• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Don't laugh..... it's here.

Paquito's background

Paquito learned at an early age just how different he was from others of his own race. Born into slavery, Paquito heard all the stories about the minotaur's fall from power. He heard about the great migration spurred by the promise of wealth and power from the titans, many minotaurs tribes crossed the great sea to be in service to the titans. The minotaurs were given the task of policing the lesser races of humans, orcs, ogres, and giants. For hundreds of years the minotaurs faithfully upheld their end of the bargain, and they were paid handsomely for it.

Then the minotaurs awoke one morning finding the titans had abandoned them, no information, no warning. Unable to unlock the titan's own fortress and possessing no spellcasters themselves, Battalaxe the only bullord on the continent decided that the minotaurs would go on like there was nothing wrong. The slaves just required direction nothing more, and if the minotaurs kept up the charade of daily life, then the minotaurs could easily slide into the place of the titans until they came back. This charade went on for a few years, no race the wiser of the deception.

Then the elves and halflings returned from their hiding place, the minotaurs having had centuries of never having to fight against magic were ill prepared for the arcane onslaught the fey races brought against the minotaurs. This in turn incited the slave races to rebel as well. Soon the minotaurs were out numbered and facing extinction. Battalaxe turned on his own race and surrendered his company, and in exchange for his and his company's life, Battalaxe divulged the location of every minotaur safe place.

But, while Battalaxe may have secured a future for a select minotaurs, it was a brutal future, for the minotaurs became the slaves of those they had themselves enslaved. It has been thus for four generations of minotaur, the once brave Battalaxe revered as a great leader, brings about a look of disgust and a spit on the ground whenever a minotaur hears his name.

The tales of mazes, and bullords never ceased however, and the displaced minotaurs constantly strive to break their bonds and flee back to their ancestral homes. The freest a minotaur can become nowadays is to work the mines with the giants. Some minotaurs have had their freedom bought by stone giants who viewed the minotaur's woes far worse than their own.

The new "master" races made sure that after Battalaxe's death that no other minotaur would rise to the level of bullord again. They split the tribes and kept them warring amongst themselves each tribe was allowed to have a leader whose voice would speak for that tribe in matters of social-economic issues. The tribes adopted a glorified ritual of manhood, these were traditionally won by the best trained, who were often the tribe chief's sons or close advisor's sons. To the losers went death, the tribes way of thinning the herd so to speak. An unexpected (yet delighted as far as the elves and humans were concerned) result from the lack of a bullord was there were no spellcasters reared from minotaur ranks. Apparently only a bullord could sire a maze mage*, and without them minotaur magic died off on the continent.

Paquito however saw things a different way, he saw a race too arrogant to change, and too arrogant to accept any other way of fighting except for "charge in, hit what's still standing." Paquito was told early on by his "father" that he was not sired by him. Paquito's mother never spoke to Paquito about the accusations, she would always tell him "your father can't find his way out of his house when he's drunk, how do you expect him to remember any of his wives." and she would leave it at that.

On his tenth birthday, Paquito entered the test of manhood for a minotaur. Placed in a maze unknown to him and the other six participants that month, the juvenile minotaurs were instructed to race to the center of the maze, retrieve the greataxe hanging there and strike down the other six until there was only one. The prospective adult's families watched from above as the small minotaurs raced through the winding corridors and neared the center. Paquito who was already a little on the light side as far as physical attributes went, lagged behind the rest of the field. When he reached the center he found five dead or critically wounded minotaurs and the sixth one waiting for Paquito with a greataxe in his hands and blood in his eyes.

The other minotaur charged Paquito, who threw up his hands in protest. Paquito's heart raced and panic filled his head, his mother turned away unable to watch and his "father" cheered on the other child. Through the din of cheers, Paquito heard his mother crying and his "father" cheering for the wrong boy. Anger, hate, and spite roared up from a place Paquito didn't know he had. All that rage focused on the child charging Paquito and something flew from Paquito's hands and struck the charging opponent square in the face. The minotaur tripped and tumbled over himself, he landed near Paquito's feet and died there just as bewildered as Paquito.

The assembled minotaurs roared in protest, cries of "cheat" were thrown down at Paquito. An investigation ensued, however no thrown weapon was found, just a hole blasted into the other child's skull. Then the interrogations started, Paquito was kept from his family for weeks as the tribal leaders tried to get Paquito to admit to something he knew nothing about. After three weeks of repeated assaults on Paquito's sanity, he decided enough was enough. He demanded to be set free, and his request was denied as the interrogating minotaur pushed Paquito back into his chair. Rage filled Paquito's heart, and he focused he hate on the interrogator. The torches in the room dimmed to a smolder, as Paquito's eyes burned as coal in hell. Smoke, the stench of brimstone leaked out of Paquito's nostrils.

The once steel facades of the interrogator wither to that of a helpless baby, Paquito again demanded that he be set free and this time the interrogator couldn't oblige quick enough. Now free, Paquito realized that he would soon face a manhunt, he fled back to his home, where his mother held and cried with him, as his "father" called out to the guards. His father tore Paquito from his mother's arms and then began beating her, she yelled at Paquito to run. Paquito tried to ignite the same hate and rage that had served him before, but this time only fear erupted from his pores, as the guards knocked on the door. Paquito took a last look back at his mother, then fled his home and raced to the docks.

Paquito managed to bluff his way onto a ship by telling the crew he was a sound fisherman and arcane specialist. It wasn't until Paquito overheard two humans trying to figure out a map, Paquito walked over and read it to them. Unbeknownst to Paquito the map was written in magic which the human sailors could not read, Paquito did not know he had done anything spectacular and assumed it was his fabulous bluff that got him aboard the ship. For ten years Paquito sailed with the crew as they visited island after island, plundering the riches hidden on it, Paquito didn't care as long as they never returned "home".

Years went by, and Paquito was mostly relegated to the lower deck. Only visiting the surface when his "friends" thought it safest. Not wanting to get their meal ticket and guide to fame and fortunes killed, they kept Paquito well guarded and well fed. No longer enjoying the physical routines that kept his race strong and hardy, Paquito's physical growth was stunted, his metal capacities however now far exceeded even the must cunning of his former tribe members. In his spare time, Paquito learned to control the arcane energies within himself, and he mastered the most basic forms of magic.

