Damn 200 D&D Books


Mod Squad
Staff member
Wow. If I may say, you guys buy too much crap. (I'm following the, "If it is yours, it is 'stuff', if it is someone else's, it is 'crap'," nomenclature.) :)

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Inspired by this thread, I started counting my books a few minutes ago. I stopped counting the second time I lost track. It was over seven hundred then and I had just finished with the official D&D stuff and started moving into the third party publishers. (I hadn't even started on the non-D&D games, such as the various World of Darkness games, various iterations of Star Trek and Star Wars RPGs, and so forth.)

My guess (too lazy to confirm right now) is that I probably have somewhere in the neighborhood of at least 1,000 books/boxed sets, probably over 1,200 if you count licensed products such as novels and video games. I have five book cases filled with gaming materials with more gaming materials stacked on top, and at least four boxes of stuff that I haven't unpacked from my latest move. I'm not even going to try to count the number of miniatures that I have, but I'm confident that it's in the mid-to-high four figure range, possibly pushing five figures. Hell, my case of unpainted minis was close to 1k figures the last time I checked.

The question that I have for you, Zardnaar... How many of those books have you actually used in a game? :)


My collection clocks in at 88 books, accessories, and boxed sets. Counting the issues of Dragon and Dungeon puts it up to 152 or 153, because I can't remember if I have 5 or 6 issues of Dungeon.

Scrivener of Doom

My collection requires 15 linear metres of shelves and that's after trimming it down a few times because of shifts between countries. I've also made a concerted effort to get everything on PDF. As a result, my RPG folder is 91.9 GB in size although that includes a huge amount in .JPGs and similar picture files.

Anyway, this is where I am going to retire so I am not planning on moving again... and I have a purpose-built library/office for storing my stuff so I expect I will start accumulating again soon. :)

I counted up and I have 191 D&D related books on the shelf and I have some of the 3.0 out on loan and that makes at least 195. Only 12 boxed sets our old groups boxed set collection had most of the TSR 2nd ed settings including things like Red Steel and Mystara.
Could we get pics?
What does your collection look like? (This might be worthy of it's own thread, a "Show us your gaming room" thread.)


Could we get pics?
What does your collection look like? (This might be worthy of it's own thread, a "Show us your gaming room" thread.)

I'll see what I can do.

This is an older photo.

I'll see if I can find a new one. Excludes some AD&D stuff, minis and magazines.

Up to date shot.

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Anybody know where a good place to dump off for 1E to 3.0 books and get some decent money back? E-bay seems like a bit of a pain to put 100 or so books up :(.

I would recommend Noble Knight. IIRC, they will give you cash, or more if you want to trade in (although since you want to convert to digital, trade-in might not be the best- although you might be able to trade in for something particularly awesome and rare).



Since I no longer play in f2f games, I have sold off nearly all of my hard copies of gaming materials except for about a dozen books that I've convinced myself I really need for my online games. It makes for a quick count and quick list:

- 1st Ed. PHB, DMG, & MM - the reissues! Beautiful books!
- 1st Ed. Fiend Folio & MM 2
- 2nd Ed. DMG (original copy), Forgotten Realms Adventures, plus Encyclopedia Magica Vols. 1-4, & Faiths & Avatars.
- 3rd Ed. Frostburn & Stormwrack - two of my favs! Also, the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (which I think I will sell this fall).
- Other > Streets of Zobeck and the newly arrived Razor Coast hardcovers, one for Pathfinder, and one for Swords & Wizardry - gorgeous books!

My pdf library is HUGE with well over 300 titles. Saves a lot of space on my shelves for bound volumes of comic books, pictures, and trinkets. Oh, but I still have my Crown Royal dice bag full of polyhedrons! Not giving that up...ever! :cool:

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