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d20pfsrd.com Updates!


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Well its that time again folks! Time to toot our own horns and come begging back to you for more help! We'll do some tooting first then I'll move into the begging phase of this message (once you are sufficiently impressed you are more likely to fail your saving throw vs. my begging attempt heh)

It's been a while and a lot has happened on the site since the last updates.

Misc. Clean-up: We've been going through and just generally straightening the place up a bit, cleaning up typo's, fixing improperly formatted text and tables etc. A basic spring cleaning if you will.

Character Creation Outline: I've been trying to make this section as clear as possible so new player's can make a character as easily as possible. If anyone has any ideas for improvements here just let me know.

Common Terms: I was unable to find definitions for many bonus types in the core rulebook so we copied some in from d20srd.org. The Common Terms page is continually updated with things as we get more clear definitions from Paizo etc.

Feats: We've added in the new feats from the Adventurer's Armory as well as very many feats from previously released Paizo products. The work Karui Kage has done on the Archives of Nethys has greatly accelerated this process so a round of applause to him for his work there. We've added Achievement feats, local feats, more new general, combat, metamagic, and item creation feats, and I finished adding the prayer feats from the Jon Brazer Enterprises Book of the Faithful (which is highly recommended btw).

Skills: Nothing much done here other than a little bit of clean-up. By the way, I was wondering if anyone had any input on the Fast Play skill format that RPG Superstar competitor Richard Hunt added? They are very "logically" oriented and probably appeal to the more technical readers based on their presentation.

Traits: Whoa nelly! We did a LOT here! We cleaned up the page substantially and broke the different traits down into subsections and added the new Equipment Traits from the Adventurer's Armory. You can see all of the new traits on the Equipment Traits page.

Equipment: Again, another big work zone area. A lot of new stuff has been added here. The Goods and Services page has links at the top to the new Alchemical Power Components, Entertainment items, Black Market Items, Channel Foci, and all items from the Adventurer's Armory have been merged into the appropriate pages/tables.

Equipment & Weapons: Maugan22 added a column to the Weapons table to more clearly indicate the source for each weapon. I know some GM's may appreciate that knowledge.

Magic: I've been going through the spells, one letter at a time, and reformatting the header section with dividers. Not a big deal but it may improve readability a bit. The other major addition to the magic section is Perram's Spellcard Generator page. Perram has created an incredible utility for generating spell cards you can print and use in session and he has graciously allowed us to embed a custom formatted page of his generator on the site for your convenience. You can either access the generator via the site or by heading over to his site directly.

Gamemastering & Afflictions: We merged in some afflictions from other PFRPG supplements as well as pre-PFRPG modules and Adventure Path's etc.

Gamemastering & Combat: We added a "Combat Range Finder" based on code originally created by Tom Baumbach. We are limited in that we can not embed javascript in our pages so I had to learn how to create a Google Gadget to do what Tom had done. In the end it was a great learning experience for me and thanks to Tom for the original inspiration! The combat range finder basically just tells you how many feet something is away from something else when it is also up in the air.

Bestiary & Monster Conversions: We are still converting monsters from pre-PFRPG Adventure Paths and we added a ton for the Hook Mountain Massacre chapters yesterday. Brett Carlos has been a machine lately kicking out the conversions so a big round of applause for his AP conversion efforts. Anyone planning to run any of the pre-PFRPG rules adventure paths is advised to see if they can save themselves some conversion time by checking to see if some of the work has already been done. You can see all of the conversions done thus far on the Paizo Modules page.

Pathfinder FAQ: Tim Shadow continues to update the unofficial Pathfinder FAQ. If you have a question about something and you think to yourself, "Self, I sure wish there was some sort of 'frequently asked questions' page I could peruse for clarifications to some of these constant questions..." well look no further. Tim does a great job of following up behind the Paizo folks and taking notes of their "clarifications" and "officially non-official" rulings :) In any event, check the page out and see if it helps you with whatever question you may come up with. There's a lot of info there.

