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Argyle King

I've often heard mention of Discworld. I'm aware it's a books series written by Terry Pratchett. Unfortunately, I have not yet read them, but, based on what I'm told of them, I would probably highly enjoy them. Many people I know speak highly of them.

After hearing about a new version of the Discworld rpg (Daily Illuminator: Mr Kromm, Him Busy) my interest was sparked again. Though, I've never played the old version nor read the books, so I am unsure what to expect.

That's where I turn to the community here. Are you familiar with Discworld? How about the Discworld rpg? What are your thoughts on the rpg?

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First Post
Uh yeah, mark me down for repeated disappointment, that it's a freakin' GURPS supplement. Again. :(

Of all the systems they could choose from... they choose that?! I mean, really? Because Discworld just screams GURPS when you read it. For sure. Ugh...

Honestly, the best thing that could be done for most licensed games, is to come up with a system specifically for each license. Failing that, finding the best match would be at least not the worst thing you could do to it.

But finding one of the worst possible matches? Gosh. Well, I guess SJ Games paid for it or something. Probably nothing to do with the IP owners. Eh. That's the way it goes sometimes.

Argyle King

Uh yeah, mark me down for repeated disappointment, that it's a freakin' GURPS supplement. Again. :(

Of all the systems they could choose from... they choose that?! I mean, really? Because Discworld just screams GURPS when you read it. For sure. Ugh...

Honestly, the best thing that could be done for most licensed games, is to come up with a system specifically for each license. Failing that, finding the best match would be at least not the worst thing you could do to it.

But finding one of the worst possible matches? Gosh. Well, I guess SJ Games paid for it or something. Probably nothing to do with the IP owners. Eh. That's the way it goes sometimes.

For me, I wasn't very familiar with the books. What drew my attention was the fact that SJ Games was producing it. I find the vast majority of their products to be high quality; some of the GURPS books were some of what I feel were the most informative rpg books I've read on their respective subjects. As such, when I saw they had taken the time to do a licensed work, it was my assumption that they (SJG) felt it was worthy of the effort they put into their other books.

Also, I'm of the impression that the author (Pratchett) himself was involved with creating the GURPS material. Wikipedia says,"Pratchett co-authored with Phil Masters two role-playing game supplements for Discworld, utilising the GURPS system: ..." If the guy who wrote the books felt it was a good fit, I'm inclined to give his opinion some weight.
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First Post
Also, I'm of the impression that the author (Pratchett) himself was involved with creating the GURPS material. Wikipedia says,"Pratchett co-authored with Phil Masters two role-playing game supplements for Discworld, utilising the GURPS system: ..." If the guy who wrote the books felt it was a good fit, I'm inclined to give his opinion some weight.
You might be right to assume that in the first place. Or, you might not be. If so, I would disagree (yes, I know he's the writer; even so). And if not...

In fact, I'll assume for now (i.e., unless someone can provide evidence that Pratchett specifically wanted to use GURPS) that what happened is, SJG approached Pratchett (or whoever owns the IP) about the possibility of doing a RPG based on his books; he/they agreed; he then did indeed contribute to the RPG books, most likely to ensure that - as far as it was possible - the details, flavour, etc., were close enough, and the whole thing seemed OK-ish.

And yeah, unless he actually plays RPGs, and in particular GURPS, I'm not convinced that he would have much of a clue about its appropriateness (or otherwise) for his setting.

If you actually asked those readers of his stories who happened to know about a few different RPGs (or even types of RPG), which one would be best suited to them? I very much doubt you would ever hear a reply of "GURPS". Well, unless someone was answering based on the fact that a GURPS supplement already exists, and therefore, by default, that's "the right one". Or unless they were just one of those hardcore fans of one specific system, no matter what, who believed, in this case, "GURPS ftw!" - naturally.

Argyle King

@ Aus_Snow

I haven't read the books, so I can't say. Most of what I said in my previous post was based upon the quality of the other GURPS books I own. I've been very happy with the game so far. I'll probably end up reading Discworld to catch myself up to speed on what to expect from the game.

Being that I am currently unfamiliar with the source material, and that I am also unfamiliar with the previous edition of the game, I started this thread to get opinions about both which are more informed than mine.

I appreciate the input and opinion provided. It's an opinion I'll consider along with the others.


GURPS supplements tend to be full of great information and detail. This makes them a valuable research source, especially for running an RPG.

GURPS as an RPG is ... so-so. It aims for "realism" and "universality". (For a number of reasons [that are not germane] I consider both of those to be absolute failures of RPG design, and often point to playing GURPS as an example.) It comes as close as any RPG can to those goals; however, Discworld is not a realistic setting. Further, it is a setting with many quirky and unique elements.
Both of those features make it a poor conceptual match.

My advice is to choose a different RPG system, one that you know and enjoy, and use the GURPS: Discworld book to help you create the necessary setting rules to play Discworld in your chosen game system. I have found, over the years, that this is the most generally successful way to run any setting I am interested in.


Staff member
1) GURPS is not a system I enjoy all that much, and I'm guessing that, unles they dialed it down a bit, its a bit too gritty for Discworld. That said, GURPS supplements tend to be extremely well researched and drafted, so it may be useful to pick up just on general principles and converting it to the system of your choice.

2) The novels are generally pretty funny. My first was Small Gods, and I've been a junkie ever since. Even the lesser ones are better than most comedic fantasy. TP has a gift for getting the "voices" and personalities of his characters just right. Standouts include Carrot (the human raised as a Dwarf), Sam Vimes (head of The Watch)*, Corp. Nobby Nobbs, Rincewind (and honestly, most of the Wizards) and of course The Patrician (the ultimate machiavellian/benevolent dictator). I could go on.

I even read Pratchett's & Gaiman's co-authored Good Omens which is an utter laugher!

* If there is ever a Discworld movie, I'd hope it would be soon enough for Bruce Campbell to play the role.


First Post
Talking about the city watch I heard a rumor that they are doing a city watch tv show for the BBC. I know they've done other adaptations but they are...interesting.

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