Domhani Bairdéir 02

Once More . . .

As the party descends, it becomes apparant that this area is of completely different workmanship than the majority of the mine system - it's even different than the better worked area of the small cubicles.

The stairs are smooth obsidian rather than crudely chipped flint, and present a sharp contrast even to the much better worked stone of the 'cubicle area.'

The stairs begin by going down and to the northeast (the same direction in which the door opened), then curve around to a northern orientation. The total length of the stairs is a little more than 30 feet. At the bottom, they open into a larger area (the extent of which is not defined by the circle of lantern light). The lantern light does reveal that the floor and walls of the area are smooth obsidian, worked just as finely as the stairs - seams are all perfectly flush, etc. The area revealed by the lantern light is empty.


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Once More . . .


Sorry, I should have addressed this! It is indeed just as cold here as 'upstairs.' However, the pervasive ice of the upper level is not present here - the obsidian is dry as well as smooth, and polished to a high sheen in the lantern light.


Béar begins moving around the area to the left. The moving lantern light shortly reveals an opening in the south wall, and the fact that the west wall of the room is not so far away from the stairs as it seemed in the ominous darkness of the underground.

The opening in the south wall reveals a set of stairs leading up, at a much steeper angle than the ones via which the party entered.


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Skath will fly ahead just out of the lanterns light and listen and look for any discernable sights or sounds other than our lovable party.
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Once More . . .

For Skáth Only:

[sblock]A stone altar stands near the far wall, in front of a portal of silver metal with the appearance of polished steel. To either side of the portal are braziers set back in the wall, each residing in an alcove. A corpse lies on his back on top of the altar. The corpse is not of the race generally inhabiting this place - he is human. He matches the description of Vyl Corruck - six feet tall, white hair, black satin robes embroidered wtih strange sigils in silver thread. Both of his hands are wrapped around the hilt of a dagger which protrudes from his stomach.

In front of the portal lies another corpse - one familiar to Skáth. It is the body of Illé Sorden, from the Wickshine's Last Inn. In the dim light filtering through the room from the lantern (well, dim to Skáth's enhanced vision - pitchy black to the other members of the party) it is plain that he was attempting to open the portal by inserting a brick inscribed with strange runes into a recepticle in the floor. There are scorch marks on the floor, and Ser Sorden's hands and arms are terribly burned all the way up to the elbow. There is a bag lying on the floor close by.

OOC: Mike - if Skáth chooses to describe the room, just indicate that everyone should read this spoiler (or copy and paste it into your post).[/sblock]


Skáth will quickly return to the party, "We have a problem."

OCC - Everyone read the previous spoiler please.

"This is what it all comes down to. The previous "traps" were nothing compared to this. Everyone be on your guard and lets all think through our actions and please no one do anything without first telling all of us and secondly, allowing the party to discuss that action."

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