• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Darkwolf trimuphs over Ariel (Thank you Sabaron for judging)


First Post
<MeowthBot> 1: The jaguar mangles the wetlands; negates the thrust of the armor!
<MeowthBot> 2: The fist moves higher than the mountain and masterfully illuminates the body; parts the slash of the void!
<MeowthBot> 3: The rose petal easily thrusts the castle; defends against the onslaught of the soul!
<MeowthBot> 4: The dagger tumbles higher than the wetlands; removes the roar of the willow!
<MeowthBot> 5: The turtle seeks upon the hells; dances in the midst of the chi of the clouds!

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First Post
<MeowthBot> 1: The west wind slashes higher than the lake; averts the offensive of the foul! *yen*
<MeowthBot> 2: The hammer moves on top of the island; shields the touch of the flame!
<MeowthBot> 3: The falcon strikes next to the well; absorbs the terror of the spirit!
<MeowthBot> 4: The needle slashes atop the cemetery; silences the violence of the steam! *yen*
<MeowthBot> 5: The crane charges the swamp; perfectly negates the onslaught of the mist!


First Post
<MeowthBot> 1: The kama shouts before the vale; averts the cut of the stone!
<MeowthBot> 2: The kama insanely attacks the city; parries the rising of the stars and angrily parts the pain of the bird!
<MeowthBot> 3: The wolf glides below the gate; dominates the descent of the leaf! *yen*
<MeowthBot> 4: The invisible falcon punches the spring; guards against the offensive of the teardrop!
<MeowthBot> 5: The crane bows atop the lake; grasps the chaos of the battlements! *yen*


First Post
Ariel's Second Hand:

<MeowthBot> 1: The snake dances from the foothills; grasps the slash of the ember!
<MeowthBot> 2: The crane strikes the river; leaps upon the chi of the void!
<MeowthBot> 3: The lotus blossom withers the badlands; quells the violence of the reptile!
<MeowthBot> 4: The tree stands through the foothills; fends off the energy of the fire!
<MeowthBot> 5: The toad eliminates the badlands; wards off the tempest of the root!


First Post
<MeowthBot> 1: The owl torments the island; waves away the throw of the four winds!
<MeowthBot> 2: The fox storms the glade; leaps over the beauty of the battlements!
<MeowthBot> 3: The chimera fluidly shreds the swamp; blocks the quickening of the wyrm!
<MeowthBot> 4: The hammer storms the grotto; shields against the aggression of the void!
<MeowthBot> 5: The thunder stands in the midst of the river; dodges the aggression of the teardrop!


First Post
Ariel's Third Hand:

<MeowthBot> 1: The mongoose overwhelms the ravine; sings within the descent of the wyrm!
<MeowthBot> 2: The spider speaks in the midst of the savanna and appears over the eyes; shreds the violence of the spirit!
<MeowthBot> 3: The jade monkey bows close to the knoll; averts the efforts of the shield!
<MeowthBot> 4: The scorpion drifts atop the well; averts the drive of the stars!
<MeowthBot> 5: The fan roughly thrusts the savanna; absorbs the slash of the earth!


First Post
<MeowthBot> 1: The spider stands facing the ravine; blocks the push of the rodent!
<MeowthBot> 2: The wolf flips through the valley; leaps over the slash of the ki so fast that it slashes across the onslaught of the lightning!
<MeowthBot> 3: The lotus blossom drifts over the pond as it cautiously removes the shield; shields against the pain of the chi!
<MeowthBot> 4: The lotus blossom shreds the forest and torments the Garden of Worship; fends off the chaos of the rodent!
<MeowthBot> 5: The hammer rains upon the river; grasps the touch of the orchid!


First Post
Arile's Last Hand:

<MeowthBot> 1: The spider painlessly blasts the ricefield; scatters the pain of the bamboo!
<MeowthBot> 2: The fox mangles the well; avoids the efforts of the dark sunbeam!
<MeowthBot> 3: The monkey flips through the dungeon; redirects the foray of the stone!
<MeowthBot> 4: The raven slaughters the river; quells the assailment of the lily!
<MeowthBot> 5: The wolf drifts over the coast; dodges the descent of the clouds!


