• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

di Senzio's Tournement: Arena - Tribune [El Jefe judging]


First Post
[SBLOCK=Deos]-=-=-= Room 4 - Round 30 =-=-=-
Deos walks down the corridor. It turn on his left. It is a deadend. Deos approach the wall to inspect it and he jumps as he hears a door closing behind him. He is stuck for a few seconds before the wall he wanted to inspect open by itself. He sees himself standing in the first room.
       _________ __________
      |         |          |
      |         |          |
      |         |          |
      #         I          |
      |         |          |
      |    C    |______¤¤__|
      |         |          |
      |         |          |
 _____|         |          |
| #   #         |          |
| |___|         |          |
| |   |_________|___o___#__|
| |    ___o_____________#__
| |   |                    | 
| |   |                    | 
| |   |                    | 
| |   m                    | 
| |   |                    | 
| |___|                    | 
|__#_#D                    | 
      |                    | 
      |                    | 
      |                    | 
      |                    | 

| and _ are walls

o	is an hole

#       are doors

m       is the magpie hole

¤¤      is the flat stone

I	is the illusion door

C	is the chess game

D 	is Deos
[/SBLOCK][SBLOCK=OOC]Essentieally, you already lost 3 round on that door and you are back to the beginning...[/SBLOCK][/SBLOCK]
[SBLOCK=Octavio]-=-=-= Room 4 - Round 40 =-=-=-
Octavio speak aloud and nothing happen, so he closes his eyes and walk forward. One step, two steps, three steps. He stop and open his eyes, knowing he should have hit the wall. He looks back and see that the door was a simple illusion.

Octavio take a time to obeserve the new room in which he stands. The room is 10 feet by 20 feet. This time, there is two doors in the room that could allow to continue further. Both door seems to be made of a sturdy and heavy wood. Both doors have locks. Next to him is a chess game and two bags that is on a small table. In each bags there is a key. One bag is white, the other is black, and both key are similars. He also see a small inscription on the table that tells 'A good king always listen to his subjects'.

[SBLOCK=Chess Game]
   ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
1 |    | [COLOR=White]P[/COLOR]  |    |    | [COLOR=DimGray]Q[/COLOR]  |    |    |    |
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
2 | [COLOR=White]P[/COLOR]  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
3 |    |    |    | [COLOR=White]P[/COLOR]  |    |    |    |    |
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
4 |    | [COLOR=White]P[/COLOR]  |    |    |    |    |    |    |
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
5 | [COLOR=White]P[/COLOR]  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
6 |    |    | [COLOR=DimGray]T[/COLOR]  | [COLOR=DimGray]C[/COLOR]  |    |    | [COLOR=White]P[/COLOR]  |    |
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
7 |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | [COLOR=DimGray]T[/COLOR]  |
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
8 |    |    |    | [COLOR=White]K[/COLOR]  |    |    |    |    |
    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H

P = Pawn
T = Tower
C = Cavalier
Q = Queen
K = King

[SBLOCK=OOC]I knew you had some background in theatre, and I was surprise you didn't find it. It's not like it is so uncommon expression.[/SBLOCK][/SBLOCK]
[SBLOCK=Semabin]-=-=-= Room 2 - Round 9 =-=-=-
Semabin touch the flat stone. It is a nicely made stone. It seems smooth and cold. Semabin doesn't feel anything unsual, except teh perfection of the stone. All trace of teh chalk seems to have dissapeared.[/SBLOCK]

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First Post
[sblock=Velmont]Deos shrugs and heads back to the chess room. Once there, he decides to stop and think.

OOC: After Deos gets back to the chess room, he'll go for a clue.


First Post
[sblock=Velmont]"Hmmm...a game of chess in progress."
"In endgame," Octavio corrects himself.

"The white king has no where to go, but he is not threatened. His pawns cannot help him. Black will mate him in one move. This game is over."

"Except that this fellow in the last rank should have been upgraded to a queen, yet he hasn't. And black's king is missing, so technically black has already lost. There is more to this than a simple game of chess."

"'A good king listens to his subjects.' White has the only king, and the pawns would be his subjects. That's why you haven't been upgraded, boyo, you and your fellows have something to tell me."

