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Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 1


Ersun quietly watches everyone during the conversation. He has no clue why would any of them consider putting faith into such a shifty man as this Vadik that just appeared. Or why would he expect the gathering to put any into him. Maybe that was not the point at all, but just a theatrical move that simply has to be done even if everyone knows the results, to advance some following goal. He sighs in his mind, sometimes he over-complicates things to make sense of actions that are beyond him. Then he figures maybe the man did not expect to get spotted, was merely spying, and made up a sad lie in haste.

Ren and the one called Elloral were a bit emotional about it, while Jabbar was more collected, down to the point, and probed. Then the shouting started and the guards moved, and he did not like that, he would have liked to delay meeting the infamous creatures. As Burrai moved to grab the shifty man, Ersun crouched down to Ren and whispered to him. He also put his cap back on and hopes he will not get much attention during the happenings.

"The message is delivered. I suspect neither of us wants to stay around for bird-men to come down. Go back, hide into the sidelines, aid Jabbar, or something else, whichever you think best I am following you." he said, and was careful with his tone to deliver the honest meaning. He did trust the Rhat's judgement in this, firstly because he most likely had plenty of experience navigating such encounters, and secondly because it was his place to make the call. He somewhat hoped they would do either of the first two options, with his personal preference being on the second, but whatever they did he would sincerely accept and follow the decision of his little companion.

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Aust Thale

The four men do indeed take note of your drunken shout (responding when you speak common, not Caishian), glancing back with dangerous stares. They clearly do not want to attract attention which only encourages you to do your best to spoil their plans.

The men pause in their steps as you shout accusations towards them, reaching for weapons, turning on their heels; perhaps hoping to silence you quickly? However, the sound of your shout attracts attention from a bouncer employed by the Fools Gold tavern. The sound of that heavy door opening freezes them in place.

Thinking better of rushing you the four men opt to drop their barrels and bolt away, headed north-west...

[Aust Thale: Knowing the response of the town guard they way you do, there should be be guards converging on your position within 1-3 rounds. If you intend to follow the men, you will need to make Hide and Move Silently Checks. Please specify if you wish to avoid the attention of the guards in your pursuit of these men?]

~A witness.~ Aust's heart jumped. The bouncer appearing across the way was fortuitous, even under the circumstances. It provided the momentary doubt needed to derail whatever mischief these fellows intended.
The foursome dropping their barrels (very likely with oil or some explosive) in the bouncer's sight would provide ample evidence to any guard coming upon them.

~The upside of fear.~ These fellows would surely attempt something else, but likely not tonight. In the daylight or on a clear night, the guards tended toward patience. The response of the Vul to any major unwanted encounter would be capricious and overwhelming, and sometimes, indiscriminate. The guards were careful lest they inadvertently become carrion themselves. However, they were less patient during poor weather and at night, for obvious reasons. Aust's outburst would receive attention quickly, and if the guard was new to his duty or unsure of himself, Aust had no doubt he'd hear the sickening sound of the Vul horn. They would come in force, less carefully in the rain, in favor of responding as a blunt instrument instead of a rapier.

He moves deliberately back west into the rain and mist and shadows, attempting to avoid guards and still keep an eye on whomever of the foursome was the slowest and trailed behind his partners. Clearly not given to emotional faith, he whispers a more-reverent-than-usual prayer to Archaeus, " Archaeus, I appeal to you...watch my back."
He remembered once that his mother had encouraged him becoming a priest. He smiled. She would be proud.

~ Let's see just how much more mischief I can get into tonight, the Vul notwithstanding. ~

Living among smugglers, despite the adventure, could occasionally induce paranoia. Given this night's tenor... wererats...Jabbar and Avar off again...more sundered dwarves...and the almost comically macabre scene of thwarting arson while toting a dead girl around in a wheelbarrow, it would only follow that Aust's mind would wander to this new threat, weaving it into the rest of the night's company while attempting to make sense of it.

He moved with purpose to tail the foursome, carefully remaining among the shadows out of the sight of the guards.

Hide (1d20 +7 = 19); Move Silently (1d20+7 = 12)
The same rain that would make movement less than completely quiet would also provide cover as he sank back into the shadows. Unless his quarry or his pursuers (the guards, if they saw him) had darkvision, they'd be at the same disadvantage he was in the rain. Even then, they might not able to distinguish Aust from anybody else on the street in a sopping wet cloak.

[If Aust perceives that he is spotted by the foursome, he will break off the chase immediately. However, at no time will he give up evasion of the guards. Meanwhile, if indeed he hears the horn to summon the Vulkyrie, he seeks cover immediately.]
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Aletia, Kayote

It was a question she'd heard before, plenty of times. Usually it was a precursor to a shadowy attempt at trade, a "give take" scenario, of which the young elf rarely took interest. People who wanted to help, more often than not had an agenda, something a little extra that they needed to pry out of a deal, not so dissimilar to chipping a gem from its surrounding rock. Aletia always remained uncut, a rough stone which spoke of "potential" and little more. In all honesty it was usually her holding the pick and prying out the pieces of life she believed she deserved.

