D&D General Defining "New School" Play (+)

You accuse me of not getting the concept of no money, yet seem to not realize that paper to write things on... costs money.
I don't think your grasping the concept. You are stuck on "the only way to get anything is to buy it with money". Barter takes no money. You can also be given things. And you can find paper that has been thrown away and re use it.
You used "it's unique" then "well I didn't say unique" when suddenly it turns out minis aren't actually the hard way.
Using mins is the hard way, compared to the vague "the characters are where ever they are". There are plenty of games with rules that keeps things vague, so character are free to move about and act freely.
You didn't really pay attention to my original comment about episodic shows to realize that your comment is rather silly in that context. Also love how they are now "the worst of the worst".
Yes, TV shows that do the reset button are the worst of the worst. It still stands that Old School is often much more episodic and New School is often much more serialized.

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5E backgrounds just feel tacked on and underused.
And I like that the backgrounds in 5E are mostly there for RP purposes. I don't like the fact that people will now be picking them for their mechanical benefits.

Just to say it takes all kinds.

And I like that the backgrounds in 5E are mostly there for RP purposes. I don't like the fact that people will now be picking them for their mechanical benefits.

Just to say it takes all kinds.
Depending on how they work my first houserule might be "build your own background" and disconnect ability score modifiers from backgrounds. Waiting to see what the options are, of course.

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