Then one night while passing the city of Killdon, the ship was stuck in a thick fog and slammed into a reef. The ship's hold was ripped open and the ship's treasures spilled forth unto the reef. Paquito watched as sailors jumped into the water, trying to retrieve as much gold as possible. Then he saw the dark shapes in the water, strange water creatures with hideous faces rose up out of the water and began to slaughter all who had jumped. Then the dragon came, what at first appeared to be a huge turtle turned out to be a dragon in disguise as it's draconic head lashed out of the water and battered the ship with it's head, tearing rigging and masts down with one bite. The ship finally broke in two from the constant assault of the dragon turtle, and Paquito was thrown into the water.

He awoke then next morning laying face up on the beach of a large city, the sun blazing overhead, no other crew members in sight. He stood up and was met with a small contingent of armed spellswords, who cast hold person and brought him back to a gigantic structure in the center of town that reached taller than any building Paquito had ever seen. Paquito was led into a dark room, where his mind was probed by an unseen force. His memories were plucked one by one going back all through his childhood, back to a memory his had no knowledge of as the visage of a devilish minotaur stared back at whomever was looking through Paquito's mind. Paquito heard a bone chilling scream and all of his memories flooded back into him, along with those of the prober. Paquito "remembered" that he had a sorcerous arcane talent and that he was not a full blooded minotaur. Paquito "remembered" how to call forth the power within him and how to accept the new power that would be granted to him.

Paquito was allowed to go free from the place, he wandered this new city, begging for food from children by telling outlandish tales of his own deeds. To hear Paquito tell it, the dragon turtle bowed to his greatness and gave Paquito a lift to shore. Paquito then found his way to the temple of Umtala where the priests determined that while the minotaur was not evil, he definitely was not all good either. While Paquito did nothing suspicious while at the temple, Erna the head priestess of Umtala could feel the ever present infernal presence of Paquito's blood. Paquito enjoyed the temple, free food and the giants treated him as an oddity, which was better than a slave. Then these two peculiar giants and their entourage walked in.

* maze mages, and bullords are from Behemoth3's "Maze of the Minotaur" I recommend it!

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First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
* maze mages, and bullords are from Behemoth3's "Maze of the Minotaur" I recommend it!

Thanks for the props, HM -- it's been really cool seeing what mighty oaks have grown from these seeds, and I'm proud to recommend this story hour to everyone I know in return!

Valriand introduces Finrod to the party, under the auspices of adding firepower to the party.

"Wait, wait, hold on. Korg definitely not like every time weak elfy die, it gets replaced with another elfy. Elfy man in grass armor never hear of giants? Korg would take more Pokeys over elfs." Korg asks Valriand

"I assure you I am more than capable of holding my own, in whatever dangers you face." Finrod interjects

"You look old enough to be my father, are you sure you can even draw that thing grandpa?" Benat asks pointing to the bow on Finrod's back

"Hey Pokey, what you make of elf?" Gronar asks the minotaur

"Well, I can make a nice rug, a stew, shin splints, a mage hand, a wig, elf jerky, cloak of elvenkind, boots of the woodlands. The great tanner Paquito can make lots of things from elf. No?" Paquito replies

"Mmm, jerky. Korg order four pounds of elf jerky." Korg says

"Calm down, liar over there is making up more crud. He couldn't make a campfire with a torch, lamp oil, and tinder." Benat states

"Yes, well the outfitters have been ordered to grant you a little discount on any purchases you might make there. Please feel free to peruse their wares prior to your next grand adventure." Valriand says as he takes his leave of the party, as Benat, Nameroc, and Finrod all bow.

"Hey, they sell elf jerky?!" Korg shouts

"Want to see an elf jerk?" Paquito whispers to Korg, then walks up behind Benat and smacks her on the rear.

"Ah" Benat shouts as she leaps to her feet, draws her bow and turns towards Paquito, arrow tip inches from his bovine face. "Touch me again and your pathetic brain will have company."

"Ha, ha, ha. Pokey wrong, elfy get jumpy." Korg laughs

Benat's anger slowly abates, "I swear more training in my woodland skills to find easier ways of killing you is looking more and more likely."

"But, you would not take care of Chip for me. No?" Paquito asks

"What?" Benat answers

"Chip, my stone of awesome wonder and empowerment. Here hold it and feel the earth move, good vibrations. No?" Paquito replies

"You named your kidney stone Chip? Oh no, I refuse to call that thing bullchip." Benat states exasperated at the minotaur

Finrod holds his tongue silently cursing Valriand for giving him this babysitting job. Another couple of minutes of arguing and the party agrees to do a little shopping once the stores open in an hour. Paquito instead heads to the mage school and sees his tutor Luinphayl, Paquito is handed a spiked collar*.

"Paquito is not into this sort of thing master, I must decline the offer. No?" Paquito tells Luinphayl

"This collar will grant your natural attacks an additional poisoning effect, however you can not turn it's effects off without removing the collar. So please be careful." Luinphayl hands over the collar and informs Paquito that he has once again failed his herbalism test.

"I have trouble understanding the concept of agriculture, perhaps herding is more my speed. No?" Paquito replies

"I think you'll find that herbalism will come in quite handy in your future, I suggest you try smarter. Trying harder is getting you nowhere." Luinphayl replies

Benat reports to the elder's tree, and receives a bow of radiance. It constantly sheds daylight in a 60' radius and all arrows fired from it shine for 10 minutes as if a light spell had been cast upon them. Nameroc stops by the elven temple and purchases every scroll and potion of cure light wounds the temple currently has available. The party then heads out for the not-so-abandoned fort.

The party approaches the tree line again, coming to the edge of cover. They see the main hill has two bugbears on the highest point, while two minotaurs with partial cover stand behind a beaten and weathered stone wall halfway up the hill. A griffon flanks both sides of the main hill, they appear however to not have noticed the party yet. Two large bonfires rage in front of the main hill.

Benat shoots the griffon on the left, the arrow shining brightly in the afternoon sun. Nameroc then casts entangle on the hill, ensnaring both bugbears. Korg casts enlarge on Gronar again, and Gronar moves around the circumference of the tree line, getting within 100' of the left griffon's position. Nameroc sends his wolf out into the open, and the griffon's swoop in for the attack. one griffon lands a vicious bite to the wolf's hind quarters, the wolf retaliates by tripping the uninjured griffon. Benat fires another arrow into the same one she shot earlier. Nameroc casts flaming sphere and sends it rolling towards the injured griffon. Finrod then pierces the griffon's side with an arrow from his own bow, then makes an arm pumping gesture to Benat, showing her that he in fact can draw his own bow.

