D&D General Do you like LOTS of races/ancestries/whatever? If so, why?

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Players often have difficulty finding a DM or group, which may cause them to have to decide between a DM they don't mesh with or not playing at all. This makes DMs they don't mesh with frustrating to encounter. Like how I can't find a pizza I really enjoy unless I fly to another state, and so I am vexed every time I walk by some greasy cardboard joint in town.

That's the "market force" issue pointed out earlier by @TwoSix : accepting that the game exists between the players who are in is hard if you're the player, not willing to GM, and not willing to play in the existing GM's campaign. Then they're effectively either not playing or playing in a game they don't find fun. I'd hope they priorize not playing, or better, since there is no entry barrier to GM'ing, they start pitching their own game. Even among an established groups of decades-long friends, there is some campaign I don't want to be in (I don't like, say, Western) so I sometimes pass something pitched that don't click with me, no hard feeling.


In way, many people are.

Because 99% of players don't walk away from tables or demand setting changes over one single banned race.
No, it's a strawman constructed to distract from the fact that the actual question presented was one player wanting to play a specific inappropriate PC. No one besides those constructing the strawman suggested the viking hat GM was kicking the player for daring to request such a thing.

No, it's a strawman constructed to distract from the fact that the actual question presented was one player wanting to play a specific inappropriate PC. No one besides those constructing the strawman suggested the viking hat GM was kicking the player for daring to request such a thing.

Typical session 0 around the world:


If you were having a beer with like-minded people to discuss a game, you are doing it wrong!
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Ugh. I don't think I'm voicing my thoughts correctly. I'm thinking kinda like this:

I'm opening a Korean Restaurant with certain dishes on the menu (making a campaign with certain allowable races). I invite a diner to my restaurant (player to my campaign) that they know serves Korean food (has certain allowable races). Said diner (player) shows up, looks at the menu and goes "I wanna hamburger" (wanna play some race not allowed). I'm under no obligation to make that player a hamburger to eat. Or even something hamburger like.

They can, of course, go to another restaurant that serves hamburgers. Which I would encourage! No hurt feelings at all! There are, after all, lots of restaurants that serve hamburgers.

And I'll just find a diner who wants to eat Korean food. and I won't have any problem doing so because there are lots of people out there at least willing to try my Korean Food Menu.

Neither of us needs to change the menu or the restaurant to have a good meal. We just need the right restaurants and the right customers.

So to speak.
Not a good analogy IMHO. Players are not asking for hamburgers in a Korean restaurant. You're opening your table to a game of D&D 5e and players are expecting D&D 5e playable options that they can find in the D&D 5e player option books.


No, it's a strawman constructed to distract from the fact that the actual question presented was one player wanting to play a specific inappropriate PC. No one besides those constructing the strawman suggested the viking hat GM was kicking the player for daring to request such a thing.
But like I said, the original actual question is running on an incomplete premise.

A reasonable DM offers an appropriate substitute. There is no question to be asked.


Follower of the Way
The player entitlement in this thread is astounding.

If the GM does not provide the game you want, your freedom as a player is to decline and join or start another game. Full stop.
The DM entitlement in this thread is astounding.

If the players do not accept the game you want, your freedom as a DM is to decline and join or start another game. Full stop.

Cuts both ways, my friend. And I'm real sick of the beleaguered DM narrative.

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