus (blah blah), etc.
[/B]Equipment:[/B] sturdy clothing, weapon, blah blah
[/B]Note:[/B] Anything worth reminding about game mechanics for that character.


Once copypasted and filled, don't forget to remove the / of the first [/X] of any pair of [/X], so it looks as it should.
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Kecia Tavernier

First Post
Corporal Kecia Tavernier

Strong Hero 3/Helix Warrior 5 CR 8; Medium-size humanoid; HD 3d8+9 plus 5d10+15; HP 66; Mas 16; Init +3; Spd 25 ft; Defense 27, touch 23, flatfooted 24 (+0 size, +3 Dex, +5 class, +5 natural, +4 armor); BAB +8; Grap +9; Atk +9/+4 melee (2d8+3, concussion rod), or +13/+8 ranged (3d10, plasma rifle), or +12/+7 ranged (2d10, plasma pistol); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ ; AL United States, USMC, SIA; SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5; AP 12; Rep +1; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 16 (level points here), Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 8.
Occupation: Military (Hide, Move Silently, personal firearms proficiency)
Skills: Demolition +10 (+14 with democomp), Knowledge (Tactics) +8, Hide +14 (+23 in armor), Move silently +14 (+13 in armor), Listen +9, profession +6, Read/Write Language +1 (Japanese), Speak Language +1 (Japanese), Spot +9
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Alertness (feat implant), Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Burst Fire, Endurance, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Weapon Focus (plasma rifle)
Talents (Strong Hero): Melee Smash, Improved Melee Smash
Talents (Helix Warrior): Haul, Light Sleeper, Survivor, Darkvision (60 ft.), Strong As An Ox, Superior Conditioning, Darkvision (90 ft.)

Carrying capacity:
Light load: up to 152 lb
Medium load: 153 to 306 lb
Heavy load: 307 to 460 lb
Lift over head: 460 lb
Push or drag: 2300 lb

Possessions: Wealth +0
10 laser trip wires
Portable environment generator (5 lb)
4 EMP grenades (8 lb)
4 shots of antitox
4 shots of neutrad
4 shots of sporekill
Motion sensor (0.5 lb)
Unicom (0.5 lb)
2 flash seals (1 lb)
60 violet rations
4 disolver grenades (8 lb)
HUD (multiuse: display contacts, with software: Sensor link, targeting, ammo tracker) (1 lb)
4 shrapnel grenades (4 lb)
Grappling tether (2 lb)
Compact power backpack (3 lb)
Jetpack (22 lb)
Medium combat armor (environment seal, chameleonic, ultralight composition) (8 lb)
H&K K-99 Plasma rifle (video scope, sound suppressor, laser scope) (8 lb)
Glock 80 Plasma pistol (stun module DC 18) (3 lb)
Concussion rod (3 lb)
Democomp (1 lb)
4 power packs

Subcutaneous cellphone
Anti-shock implant
Medium subcoutaneous body armor
Feat implant (alertness)

Descripton: Kecia stands at six feet, and weighs one hundred and seventy pounds. She’s of half Asian descent, and half African-American. She’s muscular, but not greatly so. Her strength comes from her genetics, not from massive amounts of muscle.

Personality: Kecia is a soldier’s soldier. Loyal, brave and tough. She embodies the ideals and beliefs of the USMC, and gives it everything she’s got. Off duty, she tends to be fairly quiet. She doesn’t make friends easily, but is fiercely loyal to them when she does make them. She enjoys listening to old songs from the 1950s to the 1980s, as well as reading fantasy novels.

Corporal Kecia Tavernier is a member of the United States Marine Corps, special genemod division, who are called Helix Warriors unofficially. It’s a small group in the USMC, soldiers who qualify for and have volunteered for special geneboost therapy, increasing their physical and mental abilities to incredible levels via genetic retroviruses changing their DNA code.

Kecia was born in the United States, the only child of a female Japanese doctor, and a retired American marine sergeant.

She was a fairly average person growing up. Intelligent, but not too sociable. Good marks in school, and college.

