Does A Monk Actually Benefit From Taking Mobile?


As long as i get to be the frog
Okay, thanks for the correction. Can you help a guy out and tell me what episode to look for? Id like the hear him explain that one.

The one quoted near the last page of the sage advice thread queues you up within a minute or 2 of a mention of flurry of blows timing.

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Guest 6801328

The downside (in my experience, having used this feat) to the whole run in, attack everything in reach once, run away without OAs thing is that it gets too repetitive, in an annoying/cheesy way. It's up there with Shield Master shove/attack (for those who allow that interpretation) and Cunning Action Hide / Shoot in that regard.

Oh, and Eldritch Blast with Agonizing Blast goes on that list, too.


The downside (in my experience, having used this feat) to the whole run in, attack everything in reach once, run away without OAs thing is that it gets too repetitive, in an annoying/cheesy way. It's up there with Shield Master shove/attack (for those who allow that interpretation) and Cunning Action Hide / Shoot in that regard.

Oh, and Eldritch Blast with Agonizing Blast goes on that list, too.

Well that's a playstyle choice, isn't it? Some people prefer to have a strong default action sequence they only occasionally deviate from. Coming from the other side, some other people get overwhelmed by too many tactical options. There's a player in my group who got DM permission to restat his Fighter from Battlemaster to Champion because he couldn't get the hang of using his maneuvers. It's not bad game design as long as there are more tactically complex options also available for those who prefer them.

Back on topic, it was a short lived campaign, but I found a Monk with Mobility to be strong and effective. We had Ancestral Guardian Barbarian with Sentinel tying up the front line, and then me and the Swashbuckler Rogue would be diving in and out to rain down pain and then slip away to a safe distance. It also meant the few times I got into trouble 1v1 I was able to kite my foe without issue. They'd spend their whole turn catching up to me, and then I'd be able to punch them and retreat without triggering an Opportunity Attack.


Actually, it says "Flurry of Blows can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action."

Also, per the PHB, "If you take an action that includes more than one weapon attack, you can break up your movement even further by moving between those attacks."

So, you've immediately spent 1 ki to take a bonus action to attack twice and you should be able to move between them as unarmed strikes count as weapon attacks.

I know the general rule for moving between attacks.

Specific exceptions always supersede general rules.

There is no taking an action without doing the action. There is no declare actions step. You're spending 1 Ki to make 2 attacks immediately after the attack action.

Here is Jeremy Crawford discussing it at 6:30

I almost never even consider playing a monk (or, often, barbarian) without taking Mobile. I don't really care if it's optimal or not, having a ridiculously high speed is just fun, especially on those rounds where you also spend ki to dash as a bonus action.

As for the ruling that you can't move between flurry attacks? Yes, I know that Jeremy has clarified the rules, and I recognize "Can't move between the extra flurry attacks" as RAI.

But... Well, the Nick Fury quote regarding "I recognize the council has made a decision" comes into play here, in any game I'm running (and, thankfully, so far any game I've played in). :)


You will pretty much be able to chase down any fleeing foes if you notice them. Considering the 6 second round, I like to picture it as an almost Dragon Ball or DBZ flash of movement where all you are is a blur to your opponents and even allies. I think one monk I had playing at my table at level 6 could do something like 180 ft per round spending his Ki with the mobile feat, for just pure movement. (wood elf monk)


With 6 int, no feat will help you :p

Now, on more serious note...

I played 6th level wood elf shadow monk and it was a blast.

Insane mobility, teleport at will 90% of the time. 180ft per round if needed.

Teleport into melee, hit a target that threatens your way out and just walk away 60ft. Then repeat.


Mobile is probably good, but maybe not as good as either +2 Int or +1 each to Wis and Str. Str so you can help the party with carrying supplies.


I mean int is a dump stat for monks, we have a wizard, and according to pathfinder's scale of stat scores my character would only mispronounce a few words, or forget the meanings of words that he didnt frequently use. I'm ok with that.

And strength isn't really my thing, that's the Paladino's deal. I think he also has a donky/beast of burden, so there's also that
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