Vallio had been different. Her devotion to him had been selfless and beyond the realms of simple friendship. They just... "were".

Aletia was caught off guard by the enquiry from this dwindling soul's lips. It felt good though. She was safe and amongst he who was clearly a good friend to her beloved. The only harm that could come to her here would be a result of her own failings... her own grief perhaps.

There was a pause as the young woman let it simmer, boiling away the emotion-driven desires, and hoping to reduce her answer into something solid. Something real.

Yes, it went without saying really. But was that what Vallio would have really wanted? Was her destiny like his, tied to the Moonblooded?

~Knowledge and patience~
She had a whole life ahead of her... maybe... if the recurring dreams were naught but mist. Any attempt to truly understand Vallio's life, his connections and the reason for his death, would not come easily. She needed to slow down, take a breath, and piece together a plan.

Remaining bowed before the old warrior, Aletia kept the tears at bay just a little longer, and delivered the words as best she could.

"Dear Master Burlock, thank you for your words, for further revealing his trust and love of both you and I. Vallio truly honours me in placing myself in your trust. Grief weakens me sir, so I am unable to truly know what you can possibly do, nor what I could possibly want. Nor do I know what Vallio truly wanted, or expected, from our eventual meeting. If you do not object, I would like to answer your question in days nearby, yet still to come."

~Yes! Don't rush. Find your feet and learn, learn girl learn...~

"Perhaps, if it is not a burden, for now... I would like to reverse the question..."

"If you permit, I would very much like to learn more of your family, of your friendship with Vallio, and I will pay for this with service. If you would be so kind as to provide me shelter, to spend some of your precious moments with me, then in return I will work, serve, run errands, or pay for my place by your side in any way that would make Vallio proud."

As Kayote digested the request, Aletia stood, smiled, and asked one last question.

"Do you mind if I have a sip of whatever it is that soothes your soul? Let us share just one toast, in the name of our unforgotten friend."]

Kayote appears pleased with your request and gestures to the other chair as he heaves himsef up on his feet again, partly from restlessness, partly from deference to a ladies presence. Old habits that make you wonder whatever happened to misses Burlock?

Kayote: Fills the second glass with Tejj as he speaks. "Vallio and I met nearly twenty years ago. Cabarda was a much rougher town back then, often attacked by Giants, Gnolls, Orcs and Hobgoblins. Only the most foolhardy traders kept regular schedules because caravans were sacked so freqently. Richer trade organizations, like the Masoud Trading Company, had money to hire extra security and remained succesful for it. Smaller companies and independent traders, like myself, were forced to risk everything just to stay in business or give up on trade altogether..."

Kayote pause as you lift your glass and taps his to yours. "To Vallio! May he be avenged!" He croaks, downing the strongly spiced honeyed wine much easier than you. He waits as you cough and gasp struggling for breath. "Has kick to it doesn’t it?" He laughs. "My own vintage! I own a vineyard here and spare no expense on the finest ingredients. The Akhenatens like to say Tejj-making is their own secret but Barossans know better!" He snorts, stalking over to the hearth, leaning his hand forward to brace himself on the Mantle. "...where was I?... ah yes, in order to compete with the larger trade organizations we had to think of another way to boost security."

"Back then the merchants guild was a sham, full of vulfear informants and sycophants beholden to the merchant lords, rotten at its core. Up-and-coming merchants and independent traders like myself were loathe to seek proper permits and writs of passage from them, so usually we avoided it altogether, operating on the fringes of the law. Thats how I came to meet Vallio and a smuggler by the name of Jabbar."

"Vallio came into town seeking information about a dragon named Hadus'Mento, and his lair in the surrounding hills. Jabbar knew the legends better than I and refused to go near his lair which turns out was exactly what Vallio wanted. I on the other hand was so desperate for coin I agreed to do it. Together, with a few other foolish adventurers Vallio hired, we went looking for this dragon."

"Shortly after we did, it tried to kill us all, but fled after I severed its fore-paw with a lucky swipe of my Barossan Broadsword 'Burlock’s Pride’ , which I inherited from a long lineage of warrior ancestors. Vallio was dissapointed claiming he sought out the dragon to speak with it about the dark elves, but we didn’t linger to suffer his rage again. I did steal a sizeable portion of its treasure hoard however, which improved my prospects considerably."

”Surviving an event like that fostered a fast friendsip between Vallio and I. We drank and laughed and spoke of my prospects. Vallio offered wise counsel about how I should hide the treasure and secretly invest it in a legitimate trade venture that wouldn't arouse suspicion from the vulfear. Later I asked Jabbar who he would hire as a caravan guard if he could hire anyone at all and he said ’Omar the Great', the champion of the arena! He was joking of course, but I wasn't, and paid him to make the necessary bribes to see that Omar was freed."