Korg charges the prone griffon and cuts the beast in half. Gronar moves up to the hill the griffon just left, and takes cover from the bugbears and minotaurs on the main hill. His cover however offers him no protection from the large bonfire that charges the giant from left. The elemental burns Gronar's arms and gives his face a nasty singe. The last griffon tears into the wolf's body, slicing open it's stomach as the wolf's entrails spill out unto the ground.

The minotaurs fire at Korg who is now out from cover, they fire almost branch sized arrows from a huge bow they each wield. The arrows hit home and cause Korg to retreat to the tree line. Paquito fires two magic missiles into the griffin, as Benat and Finrod both hit with arrows. Nameroc forgoes saving his wolf companion, and goes to Korg and begins reading from a cure light wounds scroll. Gronar backs away from the large pillar of flame and turns to run back to the party, the elemental manages to slap the back of Gronar's head with it's ignited fists. Gronar stumbles out into the open and is shot by a minotaur's arrow.

"Korg, Gronar need healing bad!" Gronar yells as he drops to one knee.

Nameroc then tells the group that his entangle spell has been cancelled, and that the bugbears are now free. Korg charges the last griffin and cuts a wing off, sending blood spurting all over the immediate area. Paquito moves over and fires a crossbow bolt at the griffin and ends it's suffering. The elemental then charges Korg, frying the hill giant's legs an abdomen. The smell of scalded flesh fills the area, as arrows from the bugbears whiz by Korg and land harmlessly behind him. Nameroc moves up and heals Korg again with a cure light wounds, Gronar moves up behind the elemental to flank it, and swings his blade at the creature which crackles in pain.

Paquito fires two magic missiles into the fire being, while Finrod's arrows seem to burn up before ever reaching the elemental. Benat's arrows however, stick into the elemental for a moment before also erupting into flames. Gronar gets hit by another arrow, which drops the huge giant to both knees. Now in a compromising position, the elemental charges the downed Gronar, and burns his face badly. The giant teeters and collapses, landing on his side, back to the enemy archers. Finrod drops his bow and charges the creature, his blow dissipates the flames into nothingness just after the elf's hands are badly burned from the living fire.

Benat activates her winged boots and fires at the highest bugbear, landing a good strike into the shoulder of the beast. Korg moves up to Gronar and crouches behind him, using the fallen giant as cover. Korg then casts cure moderate wounds on the giant. Gronar then begins to crawl away, and is shot by a bugbear for his trouble but, is not knocked out by it. Nameroc goes out and helps Korg heal Gronar, as the bugbear celebrates it's first hit of the engagement. It's celebration is cut short however as Benat sends an arrow into, through, and out of the bugbear's open mouth. The bugbear collapses in a heap, and the rest of the enemies flee back down the stairs below.

"What the heck have you guys ticked off out here? I've seen many things in my life, but death has not been one of them. I fear you will lead me there soon." Finrod complains

"Hey, if you want to go back and rock your grandchildren feel free. The elves, including you, were nowhere near death. That is why we have the giants." Benat says to Finrod, the last sentence in an almost whisper to the elf.

The party regroups within the tree line and contemplates their next move. Paquito sends Chip out for another scouting mission, it reaches the stairs where Paquito then peers through the small elemental's eyes. Paquito becomes weak kneed and drops to the forest floor, his mouth goes slack.

"What?! What is it?" Benat asks

"She's so beautiful. Yes?" Paquito mutters totally lost in the moment.

Paquito's eyes see standing halfway down the stone stairs is an albino female minotaur, hairless except for long full raven black hair that cascades down her back. Blood red tattoos cover most of her visible skin, her white eyes peer up at the ceiling, her hands ready with a spell for an enemy that never comes.

"Snap out of it! What do you see?" Benat shouts, slapping the minotaur

"There's a minotrice unlike I've ever seen, she seems lonely. I should go talk to her. Yes?" Paquito says

Paquito begins to rise, but Gronar pushes him back down, and runs out towards the hill. The giant grabs the bugbear's body, as Korg drags the griffins' bodies back inside the tree line. Paquito's sight returns as soon as he hits the ground, he quickly re-establishes sight with his familiar, but the minotrice is gone. Only an empty stairwell remains. The party decides to head back to town and restock on healing magic before assaulting the fort again.

* collar of venom from "Book of Vile Darkness"


First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
Nameroc and Maermon (now Finrod) pretty much stay quiet during the games so their conversations have had to be ad libbed.

I guess there's only so much crazy jabbering a party can have before it starts getting too far off track. I think it takes nearly as much effort to keep quiet and not tell that joke, letting the DM advance the story, as it does to speak up. With a lively group at least ;)

Kudos to the quiet ones!!

The party returns to Mirwood, and gets in a good night's rest. Nameroc returns to the elven temple and buys up all their healing scrolls and one potion, while Finrod buys a potion as well, and tries to convince the elven temple that his services as weaponsmith would be greatly needed for the church and they should look into giving him a nice discount for his services. The church declines and Finrod leaves dejected with his one potion.

The party returns to the old fort, and finds it seemingly abandoned, Paquito sends chip to scout out the interior stairwell. Paquito reports that the left turn the party took earlier is no longer there, there is only a right turn now.

"Gronar think Pokey's bullchip lost, maybe not even in right tunnel." Gronar states

Paquito urges his familiar through the left wall and it emerges into a small empty room, "It appears they have moved the maze around. No?" Paquito ascertains

"So, you admit it is a maze? Doesn't that mean you won't get lost if we threw you down there?" Benat snipes

"The great Paquito would not get lost because his has the intellect of Erzor the Sage! He studied so long, he died while doing it, turned into a ghost and studied for an eon longer. Until some uppity cleric type destroyed him. That is why Paquito the Vizer will not get lost. No?" Paquito spouts

"Fine you go first." Benat says while pushing Paquito forward.

