• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Don't laugh..... it's here.


First Post
Jon Potter said:
You forgot Gronar, I think. You said previously that he had a stone giant bloodline.

Ahh, but you see, Gronar is special. :cool:

All kidding aside, Robert gave out earnable "perks" during character creation. I got a choice of perks that included one free level adjustment for use toward a bloodline. So I took a minor Stone Giant and it costs me nothing.


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First Post
My good friend, I was wondering how Gronar got soo smart. You are right, no? And soooo strong. It is obvious that Paquito too, would be stronger if he had showed up for character creation, no? Although he is already smarter than both giants put together, no? :eek: It is interesting to watch giants follow elf maiden around, no?


spacehulkster said:
My good friend, I was wondering how Gronar got soo smart. You are right, no? And soooo strong. It is obvious that Paquito too, would be stronger if he had showed up for character creation, no? Although he is already smarter than both giants put together, no? :eek: It is interesting to watch giants follow elf maiden around, no?

I do hope someone is slapping spacehulkster around at the table :]

hwoolsey said:
Ahh, but you see, Gronar is special.

Odd, that's exactly the term we would use for him around school too.

Rain falls all evening as the party licks their wounds in the cave. Morning comes and the rain has yet to let up, it makes everything damp and a cool chill runs through the cave. Benat goes to the cave's mouth and looking out through the rain, she thinks she spots movement in the trees surrounding the cave. Nameroc sends his wolf up alongside of Benat and it smells something foul and not animal.

"Rolf smells something disgusting, I think we're about to get guests." Nameroc alerts the group

"No, that stench is just the minotaur, have Paquito sit downwind of you, and you should be alright." Benat tells Nameroc

Benat decides to be proactive and casts detect evil, getting 1 moderate aura and 5 faint auras. She alerts the rest of the party that they have visitors. Gronar moves up behind Benat and Paquito moves closer to the wall of the cave giving him complete cover from whatever might come up to the cave's mouth.

"You of course are aware of the strong pheromone capability of a minotaur. No?" Paquito announces "Perhaps it is a female come-a-calling? No?"

"You smell like ass to me, I highly doubt anything would find that captivating." Benat answers

*sniff* *sniff* Korg smells his fingers, "Pokey not smell like that, Pokey smell like.." Korg's comment is interrupted by a large snap outside of the cave. The party gets quiet awaiting their guests.

Soon an owlbear and a troll emerge from behind the trees. The troll throws a rock at Benat but it sails into the roof of the cave, dislodging some small pebbles onto Benat's head. Gronar Decides to show up the troll, and launches his own rock sailing it into the head of the troll.

"Hah! That how you throw rock!" Gronar gloats

Benat fires an arrow into the flank of the beast. "And that is how you fire an arrow!"

"Gronar not impressed with little pointy stick, here try rock." Gronar tells Benat while digging out a rock from his pouch.

Benat waves off the offer of the large stone. Nameroc moves up to get line of sight on the troll, and casts flaming sphere at the troll. The troll however seems unimpressed by the ball of fire and makes no attempt at dodging it. The party then spots a lizardman as it appears from around a tree, it casts a spell and Nameroc listens intently.

"It sounded like create water." Nameroc tells his companions

"Really? let the great Paquito know if it gets any wetter outside. I might need a drink soon. No?" Paquito tells Nameroc who realizes too late that he guessed the wrong spell.

The troll lobs another rock into the cave, this time hitting Maermon on the shoulder. Benat and Maermon fire arrows into the trolls hide, as Gronar stands his ground. Nameroc's wolf who had been sitting patiently at the rear of the cave, lets out a yelp as a large spider sinks it's teeth into the wolf's back.

"Spider!" Paquito yells, and runs behind Korg and takes cover from the arachnid.

"Where'd that come from?" Nameroc inquires

Nameroc moves the flaming sphere onto the lizardman who also doesn't seem to react to the burning globe. Nameroc then backs up towards his wolf. Korg and Gronar tag team on the spider, but it stands it's ground. With the giants away from the cave's entrance, the owlbear charges Maermon but misses the elf. The troll follows, standing behind the owlbear and wielding a longspear, it pokes at Maermon and jabs the tip into the elf's thigh.

"Aee, I am surrounded. Time for Paquito to save the day. No?" Paquito comments, and sends two magic missiles into the owlbear.

