D&D General DnD inspired open source board game. Help needed with enemies.


Hi my name's Rick. I am wanting to put together a open source (free to all) board game. loosely based around D&D. But with a more fixed type of game play.

The board game has numerous realms, occupied by different enemies. Each player starts off in there own realm with 2 6 sided attack dice. With each dice having a 66.6% (4 sides of each dice) chance of a successful attack.

There are Multiple levels to each realm. The first level requires you to fight 1st level creature's, with them only being successful beaten with you rolling your two attack dice and atleast one of those dice successful landing on attack. If all diced rolled land on attack you get to move your player piece one more space at the end of your turn.

If you do not roll any attacks. It is the end of your turn and you have to fight the same creature next time round. Each enemy after being defeated will give you gold coins.

You save up these gold coins to unlock additional attack dice, these additional dice have a 100% chance of a successful roll , meaning the odds still stay high of a win, but theres just enough tension to make you nervous. Then you can move into level2. Where all creatures will need two successful attack rolls to win.

In every players turn they move one space and must draw a creature card to fight. Now you can move into a level 2 region while only being level one, but you risk loosing turns to try to beat the creature.

I still have quite a bit to flesh out, like other levels and game mechanics. However the sheer amount of creatures I need is abit of a challenge for me. I dont want to copy so I though I'd ask the D&D community for some inspiration on any creatures.

In the format of a
Name : Terrain type : Short description of creature.

The type of terrains will be in attached, Hexmap style. Also any responses will be recorded and when I have finished the game I will make a thankyou section with a list off all comments in this thread.

Kind regards Rick.


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A suffusion of yellow
So you want something like

Active Volcano -

(CR 1/4) Kobold (red)
(CR 1/2) Magmin elemental lava men who appear inside volcanoes
(CR 2) Thoqqua; elemental rock worms able to generate enough heat to melt rock allowing them to burrow through mountains and swim through magma.


So you want something like

Active Volcano -

(CR 1/4) Kobold (red)
(CR 1/2) Magmin elemental lava men who appear inside volcanoes
(CR 2) Thoqqua; elemental rock worms able to generate enough heat to melt rock allowing them to burrow through mountains and swim through magma.
Yep.can I just say these are some good ideas. Thankyou.

Voidrunner's Codex

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