"Great, Paquito the explorer will lead. Follow the great Paquito. No?" Paquito responds

"How about we just follow the bull you're leaving behind you, it'll takes us right to you." Benat retorts

The party ascends the central hill, and comes to the stairs carved into the hill itself. Peering down Paquito dreams the minotrice is there with open arms waiting for him, the minotaur opens his arms in response and gets kicked down the stairs by Benat.

"Anything down there?" Benat yells

Paquito rights himself and brushes off the dust from the floor. He gets to his feet and begins to trek around the corner to the right ignoring the elf.

"If he never gets lost, shouldn't we catch up to him?" Finrod asks

The giants look at each other and push forward past the elves in a race to catch up with Paquito.

"Korg go with Pokey, Korg not want to stay here longer than needed to smash things, and praise Umtala." Korg says catching up to the minotaur

"Gronar go with Korg, and remind Korg to pray." Gronar says with a smile and a slap on the back of Korg

The elves soon follow.

The right turn is 180 degrees and the passage follows alongside of the entry hall, after 40' Benat's elf sense dings and he alerts the party to the presence of a secret door on the left wall just before the hallway turns to the left. Gronar slides the wall out of the way, and a long closet like room appears 10' wide but 40' long, a large sack sits on the floor near the south wall.

"The great Paquito shall investigate. No?" Paquito says, having cast detect magic while Gronar moved away so Benat could enter the room. Paquito saw that something was radiating magic from the sack. Paquito stood near the north end of the room for several seconds studying the sack.

"Well, are you waiting for, it to get up and walk to you?" Benat asked

"Sack is attacking? Clear way for Gronar!" The hill giant shouts, trying to push past Benat.

"Korg will cast smite on sack." Korg says, offering his services in defending the party from the aggressive bag of cloth.

Paquito gathers that whatever magical item is in the sack, it has a minor aura of necromancy. Paquito walks over and lifts the sack, Paquito notices the hole in the floor that the sack was covering, at the same time a gas erupts from the hole. It fills Paquito's immediate area instantly and Paquito feels his muscles tighten almost to the point of paralysis.

"Trap! Benat yells and she quickly exits the room.

Paquito follows with a stiff zombie like walk, as the gas has robbed him of nearly all his dexterity. As soon as Paquito clears the exit, Gronar slams it shut again.

"Pokey OK? Korg asks, remarking about the minotaur's new gait.

"Why yes, this is a new exercise technique from the wayward islands. Pokey is now a stiffy. No?" Paquito replies

"I wish that trap had killed you, get me out of my misery and your bad jokes." Benat says

Gronar steps around the corner and gets pierced by two arrows, he sounds the alarm and the party goes into action.

Benat moves out and fires into one of the arrow slits at the end of the hallway, Gronar charges the holes and stabs at a minotaur behind the slits. Korg also charges the arrow slits and skewers a minotaur on the end of his spear. Nameroc moves up to asses the situation, but holds his action awaiting an opening. He sees it in the form of a large bull behind the party down the hallway they just traveled.

"Rear attack!" Nameroc shouts, Finrod and Paquito both turn to face this new threat, as the secret door slides open and the form of a bugbear emerges next to Finrod.

"Eiee, I am under assault. No?" Paquito attempts to cast magic missile but his stiff arms and fingers make it next to impossible. Paquito manages to get off two missiles which strike unerroringly into the bugbear's legs. "Even severely weakend, the greatness of Paquito shines through. No?'

Benat activates her winged boots and floats near the ceiling of the hallway, then flies down positioning herself between the bull and Finrod. Gronar moves back to the group but cannot get around the corner to hit anything yet. Korg moves back behind Gronar and heals him, but takes two arrows from the slits for his efforts. The bull charges Finrod and gores him into Paquito who is standing behind him. The bugbear then swings it's battle axe down onto Finrod's shoulder, bleeding and badly wounded, Finrod retreats to the corner of the hallway opposite Paquito. Nameroc takes this chance to send a flaming sphere at the bull, but the animal deftly dodges the small ball of fire.

"For a nature lover such as yourself, Paquito has noticed you have this unnatural fetish with fire. No?" Paquito comments to Nameroc

"Aren't you going to help?" Nameroc shouts to Paquito

"I am not done working out, it is a bad idea to not have a cool down period. No?" Paquito answers, his stiff legs trying to pivot around away from the bull and bugbear.

Pinned down in the corner of intersecting hallways, Korg charges the arrow slits again and sinks his spear deep into a minotaur behind the wall. The bull moves up to Finrod and takes a good sized bite on his right leg, this however opens up an opportunity for Gronar who slices the bull in two. Paquito manages to get off two magic missiles at the bugbear, while Benat fires arrows into it. Korg keeps the minotaur archers occupied while Gronar finishes off the bugbear then charges back down the hallway where he hears the minotaurs retreating from their posts. The hill giant turns to face Korg, and sees another bull at the end of a new hallway around the corner where the minotaur archers were. He steadies himself and waits for the charge, it comes, but Gronar makes sure he does not miss. Gronar slashes the bull's innards over the adjacent walls.

Benat moves up to Gronar's position and along the way discovers another secret door, opening it she finds a small empty chamber beyond. It looks as though this was carved from the hill, as opposed to cut stone like the walls of the maze are. Benat enters to search the small room and a feeling of hopelessness thrusts itself into her heart, and she is a little less sure of herself now. The party regroups there and heals up as best they can before deciding what to do next.

The party decides to exit the maze and head back to Mirwood to rest up, heal, and change some spell selections for the divine casters. Nameroc spends the day in prayer for another animal companion and ends up with a skunk which he declines to accept.

Returning to the maze, the party finds that it has changed once again, this time only the left turn is available. Winding their way around the turns, Benat tells the party that she's located a secret door. Paquito sends Chip through the stone wall where the small elemental sees the albino minotrice waiting for the party in the empty room. Paquito recalls Chip, and the party readies themselves. Gronar forces open the secret door, revealing an empty room with an exit to the south.

Benat and Gronar race down the south passage, it takes a left turn, and then "T's". Benat looks out into the hallway and sees a minotaur positioned at both ends of the hallway in the corner. Benat casts message and tells Gronar of this news. Nameroc enters the room and casts summon nature's ally I, and sends the wolf into the south passage after Gronar and Benat. Korg and Paquito also enter the room, Finrod remains outside the room as the secret door closes in front of him. The south passage also closes off separating Gronar, Benat, and the summoned wolf with the rest of the party. A secret door then opens in the room and the maze mage emerges. Korg spins towards the minotaur and slices into her, the minotaur responds by casting charm person on the hill giant.