"In exchange we agreed to share Omar and set him up with his own mercenary company to disguise our arrangement from our rivals. For many years he did exactly that, occassionlly writing up false contracts to attack tribes of humanoids we needed to chase away from our travel routes. Thanks to him I managed to double my fortune and raise my three sons as proud, strapping warriors in their own right." He says with obvious pride, underscored by deep bitterness...

"Yet those years of prosperity had an awful price. They attracted the interest of an evil organization who capitalized on the jealousy of many so-called partners willing to betray me!" He says hatefully turning to face you once more with eyes aflame in anger. "I speak of course, of the Black Network!” He hisses between his teeth.

[Aletia: What do you do? Make a Knowledge (Streetwise) check to determine what, if anything, you already know of the Black Network]
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
One last suggestion...

While Burrai is threatening Vadik, Bill quickly whispers to Jabbar: "Surely this Aust fellow knows what he's doing. He probably intends to elude the guards somehow. This feels like a distraction to me, a purposeful misdirection of the guards. The Vul will be coming soon from that tower, yonder. We should hug the wall, and make our way East; didn't you say your shop was in that direction? It would be better to be indoors when the Vul are about. And if we hug the wall, we'll be in the wall guards' blind spot. What say you?"


Kryslogious of Anasteria

Kryslogious was not going to have him running his mouth. any unneeded attention to his cohorts was dangerous and he needed to nip this issue in the bud.

"Let us demonstrate, the difference between us."
he announced raising his shield for a battle.

Chogal smiled in amusement as he faced Kryslogious. The others forming a circle around the two making an arena. Kryslogious sized up his opponent who stood smiling at him with sheer amusement of the situation.

"Though it has been some time since I have fought a Chivalan Knight I do not remember any in particular being good enough to remember." he chuckled mocking Kryslogious.

It was in a flash you could see them come towards each other simultaneously but Kryslogious was just a hair faster granting him the first attack. His sword glove grasping onto Chogals breast plate attempting to force him to the ground but as he applied his strength he felt a familiar warmth coming from Chogal. It was an inviting intoxicating feeling, a most euphoric power. He knew the feeling as the blessing of Herod! Chogal was able to tear Kryslogiuous' hand from him and retaliate. He swung his bladed gauntlets at Kryslogious grazing off his armor in sparks but not penetrating. He knew though the strength behind those blows as he too at one point in his past had Herod's blessing.

'This battle is far from fair, I must end this' Krysoiguous thought to himself as he swung his arm against his opponents chest and swinging his foot behind his. Chogal slips on the loose dirt unexpectedly from such a low strength throw and finds himself staring up at the steel clad knight. Coming down with a shining silver dagger which almost seeming appeared into his hand he drives deep into Chogal's stomach and is leaves it in the wound. Chogal grabbed at the blade in his stomach and tore it free in his off hand along with another dagger resting on his belt in his primariry throwing both at Kryslogious, a heavy clang could be herd as they bounce from Kryslogious' shield.

'I need to press my advantage' Kryslogious calculated drawing his cold iron dagger and forcing it under his right shoulder plate armor, again leaving it in the wound. in a frantic effort Chogal grabs the last two daggers on his belt and attempts again at throwing them to no avail as they bounced off his chest plate and helm. It was at this time Kryslogious reached for the holy longsword on his waist and drew it fourth. As he took a swing with the blade Chogal rolled to the side stopping the hit with his shoulder pad and then retaliating with a throw of sand to Kryslogious' helm. In a quick jerk of his neck he kept the sand from getting into his eyes and sees Chogal rising to his feet. In the commotion he swings again but the enemy is quick to dodge the swing.

Kryslogious' advantage quickly evaporated as Chogal in one swift moment pulls the bastard sword and swings but the dagger in his arm causes him to swing wide missing entirely. The moment the bastard sword flew by Kryslogious he quickly let go of his shield and attempted to grab him with his left hand but Chogal sees his move coming. He spins around Kryslogious winding up a powerful swing of the blade that comes down hard onto Kryslogious' right calf. The blade hit with such force the armor crunches and bends into his flesh, a loud crack could be herd as the bone broke upon impact. The sword came back in an attempt to decapitate him but a last moment jerk just shot spark across his visor as the blade ran across the cheek.

There are mixed reactions in the crowd between disbelief and cheer as blood shot across the ground. the jackals yapping trying to jump into the arena against their handlers will.

