• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

DM in Columbia Maryland needs players.


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I am starting a game that will run on Thursday nights from 1900 to 2330.

If you are interested you can send me a PM or e-mail and I will send you the campaign specific data.

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Ok....Here is more information for you to look at.

Hopefully this will encite more intrest....


The players will be the first generation (depending upon the characters choice of race this may not be the case) born on Mir after their fathers had escaped from Lubovna just in front of the magical cataclysm that destroyed their world from the inside out. The cataclysm was not sudden but took place over a period of 20 years, which allowed most of the races and nations to save a portion of their people and for the most part the sum total of their knowledge, culture, and way of life. The civilized races (PHB races and a few others) and for humans their nations set aside their differences and wars for the greater good of all beings on Lubovna. They formed a council called the “Duma” which helped the best and brightest of every race coordinate their efforts and share their knowledge. There were a great many leaps and bounds made in science, technology, and magic in a short period of time that allowed them to create air ships capable of short interplanetary travel. A reconnaissance of Mir was begun, lands scouted out and divided according to need with new locations for cities found. Airships to Mir was not the only means used by the people of Lubovna to of escape but it was the most common and the status of other groups in other locations (planes, primes, or even other times) will not be a factor in this campaign. For the past 30 years the nations and states have concentrated their efforts on building their cities and infrastructure. During that time they found evidence that there was a civilization of unknown size on Mir long ago with technical knowledge that rivals their own and it appears, if translations are accurate, that their magic was far superior.

Within the last year, their cities mostly founded and farm lands secured, they began to send out air ships and discovered a huge continent in the middle of the western hemisphere that was shrouded by the eve present mist that seems to cover the oceans. Large cites have been spotted and vast expanses of land populated with nations, states and unique peoples. Sending ships to the dark side of Mir was no less shocking, it was discovered that it was not just the civilized races that escaped Lubovna, the evil humanoids did too in frightful numbers and they have changed. It seems that they have thrived on the dark side their quick reproductive rates coupled with the discovery of a secure, viable, and renewable food source has resulted in huge numbers of humanoids, up to three generations of warriors have been born on Mir depending upon the species. Incidentally, there are entire cites of undead created by Necromancers who have raised armies of minions from the ancient battlefields that dot the dark side. Even worse it seems that all manor of magical beasts, aberrations, and other hostile creatures including dragons have been spotted too. Luckily, their numbers appear but minute fractions of those on Lubovna. Some unknown creatures have also been spotted and the druids have dispatched teams to catalogue and study them. Perhaps the worst discovery of all, is that the drow have managed to found an expansive empire of their own on the largest of the islands and according to captured drow and humanoids the drow are trying to unite the tribes and races of the dark side investing themselves as the new aristocracy of what could be a terrible force. An air ship has gone missing and if it has fallen to the drow overlords their wizards will make short work of duplicating the air ship technology.

The Duma is only now beginning to deal with this new information. How is it that it was believed that there were no large landmasses on Mir? What is the nature of the mist that covers the oceans of Mir and how will we ply the seas for commerce and defense unable to navigate. How do we deal with the indigenous peoples, how do we explain our magic and technology to them knowing their religious beliefs without starting a war? How will we protect them from the evil humanoids, goblins and necromancers…or should we? How will they react when we make first contact? Will they think us devils, demons or worse…? What will they do when they find out dwarves; elves, dragons and other magical races are not fairy tales or legends…but real and here to stay? When will the drow create their terrible empire and bend the humanoids to their will. When should we expect air-ships from the dark side? These are but a few possible adventures/ problems for the players to tackle on Mir. It seems there are more questions than answers …Mir is in need of heroes!

Game Vision.

I want to have the best game possible and for that I need the best players and their ideas. I view this campaign like any other I have run as a collaboration of ideas and not solely mine. I want a game that expresses a joint vision of the game master and the player's desires. With that in mind it is my vision for this campaign for the players to develop their characters with the maximum latitude possible and the framework of our collaborated world. I will make challenges to facilitate the characters goals and will ask for thoughts when developing plots or seeds. I want the characters to participate in the world that they live in, to have goals and dreams of their own and to actively work towards them. By working toward their goals the players, through their characters will in turn influence the direction and tone of the game. The NPC’s in the game world will react to the player’s actions and will act according to his or her own beliefs. I see them eventually becoming leaders of armies, churches, academies and monastic orders, participating in and maybe even winning great battles with epic consequences. I see them as grand adventurers exploring and taming the multitude of Mir’s uncharted islands. As the game progresses, I see them establishing cites and maybe even nations of their own, managing resources, planning construction, making laws and enforcing them, protecting the citizenry and claiming further lands in their own names. Once the characters establish freeholds and such they can make new lower level characters to live in the areas that they themselves have conquered. I think that this will fill a hole in the D&D game because the players will have inside information and an attachment to their home, race and nation. They will be the sons, daughters and protégée’s of the original group and will interact with and assist their elders accomplishing dangerous missions. After this I will alternate games between the higher-level characters and the lower level group. I want the game to progress to epic level if possible.

Gregory’s Game Master Theory.

We all have many and varied ideas as to what is fun, some like combat, some like politics, some like role-playing, investigation, and even romance. ( I will canvas the players and get a feel for what they want) I view it as my job as the GM to find out what the players like and make it happen in game. I make it my goal to de-conflict and balance any divergence of an individual character's ideas, alignments, powers, abilities and goals with those of the party, if they differ greatly. I will make the party composition and its continued collective effort and focus on/towards common goal(s) believable. It is important to me that it is possible for each individual character to express his different beliefs within the party framework without resorting to in-party fighting. There will be an in game reason for them to stay focused and cooperative, I mean in a world where pigs can literally fly I’m sure that I can think of a reason for even the most diverse of parties to adventure together. Some things transcend diverse morality and ethics - true friendship, mutual professional trust and dependence, along with true love, oaths, quests, compulsions and familial obligations are some of the more positive reasons people stay and work together. Profit, greed and the mutual hate of a common enemy are some gray areas in inter-party relations. If necessary even blackmail, fear, and hate are some darker and sinister methods for making parties stay together.

Any takers?

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