"Korg sorry he hit Pokey's sister, Korg scared when wall opened." Korg says to his new friend

"Uh oh, I'm toast. No?" Paquito thinks to himself, "wait, I think I have just the thing." Paquito grabs his amulet and points it at the maze mage.

"Feel the power of Paquito as your flesh burns away in hell!" Paquito shouts at the maze mage trying to intimidate her as well as fry her to a crisp. A roiling cone of hellfire bursts forth from the mouth of the dragon on the amulet. The maze mage cowers in fear as the flames overtake her, choking out her breath as the oxygen is burned away in her lungs.

Nameroc follows Paquito's impressive display with a fire spell of his own, sending a flaming sphere at the albino minotaur. The maze mage manages to twist away from the small ball of flame.

"More fire from the woodland's protector. No?" Paquito says to the elf

Gasping for breath, the maze mage looks at Korg, and points out Paquito "Protect me from that!" and then the maze mage disappears behind the secret door.

Finrod examines the spot where the secret door was, but cannot locate the mechanism that will open it for him. The elf then begins to bang on the wall, shouting for someone on the other side to let him in. When that fails, he tries to use his weight to force the door open.

Benat fire arrows into the minotaur on the right end of the "T". Both of them hit the minotaur hard, and it retreats back beyond the corner. The minotaur to the left then charges down the hallway, appearing mere feet away from Finrod. Finrod ceases his search for the secret door, and flees from the minotaur retracing the party's steps back around a corner.

"Pokey, where sister go?" Korg asks

"She is of no relation to anyone in my family, maybe she is Benat's sister? No?" Paquito responds

"I am behind the door friend, have the elf open it. It appears stuck on my side." The maze mage responds to Korg

"Elfy! Open door for friend." Korg demands of Nameroc

"No way, I'm not going anywhere near that door. I'm going to make a new exit." Nameroc replies

"Elfy, won't open door." Korg tells the maze mage

"Then I cannot escape, please don't let me die in here." The maze mage replies attempting to sound sincere

Nameroc goes to the north wall and casts ^soften stone^, turning a 10' area into soft clay. "Here dig through this and we can escape."

Paquito goes to the wall and begins to dig out the clay.

"Here Elfy, you open door for friend." Korg says as he grabs Nameroc by the head and pushes him against the secret door. "Korg help Pokey dig."

"Let go of me! I can't look for anything pressed up against a wall." Nameroc protests

"No! I can't allow you to escape me that easily!" The maze mage shouts as the secret door flies open, pushing Nameroc to the floor out of the way of the secret door.

"Pokey's sister! You got door open." Korg says happy to see his new friend.

Korg watches in amazement as the maze mage contorts her fingers and gestures at Korg, sending a blinding blue beams from the palms of her hands. The beams join together and arc out at Korg, sending a shock of electricity and blistering heat into his chest, the bolt sears tissue as it zigzags it's way through the hill giant's body, then exits Korg's back and arcs into Paquito. The bolt short circuits Paquito's brain and he drops to the floor.

Benat activates her winged shoes and heads down the north passage. Just before she reaches the corner, she spots more arrow slots in the wall. She lays flat against the ceiling to avoid the archers, and fires into the minotaur that charged towards Finrod. Gronar follows her and attacks through an arrow slot, killing a minotaur with his spear. The other archer sends an arrow deep into the chest of Gronar, piercing the left lung.

The remaining minotaur moves up to the first secret door, and gives a signal by stomping a hoof and snorting. The secret door is raised, and the minotaur enters the room with Korg, Paquito, Nameroc, and the maze mage. Finrod listens closely, for an attempt to follow the minotaur. Korg turns and with a wicked swing decapitates the newly entered minotaur, as Nameroc moves up and stops Paquito's descent into death.

Korg turns back to the maze mage, "Now! you're next!"

"Just look at what you've done." The maze mage says to Korg, while holding up her right hand. Korg's vision is drawn towards the hand and then the world goes black for Korg.

"Ah! Korg is blind" Korg screams from the effects of the blindness spell as he wanders helplessly around the room

Gronar hears Korg's scream and turns to shove his spear into an archer behind the arrow slots, then turns and runs to the clay wall between the hallway and the room Korg is in. Benat lowers herself down and fires into the arrow slot, killing the second archer. She too advances to the clay wall where Gronar forces his way through the soft clay and into the room.

"Korg, Gronar need healing now!" Gronar coughs and wheezes, blood dripping from his lips.

Benat flies into the room and fires at the maze mage but misses. Korg casts cure serious wounds, and feels out for Gronar, finally finding Gronar's head. With a hand on Gronar's ear and another in his mouth, Gronar is healed. The hill giant then turns his attentions to the maze mage, who casts phantasmal killer at the giant. A huge pus ridden giant, it's back slowly burning, it's eyes falling from their sockets and dripping onto the floor in front of Gronar, it's claws dance independently of the things fingers, it's hair twists and turns on a breeze only it can feel, emerges from the darkness and grabs the chest of Gronar who screams in terrified agony.

The rest of the party not able to see the illusion take a step back expecting Gronar to fall. The giant however fights off the death touch, and is only suffers a fractured rib for his trouble. The illusion dissipates, and Gronar moves to the side of the secret door where the maze mage is, and slams his spear tip into her thigh. Blood showers the door frame as the albino minotaur disengages her leg from the weapon and retreats through the secret door closing it behind her.

Gronar rushes the door and forces it open, an empty room lies beyond. Nameroc casts cure light wounds on Paquito bringing him back to consciousness. Benat follows Gronar into the room, and finds a trap door in the floor at the corner opposite the secret door. Gronar, in a fit of rage tears off the covering and jumps down the 10' to floor below, the hill giant is confronted with the biggest minotaur he's even seen. The maze mage stands near the back of the 70' x 70' room, a fountain bubbles softly next to her against the far wall, where two other minotaurs stand. The bullord sizes up Gronar and waits for the hill giant to make his move. Gronar however realizes the futility of his situation, and climbs back up the secret door, and runs through the rest of the party.