"Chogal cant be felled by such weak hits, watch him slay this pretender!" one cheered

"A hit like that would of slain most normal men, maybe there is more to this slaughter knight!" another retorted

Kryslogious felt his chances of victory fade as time seemed to stand still, a familiar feeling of despair that has racked him for centuries had flooded his senses as he cursed Herrod for plaguing his destiny once again. 'I will end this cycle Herod, I have been your puppet for too long!' he though angrily to himself as he reached fourth with an vicious arm and grabbed Chogal by the neck. He attempted to rip himself free with his off hand but in a show of strength Kryslogious throws him to the ground and thrusts down hard with his longsword into his left shoulder piercing it deep to the bone. Chogal swings his sword specifically at his right leg attempting to put Kryslogious on the ground with him. The tip of the blade hit into the previous dent spattering more blood across the dirt but not enough to dislodge his footing.

Kryslogious comes down hard in one motion grabbing up his shield and thrusting hard on his blade again, this time piercing his left shoulder and pushing through into the sand pinning him to the ground. Chogal laughs looking at the knight

"It seems Herod's will was to prove your strength. I will join him now, as will you one day... Slaughter Knight... 'Supplicium Militare'" Chogal said as he fainted from blood loss.

Kryslogious fell to his knees leaning forward over Chogal and ran his blade across his neck. Blood sprang fourth across his scarf and chest plate. Confirming Chogals death he fell backwards onto the ground and took in every breath of heavy air... he had won.
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Avar, Billanverthorne, Burrai, Elloral, Ersun, Jabbar, Ren

Burrai Steelborn said:
As the Rhat, Jabbar, and the akhenaten called Vadik exchanged heated, quiet words. Burrai slowly put his shield back in it's clasp. He'd intended to hurl it at the figure, hoping to stun him long enough to aprehend him. Instead he watched the barbed volleys of spiteful, angry words with growing frustration. The morning's dealings with Rol, then the protracted dealings with the Devils, Kong....and now THIS?! Was every little wretch with a scrap of power in this town going to cross his path tonight of all nights? If Thoril Oakhill's malevolent diary warped fate like this, Burrai was almost tempted to throw the damn thing down the nearest abandoned mine and be done with it. Instead he folded his arm, keeping his hands from the pommel of his axe.

He knew enough of Noro to surmise his type from Vadik's words: An opportunist who'd found that through manipulation and backstabbing he could further his own aims. And now when he was reaching the limits of power he could wring from his position, continued to do the same regardless. A meeting with Burrai Steelborn? Requested at the end of a blunt weapon like Kong? He snorted, a sound like a ripping sheet. And still they argued...

As Burrai watched, a mix of acceptance and horror dropping down through his stomach, as the guard twitched and started on the wall above, lifting and lowering his curved horn to his lips. At any minute the alarm was going to be raised, and the streets would be under the savage gaze of the Vulkyre.

Something in Burrai clicked into place, that old soldier's habit of sensing when action was preferable to waiting for wise men to make correct decisions too late. He stepped between the three men arguing, taut and purposeful as though his axe was in his hands. Instead of drawing he stood before Vadik, reached up and grabbed his collar in one hand. With the relentless force of a well crafted ratchet, he pulled the man's face down to meet his. Burrai regarded him with his scarred eye, a black pearl, cold and hard, peering out from the felshy folds of his healed wound.

"Vadik, is it? Well, Noro could have carved an invite into Kong's arse and had him turn up here naked to deliver it, and I'd still not answer. You've got about five seconds to crawl back into whatever crack you live in, or the Vul will need a mop and bucket to bury you. Get lost."[SBLOCK="Intimidate"]Intimidate Check (+8)=21[/SBLOCK] Burrai didn't push him away, simply released this iron grip.

Billanverthorne said:
While Burrai is threatening Vadik, Bill quickly whispers to Jabbar: "Surely this Aust fellow knows what he's doing. He probably intends to elude the guards somehow. This feels like a distraction to me, a purposeful misdirection of the guards. The Vul will be coming soon from that tower, yonder. We should hug the wall, and make our way East; didn't you say your shop was in that direction? It would be better to be indoors when the Vul are about. And if we hug the wall, we'll be in the wall guards' blind spot. What say you?"

Jabbar: Looks irritable as he glances at the elf, also whispering so he is not overheard by Vadik. "A purposeful Misdirection? We arranged no such thing. Aust was told to stay put and guard Vadik's accomplice. Nothing more. Whatever has him yelling is certainly not planned."

Ersun said:
Ersun quietly watches everyone during the conversation. He has no clue why would any of them consider putting faith into such a shifty man as this Vadik that just appeared. Or why would he expect the gathering to put any into him. Maybe that was not the point at all, but just a theatrical move that simply has to be done even if everyone knows the results, to advance some following goal. He sighs in his mind, sometimes he over-complicates things to make sense of actions that are beyond him. Then he figures maybe the man did not expect to get spotted, was merely spying, and made up a sad lie in haste.

Ren and the one called Elloral were a bit emotional about it, while Jabbar was more collected, down to the point, and probed. Then the shouting started and the guards moved, and he did not like that, he would have liked to delay meeting the infamous creatures. As Burrai moved to grab the shifty man, Ersun crouched down to Ren and whispered to him. He also put his cap back on and hopes he will not get much attention during the happenings.