At the age of eighteen, she made the biggest decision of her life. Following in her father’s footsteps, she enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Her parents approved of the decision, and supported her in it.

After basic training, in which she mastered camouflage and silent movement, she was assigned to a unit and put on duty. She didn’t see much combat, though. During her spare time, she trained in demolitions work, and was eventually certified in it.

The first time she killed was near the end of her training, when a group of terrorists attacked her group when they were training in jungle survival. She managed to shoot one with her plasma rifle, melting his head. While traumatic, she managed to avoid breaking down, and continued her service in the marines.

After two years in the USMC, she was informed by the base doctor that she qualified for the genemod division, having the right genetic code to handle the upgrades.

She thought on it long and hard, and finally decided to go through with it. It was an honor to be selected, and it would greatly improve her own physical talents.

The start of the genetic enhancing process took six months, during which a few cybernetic implants were installed in her as well. At the end of those six months, she’d finished the first stage, and was ready to be restored to active duty.

Six years later, she’s reached the rank of corporal, and has been assigned to the covert mission to recover the stolen antimatter warheads, due to her skills in infiltration, sabotage and demolitions work. She’s currently on loan to the SIA for the duration of the assignment. The serial numbers of the equipment she’s taking with her have been logged as stolen, so as to avoid any embarrassment if she gets caught.
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First Post

Gods, I don't want to reformat all of that... The text block is just the "code" tag. It's possible you have the feature turned off somehow. I see it just fine on multiple machines.


First Post
Masada: If you don't want to reformat, you could nonetheless send me the text in an email. Thanks.

Falkus: The character is okay, but I would nonetheless suggest this: Speak Language (Japanese) is not going to be of any use in this adventure. On the other hand, Speak Language (Chinese) could be useful at some point (but it depends on what the characters are going to want to do). The fact is that China is the most powerful nation of Earth in 2018; and it could happen that the PCs have to deal with Chinese people. Of course, effective electronic translators do exist in 2108, so it wouldn't be of a problem.

<excerpted from Transhuman Space book>

- "China is the most powerful single nation-state on the planet. It has the world's largest economy, one of the largest populations (1.48 billion), and a mature fourth wave technoology (i.e.: Tech level 6) that boasts some of the world's finest genetic engineers. China possesses a large colony on Mars and smaller colonies elsewhere in the system."

- Mars has a population of 2.5 millions of peoople. "The largest political entity is China's Mars Province, universally known by its nickname "Rust china." The second largest colony is the United States' Martian Commonwealth, with a status similar to that of Puerto Rico at the end of the 20th century. The two are longtime rivals, with some tensions. Some Americans are jealous of China's superior position on Mars; some Chinese fear the United States plot to weaken Rust China. Each side has sizable military garrisons, and espionage is common." (Note that there is other smaller colonies on Mars)

Kecia Tavernier

First Post
Falkus: The character is okay, but I would nonetheless suggest this: Speak Language (Japanese) is not going to be of any use in this adventure. On the other hand, Speak Language (Chinese) could be useful at some point (but it depends on what the characters are going to want to do). The fact is that China is the most powerful nation of Earth in 2018; and it could happen that the PCs have to deal with Chinese people. Of course, effective electronic translators do exist in 2108, so it wouldn't be of a problem.

It might be more effective, but it doesn't fit my character's background.


First Post
Kecia Tavernier said:
It might be more effective, but it doesn't fit my character's background.

No problem of course. That was just a suggestion. :cool:

Otherwise, I am waiting for the stat-blocks of the other players. We can begin the game with a crew of 6 or 7 (and pick up additional PCs later), but I need the stat-blocks of everyone else. I hope to get these (here), so the game can begin next week.

Thanks. :)


First Post
For Purchase DC 37 I could build you a specialized Plasma Rifle...

"Harvee Special" Plasma Rifle (4d10, Large Weapon, Semi and Auto) also includes a "stun" setting Fort DC 14 for 1d4 rounds. Take me about 10 days. Might be a little buggy.

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