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Dawn of the Dead Help

Swedish Chef

I'm looking to run a one shot D20 Modern adventure based on the Dawn of the Dead movie.

Does anyone know of any modules or information for this? I haven't been able to find any resources yet as my google-fu is weak.

Thanks in advance.

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C. Baize

First Post
How soon?
There's an upcoming product which draws fairly heavily from Dawn of the Dead (and several other zombie movies, and products)...

Tom Cashel

First Post
Watch the movies.

Although the original is a bona fide classic of the form, the remake will be helpful with ideas for action sequences.

All Flesh Must Be Eaten probably has plenty of non-system-specific info.

Swedish Chef

I have seen the remake, as well as the Brit comedy Shaun of the Dead, which is why I want to run this. I'm looking to do it the long weekend of May, so I've got a couple of weeks still.

I'm really more or less looking for stats for the zombies, now that I truly think about it. Typical WotC zombies don't fit the bill, as they're rather slow. DotD zombies were a lot faster and actually appeared to have a bit of intelligence (as the little girl who tricked her parents at the beginning seemed to indicate), so I'm looking for ideas as to how to represent that.

I'm just going to run them through our local city (Toronto) as if it were to happen today. I've already gotten maps of some local malls and public buildings, as well as street maps, to use in the game, as I expect they'll want to head out and get supplies and what not before trying to decide where they want to go.

I figure it will be a fairly straight-forward adventure, but I am just brain-freezing on the zombies. Thanks for all the help so far, though. I'll check out the link posted earlier as well.


First Post
Blood and brains has a lot of different types of zombies to fit the different styles of zombie seen over the years. Another good adventure is Weekend Warriors by 12 to Midnight, it is a zombie adventure though it assumes military personal. Fun adventure though.


First Post
Oddly, I just watched the original 68 Night of the Living Dead. I had only seen parts of it EONS ago and was more familiar with the 91 (94?) remake and the more recent movies. The original zombies actually had a bit of intelligence to them ... they used tools, for instance, and intentionally killed the phone (IIRC). Not HIGHER thinking, but certainly not mindless. Not slow, either, just sort of shambly ... they could get up to a trot.

Not the Professional Athlete Zombies from recent film, but I don't like those anyway.



Demon Queen of Templates
I'm really more or less looking for stats for the zombies,

In the thread I linked above I posted some stats for Medium, Small, and Tiny zombies more in the style of Romero than the D&D zombies. Try these on for size:

Teenage/Adult Zombie: CR 1; Medium-size Undead; HD 2d12; hp 16; Mas (10); Init -1; Spd 30 ft. (cannot run); Defense 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (-1 Dex); BAB/Grap +1/+1; Atk +1 melee (1d3+1, slam) or +1 melee (1d4+1 plus disease, bite); Full Atk +1 melee (1d3+1, slam) or +1 melee (1d4+1 plus disease, bite); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ disease, improved grab, undead traits, vulnerability; SV Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1.

Skills: Listen +1, Spot +1; Feats: Toughness.

Disease (Ex): (I left this blank so you can fill in your own rules for how you want the plague to work).

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a zombie must hit an opponent with its slam attack. It can then start a grapple check as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can try to bite the foe following round.

Undead Traits (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, death from massive damage, or any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect works on objects); darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Vulnerability (Ex): A single attack that deals more than 10 points of damage to a Medium-size zombie destroys one of its limbs; roll 1d12. 1-3, arm; 4-5 hand; 6-8, leg; 9-10, foot; 11-12 head. A zombie missing an arm or a hand cannot make slam attacks with that arm. A zombie without a leg or a foot has a -5 ft. penalty to its speed. A zombie missing both legs or both feet can only move 10 ft. per round by crawling, suffering an additional -5 ft. penalty to its speed per missing arm. A zombie that has had its head removed is permanently destroyed. An opponent can make a called shot to a zombie’s head with a -4 penalty to the attack roll.

Advancement: 3-4 HD.

Adolescent/Child Zombie: CR 1/2; Small Undead; HD 1d12; hp 9; Mas (8) ; Init +0; Spd 20 ft. (cannot run); Defense 11, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 size, +0 Dex); BAB/Grap +0/-5; Atk +0 melee (1d2-1, slam) or +0 melee (1d3-1 plus disease, bite); Full Atk +0 melee (1d2-1, slam) or +0 melee (1d3-1 plus disease, bite); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ disease, improved grab, presumed innocence, undead traits, vulnerability; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3; Str 8, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1.

Skills: Listen +1, Spot +1; Feats: Toughness.

Disease (Ex): (I left this blank so you can fill in your own rules for how you want the plague to work).
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a zombie must hit an opponent its slam attack. It can then start a grapple check as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can try to bite the foe following round.

Presumed Innocence (Ex): The first time a living opponent encounters a Small zombie he must succeed on a DC 10 Will save or be unable to attack the zombie for 1d4 rounds.

Undead Traits (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, death from massive damage, or any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect works on objects); darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Vulnerability (Ex): A single attack that deals more than 8 points of damage to a Small zombie destroys one of its limbs; roll 1d12. 1-3, arm; 4-5 hand; 6-8, leg; 9-10, foot; 11-12 head. A zombie missing an arm or a hand cannot make slam attacks with that arm. A zombie without a leg or a foot has a -5 ft. penalty to its speed. A zombie missing both legs or both feet can only move 10 ft. per round by crawling, suffering an additional -5 ft. penalty to its speed per missing arm. A zombie that has had its head removed is permanently destroyed. An opponent can make a called shot to a zombie’s head with a -4 penalty to the attack roll.

Advancement: —.

Toddler/Infant Zombie: CR 1/4; Tiny Undead; HD 1/2 d12; hp 6; Mas (6); Init +1; Spd 15 ft. (cannot run); Defense 13, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 size, +1 Dex); BAB/Grap +0/-11; Atk -1 melee (1 point, slam) or -1 melee (1d2-3 plus disease, bite); Full Atk -1 melee (1 point, slam) or -1 melee (1d2-3 plus disease, bite); FS 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; SQ disease, improved grab, presumed innocence, undead traits, vulnerability; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3; Str 4, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1.

Skills: Listen +1, Spot +1; Feats: Toughness.

Disease (Ex): (I left this blank so you can fill in your own rules for how you want the plague to work).

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a zombie must hit an opponent its slam attack. It can then start a grapple check as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can try to bite the foe following round.

Presumed Innocence (Ex): The first time a living opponent encounters a Tiny zombie he must succeed on a DC 10 Will save or be unable to attack the zombie for 1d4 rounds.

Undead Traits (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, death from massive damage, or any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect works on objects); darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Vulnerability (Ex): A single attack that deals more than 6 points of damage to a Tiny zombie destroys one of its limbs; roll 1d12. 1-3, arm; 4-5 hand; 6-8, leg; 9-10, foot; 11-12 head. A zombie missing an arm or a hand cannot make slam attacks with that arm. A zombie without a leg or a foot has a -5 ft. penalty to its speed. A zombie missing both legs or both feet can only move 10 ft. per round by crawling, suffering an additional -5 ft. penalty to its speed per missing arm. A zombie that has had its head removed is permanently destroyed. An opponent can make a called shot to a zombie’s head with a -4 penalty to the attack roll.

Advancement: —.

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