The spider leaps at Korg, but is halved by Gronar in midair before it could reach Korg. Benat takes a step back and fires an arrow into the owlbear's chest. The lizardman shaman upon feeling the destruction of his animal companion, casts spider swarm next to Maermon. Gronar moves up and dumps a pint of oil onto the spiders. Maermon faced with enemies on three sides and no retreat options, goes into full defense. The owlbear is unable to penetrate Maermon's defenses, however the troll gets in a jab from it's spear causing a nasty bleeding wound to Maermon's shoulder.

Paquito sends two more magic missiles into the owlbear, While Nameroc tends to his weak wolf.

Korg moves in behind Maermon. "Move out of way elfy, Korg kill bear with feathers." Korg then casts soundburst, destroying the spider swarm.

The lizardman shaman now enraged at the party, grasps a charm around his neck and throws it to the ground, an instant later the spider swarm is brought back to unlife. Korg dumps another pint of oil onto the dead spiders, and Maermon grabs his flint and retreats away from the owlbear. The owlbear misses as Maermon moves, and the elf lights the spiders on fire, sending the stench of burning rotten carcasses through the cave.

"Blech, who's responsible for that? It seems like burning hair that's been marinating in feces. No?" Paquito proclaims

"Still smells better than you." Benat retorts

"Your words they hurt me. No? I have not done anything to you, that would precipitate such a response. Yet. No?" Paquito replies

Gronar moves up and slices the owlbear's left arm off at the shoulder, sending the brute down to the cave's floor. The lizardman feels the weight of defeat approaching, and calls for the troll to back up. The party also gives ground as they retreat deeper inside the cave. The lizardman invokes a spell, and touches the mouth of the cave. The party watches in horror as the opening closes up and darkness prevails within the cave as the stone shape spell finishes it's work.

"Korg think we need to find place to rest." Korg announces

"What's wrong with resting now?" Nameroc responds

"Oh no, Korg not staying here. Elf like to pick bad places for Korg to fight in." Korg replies

Benat and Maermon move up and try to find a weak spot in the stone wall now enclosing the cave's entrance.

"We think the quickest way is going to be digging up at about a 45 degree angle and getting out that way." Benat tells the party

"Ok, pokey come here." Gronar calls out

"I am called into action. No?" Paquito replies

"Gronar watch farmers back home, Gronar think Pokey's head make good tiller." Gronar says while flicking the minotaur's horns with his finger, to test the strength of them.

"What! My horns are sexy, they are not to be used to get you out of your claustrophobic nightmare. Maybe you should use your head, after all it is hollow. No?" Paquito replies backing away from the giant.

"Hold still Pokey, Gronar grab both legs at knees, then twist. Gronar dig through rock in no time!" Gronar says smiling

"No, don't nub up his horns, I've got dibs on them once he kicks off to hell." Benat tells Gronar

"We go on another boat? Korg not like lots of water, can we walk to hell?" Korg asks the elf

"The elves are already there." Maermon answers under his breath

Something new, yet strangely familiar

It takes Gronar 6 hours to dig a hole wide enough for the giants to squeeze through. The party wastes no time and returns to Mirwood. Benat goes to see her primarch at the elven temple, with the letter implying enemy infiltration.

"My lord, I have an urgent issue that needs your attention." Benat states

"Certainly my child what is troubling you?" The primarch replies

Benat shows him the letter.

"Where did you get this?" The primarch asks

Benat relates yesterday's underground adventure. "Have you noticed anyone acting strangely lately?" Benat asks

"No, I have not. I will need to consult with my priests on this matter. I thank you for bringing it to my attention, return tomorrow and I shall have news for you." The primarch replies

Benat feels as though the primarch is not being forthcoming with some kind of information, however further prodding on her part does not garner anymore insight into what that might be.

Maermon goes to the elven mage school and announces his readiness to begin spellcasting. The school gives him copies of whatever cantrips he would like, and Maermon selects his 1st level spells. He then is ushered into the summoning room where two other elven mages help Maermon summon his familiar, a mongoose. Maermon exits the school, and notices Paquito standing at the base of the tree.

"What brings you out here?" Maermon asks

"I have come to see what wondrous beast you have garnered for your arcane destiny. You do have it with you. No?" Paquito inquires

"Yes, yes I do." Maermon says proudly, retrieving the mongoose from an inside pouch from his cloak.

"A weasel? I could not have picked a better representation of your eclectic racial profession than that with which the gods have graced your pocket with. No?" Paquito covertly slanders Maermon. "So what was the summoning like? Did they blind-fold you and make you drink the blood of innocents? You paid attention. No?"