Collaborator Messageboard: Since our site happens to be one of the largest free implementations/usages of Google Sites, the Google Sites folks asked us if we'd like to be guinnea pigs for some as yet unreleased options/functions. We have a new Collaborator Messageboard page that integrates a Google Group into a Google Site. For anyone who knows Google Sites you'd know that's normally not even possible (other than using an iframe gadget that is, and even then its not the same). This messageboard is only for collaborators right now while we test it out for the Google folks but we hope to add a normal user implementation later. This ties into one other aspect we are taking advantage of in the Google Integration world, and that is using a Google Group to manage access to both the SITE and to the shared Google Docs. Previously I had to add you manually to the site as a collaborator, and then also add you manually to each shared Google Doc. Now, I add you to the Collaborators Google GROUP and then you are instantly a collaborator on the site and you gain edit access to all shared Google Docs. Its a neat improvement and saves me a lot of effort in adding new folks to the team.

Review Queue: We've added a sort of work-pile area to better manage work for collaborators. Basically if its on the pile and you are a volunteer on the site looking for something to do/help with, grab something from the Review Queue page and go to town :) There's a lot to do! You can see what's listed there now and so feel free to step up and sign on as a new collaborator (see below for details)!

New Labs:

- Aetruis' Lab: Aetruis is a new collaborator on the site and he has contributed a new class he created called the Sword Savant. I'm not sure if its complete or not but feel free to check it out anyway!

- Hero Lab: Are you a Hero Lab user? Hero Lab is a great tool/application for building/managing characters (and more) and collaborator Tim Shadow (yeah the same Tim Shadow that manages the unofficial Pathfinder FAQ) has added a bunch of .user files to this page which you can import into Hero Lab. At this moment he has files for the Arquebusier class from Kobold Quarterly issue #13, the Rakshasa Bloodline from the Kobold Quarterly website, content from Wayfinder issue #1, content from the Cheliax, Dwarves of Golarion, and Elves of Golarion Paizo books. He also has a .user file for the feat "Dervish Dance" from the Qadira Paizo book.

Release Calendar: I got tired of having to browse through the Paizo store site and find each and every individual product to determine its expected release date so I created a Google Calendar and then DID go through and browse for each, individual Paizo Pathfinder product to determine its expected release date. I then entered these into the calendar and added it to the site. You might find this useful, maybe not, who knows. Anyway, you can subscribe to the calender if you have an iCal compatable calendar application (such as Google Calendar) or you can just check back on this page from time to time. Its important to note though that many products did not have a specific DAY listed in their expected release date so I just entered the first day of the month, which is extremely unlikely to be the actual release date.

Ok, that's a lot of updates, now on to the obligatory begging for help!


Got some free time? Want to help make the site better? Want to join over 100 others in helping grow the Pathfinder community? Send an email to jreyst@gmail.com and BE SURE TO INCLUDE A GOOGLE ID! I can have you added into the system within just a few minutes. Once you are able to edit the site you can add your own custom Lab page for your own custom content, or you can help us out in any way you can. The site is very easy to edit so you don't have to be a website master to do anything.

Ok, that's enough for now!


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First Post
John, I just want to say "thank you"! You have obviously put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into the d20pfsrd project. (Well, maybe not blood. ;))

In any case, your effort has not gone unnoticed! We, the unwashed masses, salute you! :)


First Post
Thanks for the encouragement. Lately I've been getting some anti-love on a few Paizo threads so its nice to hear someone appreciates the site :)


Some people are such lazy whiners!!


Why would anyone be negative!

This site is totally the most valuable eva! We have it open every game. Often it is by far the quickest way of finding any rule. And it looks so pretty!

You certainly get all the good plugs on the podcasts I hear... so don't worry, people appreciate you... big time!

Keep up the good work!


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Dark Mistress

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The negative threads is from him asking publishers to be clear or telling them they need more in their OGL to declare what is or is not really open content.

With the written word and no body language or tone of voice, it is easy to misunderstand people. Some people took his posts as hostile towards 3pp publishers.


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I absolutely love the Pathfinder SRD. I don't think I could put together my games without it. Without having a history in 3.5 like so many people do, I have no huge library of 3.5 books to draw from so your resource is amazingly important to me. Thanks for being so damned bad ass!

Voidrunner's Codex

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