Dinosaurs Index


Monster Junkie
Like the Real World Animals and Dire Animals Indices, this will hopefully help folks find all the dinosaurs they might be seeking.

If you know of any I'm missing, let me know.

Official Sources:

Allosaurus (MM2)
Ankylosaurus (MM2)
Archelon (Stormwrack)
Battletitan (MM3)
Bloodstriker (MM3)
Cave Triceratops (Miniatures Handbook)
Cave Tyrannosaurus (Miniatures Handbook)
Cave Ankylosaurus (Miniatures Handbook)
Ceratosaur (Serpent Kingdoms)
Clawfoot (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Compsognathus (Dragon #318)
Cryptocliudus (MM2)
Deinonychus (MM)
Dimetrodon (Dragon #318)
Diplodocus (Dragon #318)
Diprotodon (Sandstorm)
Elasmosaurus (MM)
Fastieth (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Fleshraker (MM3)
Giganotosaurus (Dragon #318)
Glidewing (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Helicoprion (Dragon #318)
Ichthyosaur (Stormwrack)
Liopleurodon (Dragon #318)
Megaraptor (MM)
Mosasaur (Stormwrack)
Needletooth Swarm (MM3)[Swarm of Dinos]
Pachycephalosaurus (Dragon #318)
Parasaurolophus (Dragon #318)
Plesiosaur (Stormwrack)
Prismasaurus (ELH)[Note: Magical Beast, not Animal]
Protoceratops (Sandstorm)
Pteranodon (Dragon #318)
Pteranadon (Serpent Kingdoms)
Quetzalcoatus (MM2)
Rhamphorhynchus (Dragon #318)
Seismosaurus (MM2)
Spinosaurus (MM2)
Stegosaurus (Dragon #318)
Stegosaurus (Serpent Kingdoms)
Swindlespitter (MM3)
Triceratops (MM)
Troodon (Dragon #318)
Tyrannosaurus (MM)

Unofficial Sources:

Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus)
Anatotitan (Trachodon)

Suggested Variants of Existing Dinosaurs

(=) meaning "close enough" to use the same stats, not that they are necessarily identical.

Albertosaurus = Gorgosaurus, but replace Improved Critical with Improved Natural Attack (bite)

Allosaurus = Sinraptor, Yangchuanosaurus, Torvosaurus.

Allosaurus + 3 HD advancement = Edmarka, Acrocanthosaurus

Allosaurus + 5 HD advancement = Giganotosaurus (if you don't have the Dragon Mag stats available), Carcharodontosaurus, Epanterias, Saurophaganax

Daspletosaurus = Tyrannosaurus

Tarbosaurus = Tyrannosaurus
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Monster Junkie
Added section for quick conversions of species that are very similar to other species. Thanks to Filby for the information I've got so far.

Good work! Very helpful!

Sadly, I'm not going to leave it at that; I have a few comments. First of all, that palegreen color is impossible to see in Stealth mode unless I highlight it. Keep in mind; not everyone uses the default color scheme! And,
Shade said:
Tarbosaurus = Tyrannosaurus (scientists now consider it to be a species of Tyrannosaurus. Tyrannosaurus bataar as opposed to North America's Tyrannosaurus rex)
To be nitpicky, some scientists consider that to be true, but not all of them, and not even a majority of those who specialize in Therapods. However, it is true that the animals were similar enough that you could easily swap out stats of one for the other, with the exception that Tarbosaurus bataar would be a smidge smaller than Tyrannosaurus rex. You could do the same thing and get instant Daspletosaurus torosus for that matter, although why you would want to differentiate between all of those is beyond me, unless you're trying to recreate a more rigorous faunal assemblage, and you want to keep your Lancian, your Edmontonian and your Nemegt faunas distinct.

I'm also not sure that there's much value in having so many distinct stats for so many similar animals (speaking of the official stats here, not the work you've done.) Why did they need to write up a Giganotosaurus when you could just increase the HD a little bit from Allosaurus? You could do the same thing to get other very closely related animals like Carcharodontosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Saurophaganax or Epanterias as well. You could also swap out Allosaurus stats as is reasonably well enough for Torvosaurus, Yangchuanosaurus, Sinraptor or even Edmarka, although unless your group is full of dinosaur nuts, I don't know that it would be meaningful for them to do that.

But if you did care, I'd recommend something like this: Allosaurus = Sinraptor, Yangchuanosaurus, Torvosaurus.

Allosaurus + 3 HD advancement = Edmarka, Acrocanthosaurus

Allosaurus + 5 HD advancement = Giganotosaurus (if you don't have the Dragon Mag stats available), Carcharodontosaurus, Epanterias, Saurophaganax
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Monster Junkie

I've restored the color to forum standards. I hand't considered stealth mode.

I'm no dino expert, so I'll just leave it as Tarbosaurus = Tyrannosaurus and Daspletosaurus = Tyrannosaurus to keep it simple, just in case someone does care. :)

Shade said:
Wow...those are fantastic!

Thanks for sharing. :cool:
No problem; happy to oblige. Check out the edit to my first post; I put some more suggestions in for how to swap out existing stats to cover more dinosaurs if you're inclined to do that kind of thing.


Monster Junkie
Great, I'll add those suggestions to the main post. Someone might want to use them to mix things up a bit.

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