Maermon relays most of the summoning rite with Paquito, then begs off his company as he wishes to show Benat and Nameroc his triumphant beginning to the load road of spellcasting.

"Yes. Please go show the hill giants to their next meal, I am sure they are hungry. No?" Paquito says as Maermon leaves bewildered as to what Paquito is referring to.

Paquito walks out about half a mile from the mage school, waiting and , making sure no one has followed him. He tries to recreate, as best to his memory, the summoning ritual and after saying the final incantations he opens his eyes. He sees nothing amiss, no animal in his lap, no bird on his shoulder.

"Perhaps I have performed the ceremony erroneously? No?" Paquito says to himself

"Master, I am here." A voice rings in the minotaur's head

Paquito looks around again but still sees no signs of fauna.

"Master you are sitting on me." The voices chimes in Paquito's head

Paquito jumps up and looks down upon a small rock resting flush with the ground cover Paquito was sitting on. Paquito squints expecting something invisible to be present. The small stone changes it's shape into a vaguely humanoid shape, two arms, two legs, and a small head resting on top like that of a minotaur's head.

"You have summoned me, I have come to serve you." The elemental bows

"Wha... The great Paquito has summoned a pet rock? No?" The minotaur says in disbelief

"I am not a pet, nor am I a rock. I simply am that with which you find yourself closest to. Your blood does not run pure, yet you choose to hide it from others. Perhaps together we can bring the whole of you out into the open." The elemental responds

"The great Paquito cannot simply show up with a rock and proclaim he has found the hidden sorcery within himself. No?" Paquito replies

"Oh but as I have said, I am much more than a simple geological formation. Observe." The elemental tells Paquito.

Suddenly Paquito's point of view changes from his eyes to that of the elemental's. Paquito is staring back at himself through the "eyes" of the elemental.

"Wow." Paquito watches himself say.

"That is not all." The elemental tells him. Paquito watches through the elemental's sight as the small earth spirit dives into the ground beneath Paquito's feet.

Paquito watches as dirt, worms, insects, and small pebbles all seem to float by as if Paquito was swimming through the ground. Then Paquito's vision goes black and Paquito feels the rubbing of the ground on his arms, face, and legs as the elemental travels. Then the smell of dirt replaces the sensations of it, finally the sound of shifting dirt fills Paquito's ears as the elemental returns to the surface and Paquito regains control over his own senses.

"Amazing, you can travel through any kind of earth. No?" Paquito asks

"That is correct." comes the reply

Paquito excitedly picks up his familiar, which rolls itself into a tight ball, making it appear that Paquito in fact is carrying a large rock with him. Seeing Gronar, Nameroc, and Benat, Paquito waves them down and hurries to their location.

"Gronar already have enough rocks to throw. But Gronar like that pokey was thinking about him." Gronar says

"My cerebrum deficient fellow, this is not a throwing rock. It is my good luck charm, it is a fine looking stone. No?" Paquito replies

"Looks like you passed a kidney stone. Why would you want to carry that around with you?" Benat asks

"I can see through it's eyes, smell what is around it, even feel what is against it's surface. It is like your wolf. No?" Paquito says to Nameroc

"Really? So what does the colon of a minotaur look and feel like?" Benat asks amid a chorus of laughter

Benat walks off still laughing. As Gronar announces he's off to find Korg.

"I can't see through my wolf's eyes. Does your pet rock have eyes?" Nameroc asks trying to maintain a straight face.

"I can see you are unimpressed. Perhaps when your village is ablaze with the damned souls of your brothers, you will see the folly of your ways." Paquito tells him and goes off to study up on his herbalism, leaving Nameroc confused and alone.

Benat makes her way to the elders tree, and asks for an audience with the elder. She only waits a few moments before being ushered in. Benat relates the story of the letter and of showing it to the primarch. She also relates her uneasy senses that the primarch wasn't telling her the whole truth.

"That is because he knew not of this meeting." The elder replies a little perturbed at the finding out the primarch now has this information.

"Oh. Yes. Ahem. Uh when was this meeting to have occurred?" Benat asks

"Tomorrow." The elder replies "I think I shall send out my scouts this day to ambush the ambushers. Eluthrial, see to it this elf is properly rewarded for this information." The elder says as Benat is lead out of the elder's chambers and back down the tree.

