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Darksun Killer In Ravenloft PT I


Spotting his friend, Odten takes a seat near Drinchek, smiling at the human. "What brings you to the scorpion? The place seems more crowded than I expected, given my own business."

Making a slight clicking sound with his tongue, Odten carefully studies the other patrons of the tavern.

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Drinchek strains to makes his hoarse whispery voice audible above the tavern. "I was about to inquire the same of you", he manages in somewhat muddled Pterran. "Somehow I have drawn the eye of a templar, the worst of the lot from what I hear."

He pauses, wetting his dry throat so he can continue, though it takes him a couple tries to get started again. He finally is forced to lean in and speak even quieter, "But what about you? I thought you and the others had moved on from Kalidnay. It's dangerous in here with a Templar coming, they could find out." Drinchek tries to whisper the last, despite speaking in Pterran and bits and pieces of it are lost in the bussle.

Drinchek pulls his shrouds tighter about him nervously. He's hunched over in his seat so far he looks absolutely wretched.
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Also in Pterran, Odten replies. "I think I've been summoned by the same templar. This bodes ill, my friend."

"As for why I'm still here, I left the others. Other than yourself, I'm treated with little respect by them. I'm glad to see you again, but I'd like happier circumstances."


"Yes, if he has both of us here, he could very well be tracking our former group, which could mean they, and you, are in danger, and by association, me. But skipping out on a templar is just as dangerous. I'm afraid they've got us under their thumb," Drinchek replies in broken Pterran.

Drinchek silently manifests animal affinity to increase his intellect, causing his covered skin to acquire dark bruises along his arms.

"I'm scared..."


OOC: Is it possible to make a psicraft roll to detect the animal affinity? If so, I make one (8+8 if I get to roll it).

Tallask glances about as more and more people enter, many of them seemingly as nervous as he. He waves a server over at a convient time, and asks "Do you often see Templars in here? And have you seen one today?" He hands the server 5 bits when he does so.


Beckoning to the nearest serving girl, Odten orders two of Drinchek's favourite drink.

"Perhaps it has nothing to do with our friends. After all, I'd be in a cell if any knew of my... skills." he quietly replies to Drinchek. "Have a drink, it'll help. Although I think we have every reason to be scared."


First Post
dead_radish said:
OOC: Is it possible to make a psicraft roll to detect the animal affinity? If so, I make one (8+8 if I get to roll it).
I have +12.

Jayde enters and makes some random patron (male of course) buy her a drink.If he tries to strike up conversation, the best bluff is the truth disguised as a lie. I tell him that I'm here to see the Templars, but bluff (+18) so he thinks I'm making up stories. I should get two or three drinks from him before he realises...

I wasn't sure how often I could get seven (8 including me) folks to reply. I will go every Sunday unless 6+ folks have replyed. It'll make it go quicker that way without getting out of hand (let the story do that- not the posts!)

I'll answer action related questions in the morning. Just spent the past hour doing Ceramic DM story. Need to sleep....caste sleep onto myself!

Drinchek goes inside and finds a good seat. You see that this tavern caters to nobles and the better off freemen. You hear the bartender and bar maiden speaking about rumors of an army of undead seen in the deep south across the sands.
Tallask arrives and sits down and surveys the room. There are three merchant types here getting a drink. There is a group of three "adventurer" types in a cornner. Not sure, but you think you hear them speak of an influx of ancient artifacts and goods on the black market. One of them seems to note that you are looking at the party.
Dukotti sits in the deep shadows across from the tavern. In the while he has been here, he has seen merchants and freemen come and go. Recently two travelers, possibly adventurer types have arrived seperately. A third arrives in a cloak that covers much of his body.
Odten waddles in as only one of his kind can. He immediately spots a known person and sits with Drinchek. "What brings you to the Scorpion? The place seems more crowded than I expected, given my own business." Looking about he sees on the walls drawings of fighters battling creatures known and unknown. Someone that looks like the bartender is depicted fighting a large red scorpion.
Drinchek strains his voice to be heard as a group of three halflings come in making a lot of noise. He seems to speak a strange alien language that the Pterran seems to know. Perhaps his own?
Tallask notes that the halflings have asked for a menu. The bartender wants to know if they have money first. Seeing the bar maiden comeing his way, he asks her politely- "Do you often see Templars in here? And have you seen one today?" He gives her 5 bits when asking these. She gracefully sweeps them up in a motion masking her action from the bar tender- "Templars visit here often since their templerate homes are only a few blocks away. They generally don't come here until nightfall."
Dukotti spots a possible female noble walk into the scorpion. It must be mid day by now.
Jayde sees a tavern matching the description given to her by the contact. The sign has a painting of a monsterous red scorpion and a keg of kank ale next to it. Inside she finds a group of halflings asking about the meat platter with the bartender, a group adventurers that look to be finishing up their drinks, a human and a reptilian creature scanning the room and two other lone adventurer-types. One is talking to a bar maid. Following her is an obvious merchant. She strikes up a conversation with him.
Drinchek and Odten catch something about templars from a snippet of conversation between the woman and the noble.
Just when you believe you have been mislead a vary tall elven templar walks into the tavern. He wears a skull cap but tatoos of black flames can be seen peeking out on his shaved head. The tavern grows quiet and several attendees shuffle nervously looking at the floor but noticebly keeping track of where the elf is. He sneers at the bar tender then sits down and waits.

What will you do?


Dukotti will rise from the shadows as he sees the templar approach. He crosses the street without giving him another look and enters the bar, long strides taking him meaningfully ahead of or around anyone who is in his way. Once inside, he'll take a place near the door and loosen his sword in its scabbard.

The elf wears his spiked chain in the gladitorial style: that is, the very large center loop is worn like a necklace, the smaller loops around the wrists. The heavy links of the chain dangle behind his arms and back such that he has to move them aside in order to sit. Dukotti will also adjust his leather cap to ensure that it covers his marking.

Voidrunner's Codex

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