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Da Klub Campaign One House Rules

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Classes and Prestige Classes

Holy Liberator
I did not like some of the abilities that were taken away from the Holy Liberator in complete Divine,
and so I have redone some aspects of the PrC


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks

Feats: Iron Will

Class Skills

The holy liberator’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex) and Sense Motive

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class features

As holy liberator from Complete Divine with following additions:

Class Level Will Save Special
1 +2 Resist enchantment

2 +3

3 +3 Turn Undead

4 +4

5 +4

6 +5

7 +5

8 +6

9 +6

10 +7

Turn Undead: a holy liberator can turn undead as a cleric of two levels lower.

Resist Enchantment: +2 morale bonus to all saving throws vs. enchantment spells or effects.

I also was not completely enchanted by the Harper Agent and so I have edited it to make the Harper Operative.
Players may still take the Harper Agent PrC, but the Operative is far more common.

Harper Operative
While Harper Scouts and Harper Agents each have their different areas of specialisation, a Harper Operative can be found in any location, doing any number of tasks for the Harpers. Most Harper Operatives are members of Storm Silverhand's Harper branch, while Scouts and Agents are usually member sof the other Harper branches.


Alignment: Any nonevil

Skills: Bluff 4 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks, Knowledge ([any one region] local) 4 ranks, Sense Motive 2 ranks, Survival 2 ranks

Feats: Alertness, Negotiator

Special: The candidate must be sponsored by a member in good standing of the Harpers and win approval of the High Harpers.

Class Skills

The holy liberator’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (none), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier

Class features

As Harper Agent from players guide with the following additions:

Class Level
Reflex Save Special

1 +2 Skill Focus

2 +3

3 +3

4 +4

5 +4 Craft Harper Item

Skill Focus: A Harper Operative gains Skill Focus in Perform and any one other Harper Operative class Skill.

Craft Harper Item: This is a specialised version of the Craft wonderous Item feat and allows the Harper Operative to create magical musical instruments, Harper Pins and certain potions (Eagle’s Splendour, Tongues, Cure light wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds) This ability replaces the need for any other item creation feats for the specified items. The Harper Operative’s casting level is his/her Harper Operative level plus all other caster levels from his/her other spell-casting classes. All other normal requirements for an item (such as race or spells) remain the same. All other rules for creating wondrous items or potions apply.

Chi Wizard

The Chi Wizard was an idea I got from Jackie Chan Adventures.
A Chi Wizard (in my campaign) is a person who has focused on a particular school of magic, which is usually common in "Eastern" areas of a campaign world (i.e. Kara Tur). This discipline focuses on the ability to generate magic from the balance of life energy, although each type of Chi wizard emphasizes either positive or negative energy in their magic.

Chi Wizard

Alignment: any Non-evil

Hit Dice: d6

Saves: Fort and Will Good, Ref poor

B.A.B.: As Cleric

Skills: As Wizard, but Chi-craft instead of Spellcraft, and with the addition of Knowledge (Chi Magic)

Spell Progression: As Sorceror

Class Features

Weapon Proficiency: As Cleric

Armour Proficiency: Light

Spells: A Chi Wizard casts spells that he has researched from his spellbooks as a wizard, but from a different list. The list consists of a limited number of spells that take time to prepare for specific situations. To cast more regular spells, the Chi Wizard uses a Chi Focus.

Chi Focus: This is normally a dead lizard or dried blowfish, and functions like a wand containing all the spells from the Chi Wizards second spell list. The focus contains 50 charges, but regenerates a number of charges equal to the Chi Wizards Wisdom each day. A spell contained within the Chi Focus becomes available to cast when the Chi Wizard reaches the appropriate level, and is activated by a DC 10 Concentration check. If a spell from a chi focus is active, the Focus glows with power, usually manifesting as green light. If another chi wizard touches his chi focus to the chi focus of another Chi Wizard while the spell is active, and both wizards make a Chi-craft check with a DC equal to (5 + spell level), if the check succeeds, then the spell is copied onto the chi focus. This is particularly useful when a chi wizard creates a new version of a chi focus spell.