"Now, these letters for the columns, maybe you're spelling out something for me? Let's see, G-A-B-D-A-B. Gabdab? That's rubbish. Maybe the other way. Yes, that lines up with the numbers nicely. B-A-D-B-A-G. Badbag? Ah, 'Bad Bag.' That's it, then."

"Now, then, which one of you two has been naughty, hey?" Octavio addresses the bags.

"Well, if one has studied ones melodrama - and I have - one would know that good and evil are color coordinated for ease in identification. The hero wears white, the villian - black. Ergo I choose you," Octavio says as he picks up the black bag.

Octavio takes the bag to the rightmost door. He'll remove the key from the bag and attempt to unlock it.

[sblock=ooc]I even saw Merchant on Broadway with Dustin Hoffman as Shylock. I'll be kicking myself for missing that one for a while. :( [/sblock][/sblock]

Knight Otu

First Post
[sblock=Velmont]"Huh." Semabin had somewhat expected the block to turn out illusionary, and pushes against it for a bit to make sure.[/sblock]


First Post
[SBLOCK=Deos]-=-=-= Room 4 - Round 35 =-=-=-
Does make his way back to the chess game. He still have the key of teh white bag in the hand. He looks again at the chess game. A white bag and a black bag. White pieces and black pieces... there must be a relation as it has guess, but what? He has seen many of these boards. But now he thinks about it, he never has seen the letters and numbers next to a board, except on some parchemin, to descibe a game. So why putting it there? There had been little things usless in that maze, so why bother to put the column and row names...
[SBLOCk=OOC]You lose three round to come back to the chess game and only 2 on the clue.[/SBLOCK][/SBLOCK]
[SBLOCK=Octavio]-=-=-= Room 4 - Round 41 =-=-=-
Octavio takes the key in the black bag and walk to the right door. He put teh key in it and it slide perfectly in it. He hears the door unlocking. As he open he see a small hall with another door ten feet farther.[/SBLOCK]
[SBLOCK=Semabin]-=-=-= Room 2 - Round 10 =-=-=-
As far as Semabin can tell, the block is quite real. He saw the line on teh block a moment and then dissapeared the moment after. And his chalk is really missing the part that have been use to draw the line.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
[SBLOCK=Octavio]-=-=-= Room 5 - Round 42 =-=-=-
Octavio walks foward and open the door in front of him. He sees another room with five doors. Above the three centermost doors is a gargoyle's head. Except for these decorations, the room is empty. As Octavio makes a step in the room, the center head starts to speak.

"One maze, one exit.
Five doors, two guardians.
One lie, one speak truth.
Only one question, only one answer."

As it finish to speak, it dissapears into the wall leaving only two gargoyles head and five door to choose. Each door have for only disctinction, a small gem in the center: A ruby, a topaz, an emerald, a diamond and a saphire.[/SBLOCK]
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Knight Otu

First Post
[sblock=Velmont]Semabin keeps pushing for a few moments just to make entirely sure the vanishing chalk wasn't quite the hint he thought it was.[/sblock]


First Post
[SBLOCK=Semabin]-=-=-= Room 2 - Round 10 =-=-=-
After pushing the block, Semabin is quite sure it is real and it won't move like that. It seems heavy and pretty much stuck there.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
[sblock=Velmont]Deos ponders for a bit. "Let's see. Overthinking the puzzle was my problem in the previous rooms, and underthinking is my problem with this room. The pieces are laid out in a specific manner, one not meant to indicate a game in progress, or the pawn in the final rank would have been advanced. Since white is the only one with a King on the board, I assume that the clue refers to the white pieces. The pawns, being the 'subjects' must hold the answer. Let's see, they are placed at B1, A2, D3, B4, A5, G6." He furrows his brow for a moment, then looks back at the board. "B.A.D.B.A.G. Right, next puzzle I'll examine every possibility before I just jump at a solution." Deos sighs, and removes the key from the black bag. "Random chance, then a puzzle I still haven't figured out, then a powerful illusion, followed by a chess puzzle. I wonder what will be next?"

Deos goes over to the other door and uses the key from the black bag to open it.

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