"Ah, a Belasarda* disciple I sense in you. Return in two days hence and your reward shall be ready." Eluthrial tells Benat and scampers away, transforming into a squirrel.

Gronar finds Korg coming out of the blacksmiths having just agreed to a price for a large chain shirt made to his specifications. The party meets back up and agree to wait the night and then see what the elder may want from them in the morning.

* Belasarda is the deity Benat follows

A death in the familiy

Morning comes, and Benat heads back to the temple to see if the primarch has found anything. She learns that the primarch is not there, he left in the middle of the night to see the elder. Benat asks the bishop if he thinks the primarch is acting in a strange manner, or anyone else in the temple. He tells her no, and Benat leaves to head to the Elder's. Once there she hears a shouting match between the elder and the primarch. The guards greet Benat who asks to see the elder, they stick their head in and advise the elder that the elf with the letter has returned. The primarch leaves in a huff as Benat is led into the elder's chamber.

"What was that all about?" Benat asks

"Nothing to concern yourself with maiden." The elder replies

"Have you any need of our services in protecting the village or killing the ambushers?" Benat asks

"I sent twelve of my finest to scout out the site and take out anyone they could. Through sendings we were kept updated. Turns out they were ready for us, ten of our elven brothers have begun their final journey. The enemy had two treants, the ogre shaman, and a lot of spell power that we simply could not overcome. The last two elves are currently leading their pursuers away form the village, while we prepare for the ogre's next move." The elder explains

"Sounds like something a dirty human would do, turn nature onto it's very protectors." Benat spits

"There was no confirmation on any of the other races." The elder replies

"Would you like us to retrieve our fallen brothers, or hunt down and kill the ambushers who are harassing the two brave elves still fighting?" Benat asks with hatred in her voice

"I believe we have a good plan for dealing with things on that end. I do however have something you could do for us." The elder states

"Anything, anything to end their foul existence!" Benat shakes

"This part in the letter about the old fort. We believe we know where that is, if you would like to take your team there and see what is going on, we would be grateful." The elder tells Benat

"Done. We'll leave within the hour." Benat replies, bows, and exits the elder's chamber.

Benat races back to the party and breathlessly tells then all that the elder said. Paquito gets a knot in his gut, he realizes that he may have to face down the first minotaur he's seen in ten years.

"Hey, Paquito. Snap out of it. Are you coming or not?" Benat demands

"Paquito will most assuredly assist you in finding more children and elderly that you can skewer. No?" Paquito replies

"If the death of the weak is going to bother you so much, maybe you should become a priest?" Benat snaps back

"Who says I am not already a priest? I have much knowledge on the anatomy of various races, do you think one could acquire such a vast catalog of information simply by listening to you? I think not. No?" Paquito retorts

"Korg head hurt from all the talking, Korg say elfy leads us to thingys Korg can smite!" Korg roars

"Smite?" Nameroc says

"Korg learn new word today, Korg smite words. Then Korg smite praying." Korg replies

The party heads out and after 8 hours over rough terrain, they reach the edge of the tree line facing a large hilly area. The trees have been cut down in a 500' radius around the central hill, on top of which rests the crumbling remains of a stone structure.

"Found the fort." Benat points out to the giants

"Missed the griffon." Maermon points out to Benat, as the large creature takes to fight from a neighboring hill, closing to within 100' feet within seconds.

"Wolf riders!" Nameroc points out as the kobold cavalry crests the central hill and begins to descend it, while blowing horns as an alert to whomever was hiding in the fort.

Paquito calls forth his familiar, and gives it instructions to find out what lies within the fort. The small elemental leaps from Paquito's hands and melts into the ground, speeding along as fast as it can towards the central hill.

"Wow, Pokey is priest. Pokey priest of Umtala?" Korg says with a huge smile "Pokey show Korg how to do that with rocks." The hill giant finishes by digging out a couple of rocks from his belt pouch.

"Perhaps if you pray harder like the great vizier Paquito, you too can accomplish great feats of geology. No?" Paquito responds.

Benat fires an arrow into the griffon, while Gronar throws a rock into it almost knocking it from the sky. Nameroc steps up and casts entangle on the wolf riders, stopping them in their tracks. The griffon circles behind the group, just above the tree tops. Benat and Gronar both hit with their missile fire, and Maermon moves out and begins to pepper the kobold cavalry with missile fire. Paquito draws forth the power to cast a new spell he has learned, and sends a ray of enfeeblement into the griffon. The beast dips a bit in the sky, but manages to save itself from crashing into the trees.

