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di Senzio's Tournement: Arena - Tribune [El Jefe judging]


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The fire beetle doesn't seems to be able to find the badger, too quick and evading the large vermin. But that time, the shell of the beetle doesn,t seem to take a single scratch from the ferocious badger. The gnome cast another spell, supporting his little creature.

[SBLOCK=Spellcraft DC:15]He just has cast guidance on the badger.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=OOC]Invisible castle is good with you, you didn't failed a single spellcraft roll... :p And you are still alive.[/SBLOCK]

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The beetle gives a god slam that connect on teh little creature. Everyone around the circle seems to hold there breath a moment, but the badger doesn't dissapear. not only that, the small creature enter a fury. The gnome smiles with an approving node. The small creature jump on the beetle and bite and scratch but doesn't seems to pass the shell, but the last claw pierce deeply and the fire beetle dissapear under the badger who dissapear just a moment after. A few contestants around to look at Manister, who raise his flag in direction of Grindot.

"Grindot win by a kill."

"The badger had an advantage on the fire beetle... as long as the beetle doesn't get a solid first blow... nice combat, maybe next tournement."

During that time, a combat continue on the other field. A wizard had summon a monkey against a dog. Everyone was thinking the monkey would quickly lose against such an opponent, but the monkey had a solid slash on the dog nose before his wizard cast a spell on it... since that time, the dog hasn't been able to get near the dog. A moment later, both creature dissapear at the same time. Warren had to declare the monkey, and the elf who summon it, winner.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Badger did 3 points of damage, enough to kill the beetle who had 2 hp left... a raging badger can be dangerous, you needed to kill it in one shot, but 5 damage wasn't enough, so you just enrage it.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Velmont said:
[SBLOCK=OOC]Badger did 3 points of damage, enough to kill the beetle who had 2 hp left... a raging badger can be dangerous, you needed to kill it in one shot, but 5 damage wasn't enough, so you just enrage it.[/SBLOCK]

[sblock=OOC]Yep, I was hoping for a better than average roll on damage, but got exactly average instead. Ah well.[/sblock]


First Post
Jik'tu starts screaming for his servant again...


Get here wif dat beers!

You gots be lay-Z-ust servents evver!

Run liddle boy!


B - How long in game time will it take for Cepheus to make that Plate armor with the help of Jik'tu and Quozen. The beauty of the craft point system is it abstracts the process totally so it actually takes no time what so ever if I am correct. It takes no rolls unless you are trying for masterwork full plate right? I think that would be really cool but can you do it without wasting a bunch of our precious little cash? If not then regular will be fine. Didn't you already roll for something though or was that your studded leather? NO biggie just trying to get an idea of when and what you were making.

IV - If I actually touch on some real life nerve please let me know ok? I don't want to ruin your fun of the game. I promise evil or no I won't beat Q nor make him do anything that will cost him his life or whatever. I was thinking, however, because of my evilness of putting you in some position to have to choose between following your word, ( the bet to me) and your honor ( the bet again) and doing the right thing. Say maybe stealing or harassing innocents or even attacking the lord guy during our adventure* using subterfuge, lieing, cheating or some other things against your alignment.

However, if you do not want to explore any of that type stuff in character then feel free to let me know. Even if it would be "in character" for me I will find some other and more minor ways to have fun with your servitude. Please feel totally free to tell me what you are comfortable with and let me know via my e-mail link to this account, PM (if you are a CS) or even just posting in the game. If you want it private just use the other methods. I will be cool with your wishes. This is to be fun for us all as I see the mission of LEW and playing in it. I. E. Jik'tu is evil and should by all rights just use Cepheus and Quozen and try to kill them when their HP are low and keep it all (spoils that is) but hell it is a game and its more fun for us to play together for a long time. Besides evil is not (even in Jik'tu's 6INT mind) totally stupid. Even evil people need friends, partners and compatriots. Remember also Jik'tu not being all that smart, he is very manipulatable by Cepheus etc.

* I make the assumption here that you would like to participate in the adventure that Velmont is making for us in response to our bets with the "lord". I think it would be a chance to get your PC in an adventure and get some XP and such. However, as I am willing to respect your boundaries with "Q" I wish to be able to play my guy as evil with the capitol "E" and if your participation in the adventure in good conscience would result in me having to tone my "e" down totally to fit your designs on the character you have made then we can work out something else I think with Velmont.

Heck it might even be an interesting twist for your guy to transition and hook up with C and Jik'tu. Not evil per se (pr at first) but N. Cepheus is N now and I dunno if he will go pure evil. Also I might have to go CN just to make my dusting off of evil for the LEW community and it cooperative nature.

I see you have a great RP mind. BIG B and I are getting into some good RP interactions and suppose it will only get better with time. It'd be fun I think.

I welcome playing with you and think you are a good sport but everyone has a limit so let me know what that is.

Also, just some insight into the mind of Jik'tu with regards to "Q" he respects people who are not afraid of him right away and he respects "Q's" even showing up to honor the bet. That will just grow over time - Jik'tu is stupid and likes to yell and be a bully but he is CE so he may or may not respond somehow if you are outright disrespectful or you don't honor your commitment, But unless you agree he will not PVP you. We can go fisticuffs grapples or something like that to settle the issues if they arise. If you win he will respect you for life. (I personally will respect your wishes; I am sure that after playing D&D since 1978, I can come up with a reason IC for whatever you want to do or not do.0

However, as an orc he expects that might is right and since he is big he picks little friends to he can be "in charge" but hell, Cepheus is running the show really but Jik'tu just doesn't know it. Cepheus make him feel like it so he is cool with that. He is dumb but wise and intuitive enough to know that he is dumb and needs some people with brains to help him make his way in the human world. If and when he returns to orc territory he will take over his tribe and likely win out of sheer size but that is the way of orcs.