First Post
<Ariel> TA DA!!
<Darkwolf> post in the thread please...I want to see what changed when you got brown..(i.e. sigs)
<Ariel> did you bump it???
<Lady_Wei> It's bumped
<Darkwolf> <Darkwolf> drop-kicked it up to the top
<Darkwolf> oh boy...another brown belt bash
<Ariel> post hands now???
<Darkwolf> could use a masters and some insults
<Ariel> in here..
<Darkwolf> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> Darkwolf: I find your sensei to be terribly honorless, your temple to be bland, and your ninjitsu to be rusty.
<Ariel> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> Ariel: I find your accountant to be diseased, your honored citadel to be unnecessary, and your battle record to be dull.
<Lady_Wei> Hmmm...
<Lady_Wei> Insult Darkwolf
<Ariel> set stips DW...
<Darkwolf> 7 flag speed strat..
<Lady_Wei> Nice and long. :)
<Lady_Wei> (Is Darkwolf man or wolf?)
<Ariel> good..
* Darkwolf would like Ariel's stats in the thread also
<Ariel> just did so...
<Darkwolf> Yes.. ;p
<Darkwolf> Darkwolf is werewolf...judging persona is wolf
<Ariel> I see..
<Lady_Wei> Hmph... no handsome young men in this match.
<Ariel> see my new shiney scorpion and thorns styles???
<Ariel> heheh
* Lady_Wei pouts
<Lady_Wei> Judge gen or player gen? Web gen or Da Cat?
<Ariel> sorry sab.... it's just what came up as my last move..
* Darkwolf shifts into man form
<Darkwolf> player gen...using cat
<Ariel> I'd say player gen...
* Lady_Wei looks delighted... until she remembers that DW is still a werewolf
<Darkwolf> hand is already posted
<Ariel> going to post mine now..
<Lady_Wei> !mb ybmaster
<MeowthBot> Lady_Wei: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the ravine south of the Tomb of the Ancient Kings on the evening of the west wind.
<Darkwolf> so I'm a little furry at times... ;p
<Lady_Wei> The last thing I need is you going into the Thrall of the Wyrm at certain times.
* Lady_Wei sticks her toungue out at DW
<Darkwolf> I'm still higher ranked...so I start
<Ariel> hand posted..
<Lady_Wei> I know all about that @#@% Phoenix sword...
<Darkwolf> The rose petal easily thrusts the castle; defends against the onslaught of the soul!
<Ariel> <MeowthBot> 1: The west wind slashes higher than the lake; averts the offensive of the foul! *yen*
<Darkwolf> wait a few seconds to see if I want to use anything...
<Ariel> sorry DW..... I didn't mean to hit enter so fast....
<Lady_Wei> Say when...
<Darkwolf> when
<Ariel> when...
<Ariel> lol
<Ariel> and what about my phoenix sword???
<Lady_Wei> My FoF with Phoenix style... :p
<Lady_Wei> Thinking about moves...
<Ariel> oh yea..
<Lady_Wei> Pretty rose petal... so pretty.
<Lady_Wei> Point DW. 1 point DW, 0 points Ariel
<Ariel> pretty ariel.... so pretty..*S*
<Darkwolf> The turtle seeks upon the hells; dances in the midst of the chi of the clouds!
<Darkwolf> when
<Ariel> <MeowthBot> 5: The crane charges the swamp; perfectly negates the onslaught of the mist!
<Ariel> when
<Lady_Wei> DW's defense is better. Point DW. 2 flags DW 0 flags Ariel
<Lady_Wei> Clouds/bird
<Darkwolf> The jaguar mangles the wetlands; negates the thrust of the armor!
<Darkwolf> Eat some CHI!!! CHI STRIKE!
<Lady_Wei> Hehe. :)
<Ariel> <MeowthBot> 4: The needle slashes atop the cemetery; silences the violence of the steam! *yen*
<Lady_Wei> Didn't see that coing. :)
<Lady_Wei> *coming
<Lady_Wei> Point Ariel. 2 flags DW, 1 flag Ariel. 1 yen DW, 1 yen Ariel (total)
<Darkwolf> btw..madam...I do believe I have some yen coming from the first round ;p
<Darkwolf> oops ;p
<Darkwolf> new hands
* Lady_Wei pets MeowthBot
* Darkwolf mutters about a useless wolf move with a yen attached
<Darkwolf> you're up Ariel
<Ariel> ok.....
* Lady_Wei metions FoF
<Ariel> I still have chi strike..
<Ariel> <MeowthBot> 5: The toad eliminates the badlands; wards off the tempest of the root!
<Ariel> chi strike
<Ariel> when
<Darkwolf> The invisible falcon punches the spring; guards against the offensive of the teardrop!
<Darkwolf> when
<Ariel> I knew it...
<Ariel> why are you guarding the thing you punched????
<Ariel> heh
<Darkwolf> springs dont cry..
<Lady_Wei> Neither defense is useful
