D&D 5E (Deleted)

How many "pages" of House-rules/ Homebrew do you have for your game?

  • 1. None. We play strictly RAW/RAI and make judgement calls if the rules are ambiguous.

  • 2. 1 - 5 pages

  • 3. 6 - 10 pages

  • 4. 11 - 20 pages

  • 5. 21 - 30 pages

  • 6. 31 - 50 pages

  • 7. 51 - 75 pages

  • 8. 75 - 100 pages

  • 9. 101 pages or more!

Results are only viewable after voting.


I'd say we hew to RAW/RAI pretty closely. I can't think of any actual formal house rules. I'm, of course, not counting campaign rules that might be specific to that compaign - such as using Sanity rules for one campaign, or naval combat rules for another. That's not house rules to me.

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I follow the advice in the DMG - one or two pages at the most. I have enough house rules that could fill up more than two pages if I used them all at once, but I keep it to two pages worth or less for any given campaign.

Important to note though, when I say “house rules” here, I’m talking about rules changes that affect the players. I file DM-facing stuff like changing monster stats under homebrew, with which I’m much more cavalier.


Pages are entirely the wrong granularity. Just about any 5e game that used that to describe amount of house rules (vs. setting changes, which would be fine) would be a huge red flag for me not to join. Since the minimum non-zero is is 1 page "reasonably used/full" there is no poll entry I can truthfully answer.

My 5e house rules:
1. Inspiration is a reroll chosen after seeing the roll, not Advantage
2. Drinking a potion yourself is a bonus action.


EDIT: I enjoy a bunch of different game systems. 5e is my favorite D&D, but it's not my favorite D&D-like game. But 5e has the advantage of being everywhere. If I am going to play a game that's like 5e but different enough that I need to rememebr differences from the other games I'm in, I'd much rather have a clean break and just play a different game system.
Pretty much the same - the only rule I would add to this is I have players award each other inspiration.

Also agree with your edit.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I answered 101 pages or more.

Hard to answer because, I use third-party books, include Strongholds and Followers and Tome of Alchemy. That's only takes two lines to reference in my campaign guide, but is hundreds of pages of worth of extra crunch.

Very little of my "homebrew" is 100% created by me. Mostly I say we will use these rules instead of these other rules. My Downtime Activity table is four page, but is mostly saying which rules we will use from the PHP, DMG, Xanathar's and references Strongholds and Followers, etc.

In my first 5e campaign I said I would hew to the RAW as much as possible until we hit something that we didn't like, needed to clarify, or if we decided another way of handling something was more fun. When that came up we would choose the rule by consensus and give it a name, usually named after the player or player's character who was responsible for that rule being needed.

I'd say we hew to RAW/RAI pretty closely. I can't think of any actual formal house rules. I'm, of course, not counting campaign rules that might be specific to that compaign - such as using Sanity rules for one campaign, or naval combat rules for another. That's not house rules to me.
Choosing to use an optional rule from the official books should not be considered homebrewing, of course.


I actually compiled a 75-page Player's Guide nearly a year into my most recent campaign, which was updated and expanded into a 159-page version a few years later. However, the guide was mostly just a convenient place to list all the unofficial options available to players, with few actual changes from the official rules. Also, the players weren't expected to memorize anything in the Guide, it was just available for reference. The revised version especially was also just a fun bit of campaign memorabilia for everyone to have; I included setting information and a summary of the adventures thus far.

Also of note: I think the players actually used maybe 15% of the available options in the Guide, so I'm not sure I'd go to as much trouble in future campaigns.



Depends entirely on the campaign setting I'm using for it.
For my "Genericka" world, 2.5 pages.
For my "Greyhawk" campaign, about 10.
For my "Paeleen" world, about 60'ish? Maybe more.

Oh, and that's all created by me, not using any outside sources; because we don't use any of those 99% of the time except on a very specific case-by-case basis. PHB, DMG, MM...that's all the books we use...and we also don't use the OPTIONS that so many others use (re: Feats, MC'ing, Stat Array, etc).


Paul L. Ming


After running a campaign by the book (or by what I assume the book wants to say), I put together a list of modifications for the next campaign I am planning.

I thought my changes are quite extensive, but they are only a quarter page at the most.
  • Short rest is 1 night. Long rest is "a few days" in a town, castle, or other secured and hospitable place.
  • Exhaustion is reduced by 1 level every short rest instead of long rest.
  • Cantrips use level-0 spell slots equal to the number of known cantrips, which are fully recovered on a short rest.
  • All effects with a duration of 1 minute are extended to 10 minutes. All durations are either in "rounds" or in "turns" (10 minutes).
  • Characters can carry a number of items up to their Strength score while being unencumbered, twice their Strength score while being encumbered, and three times their Strength score while being heavily encumbered. Items count as an additional item for every full 10 pounds of weight. (A 25 pound items counts as 3 items; 1 base weight + 2 for 20+ pounds.)
  • Encounter XP are reduced to 10% their default value.
  • Milestone XP are awarded for returning from the wilderness with treasure. The XP amount is equal to the gp value of the treasure. (Expect 1/5 of total XP to be from encounters, and 4/5 from treasure.)
  • All PCs act on the same initiative count. Turns get resolved in order of players having decided what action they want to do.
  • Upkeep costs are used to cover common expenses.
  • Character races are limited to human, high elf, half-elf, goliath, and tabaxi.
  • Character classes are limited to barbarian, bard, druid, fighter, monk, rogue, and warlock.
  • Only PHB class specializations, excluding moon druid, eldritch knight, shadow monk, four elements monk, and arcane trickster.
  • Lockpicking and disarming traps takes is 1 turn (~10 minutes) by default. Thief's Fast Hands ability allows doing it as a main action with disadvantage.
  • Reduced weapons and armor lists to reflect the technology of the setting.

  • Food and water will be tracked.
  • Ammunition and light sources will be tracked.
  • Wandering Monster checks are made in the wilderness four times per day. Three during the day and one during the night. By default, the chance is 1 in 6. Players make the roll. (That means on average 2 encounters for every 3 days.)
  • Wandering Monster encounters make a 2d6 reaction roll:
    • 2: attack at first opportunity
    • 3-5: threaten the party to leave their turf
    • 6-8: observe the party, repeat roll with advantage or disadvantage depending on the party's behavior
    • 9-11: retreat from confrontation, but might talk if able to speak
    • 12: friendly, offering aid and cooperation
  • Morale Wisdom save are always made for opponents and hired mercenaries when applicable.
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