Two bugbears appear on top of a partially collapsed outer wall of the fort and stare down the party with their clubs raised high. A human female appears on a hill in front of, and to the left of the fort's hill. Dressed in a flowing lavender robe, she takes something from a pouch around her waist.

"Spellcaster!" Benat points out

"OK Korg, time to do new trick." Gronar says

"Korg smite trick!" Korg replies

Korg moves up and mouths the words to a spell, then touches the back of Gronar and instantly the giant doubles in size, his weapon lengthens.

"Charge!" Gronar runs headlong towards the human, pulling up just to the left of the hill but easily within his new reach.

The human, unfazed by Gronar's charge, throws what she got from her pouch into the air. A handful of ashes and cinder coalesce in front of the human, and a rolling ball of flame erupts into existence and speeds towards the rest of the party, crashing into the tree line and enveloping all but Nameroc in it's flames. Paquito, Benat, and Nameroc's wolf are blasted to the ground and badly burned. Maermon is singed but is still on his feet. Korg shakes off the blast and quickly assess the situation, determining that Paquito's labored breathing will spell death extremely soon.

The human stands laughing at the heroes she's downed, then laughs at the huge form of Gronar as she readies a new spell.

"Human not think Gronar funny after Gronar chews off her head!" The giant's voice reverberates off the surrounding trees and hills.

Gronar tightens his grip on his greatsword, and slams the blade through the human, half of her is sprayed over the hill she stands on, the other half is driven ten feet into the hill as Gronar cleaves through the top layer of the mound of earth.

Korg saves Paquito's life, and Nameroc moves up to save Benat's with a healing check. Korg then casts cure wounds over Benat and Paquito, and leaves Nameroc to tend to his own wolf. Gronar charges the bugbear's location but swings wildly and misses, although the sight of the huge hill giant causes the bugbear to lose control of it's bodily functions.

Korg races up to where the human was splattered, and casts detect magic on her. She lights up like a Christmas tree, but Korg has trouble keeping track of all the auras, and asks for some assistance.

"I shall assist you in the collection of booty. No?" Paquito says and takes off running.

"No! Dammit, Nameroc hurry up with the healing! I don't want the thief getting anymore of our spoils." Benat yells at Nameroc

Gronar swings again but misses again as the bugbears retreat down a open staircase near the back of the fort. Paquito makes it to Korg.

"How can I be of assistance my large friend? You need the great and awe inspiring Paquito to carry your treasure? No?" Paquito asks

"No, you count thingys Korg pulls from gooey mess of puny human." Korg says as he hands Paquito a blood dripping set of boots, along with a ring with the finger still in it.

Gronar and Maermon then pummel the kobold cavalry with their respective ranged weapons.

"Korg hurry up! We go after ugly hairy guys." Gronar yells, referring to the bugbears, " and turn Gronar back to regular size, so Gronar can fit in hole."

Gronar waits for the rest of the party except for Paquito who remains on the split hill.

"Pokey! You coming?" Gronar yells

"Who cares. You got all the magic off her right?" Benat asks Korg, who nods in agreement. "Well then, down we go."

Paquito stands above the body not of a human but of a minotrice, or female minotaur. After Gronar shattered her body, it made it difficult to tell exactly what had been standing there, but after watching the remaining skin and bones revert to their unaltered state; Paquito knew exactly what he was looking at. Paquito ran his hands through the blood matted hair of the minotrice, his senses recalled a happier time with his mother. A tears well up in his eyes, a decade of isolation from his own race has brought him to a place where his allies will wipe out the whole clan. Paquito knew Benat would not stop until the entire tribe was wiped out, Paquito wondered just how much participation the elf was going to want out of him. He sat down next to where Korg had discarded the females legs, and concentrated on seeing through his familiar's eyes.

Paquito watched as the party went down 50' of steps and came to a "T" they took the left passage and it worked it's way around in a snaking pattern. As the party turned a corner, Benat announced that she had detected a secret door, searching the floor she indicated that the bugbears had continued on past the secret door. Gronar motioned for the party to clear back, and he pushed in the wall. The form of a large Minotaur emerged from the other side of the wall, and lashed out at Gronar. It swung a huge greataxe that cut deep into Gronar's chest, sending the hill giant down to one knee. Paquito had seen enough, and returned his sight to his own body, and raced towards the stairs.

