D&D 5E Death world R18


If I may or may not have been playing Fallout 4 a d have been thinking for a while in how to replicate a 5E game incorporating it.

Anyway I have thought of ignoring the HP whack a mole grind via two house rules.

1. If you're reduced to 0hp you gain an exhaustion level.

2. If you fail a save vs poison gain an exhaustion level.

Stirges, giant wasps and scorpions can be refluffed as blood bugs, stingwings, and rad scorpions perhaps adding a wasteland template to them along with hyenas.

The R18 part is anything in the game can happen in the campaign. It's basically a higher level of violence post apocalyptic.

And I'll be using energy drain a lot as well.


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If I may or may not have been playing Fallout 4 a d have been thinking for a while in how to replicate a 5E game incorporating it.

Anyway I have thought of ignoring the HP whack a mole grind via two house rules.

1. If you're reduced to 0hp you gain an exhaustion level.

2. If you fail a save vs poison gain an exhaustion level.

Stirges, giant wasps and scorpions can be refluffed as blood bugs, stingwings, and rad scorpions perhaps adding a wasteland template to them along with hyenas.

The R18 part is anything in the game can happen in the campaign. It's basically a higher level of violence post apocalyptic.

And I'll be using energy drain a lot as well.

We do this except option 2 about poison and a level of exhaustion.

Works awesome, but might I suggest including a thing we call Endurance. You can suffer levels of exhaustion equal to your CON mod for "free" before you feel any effects.

So, if you have CON 14 (+2), you can suffer 2 levels of exhaustion, but on the third you have disadvantage on ability checks.

I should note we do not use CON mod for increasing hit points, so endurance helps keep CON very useful.

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