"Gronar getting the hell out of here!" Gronar shouts the retreat

"Well I'm not staying if the giant's not." Nameroc replies and follows the giant out through the hole in the wall.

Finrod, who has been trying to emulate the noises the minotaur made in order to gain access to the room the minotaur went into, has not had any luck getting the door to open. He watches as Gronar charges around the corner.

"Out of way elfy!" Gronar shouts as he passes Finrod.

Paquito ties his and Korg's waists' together and leads the hill giant through the hole in the wall with Benat behind them looking out for any pursuers. Gronar turns the corner past Finrod and runs into a dead end, confused the giant stands there scratching his head. The rest of the party catches up to Gronar and they fill up the 20' hallway. Nameroc and Finrod begin searching for secret doors, but they find none. Finrod then relates what he heard the minotaur do earlier in order to gain access to the room.

"Maybe Paquito can get the wall moved?" Benat suggests

Paquito however takes out Chip and asks it to confirm that there is indeed a hallway on the other side of the south wall. Chip merges with the wall and comes out on the other side into a hallway. Paquito then has Chip move to the middle of the wall looking for obvious mechanical structures that would indicate a lever or some kind of trigger for the wall. Chip finds none and returns to Paquito. Paquito mulls over trying to make the sounds Finrod described.

"Get the hell on with it! We're going to get picked off one by one, waiting for you to grow some testicular fortitude!" Benat shouts at the minotaur

Paquito moves up and replicates Finrod's description and the wall rises for a few seconds and then closes.

"We'll have to go through one at a time." Nameroc announces

Paquito performs the routine 4 more times as Gronar, Korg, Nameroc, and Finrod go through the moving wall. Benat tells Paquito to get through so she can keep watch on this side. Paquito goes through as the rest of the party moves up to the entry hallway.

"OK Paquito, let me through." Benat yells through the stone. No reply is forthcoming, and the wall does not move. "Paquito!" still nothing. "Paquito, quit screwing around and get this wall up now!"

Paquito intentionally messes up the routine.

"What wrong Pokey? Why elfy not get through?" Korg asks

"Nothing is wrong, I am trying but I think they are on to me, we may have to abandon Benat here while we retreat. No?" Paquito answers

"No, you putrid piece of cow's rear. I will spill your entrails for miles when I get my hands on you!" Benat shouts

"Well, insults certainly aren't going to get you anywhere. I hope you have more arrows than things that will come looking for you. No?" Paquito says as he walks away form the wall.

"Open wall." Gronar demands

"She insulted the Great Paquito Flacido, then she verbally assualted me. I fear for my life if she is freed. No?" Paquito answers

"Pokey fear for life if elfy not freed." Gronar grits through his teeth

"You are badly injured, how many more minotaurs could you take down before you fall? Mayhaps you should ask your fellow lawn ornament what happens to the great Paquito when he is angered. No?" Paquito responds

"Pokey shout fire out of his mouth!" Korg says excitedly. Nameroc affirms this is the case as well, this backs off Gronar a bit as he assesses this new information.

Paquito walks back to the wall and activates the code sounds that allow Benat to move to this side of the corridor.

"You're dead!" Benat shouts as she raises her bow

"No, Gronar think Pokey should lead. Gronar not want Pokey mad." Gronar says

Benat looks on dumbfounded "I don't know what you did, but your days are numbered." Benat states as she flies past the minotaur

"All of our days are numbered elf. I wager however, that my number is far higher than yours. No?" Paquito responds under his breath

The party moves to the entry hallway and is confronted by two minotaurs guarding the exit. The lead one charges and slams it's greatsword into the gut of Finrod, who has the wind knocked out of him as his body is thrust against the stone wall behind him. Benat unloads two arrows into the beast while Gronar skewers it through the heart. Gronar then moves into the hallway and sets his spear for a charge, daring the minotaur to attack. After a few seconds it becomes apparent that the minotaur isn't going to move, so Gronar charges it. The hill giant's spear forcibly removes the minotaur's liver through it's back, a moment later the beast is dead.

The party limps their way back to Mirwood.

As the party enters Mirwood, Paquito is approached by Valriand and given a note. He tells Paquito it is from Luinphayl the headmaster at the elven mage school. Valriand then asks that Finrod follow him, as he has a few things to discuss with the elf.

"What's the note say?" Benat asks

"It says that Master Luinphayl can no longer instruct me at the mage school. No?" Paquito says mentioning only half the letter, and saying nothing about a key waxed to the bottom of the letter.

"I see you've finally grated on another elf." Benat says as she leaves to go to the festival hall.

"I shall need to think on this. No?" Paquito says as he returns to his room at the school.

Once there he finds another note on his pillow, this one however appears to be penned by a minotaur.

Great Horned One,
Your exploits here yesterday have left a distinct impression upon me. My name is Corridorian, and my tribe is dying. Tauranous is week! He lets those infiltrators wander our halls, learn our secrets, dwindle our already small numbers. I sense great power lies within you, untapped yearning to rise above your meager beginnings. My tribe was strong, we needed no one to defend us, no one to ally with. Yet Tauranous seeks help from the ogres and the cursed one, I am sure your blood boils upon hearing of this news. It is time Tauranous is replaced, with our combined arcane might we could lord over these tree huggers! Think of the power my abilities would grant a leader such as yourself. We number but a dozen of us now eight of those are minotrices, wouldn't that be a strong foundation for your wives!

Tauranous is far too arrogant to see his own failings, challenge him for control of the tribe. Become the bullord you want to be. I know who your father is I know it haunts you, I know my visage haunts your dreams as well. You cannot deny that which you are. The time of elven reckoning is a hand, there are allies all around you. Did you not think it odd that you were even allowed into the elven mage school, let alone allowed to study at it! It has been foretold that the blood of our creator will return, you carry within you that very blood! Let it show you the way to lordship, let it show you the way to me.

Your giant friends will have to be brought low before the battle, Tauranous is too paranoid to accept your challenge if he thinks he won't have the upper hand. The elf with the stinging twigs is like the fly that refuses to get swatted, if you wish, I will gladly destroy this pest myself. The other two elves are so pathetic, I think a good trip on their faces will put them out of their misery.

If this is acceptable to you, then the next time you enter my home, find your way to the northwest trap door. You have already seen it through your little rock. I look forward to long years in your powerful service.