Maermon watched as Gronar fell to one knee, not waiting to see how bad the giant was hurt, the elf leapt over the hunched giant, and forced his blade deep into the minotaur's chest. The minotaur bellowed in pain, and struck back at Maermon, slicing with it's greataxe, the minotaur nearly decapitated the elf. As Maermon's body spun around from the blow, the minotaur sliced again, this time severing the spine of the elf and lifting the elf into the air. Then to add further insult, the minotaur lowered it's head and gored the rest of Maermon's life from him.

Benat and Korg helped Gronar to his feet and both sent healing spells into his wracked body, Gronar moved to the side of the secret door which opened Korg up to a charge from the minotaur. The beast sent both of it's horns deep into Korg's gut, blood gushed from the fist sized holes in Korg's belly. The minotaur dislodged himself and gasped in pain as Gronar's blade sunk deep into it's back. Korg fought off the urge to collapse, reached out with his left hand, and grabbed the minotaur by the throat.

"If Korg die today, You coming with." And Korg plunges his greatsword into the abdomen of the minotaur.

Paquito rounds the corner and watches as the minotaur slides off of Korg's blade and sinks to the floor lifeless.

"Korg smite big Pokey!" Korg shouts at the returning Paquito

"What do you make of this Valriand?" Celeior the elven elder asked, handing his Minister of City Defenses, the letter brought in earlier by Benat.

"Either is true and we have spies among us, or someone wants us to believe that it's true. I do not believe it to be a joke." Valriand replies

"Hmm, yes, and what do you think of this group of freelancers?" Celeior asks "Very odd for elves to be associated with giants don't you think?"

"I agree, although they have behaved themselves thus far, it's the minotaur I am most worried about. He shows up and three days later we receive this news of a minotaur clan close to us. Seems a little too convenient." Valriand replies

"What are your recommendations?" the elder asks

"Well, you excellency, the advance scouts should be arriving at the meeting spot within the hour, the initial report is that the forest seems apprehensive. We suspect to find something, and we expect it to be dealt with. A plan of this magnitude would show a level of organization that is just not present in ogres or goblins. If there is an ambush force, then I will be most concerned with finding the driving force behind it, for it certainly is not the ogre." Valriand replies

"I agree, hopefully we will find it to be some minor distraction." Celeior
responds looking out at the party and watching Benat and Paquito get into an argument. The elder's eyes then fall upon Maermon, "This one, the tall elf. He is more than fey, his appearance is more chiseled than any elf I've ever seen."

"The mages are almost certain it's giant's blood, which may help to explain the presence of the giants themselves." Valriand replies

"They planned on looking into that abandoned human fort northwest of us, perhaps we should see what they bring back?" Celeior inquires

"I would feel a lot safer knowing their intentions before it gets over their head. I don't want them thrown in the water only to find out they knew how to swim all along." Valriand replies

"Then Elreth has agreed?" The elder asks

"No, and neither did Silaior. The job rests with Finrod, but I believe any of them would have made a fine choice." Valriand answers

"Finrod? I thought he had given up on returning to the wandering ways?" Says the elder

"It was not an easy choice, but I do think his added heritage will fit in nicely with the group." Valriand replies

"That may come back to bite us, you're giving an outcast the chance to be with people he would most fit in with." Celeior comments

"Finrod will be an outcast either way, he has the manners of the giants and the grace of an elf. I should say that he will grate on both races." The minister responds "He will be ready by their return, if such a thing occurs."

"Don't you find it odd that Master Luinphayl has taken on the minotaur as his pupil? Especially in light of the revelation that the minotaurs are in league with the ogre?" Celeior asks

"I am also told that he has forsaken all other students, excepting the minotaur of course. I do think that is a most unwise decision during this time." Valriand answers

"I do too, please pay our esteemed sage a visit and state our concerns. I'm sure Luinphayl will adjust as needed." Celeior says with a smile as Valriand bows and exits.

The following day the party returns with the body of Maermon and the head of the minotaur they killed. Benat takes the minotaur head to the temple and asks that they converse with it's spirit to see if it is named Tauranous. Nameroc takes Maermon's body to the temple to inquire as to the cost of a resurrection.

The priests perform an augury and relate to Nameroc that the spirit of Maermon has joined with that of the world. He is now free to fulfill his destiny. Saddened at the loss of life yet pleased that Maermon's soul is now one with nature, Nameroc tells the party that, while the priests could perform the ceremony, Maermon has elected to move on. Benat learns that the minotaur's name was Boventius, not Tauranous.