"The message is delivered. I suspect neither of us wants to stay around for bird-men to come down. Go back, hide into the sidelines, aid Jabbar, or something else, whichever you think best I am following you." he said, and was careful with his tone to deliver the honest meaning. He did trust the Rhat's judgement in this, firstly because he most likely had plenty of experience navigating such encounters, and secondly because it was his place to make the call. He somewhat hoped they would do either of the first two options, with his personal preference being on the second, but whatever they did he would sincerely accept and follow the decision of his little companion.

At that moment the guards atop the wall sound their awful horn to summon the Vulkyrie and both Ren and Vadik jump with a startle.

Vadik: (Level Check vs. Burrain intimidation: = 18, Fail) Scrambles to his feet and drinks another potion of invisibility. Suddenly all you can see are footsteps splashing in the mud as he bolts away behind the Inn.

Ren: -Speaks to Jabbar urgently- "We must go below, into the sewers! My master will meet us there and the Vulkyrie will not follow!"

Jabbar: Looks tempted "It is true, we cannot wander the streets or get into any more skirmishes tonight. Vulkyrie hate flying in the rain, it puts them in a particularly nasty mood. Anyone unfortunate enough to encounter them now will be killed out of spite! So long as you guide us Ren the sewers will be the safest place. And yet I must consider that option a last resort in deference to my shop. For now, I offer you and your... escort..." He says with a glance at Ersun. "...shelter there until the morning. The same applies to you and yours Burrai."

Ren: Looks non-plussed. "So be it. We will shelter there for now, but please consider meeting with my master tonight if at all possible."

Jabbar: "We shall see." he says, gesturing for everyone to follow as he leads the way to his shop.


As you reach the 'back door' that is the entrance to his home and not the shop, Jabbar knocks quickly... but resorts to a key to unlock it when it is obvious Aust is not waiting inside. Before he opens the door he touches an invisible rune to deactivate the magical alarm that will sound if the door was ever forced or the lock was picked.

Jabbar: "Everyone inside, quickly!" He says holding the way open.

Inside the cozy common room is warm with a low-fire burning in the hearth. There is food and drink aplenty in the cupboards as well.

Ren: The Rhat looks nervous and quickly darts around the room, sniffing at things the way creatures with a keen nose can... "Jabbar! I smell blood! Wererat blood!" He says gesturing to a spot on the floor that was very recently and hastily rubbed clean.

[Everyone: What do you do?]


Aletia: More than let on

"To Vallio! May he be avenged!"

Aletia raised her vessel, nodded, and said "to Vallio! May his early end not be in vain."

Whilst the heat of Tejj burned her lips, throat, and then her empty gut, she took the seat which had been offered and did her best to ignore the flame-churned pain. She wasn't sure if it was the effects of the brew, but she swore she heard Crez hissing in the recess of her mind.
~Athiasssss, the drow ssssslayer.~

As Kayote opened up to her she became fully absorbed in the old warrior's anecdotes and memories. It seemed an element of trust was already forming between the two, indeed the story of Hadus'Mento really got her attention.

Surviving an event like that fostered a fast friendsip between Vallio and I.
"That, Master Burlock, is indeed the Vallio I knew. A man who would be so unusual as to wish to speak with a dragon, and a man so bold as to think it as possible. It seems I owe you more than your friendship Sir, as indeed without you by his side, things maybe indeed have been very much... different."

She listened on, ears pricking up in that true elvish way, hanging onto every nuance of the man's words that might bring her knowledge, or clues of a path to tread.

In exchange we agreed to share Omar and set him up with his own mercenary company to disguise our arrangement from our rivals.
"What became of Omar in the end? Is he still in your service Sir?"

"Yet those years of prosperity had an awful price. They attracted the interest of an evil organization who capitalized on the jealousy of many so-called partners willing to betray me!" He says hatefully turning to face you once more with eyes aflame in anger. "I speak of course, of the Black Network!” He hisses between his teeth.
"Yes," the young elf simply replied, dropping her eyes to the floor for a moment in thought. Yes, Aletia was young and oft too keen, yet she was far from "dim". Just as it was right now with Kayote, people had a knack for opening up to her... revealing things which should remain unsaid. Even though her time in this land had been limited, her prying thoughts, ability to "overhear" and sweet demanding gaze had already cracked open information she at first thought of no consequence.

The expression she gave the old warrior at the end of his stories was one of understanding, a silent knowing appreciation of to what he'd referred, "the Black Network."

"Master Burlock, to this very day I have walked the earth as an observer, a neutral soul who sought only to find peace and be gracious with all that surrounds. This, Vallio taught me, to follow my heart and make as little or as much of life as I alone chose. Yet now truly "alone", I must confide in you of my horrible dreams, of my constant sense of watching eyes, of a beast which lingers in my shadows till it tears me asunder. With my family and Vallio now taken into the dark, with this endless feeling that I am hunted, like some last link in a chain to cut... I stand here perhaps, ready to serve, to make some small difference."

