D&D 5E Dead in Thay Otyugh Random Encounter chart needed.


Rotten DM
Okay during the last 2 sessions of my Dead in Thay game, the group befriended and released the otyugh
family loose in the dungeon. The book states this will affect the dungeon state.
So I need some ideas of what the group may encounter when a family of 5 otyughs have been roaming the area. So far I have the following.
1.Room is empty but remains of the written encounter are here.
2. Same as 1 but dead otyugh body.
3. Family/Otyugh joins combat in 1 plus d3 rounds.

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
Is there anything in the dungeon that smells awful - a rotting carcass, some monster(s) that NEVER bathe? It's gone. The otyughs ate it; it registered as 'food'.
Is there anything so territorial that it would attack the otyughs as they roam? The PCs find its body down in the original otyugh lair, rotting until it tastes better.
If somebody maintains the dungeon and he finds the otyughs roaming loose, he may 'put them back where they belong' and put a better lock on the door.

Voidrunner's Codex

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