Disney to reboot X-Files (Disney owns an insane amount of Fantasy/Sci Fi IP)

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Maybe they'll actually have a properly thought-out multi-season arc this time.

The X-Files was the first series I gave up on because it started out by challenging the audience to follow the clues, join the dots and figure out the truth behind its characters' mysteries - before making it perfectly clear by a couple of seasons in that the writers themselves didn't know those answers and had lost interest in keeping track of their own breadcrumbs.


Maybe they'll actually have a properly thought-out multi-season arc this time.

The X-Files was the first series I gave up on because it started out by challenging the audience to follow the clues, join the dots and figure out the truth behind its characters' mysteries - before making it perfectly clear by a couple of seasons in that the writers themselves didn't know those answers and had lost interest in keeping track of their own breadcrumbs.
Exactly what I'm talking about!

I was big into the X-Files in the 90s. I had an "I Want to Believe" poster on my wall and everything. The various monsters of the week were fun. The conspiracy theories were fun. The black oil was fun. The buried train carriage full of alien-human hybrid corpses was fun. The sexual tension between Mulder and Scully was fun. The idea that CSM was the second gunman on the grassy knoll was fun. The first movie was (mostly) fun.

But the idea that Mulder's sister was rescued by angelic beings and taken to some heavenly dimension felt like a total cop-out. I think that was the beginning of my disillusionment with the show. I stopped watching shortly after Duchovny quit ... no disrespect to Robert Patrick, but he had big shoes to fill.

I did tune in for the series finale. Boy, was that a letdown. "The invasion is happening and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it."

Never bothered to watch the second movie or either of the 'revival' seasons.

The X-Files was so good ... because it captured the zeitgeist of its time. It was the '90s, and we were all a little ironic and conspiracy-curious.
Anyone else remember Nowhere Man?
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I was privileged to briefly meet and speak to John Neville, aka "the Well Manicured Man" at work, many years back. He was a visiting lecturer at our Theatre School. While I enjoyed the show and watched it from Day-1, it dropped off significantly in quality the last couple of years and there are still episodes that I haven't seen to this day. The time for this show has passed.

I remember Chris Carter saying at the time that they were just making it up as they went along.
He has a trop named after himself for a reason

EDIT: If JMM is an example of planning almost everything when it comes to a show, Chris carter is an example of the opposite

I was privileged to briefly meet and speak to John Neville, aka "the Well Manicured Man" at work, many years back. He was a visiting lecturer at our Theatre School. While I enjoyed the show and watched it from Day-1, it dropped off significantly in quality the last couple of years and there are still episodes that I haven't seen to this day. The time for this show has passed.

Has thru, with all the UFO stuff going on with folks like David Grush, and the Stargate program info and so on, it seems like a great opportunity to tap into how crazy things have gotten right now.

Voidrunner's Codex

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