"Many in my position would choose but two fates, to run and wither in grief and loss till the end of their days, or to swear vengeance, and with sword drawn fall quickly into a foul dark trap. No. Of neither do I wish to partake. Master Burlock, I will walk this earth under moonlit skies for the sake of peace, yet should my lady Sehanine Moonbow's needs show a path to the dark, to drow, to those who kick life like dust to the breeze, then I shall with pride cast burning light into their black soulless eyes. Until then, until this dark beast has the courage to show himself and lay challenge, I will prepare. I will do everything I can to be ready for that day, in body, in skill, in soul, and in here."

Aletia tapped a finger to her forehead, indicating that of all her needs, knowledge was the most prized.

"By serving you Master Burlock in ways you see fit, I do believe that I can help you with your business, your enemies and errands. In return I shall learn and squeeze the strength of insight from this black-plagued land, and when my time comes, succeed or fall, I will have done all and beyond that which I could ever have been expected."

"To you no doubt I appear as just a youngling with wide open eyes and unscarred flesh. Indeed, I have much to learn of battle, of the evil that lurks in our midst, but death I now know well, well enough to stare in the face. In time to come you will no doubt know of what I can and can't do, but for now let me say this..."

"I am not one to charge into battle and take chances with blade, but, should you need someone quiet and light of feet, to watch thine enemies with patience, to deliver information, then I tell you now that these, every single one, is at your ready."

Aletia slowly slid half a shaft of arrow from a quiver at her back, before revealing, "Daughter to a fletcher and craftsman you see, each shaft balanced by hand, each point honed to the precision of mine own hand, and each one ready to make its demand. I believe also that perhaps your fair daughter and I share a bond, a touch with the arcane, and ways to present foes with troubles not to be underestimated."

"When the time comes, and duty calls, I stand ready for you Master Burlock, be it now, tomorrow, or some future day. Strand by strand, piece by piece, I wish to watch the drow, their networks, their alliances, all that troubles you, all that caused Vallio's suffering, all that took my family from me, will fall to pieces, or I will die honorably, beneath the moon trying, and either way to Sehanine shall I return."

[Knowledge (Streetwise) = 21]

[sblock=Aletia Stats]

ALETIA - Shining in the darkness

4 Sorceress Init 3, HP Max: 22 Current: 22, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Longbow +5 to hit / D8 damage (+1 point blank +1 with magic arrows)
Longsword +2 to hit / D8 damage

Familiar Crez (Tiny silver viper) Init 3, HP Max: 11 Current: 11, Speed 15ft
AC 19, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Poisonous Bite +2 to hit / D1 damage (+poison)
Abilities: Deliver touch spells, Alertness, Improved evasion, Spare spells, Empathic link


Aust Thale

~A witness.~ Aust's heart jumped. The bouncer appearing across the way was fortuitous, even under the circumstances. It provided the momentary doubt needed to derail whatever mischief these fellows intended.
The foursome dropping their barrels (very likely with oil or some explosive) in the bouncer's sight would provide ample evidence to any guard coming upon them.

~The upside of fear.~ These fellows would surely attempt something else, but likely not tonight. In the daylight or on a clear night, the guards tended toward patience. The response of the Vul to any major unwanted encounter would be capricious and overwhelming, and sometimes, indiscriminate. The guards were careful lest they inadvertently become carrion themselves. However, they were less patient during poor weather and at night, for obvious reasons. Aust's outburst would receive attention quickly, and if the guard was new to his duty or unsure of himself, Aust had no doubt he'd hear the sickening sound of the Vul horn. They would come in force, less carefully in the rain, in favor of responding as a blunt instrument instead of a rapier.

He moves deliberately back west into the rain and mist and shadows, attempting to avoid guards and still keep an eye on whomever of the foursome was the slowest and trailed behind his partners. Clearly not given to emotional faith, he whispers a more-reverent-than-usual prayer to Archaeus, " Archaeus, I appeal to you...watch my back."
He remembered once that his mother had encouraged him becoming a priest. He smiled. She would be proud.

~ Let's see just how much more mischief I can get into tonight, the Vul notwithstanding. ~

Living among smugglers, despite the adventure, could occasionally induce paranoia. Given this night's tenor... wererats...Jabbar and Avar off again...more sundered dwarves...and the almost comically macabre scene of thwarting arson while toting a dead girl around in a wheelbarrow, it would only follow that Aust's mind would wander to this new threat, weaving it into the rest of the night's company while attempting to make sense of it.

He moved with purpose to tail the foursome, carefully remaining among the shadows out of the sight of the guards.