Dark Chi Wizard

As Chi Wizard, but Alignment is any non-good, and the chi focus is usually a wand and the chi power manifests as blue light.
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Deities and Chosen
Good Deities gain the following feats: Words of Creation, Astride the Ladder, Glory, Glorious Halo, Accolade, (Malhavoc Press –Anger of angels and Book of Hallowed Might) Signature Move (described below), Holy Radiance, Nimbus of light, (Book of Exalted Deeds) and a number of exalted feats equal to 2 + divine rank.
Neutral Deities only gain Astride the Ladder, Glory, Glorious Halo, Signature Move and Accolade
Evil deities gain a number of vile feats equal to 2 + divine rank and also Evil Brand, Dark Speech, Astride the Ladder and Signature Move

Any character that becomes chosen of a deity becomes a divine being with a divine rank equal to the number of gods for whom that character is chosen (usually 1, but more rarely 2 or 3). They gain all of the abilities of a deity as described in Deities and Demigods (and those additions described above).
The domains that they can grant are chosen from their deities list of domains, and they choose a number of domains equal to 3 + divine rank to grant.
Additionally, any good deific chosen may cast sanctified spells as a cleric of a level equal to the hit dice of the chosen. If the chosen is evil, then they may cast corrupt spells as a cleric of the chosen’s Hit Dice.
Finally, Deific chosen gain access to the Glory domain (if good or chosen of a good deity) or the Domination Domain (If evil or chosen of an evil god). While normally domain spells that a deity has are cast as a spell like ability at will, the spells from the Glory or Domination domain are added to the spell list of the chosen. They are then able to cast those spells as many times per day as a cleric of the chosen’s HD.
In addition to gaining the abilities of their specific chosen template and demigod-hood, chosen gain the following feats: Weapon Focus (Deities favoured weapon), True Believer, Sacred Vow (if good), Vow of Obedience (if good), Devout Faith, Initiate of <deity> (Player's Guide to Faerun and more below) God Touched, Willing Deformity (if evil) and Sacrificial Mastery (if Evil) . Chosen who, according to Anger of Angels are angels “angels derived from historical cultural traditions (such as seraphim, cherubim, suryas of the Hindu faith, and so on) are categorized as angels, as are Archons, Eladrins, Guardinals, Devas, Solars and Planetars, couatls, lillends, and titans. Even creatures with the celestial or half-celestial template are considered angels, though aasimars and other creatures whose angelic ancestor lies more than one generation back are not” gain a number of dominion feats equal to 2 + divine rank. All Chosen also do not age, and penalties do not apply. Bonuses still accrue, and the Chosen will die when their time is up, although their maximum age is double their normal maximum.
Some chosen choose to replace their initiate of <deity> feat with initiate of Shar or Selune (depending on alignment). As long as they achieve part of the prerequisites of the feats (the level requirements) they do not need to have Shar or Selune as a patron deity as these Goddesses are the entities which brought most of the deities into being.
For purposes of casting domain or initiate spells, the chosen may cast spells as specified divine spellcaster with a level equal to the chosen’s HD.

of Lathander
Chosen of Lathander embody Lathander's aspects of light, renewal and fighting the undead. As such, they gain many rejuvinative powers as well as power of the undead and of light. Chosen of Lathander are often found defending areas from the undead, healing, renewing and acting as a light and a guide in dark places, where all other lights go out.

Creating a Chosen of Lathander
Special Qualities: A chosen of Lathander retains all the special qualities of the character and also gains the following:
Bane of the Restless (Ex): The Chosen adds 1 + Divine rank + ½ greatest divine spellcaster level to any classes levels that grant turn undead. The levels stack.
Lathander’s Light (Su): Whenever a Chosen of Lathander casts a spell with the light descriptor, its area is doubled.
Searing Ray (Sp): A Chosen of Lathander may use Searing Ray once per day as a spell like ability (caster level equals Chosen’s HD). If this ability is used against undead, the damage increases as if the Empower Spell feat had been applied.
Blessing of dawn (Su): A Chosen of Lathander gains a +2 morale bonus on will saves from morning until noon. This ability only functions if the Chosen can see the sun, and the effect is suppressed if, he/she is deprived of the sight during this time period.
Rejuvenation of morn (Su): Dawn is a powerful symbol of rebirth and renewal. Once per tenday, a Chosen of Lathander may spend one uninterrupted hour before dawn praying to Lathander. As soon as the sun rises after this ritual, the Chosen gains one of the following benefits:
Healing of up to full hit points (Self only)
Removal of any poisons or diseases (Self only). This does not restore any ability damage or ability drain caused by the poisons or diseases.
Full restoration of ability damage due to one poison or disease.
If the chosen’s prayers are interrupted for even a single round, the attempt is wasted and the chosen must wait another tenday to try again.
Aura of radiance (Su): The light of Lathander shines perpetually on a Chosen of Lathander. No matter how dark it is, a Chosen sees as though the conditions were identical to the outside at sunrise. This ability functions like darkvision out to 60 ft, except that the Chosen sees in colour. The Chosen also gains a +2 sacred bonus to on saving throws against spells with the darkness descriptor and a +2 sacred bonus to AC against attacks from undead.
Immunities (Ex): Chosen of Lathander are immune to Energy drain and ability drain and damage caused by undead of less than 10 HD.
Abilities: Increase from character as follows: +4 Charisma and +2 Strength.