OK its late I'm rambling..

Both of y'all are cool and I am enjoying our little sub-plots...

B- let me know whats up with money and such you can always take more of Jik'tu's gold to make the equipment - he can't count past 20.



Velmont said:
-=-=-= Outside the Arena =-=-=-

The bartender fills the waterskin with some ale and then take out two bottles. He open both bottle. "Smell 'hem. Tell me which yah want" He leaves for his back room a moment while Quozen smells both drink. In a brown bottle there a strong spicey drink. In a clear bottle, the monk see a liquid just as clear as water and smells almost nothing. The bartender come back with a garland made of dried sausage. "How many yah want?". As he see the monk with the clear liquid in his hand. "Don't yah be fool. Tha' one is stronger than th'other. Came from the Costanzo Islands."

Quozen laughs inside. It would be easy enough to charge the drink with something strong and colorless, and would he notice? Or care? Still, Jik'tu may be harsh, but he hasn't mistreated him yet. Best to play it safe. Or would Jik'tu care?

Nah, strong and spicy is how he'd like his ale. "I'll take the spicy drink. The sun is still too high for the islands drink. That will come later." He looks over the dried sausages. "I'll take six links, then. How much?"

Quozen pays for his food and heads back out for the arena, noting the name of the place for later.

[sblock=OOC: DerHauptmann]Hey, no worries. I'm having a blast. The way I see it, this is instant guaranteed RP for a length of time in a nonstandard situation. I'm curious too how a LG monk with a CE orc master get along. I'm doing fine, thanks for checking! And I'd definitely like to be involved in the other adventure with the noble, too.[/sblock]
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First Post
Nothing like a good battle to build up your thirst, even if it is a bug and a badger. Where is Quozen anyway? Did he have to grow the grain to make the ale? Cepheus is enjoying watching Jik'tu and Quozen and is trying to heat things up a little for a laugh.

[sblock=DerHauptman ooc] I rolled for the MW leather but did not post yet. It took a few roles to get it but it came out cheaper than buying. The cost of full plate if I miss a role would be a different matter. If you dont need MW it would be a much easier matter although as a matter of pride Cepheus may want to. In LEW it will take no time to make, I just wanted an IC reason to not be at the duel. I have another character in the duel and cannot have two at the same thread at once. Full Plate will be 500gp for Cepheus to craft for you so I may have to wait till we get paid by the Lord guy. Maybe I can work something out for a short term loan or a 5 finger discount - although that is not Cepheus specialty it would help him to move toward N.

Cepheus is enjoying having Jik'tu around. How many Gnomes have an Orc that is willing to squash anyone for no reason as a friend? It definately helps him have a little more courage than normal when dealing with taller races.[/sblock]


First Post
"Fifteen silver" tells the barman. He grabs the waterskin and put some of the liquor in the waterskin. "Here it is. Fine with yah?"

[SBLOCK=OOC]Armor: The craft point system is a way to tells that your character, in there free time, are not only looking at the roof (or the sky). He is doing something more productive and having idea of what he would need, he is working on crafting something. It is how I see it. You can prepare like that anything that you can build with a take 10.

Now, Cepheus and Jik'tu meet each other less than two weeks ago, so Cepehus couldn't plan since that long for Jik'tu armor. A masterwork full plate mail made by a guy that have +10 and he is taking 10, it take 40 weeks... There is an option to raise the DC to speed up the time, so if Cepheus is helped by two guys, it would take 28 weeks...

That huge and thanks to the craft point system, you won't have to spend that much time to build one, but I must tell that I won't allow a full plate mail to be build in a one day of work, so Cepheus won't have the chance to create during the duel contest.

But let me gives you a hint. You need to take 10, so Cepheus only need to have acces to +10. With masterwork tools (55gp and +2 to craft skill) and one point at next level (which should be soon), Cepheus should have enough to take 10. With that, Cepheus would surely finish teh armor after the adventure I am planning for your small group.

Evil - I must tell that having an evil character around isn't a problem with me. Evil (as I see it) are just people that the end justify the mean, someone more egoist than most. So Jit'ku can easily make friends, as with ally you can do a lot more than alone. He can treat Quozen well enough as he knows making enemy out of everyone would only make his life end prematurely. But if he is given on a silver plate what he seek most, that he knows he can get away with it at the condition of sacrificing one of his friend, he might find it pretty interesting... It's up to the master to offer the silver plate if he want to ;) Sure, there is some extrem character that liek to do rampage, killing a whole town for pleasure, but I doubt we will see a PC like that around, as he would be short live.

Roleplay - I must tell I find it pretty much fun just to see the roleplay between you three. I've enver thought to see a CE Orc cleric of Taurusk with a LG elven monk (CE vs. LG and Orc vs. Elf... that's too much :p ). Keep the good work.[/SBLOCK]


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[sblock= ooc Velmont] Would Cepheus be able to make MW studded Leather for himself in that day of the duel?[/sblock]


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[SBLOCK=OOC]I can concieve Cepheus have been thinking about it for a long time and have been working on that armor since before he left to escort Selera, so yes, that is reasonnable and you,ll be able to do it. but I think, to be able to craft something, you need to take 10, so you,ll need to put 3 skills point in your armorsmith skill, or 1 point and buy masterwork tools. Or you can roll and risk waste gold (and I would also rule you didn't had the time to finish it.)[/SBLOCK]

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