<Ariel> when you punch it it scatter tear-shaped drops of water..
<Lady_Wei> Hmmm...
<Lady_Wei> 2 points Ariel. 2 points DW, 3 points Ariel 1 yen each
<Ariel> we switch off now right dw???
<Darkwolf> yup
<Ariel> you're up then..
<Darkwolf> The kama insanely attacks the city; parries the rising of the stars and angrily parts the pain of the bird!
<Ariel> <MeowthBot> 2: The crane strikes the river; leaps upon the chi of the void!
<Lady_Wei> Point DW due to defense. 3 points all. 1 yen all.
<Ariel> <MeowthBot> 3: The lotus blossom withers the badlands; quells the violence of the reptile!
<Ariel> FoF
<Ariel> <MeowthBot> 1: The snake dances from the foothills; grasps the slash of the ember!
<Ariel> go..
<Darkwolf> The crane bows atop the lake; grasps the chaos of the battlements! *yen*
<Darkwolf> when
<Lady_Wei> Both defenses are useless
<Lady_Wei> Hmmm....
<Lady_Wei> I can see a flower sucking the life from a land
<Lady_Wei> 2 points Ariel. 2 points DW, 5 points Ariel 2 yen Ariel 1 yen DW
<Ariel> is it new hands now???
<Darkwolf> yup
<Darkwolf> hand up
<Ariel> hand up..
<Lady_Wei> Ariel up
<Lady_Wei> nm
<Darkwolf> FOF coming
<Lady_Wei> DW up
<Darkwolf> The fox storms the glade; leaps over the beauty of the battlements!
<Darkwolf> The thunder stands in the midst of the river; dodges the aggression of the teardrop!
* Ariel takes the fan subtle fan style.....
<Ariel> <MeowthBot> 5: The fan roughly thrusts the savanna; absorbs the slash of the earth!
<Lady_Wei> Using a fan like that is a good way to break it
<Lady_Wei> 3 points DW. 5 points All. 2 yen Ariel, 1 yen DW
<Ariel> not if it's a war fan....hehehe
<Ariel> wait....
<Ariel> how's he get three points???
<Darkwolf> thunder sig
<Lady_Wei> Thunder is a sig
<Ariel> nm...I saw..
<Lady_Wei> I'm being a good judge and catching these things for once. :)
<Ariel> ok I;m going unsusally right now...
<Ariel> <MeowthBot> 3: The jade monkey bows close to the knoll; averts the efforts of the shield!
<Ariel> go..
<Darkwolf> FOF
<Darkwolf> The owl torments the island; waves away the throw of the four winds!
<Ariel> oh crap..
<Darkwolf> The chimera fluidly shreds the swamp; blocks the quickening of the wyrm!
* Ariel bite hear nials
<Ariel> *her
* Lady_Wei ponders the defenses
<Lady_Wei> Point Ariel. 6 points Ariel, 5 points DW. 2 yen Ariel, 1 yen DW
* Darkwolf sighs
* Ariel looks to end this now..
<Ariel> <MeowthBot> 1: The mongoose overwhelms the ravine; sings within the descent of the wyrm!
<Darkwolf> The hammer storms the grotto; shields against the aggression of the void!
<Ariel> woah......I like that defence..... even tho it is a little kooky..
<Ariel> my defence I mean./...
<Lady_Wei> Good against Black Spiral Dancers...
<Darkwolf> ;)
<Ariel> roight.
<Lady_Wei> Point DW. 6 points All. 2 yen Ariel, 1 yen DW
<Darkwolf> new hands
<Ariel> new hand for one round....
<Ariel> heh
<Lady_Wei> My favorite way to end a match. :)
* Darkwolf wanted to end it 2 rounds ago
<Ariel> hand posted..
<Darkwolf> another useless wolf move
<Ariel> hmmmm...what to use..what to use????
<Darkwolf> The lotus blossom drifts over the pond as it cautiously removes the shield; shields against the pain of the chi!
<Darkwolf> a nice pretty flower... ;)
* Ariel crosses her fingers and hopes for the best...
<Ariel> <MeowthBot> 2: The fox mangles the well; avoids the efforts of the dark sunbeam!
<Lady_Wei> DW's defense is mucho better.
<Lady_Wei> Point and Match DW
<Lady_Wei> 2 yen to Ariel, 1 to DW
<Darkwolf> woohoo!
<Darkwolf> whos posting log?
<Lady_Wei> I will
<Darkwolf> now we are even my former student :)
<Ariel> damnit...I'm never going to be able to accept students..*sigh*
* Ariel bows to her former master..
* Darkwolf bows to his former student...


First Post
Stats as of after the fight:

Ariel Eastwind of Thorned Vine
Brown Belt 0 (D1)

Graduate of the "Predator Dojo"
Founder of the "Thorned Vine Dojo"
Record: 4/7

Sig Styles: Vine, Toad, Sword, Wolf, Scorpion
Dojo Style: Thorn
Fists of Fury (x2)
Chi Strike
Master of: Emotions, Movement

Yen: 5
Item: Phoenix Sword (Sig Style: Phoenix, Immunity: Phoenix)

Voidrunner's Codex

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