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Detroit Gameday II: Dec 4th AFTERMATH!!!

Well, now that we've got a date (Dec 4th) and a venue (Pandemonium Games in Garden City) then we're set to begin planning! Like last time, I imagine we'll start at 10:00 AM when the store opens and run two sessions of five or so hours each, with a break for lunch somewhere in the middle; around 2:30 or 3:00 PM. That would have us finishing by 9:30 PM or so, roughly.

Morning Slot: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

  1. "Southern Exposure"
    DM: Joshua Dyal
    System: d20 Call of Cthulhu
    Setting: Dark•Matter/Delta Green hybrid, modern day
    Summary: A multinational crew of scientists working on core samples from the Vostok Research Station in Antarctica has failed to report in for several days. The Hoffman Institute, for whom you work, wants this investigated quietly, and you're the team they've hastily assembled to do so. We'll be generating characters at the beginning of the game (it's pretty quick and painless in this system) no prior knowledge required. For what it's worth, Monte Cook, co-author of both d20 Call of Cthulhu and Dark•Matter believes this is the perfect system for a d20 conversion of this setting. Should be fun to see how well it works out. And for those of you who are familiar with neither the setting nor the rules; think X-files, with a simple system that's easy to pick up and play in just a few minutes.
    1. Tauric
    2. ScyldSceafing
    3. Wyn A'rienh
    4. Cyri'kazzen the Drow
    5. binkus
    6. reanjr
    This game is now full

  2. "Steading of the Hill Giant Chief"
    DM: qstor
    System: D&D 3.5
    1. Captain Howdy
    2. thalmin
    3. Dernit
    4. Tyrwyth
    5. Thoraxe Stormbringer
    6. mudpyr8
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  3. "Bloodlines (from Dungeon)"
    DM: Stockdale
    System: D&D 3.5
    Summary:Four players -7th level. Players create their own characters using 26 point buy (25 plus the extra one for fourth level). Players can use any race, class, feat, spell, whatever. during character creation, gold is limited to that found for 7th level NPCs in the DMG. Buy whatever you can afford. Send me characters at jjstockdale@hotmail.com <mailto:jjstockdale@hotmail.com>. If you choose to use non-PBH material, send me a source reference and a brief description of the benefits.

    The road can be long and weary, but today it is not. You hear the hooves beating, the shouts of men and the rattle of tack. You turn around to see a carriage, which bears the symbol of a charging boar, careen through the fork in the road you passed some minutes ago. It's moving too fast for the turn and tips, spilling several armored men to ground. Amidst the confusion of the accident and the horses trying to rise, two dark figures lope into the street and descend upon the dazed men. Their screams are renewed and, even from you distance, you can see that the newcomers intend to eat the carriages' occupants.
    1. Quickbeam
    2. Remathilis
    3. Campbell
    4. broghammerj

  1. LazarusLong42
  2. KnowTheToe

Afternoon Slot: 3:30 PM-9:30 PM

  1. "In Search of the Unknown"
    DM: Remathilis
    System: Rules Cyclopedia (Basic D&D)
    Setting: Eberron
    Summary: Walk-ins welcome. No Sign-up necessary.
    Levels: 2nd level
    Characters: Pre-Gens (8 choices)

  2. "Many Happy Returns"
    DM: Quickbeam
    System: d20 Modern
    Setting: Shadow Chasers, with a hint of Urban Arcana
    Characters: Pregens will be posted ahead of time for player selection
    Summary: Your team's recent accomplishments have drawn recognition and praise from the powers that be within Department-7. However, the reward for this increased attention is a new assignment which is darker and more dangerous than anything your training ever anticipated. A spree of ritualisitc murders is underway, and in its wake lies a litter of bodies missing various limbs and organs. Whatsmore, the city museum is ready to open its most noteworthy exhibit in decades, but strange events and anonymous warnings surround the entire affair. Can our heroes uncover the insidious truth in time to save the day?
    1. shadowlight
    2. Joshua Dyal
    3. Campbell
    4. broghammerj
    5. reanjr
    6. Fatman
    This game is now full

  3. "Capture the Flag Mage"
    DM: LazarusLong42
    System: D&D 3.5 Core
    Summary: Some call him the Mad Mage; some call him the Laughing Goblin. Whatever you may call him, he is certifiable, and rather nasty. Your mysterious benefactor wants him alive, and in fact will take the cost of raising him out of your reward if you bring him a body without a soul. Why does he want the mage alive? Who is this employer, anyway? But more importantly, will you survive the mage's lair?

    A 14th level adventure for 4-6. I'll bring 6-8 pregens, or if you have a balanced 14th-level-ish character you'd like to use, bring it along and I'll give it a once-over at the break.

    1. Kender42
    2. binkus
    3. Cyri'kazzen the Drow
    4. Thoraxe Stormbringer
    5. Tyrwyth
    6. runecaster
    This game is now full

  4. "Hard Rain"
    DM: mudpyr8
    System: Hero Sidekick
    Summary: The map promised glorious treasure, but revealed a hole in the ground.To top it off your return journey is punctuated by horrendous rain. Slogging for days you finally make it, only to find the town is a bit more... wet than usual.
    Link: http://www.narosia.com/forums/showthread.php?t=640
    1. qstor

  1. ScyldSceafing
  2. Wyn A'rienh
  3. thalmin
  4. Captain Howdy
  5. KnowTheToe
  6. Tauric
  7. Dernit
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First Post
Sign me up for coming, but I don't know if I'll run something or if I'll just play.

Also, I'd recommend a section at the bottom each time slot (in the initial post) that shows who's coming but undecided on a game...


I'll DM in the afternoon, and play something in the morning.

I'm tempted to go CLASSIC Cyclopedia D&D, maybe a good B# module. Who knows?


I'll DM in the afternoon, and play something in the morning.

I'm tempted to go CLASSIC Cyclopedia D&D, maybe a good B# module. Who knows?


I should be able to attend, and will likely play in the morning and run a game in the afternoon -- same as last time. Right now I'm leaning towards a d20 Modern game, but may revert to CoC because it's so fun!!

If you want to run d20 Modern, I'll step up and run Cthulhu. I think a Cthulhu game at a Gameday is a must, and I've got a scenario brewing in the back of my mind anyway.

EDIT: Come to think of it, Monte Cook recommended using the CoC ruleset for d20 Dark•Matter, and as co-author of both books, he oughtta know! I could totally dig running a Dark•Matter game using the d20 CoC ruleset...
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I went ahead and added the games under discussion, even though their very TBD and provisional at this stage. I can keep that first post updated, though, as the ideas mature.

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