Same as character +4

Same as character +4

Same as Character

Same as base Creature

Always Good

Same as Character

As Character

of Mielikki
Mielikki's Chosen are the protectors of forest glades and other sacred areas of nature. However, they also provide advice for towns who are wanting to expand into forests or defend towns who are being attacked by nature. Many of Mielikki's Chosen are marked by a green vine-like tattoo that covers their entire body.

Creating a Chosen of Mielikki
Special Qualities: A chosen of Mielikki retains all the special qualities of the character and also gains the following:
Natures Armaments (Su): A Chosen of Mielikki can select two of the following nature’s armaments: claws of the Grizzly, Nature’s weapon or Wild Growth. (page 66 Complete Warrior),
Ethereal Jaunt (Sp): Once per day, a Chosen of Mielikki and his/her equipment may become ethereal, as the Ethereal jaunt spell cast by a sorcerer of the chosen’s character level. If the chosen is mounted on his/her Celestial Charger companion, it is also affected by this ability. However, if the chosen dismounts or is otherwise separated from the Celestial Charger before the ability expires, the Celestial Charger companion instantly returns to the Material Plane.
Forest Dweller (Ex): Long hours spent in the forests have altered the physiology of the Chosen of Mielikki. The chosen gains a +2 racial bonus to Spot, Listen, Move Silently and Survival.
Nature’s Understanding (Ex): A Chosen gains a +2 insight bonus to Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature) and Survival.
Wood Repulsion (Su): Weapons partially or wholly made from wood have a harder time striking a Chosen of Mielikki, as though they are deflected by some form of invisible barrier. Attacks made by such weapons take a -2 penalty. As long as the
Chosen of Mielikki is riding his/her Celestial Charger companion, it gains the benefit of this ability as well.
Call Celestial Charger (Su): A Chosen of Mielikki can call a Celestial Charger (Celestial Unicorn) to his/her side. See the Monster Manual for the Celestial Charger’s statistics. The Celestial Charger appears instantly and serves the character for life, provided that the Chosen remains loyal to Mielikki and of good alignment. The Celestial Charger may be dismissed at any time, although a character cannot call another until he/she gains another level. If the Celestial Charger should die before its rider, the character may call another Celestial Charger companion when the chosen gains a new character level. A chosen of Mielikki can have no more than one Celestial Charger companion at any given time. A chosen of Mielikki can assign their Celestial Charger companion to undertake different types of tasks. Particularly useful as a mount, the Celestial Charger will typically not undergo a quest or otherwise take on complex burdens without the supervision of the Chosen of Mielikki.
Telepathy (Su): A Chosen of Mielikki can communicate telepathically with their Celestial Charger companion. This bond remains in effect unless the character is separated from the Celestial Charger companion by a number of miles equal to 100 + the Chosen’s character level. A Chosen of Mielikki may also communicate telepathically with any animal native to the companion’s home forest.
Immunities (Ex): Chosen of Mielikki are immune to all natural poisons and diseases, but not magical or supernatural ones such as mummy rot.
Abilities: Increase from character as follows: +4 Wisdom, +2 Dexterity.

Same as character +4

Same as character +4

Same as Character

Same as base Creature

Always Good

Same as Character

As Character

Suggestions for LA of deific Chosen and other Chosen are most
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Voidrunner's Codex

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