Do your players know the rules?

Do your players know the rules?

  • My players don’t know the rules at all, and I wish they did.

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • My players don’t know the rules at all, and I’m glad they don’t.

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • My players know a little bit about the rules, and I wish they knew more.

    Votes: 51 29.5%
  • My players know a little bit about the rules, and that’s all they really need.

    Votes: 23 13.3%
  • My players know a lot about the rules, but I wish they knew everything.

    Votes: 32 18.5%
  • My players know a lot about the rules, and I wish they didn’t know as much.

    Votes: 8 4.6%
  • My players know the rules better than I do, and that’s fine with me.

    Votes: 20 11.6%
  • My players know the rules better than I do, and that’s a real problem.

    Votes: 5 2.9%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 29 16.8%

Thornir Alekeg


Two players knew the rules well.
One player thought he knew the rules well, but didn't really.
Two players didn't know the rules well, but were making an effort.
Two players didn't know the rules well and didn't care enough to try.

I wanted the last two to put in some effort, but the worst one was the player who thought he knew the rules but didn't, since he was always helping his wife, who didn't know the rules and didn't try. That really slowed things down a lot.

The other player who didn't know the rules at least relied on the two who did to help him out.

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Princess of Florin
Other. One of my players knows a great deal about magic, because she only plays sorcerers. Two other of my players know a moderate amount, and that seems fine. The one remaining player knows very little and refuses to thoroughly read the PHB. He requires assistance from the other players for anything other than standard combat actions, and must have my assistance to level up. It irritates the living poo out of me, but he's my husband, so what can I do? He's certainly not going to change. :\


My case is quite curious. My players don´t care about the rules (to the point of not remembering what they have to roll to hit) and no one never read the PHB, which could be a case of not caring about the game, but on the other hand they know their characters and have a good intuitive grasping of what their characters can and can´t do, and do some clever things and strategies.

Maybe that was because they developed their characters from level 1 to 13-14, or that they knew they could trust me to point at the different options they rules allowed to what they wanted to do.

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
My co-DM and I are pretty strong on the rules, and if we don't know something at least we can look it up really quickly.

One of our players has a reasonable idea what his character can do, and is improving constantly. Yay! :)

Another has a decent grasp of his character's abilities, but really lacks in the understanding of how it applies to the actual game. (ie casting daylight on a vampire, when it says directly in the spell description that it does nothing to vampires.)

The last one barely gets her PC, and somehow seems to forget more between each game. That one gets a bit frustrating, truth be told.


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