Paquito digests the letter's content, and decides he needs to speak with Gronar. He finds Gronar sitting with Korg drinking kegs of thin elvish wine. Paquito manages to get Gronar to join him a fair distance away from Korg so he could speak privately with the giant.

"What Pokey want? Gronar not yet drunk enough." Gronar says, his alcohol tinged breath reeking through each word.

"I need you to teach me how to fight. No?" Paquito answers

"Huh? Gronar not understand. You wish to fight Gronar? OK, let me get sword." Gronar answers

"No! I want YOU to TEACH ME how to fight. No?" Paquito replies

"Wait, Gronar confused. Pokey wants me to not teach how to fight?" Gronar answers, the wine dulling the already dim light in his head.

"I wish to fight like a giant, you can teach me. No?" Paquito answers

"No, Gronar not teach Pokey how to fight like Gronar. Gronar is giant, Pokey is small. Pokey not a giant." The hill giant answers

"Soon I will be as tall as you, I should begin my training as soon as possible. No?" Paquito replies

"No, Gronar chop off knees if that happens. Ha!" Gronar says laughing

"Please, I need to know the proper technique to swing a greatsword such as your own. No?" Paquito pleads

"Wait a minute, Pokey not trying to steal from Gronar?" Gronar ask misinterpreting Paquito's response

"I would not dream of such a elvish thing as that. No?" Paquito replies

"Hmm, ok. But Gronar keep two eyes on you." Gronar answers holding up three fingers

"I am in your debt. No?" Paquito responds

"First thing Pokey have to do, is look like giant." Gronar says while pulling out a large mirror from his backpack "Like giant in painting. See?"

Gronar hands Paquito the mirror.

"I see myself. No?" Paquito tells the giant

"What? Pokey break painting?" Gronar says snatching the mirror from Paquito's hands. Gronar looks into the mirror again. "Ah, Gronar sees handsome giant. See?" Gronar asks Paquito while turning the mirror around so that it faces the minotaur

"It's a mirror, it shows my reflection. This concept, it is lost on you. No?" Paquito answers

Gronar quickly turns the mirror to face him. "Gronar think Pokey blind, Gronar sees handsome hill giant in painting. Look handsome giant even smile at Gronar."

Gronar turns the mirror back to Paquito. "Ah yes, I see your visage perfectly now. I do not understand how I could have missed such a blatantly obvious thing such as this. Perhaps it is a magical mirror. No?" Paquito says sarcastically

"Pokey think painting is magic? Ha! That funny cow man." Gronar replies and puts the mirror away.

"First lesson is called catch rock." Gronar says while digging a rock out of his pouch

"W.w.w. What? Did you say catch rock. Surely you misspoke. No?" Paquito asks

"No, Gronar throw rock at Pokey, if Pokey catch it, then Pokey learn first lesson. Ready?" Gronar asks

Actually *yawn* I'm getting tired, perhaps we should initiate this when I am more rested, and you are no so drunk. No?" Paquito replies

"Gronar be here all night, when Pokey ready to play catch, Pokey know where to find Gronar." The hill giants answers

Paquito flees the inebriated giant, and runs to the festival hall where he locates Benat and asks to have a word with her.

"Hey, I found out some news for you, turns out Luinphayl is needed to shore up the magical defenses of the village. So you shouldn't feel so dejected about him no longer tutoring you, although I have my doubts about his sanity letting you learn there to begin with." Benat tells Paquito as they sit at a corner table.

"I need your help. No?" Paquito tells the elf

"What? The great, magnificent, awe inspiring, second coming of Belesarda, divine inspiring, kingdom leveling, fabulous dressing, Paquito the mighty needs help?" Benat replies incredulously

"It is true I am all of those things, but sometimes one must get their own hands dirty. No?" Paquito responds

"Absolutely not, I will not fetch another kidney stone for you." Benat remarks

"No, it is not that. I have heard you speak of dark elves, ones that did not embrace an edict of peace and harmony with nature. No?" Paquito asks

"I don't like where this is headed, but yes that is correct." Benat answers

"And killing them, you felt no remorse towards this? What if the only race you ever knew were these dark elves of which you speak? You would find it difficult killing them then. No?" Paquito asks

"What are you trying to say? I may have felt a twinge on the moral reader, but all was righted after I spilled the blood of some lowly humans." Benat answers

"Well, perhaps not all the minotaurs are evil. Perhaps there are some allies to be found among the decrepit. No?" Paquito inquires

"And you know who that could be?" Benat presses Paquito for info

"Perhaps, I may have a contact within the maze." Paquito replies

"I knew it! You've been yanking our chain the whole time." Benat accuses Paquito

"No, I assure you. If I was yanking your chain, I would not be telling you now. No?" Paquito replies

"Hmm, unless that's what you want me to think." Benat responds

"I do not want you to think, apparently that activity causes your brain to become overworked. No? I merely want you to listen to my plan. No?" Paquito tells the elf

Paquito then goes into his grand plan of avoiding attacking the minotaurs in favor of wiping out their support base of goblinoid creatures.

"I'll think on it, but I still think wiping out the minotaurs is our best option, but feel free to bring this up with the giants." Benat says with a smile a returns to the bar.

Dejected, Paquito returns to his room and sleeps restlessly through the night.

I've got a plan.

Pauito tries valiantly, but is out voted. The party elects to return to the maze and wipe out the minotaur threat.

"Do we wait for Finrod?" Nameroc asks

"No, he knows where we'll be. I think that last battle scared him off." Benat answers

The party heads out to the maze, they arrive to find that instead of a long corridor at the base of the entry stairs, they find an immediate turn to the left. The party collects at the base and Benat finds a secret door on the right wall. Paquito sends his familiar through the wall and discovers a donut shaped room with an empty table in the northwest corner of the room. Paquito sends Chip through the enclosed middle section of the room, and it finds an empty space.

Paquito has Chip return, and sends it through the south wall of the corridor. Chip sees a huge space devoid of any walls or creatures for that matter. It sees that the corridor continues for 100' then turns south for 80' before ending in a small room about 30' x 30'. Paquito relays this information back to the group.

"Table! Where? Gronar will smash!" Gronar says as he takes out a rock from his pouch

"Perhaps I should investigate it first? No?" Paquito says. Benat nods to him and follows the minotaur into the room. Gronar enters next to give the elf some cover in case the table attacks.