Hide (1d20 +7 = 19); Move Silently (1d20+7 = 12)
The same rain that would make movement less than completely quiet would also provide cover as he sank back into the shadows. Unless his quarry or his pursuers (the guards, if they saw him) had darkvision, they'd be at the same disadvantage he was in the rain. Even then, they might not able to distinguish Aust from anybody else on the street in a sopping wet cloak.

[If Aust perceives that he is spotted by the foursome, he will break off the chase immediately. However, at no time will he give up evasion of the guards. Meanwhile, if indeed he hears the horn to summon the Vulkyrie, he seeks cover immediately.]

The bouncer has a pretty good look at you before you slink after after the four thugs. In fact you are such a regular at that establishment he probably recognized your voice during all that yelling, but that is not necessarily cause to worry. It's quite unlikely anyone at that tavern would betray you to the city guards or the vulfear. Jabbar Najafi is a well-respected man among Akhenatens, which also means you are respected by association as his right hand man (elf technically).

Thus undistracted, you go about the business of following the four thugs. Whoever they are, they were certainly quick to abandon their mischief which tells you it's not personal. Their movements are not entirely without sense as they keep leap-frogging each other, checking the streets are clear before they wave the others ahead while one hangs back to watch for tails.

Thug 1: (Spot Check, DC 19: =10, Fail)
Thug 2: (Spot Check, DC 19: =2, Fumble!)
Thug 3: (Spot Check, DC 19: =13, Fail)
Thug 4: (Spot Check, DC 19: =9, Fail)

Thug 2 is clearly the least brave of the lot, wide-eyed and panic'd, continuously giving away his position and generally acting clumsy. His fumble allows you to creep much closer (You are now within 20 ft of them) as he calls out to another one of the four who appears to be their leader.

[sblock=Aust Thale Fate Pool Listen Check](Fate Pool Listen Check: = 25 <Nat 20>)

Note: You forgot to roll up a fate pool for DDS 311, so I used your Fate Pool from DDS 215. Please roll up a new Fate Pool for DDS 311. Thank you[/sblock]

Thug 2: -Speaking Akhenaten- "Chuth! We should hide! The Vulkyrie will come!"

The leader who responds to the ugly name has a slight build and slim frame as he darts between shadows with familiar grace. By the dim light of a hanging lamp you glimpse a very ugly face with an ashen complexion and dull grey hair as he stands beside Thug 2. Your instincts recognize this one also has elven blood, but his coloration intimates something terrible indeed... he must be a half-drow! (Though he is too ugly by far to be a pure-blood elf. He is likely half-human, Akhenaten most probably) In fact you realize as you stare that 'Chuth' means 'ash' in the language of the dark elves! Such a name would be a fitting mockery of his relatively pale skin and darker hair.

Chuth: -Speaking Akhenaten- "Which is exactly why we will not run you fool! Keep your head or I'll kill you myself before Noro decides a fitting punishment for your failure tonight!"

Suddenly the horn summoning the Vulkyrie is sounded and Thug 2 starts to stare upwards muttering something about 'death-from-above'. Chuth appears to lose patience with Thug 2, reaching up quickly to prick the side of his neck with some sort of needle! Thug 2 staggers a few steps away, clawing at his throat unable to breath! The other pair take that as a sign it's every man for himself! and take off running as fast as they can, giving up on stealth entirely.

Chuth curses at them under his breath, pulling a repeating-crossbow out from beneath his cloak. Meanwhile thugs 3 & 4 only manage a half-dozen yards before a patrol of guards springs in their path from a side-street! Chuth meanwhile calmly takes aim to shoot them in the back, even as Thug 2 collapses only a few feet away turning purple.

[Aust: What do you do? If you intend to attack Chuth you must roll initiative first and declare your intended attack(s). If you win initiative and use a ranged attack (20 ft. distance) I will allow you one ranged surprise-attack. If you intend to move closer first to make a surprise melee-attack you will have to make an additional pair of hide/move silently checks. If you do not win initiative against Chuth he will fire bolts at Thugs 3 & 4 before you can attack him first, but you can choose to use an 'early action' (as per my house rules) to ensure you get a chance to distract him before he fires.]
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Kryslogious, Saraesh

There is an odd sense of appreciation for the death of Chogal by the other assassins. They respect only strength and live to honor the king of demons and devils with their skill in killing. Herod expects nothing less. Each one of the Hobgoblin assassins slowly bows their head in deference to your superior fighting prowess. In their eyes, there is only bloodlust and awe... not fear, not regret, and certainly not sadness for a comrades passing. Chogals death in challenge to another servant of Herod, to prove his worthiness and establish rank, was a worthy sacrifice.

Saraesh: Speaks reverently staring down at the Hobgoblin's corpse. "Lord Herod, consume this soul and grow ever-stronger for it!"

Assassins: "Herod! Herod! Herod!" They chant.