Valriand comes and takes possession of Mearmon's corpse. He tells the party that his elven made gifts will be returned from whence they came, but his foreign possessions the party may have.

"His chain shirt, longsword and bow along with most of his arrows, shall be returned to the world, for it is with the world's blessing that these gifts were received." Valriand explains

"What about his sword?" Benat asks

"You may take that, it is not of elven make. As are all of his coins, they too are not of elven make. Take them if you wish." Valriand states

Benat divvies up the coins, and accepts possession of Maermon's greatsword, and the party turns to take their leave of Valriand.

"There is one other piece of business I would like to discuss." Valriand says, as he motions for a middle-aged elf dressed in armor made from leaves to step forward.


"Master this note has arrived from Valriand, it was addressed as urgent."

"Thank you. You may return to your studies child." Luinphayl takes the letter from the student and walks back behind his desk.

The elderly elf steadies himself with a weathered staff as he slowly lowers himself down into his chair made from an old cherry tree. Luinphayl studies the wax seal for any irregularities as a habit of precaution, satisfied that it is authentic, the elf breaks the seal and folds open the letter.

Luinphayl studies the note intently, a look of astonishment appears on his face. Setting the letter down on his desk, Luinphayl leans back in his chair, the creaking of the wood startles some hummingbirds who were feeding on nectarine blossoms on the far corner of the sage's desk. Luinphayl stared blankly as the hummingbirds returned to the small fruit tree, lost in thought Luinphayl contemplated the difficult decision that would come next.

The minotaur was definitely talented in arcane arts, but had yet to master herbalism failing miserably both times he had taken the test. Luinphayl wondered if he had been wrong about the minotaur, he had seen talented elven sorcerers throw away their careers because they could not grasp this concept or that concept, some even failed because they simply would not practice. The arrogance of the elven race showing through as those students simply wanted the power but not the control.

The elven sage sat back upright in his chair, the creaking disturbing the hummingbirds once again. Luinphayl retrieved a parchment from a drawer and placed it on his desk. He took the letter form Valriand and crumpled it up in his hands, and fed it to a special pitcher plant that fed on plant material, ensuring a natural cycle of things. Luinphayl stretched and flexed his tired fingers, then begin to pen a letter of his own. As he did so, Luinphayl became wrapped up in the emotions of his letter. His hands took on a grayish tint and his fingernails became more like claws than nails, his once green eyes glossed over a dull red.

He caught himself, and smiled with a dagger filled maw. With nary a thought he reversed the transformation and replaced Luinphayl's features.

*knock* *knock*

"Enter." Luinphayl announced

"Sir, today's dues." a lithe young elven male presented Luinphayl a satchel filled with the dues of students who had paid them that day.

"Yes, very well." Luinphayl said as the messenger took his leave. "Oh, one more thing if you would be so kind."

"Of course Master Luinphayl."

"Please have this letter delivered to Paquito when he arrives back in the town." Luinphayl hands over the letter and the elf bows and exits.

Luinphayl walked over to a window that faced back towards the town, he pondered whether he would let Celeior see his true form before Luinphayl cut the elder's life from him, or whether he would wait until the elder's last breath was leaving and then reveal the grayish alien features of the doppelganger to him then. Decisions to make and preparations to complete, Luinphayl grabbed his walking staff and headed out to give Valriand his reply personally.

Look_a_Unicorn said:
Great storyhour- do the players talk in the manner that you have ascribed to their characters? That would be a very fun group to play with.

Paquito, Korg, and Gronar pretty much speak like this during the game. Paquito's conversation is a tweak on how the player plays his character, the "No?" at the end of each statement I added and it has been picked up by the player now. Korg and Gronar's players pretty much spoke like this for them the whole time, they have fun with it and it reflects in the story.

Benat is about 50/50, her player is usually much more diplomatic in game than how she comes across in the story.

Nameroc and Maermon (now Finrod) pretty much stay quiet during the games so their conversations have had to be ad libbed.

As far as campaign background, Paquito and I are going to flesh out where he's been for the past 10 years or so. So, I think I'll write the campaign background into the histories of the PCs and do 1 at a time.



I'm a little behind on updates and you have been a busy man! I am slowly catching up and it looks like everyone is having a blast. Keep up the great work!

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