Do most people nowadays think that ridiculous dumb Resident Evil movies are the original things and the video games are just derivatives?


You have no idea how angry I was when I found that most people seemed to think that ridiculous dumb RE movies was the real deal orthodox one and the game was just a spin-off ——————in their mind,Paul Anderson in 2002 said:"hey capcom,I want you make a series of video game for my cosmic badass wife Mia!"),and the real protagonist of this series were Alice,everyone in games, Chris, Jill, Claire,Leon who just sidekicks.

f**k you Anderson!

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You have no idea how angry I was when I found that most people seemed to think that ridiculous dumb RE movies was the real deal orthodox one and the game was just a spin-off
What leads you to this strange belief re: "most people"?

Even if we narrow it down to just "people who have heard of Resident Evil" in some form or another, I think the vast majority are aware the videogames came first. But you do need to be real. The first RE movie came out in 2002, only 6 years after RE1 (the game), and there are people who are 22 today who were born AFTER the movie released. So if "most people" is like, teenagers, who often have strange beliefs due to a lack of experience (I know I did), then maybe the problem is your sample and assuming it represents "most people"?

It seems like maybe what you're actually saying is "I met a couple of people who didn't know the games came first and then I got irrationally mad about it rather than laughing because they were ignorant"? Maybe get less mad about that lol?

I'm just glad this conversation is finally part of our national discourse. For too long the debate about the origins of Resident Evil has been ignored. May it one day be taught in every classroom and discussed at every dinner table.
We can't discuss the truly important stuff here so why not whine about other people's pop culture ignorance.

I'm just glad this conversation is finally part of our national discourse. For too long the debate about the origins of Resident Evil has been ignored. May it one day be taught in every classroom and discussed at every dinner table.
I do think there's kind of an interesting sociological study to be done on teenagers and how they misperceive the origins of a lot of things, and misorder influences and so on. I don't say that in a mean way - I absolutely did the same, despite being more interested in the past than most people. I feel like intellectually curious people usually sort most of this out in their 20s through early 30s, but sometimes you come across someone who has managed to retain some teenager order-confusion of this nature into their 40s or older.

I expected it to be less of an issue with the internet and streaming, but the reality is, it's just as bad, because not only are people dealing with far more media to keep track of, a lot of stuff that was kind-of-big or influential in the '90s or earlier just isn't really available. I mean, John Woo was a hugely influential director and is still working, action movies today are what they are because of him, John Wick exists in the form it does because of him, but just try getting hold of a lot of his earlier, highly influential work, like the A Better Tomorrow series! Hard Boiled has been on streaming a bit and is available from Amazon at least, but most of the rest of it? If you haven't got the DVDs, you're screwed.

(It's kind of annoying and I sorta blame the Boomers/Gen X, because somehow important movies from the 1950s through 1970s are easier to get hold of than ones from the 1980s and early 1990s in a lot of cases.)
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I personally think the chicken came first, then the egg.
Oh sure. Specifically, a few hundred thousand parthenogenic hens, with their initial clutches producing the first chickens built to use sexual reproduction. The extra step could have been skipped altogether but the Supposedly Intelligent Designer thought it was funnier that way, of course. SID's always had a weird sense of humor.

I find it hard to get concerned about Resident Evil when there are far more people who will never read Wizard of Earthsea or Starship Troopers or the Hobbit or Princess Bride or any of the kajillion comics the "cinematic universes" are cribbing from.

Has anyone seen Q*bert? It's the touching story about an illiterate man with dyslexia who reconnects with his estranged son through their mutual love of literature. Bob Hoskins as Mr. Slick was an inspired choice in casting.

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