Saraesh: Looks to Kryslogious "You have proven yourself worthy of our company Slaughter Knight! Chogal was the strongest of us, there is no shame taking a wound from his blade." He says placing a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds in your hand before he continues. "We have much to plan, but first, what is your opinion of those others you came with? I know Ordechai of course, but the dwarf and the other Chivalan are newcomers. Who are they?" He asks.

[Kryslogious: Gain a bonus Fate Point for your bravery. What do you do? Any attempt to lie about the identities or motives of your traveling companions requires a bluff check vs. Saraesh's Sense Motive. Roll 2d8+2 for healing from the potion btw.]

Aust Thale


Thug 2: -Speaking Akhenaten- "Chuth! We should hide! The Vulkyrie will come!"

The leader who responds to the ugly name has a slight build and slim frame as he darts between shadows with familiar grace. By the dim light of a hanging lamp you glimpse a very ugly face with an ashen complexion and dull grey hair as he stands beside Thug 2. Your instincts recognize this one also has elven blood, but his coloration intimates something terrible indeed... he must be a half-drow! (Though he is too ugly by far to be a pure-blood elf. He is likely half-human, Akhenaten most probably) In fact you realize as you stare that 'Chuth' means 'ash' in the language of the dark elves! Such a name would be a fitting mockery of his relatively pale skin and darker hair.

Chuth: -Speaking Akhenaten- "Which is exactly why we will not run you fool! Keep your head or I'll kill you myself before Noro decides a fitting punishment for your failure tonight!"

Suddenly the horn summoning the Vulkyrie is sounded and Thug 2 starts to stare upwards muttering something about 'death-from-above'. Chuth appears to lose patience with Thug 2, reaching up quickly to prick the side of his neck with some sort of needle! Thug 2 staggers a few steps away, clawing at his throat unable to breath! The other pair take that as a sign it's every man for himself! and take off running as fast as they can, giving up on stealth entirely.

Chuth curses at them under his breath, pulling a repeating-crossbow out from beneath his cloak. Meanwhile thugs 3 & 4 only manage a half-dozen yards before a patrol of guards springs in their path from a side-street! Chuth meanwhile calmly takes aim to shoot them in the back, even as Thug 2 collapses only a few feet away turning purple.

[Aust: What do you do? If you intend to attack Chuth you must roll initiative first and declare your intended attack(s). If you win initiative and use a ranged attack (20 ft. distance) I will allow you one ranged surprise-attack. If you intend to move closer first to make a surprise melee-attack you will have to make an additional pair of hide/move silently checks. If you do not win initiative against Chuth he will fire bolts at Thugs 3 & 4 before you can attack him first, but you can choose to use an 'early action' (as per my house rules) to ensure you get a chance to distract him before he fires.]

~ Chuth. What an unfortunate name. ~
Aust smiles at this half-breed, wondering what criminal union spawned this pitiful being. Half-elves, particularly Akhenatens, were beautiful creatures. On more than one occasion he had found himself “in polite company” with such a fair maiden. This fellow’s aesthetics ranked up there with his concern for his men.

The few drawings Aust had seen of the drow depicted them as stunningly beautiful, magically inclined, but without exception engaged in a scene of torture, depravity, or obscenity. Aust’s parents lamented him as having an unhealthy interest in the drow. He receive that trait honestly, in his mind. Religiously, albeit most quietly, they remained sanguine about the drow among elvenkin. Lolth was evil, yes, but as a function of her estrangement from Archaeos. She was a wayward daughter, and were she to make her way back to her father over the centuries, even millennia, they saw the faintest evidence of hope. Of redemption.

Aust had always humored their religious quirkiness. However, his view was that whatever motivated the gods and demi-gods to be in this mood or have that cause, it was not some familial relationship gone awry. They were gods. To ascribe mortal emotion to their decision-making was silly. It would mean that Lolth was cruel and capricious due to some adolescent apoplectic row with her father? Aust wasn’t the wisest of elves, but that drivel was goblin-dung. Lolth was as evil and cruel as this Chuth fellow was ugly. To sell it any other way was ass-clownish.

Aust was intrigued with the drow for the same reasons he was intrigued by anything else. They were artistic, proud of their magic and their elven craft, and despite their destructive nature, they had fortitude. Despite being clearly an unhealthy vice, Aust coveted their magic and their craft; that was reason enough for him to remain interested.

~ Well met, Chuth. ~
As Chuth gathers his crossbow, in a single motion, Aust primes his bow and silently nocks an arrow.

Initiative: 1d20+3 = 11
If Aust wins initiative, he fires an arrow as sneak attack (rolls below); if he does not win initiative, he whistles at the drow as an early action to draw him off of his targets. The whistle is similar to the noise a whistling projectile would make, but a tad louder. And as Chuth pauses or turns, he will launch his arrow.

Attack Roll: 1d20+6 = 16 (used 2 fate points to get better roll 1d20+6 = 8 & then 16; use 16) <edited to add 2nd re-roll>
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Voidrunner's Codex

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