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Dominion Rules Character Sheet [Excel/OpenOffice/Google] V 1.00

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Psyga315 submitted a new resource:

Dominion Rules Character Sheet [Excel] - Create a character for Dominion Rules using Excel

Wanting to play Dominion Rules, I realized there were no character sheets easily accessible for me to edit outside of using an image editing software so I decided to do it myself and make an Excel spreadsheet with minimal auto calculating (namely it will round up or down the composite skills but it'll be up to you to determine which number to pick, as I do not know how to determine which number Excel should pick).

This is a rough draft, though, so it may improve over time.

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Front Range Warlock
Cool! I haven't played a Dominion Rules campaign for years, but I was really into it for a time. It's nice to see that people are still creating things for it.



Voidrunner's Codex

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