Paquito investigates the table and finds some words carved into the top, Benat sees Paquito mouthing some words, and casts comprehend languages and advances next to Paquito.

All is as is expected Paquito written in giant.

Benat and Paquito lock eyes and for a few tense moments silence reigns in the room. Then a panel in the ceiling outside of the room opens and a clear gel like substance begins to ooze from the opening. Nameroc narrowly escapes being engulfed by the enveloping gel.

"Trap!" Nameroc yells as he runs past Korg and casts soften stone on the south wall of the corridor just beyond Korg.

Korg begins to dig away at the clay, as Gronar stabs at the gel which now takes up 15' of hallway space from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall. Benat fires arrows into the gelatinous cube as Paquito fidgets with his hands nervously.

Nameroc helps Korg dig into the clay as well, but before Korg can clear the space, a tidal wave of jelly pours over him and engulfs the giant. Acid juices begin to eat away at Korg's flesh as the giant holds his breath. Nameroc flees down the corridor to the far corner and turns to fire a bolt at the cube.

Benat fires flame arrows into the gel, the flame gets extinguished but the light of the arrow shines through, suspended in midair in the transparent ooze.

"Korg's in trouble are you going to let him die!" Benat shouts at Paquito

"I think they mean for all of you to die. No?" Paquito responds to the elf

Unable to pull himself free of the cube, Korg calls to his diety and melts into the earth*. Nameroc watches in horror as Korg appears to be dissolved inside of the cube. Nameroc fires another bolt, and this one causes the cube to burst apart like sieve.

"Where Korg?" Gronar asks sloshing through the goo that's drained on the floor

"The ooze ate him, he's gone." Nameroc replies

Benat moves up to inspect the area, "Oozes eat only organic material, had it digested Korg his weapons and rocks would be here. I think Korg used his divine ability to meld with the earth."

"Korg not dead?" Gronar asks

"No, I don't believe so. However it's put us in quite the quandary as we are now forced to wait until morning before we can leave." Benat replies

"What did you find in the other room?" Nameroc asks.

Paquito and Benat look at each other. "We found a table. No?" Paquito replies

"And what was on the table?" Benat asks

"Nothing. Surely anyone can see that. No?" Paquito asks

"It said all is as is expected PAQUITO! They're expecting you, you've led us into a trap." Benat says drawing an arrow

"No, I have not. They want me to kill someone, but I am not ready. I tried to get you to move on from this place but you had to come back. I think we're all doomed now. No?" Paquito replies

"All but you, I'm going to make you suffer long for this." Benat answers

"I have not done anything to you, I am as powerless as you are right now. No?" Paquito answers

"Do you even know which side you are on?" Benat asks

"Why ours of course, the company of good friends is far more enriching than the life of an exile. No?" Paquito answers

Benat decides to reserve judgment until a later time, as the party waits out Korg's return, they hear stone moving around above them, hooves walking across the ceiling, and finally the entrance slams shut. Chip confirms that three walls have been slid over to block the exit with 12' of solid stone.

"Looks like they don't want us to leave." Nameroc says

"They don't want us to live. No?" Paquito responds

"No, they don't want US to live, you'll be fine." Benat remarks

Gronar goes to confirm the panel the gelatinous cube came from is still open and empty, he verifies this as Chip confirms that the level above them contains many discarded walls and chains but no sign of any minotaurs. The rest of the night goes by and Korg rises from the earth completely healed.

The party investigates the room to the south and finds a trap door in the floor. Paquito sends Chip through the door, but there is only darkness beyond.

"I do not think this is the way we should be going. No?" Paquito says

"Why? What are you not telling us?" Benat asks

"I was told there would be a way down in the northwest corner, that's back up in the table room. No?" Paquito answers

The party returns to the donut shaped room and begins to search the walls for secret doors. After forty-five minutes of searching the party calls it off.

"Looks like your information was wrong." Benat says

"I do not understand, it clearly said to go through the secret entrance, and they would be waiting below. No?" Paquito answers

"Gronar know!" The giant speaks up and removes the table from the corner, beneath it is the plain outline of a trap door. "Elfs and Pokey are dumb."

"Korg knew that. Korg smite dumb!" Korg shouts

"Please, someone get him a new word." Nameroc pleads

Paquito sends Chip through the trap door to find a room below that has a corridor exiting it to the south. The party opens the trap door and Gronar begins to descend.

"Wait, what if it's a trap and they want us to go this way, and not the overtly scary darkness way, and that's the way we should be taking?" Benat asks the giant

"Elfy think it over while Gronar go kill pokeys for hurting Korg." Gronar replies

The party descend with an apprehensive Benat in tow. The party learns that the southern corridor ends in a door 30' down the hallway. Chip informs Paquito that beyond the stone wall of the room, the area is empty except for a fountain and a sarcophagus. Nameroc casts soften stone again and the party digs a hole through the all into a huge open area. The party's hears soft weeping coming from the space beyond. Gronar makes his way to the fountain with Benat following. Benat casts detect magic and gets a very strong reading coming from the sarcophagus, she then determines that the water in the fountain is an ingested poison.

Gronar backs away from the water, and the party listens to the weeping and determines that it's coming from the sarcophagus.

"Hey bullchiper, send in your flunky and see what's causing that sound." Benat tells Paquito

Paquito hesitates for a second as he realizes his standing with the party is on shaky ground. Chip sees a desiccated human form in the sarcophagus. Benat asks for quiet as she listens intently to the weeping. She determines it is not like any undead with sound abilities that she knows of.

"I've got a plan." Benat states

* this was Korg using some of his divine points to meld with the earth. He rises in 8 hours or sunrise which ever occurs last, and is completly healed.
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The death of a giant

"Gronar and Korg, could you slide off the sarcophagus lid, while Paquito you throw these two vials of holy water onto whatever is in there?" Benat asks

"OK" comes the unified giant response

"Um, I am not so good at throwing things, perhaps the druid would be a better choice. No?" Paquito replies

"Leave me out of this. I'm going to be standing way over here, so I couldn't possibly be able to reach it on a throw." Nameroc says while moving away from Paquito

The giants take their positions and force the lid off of the sarcophagus. The weeping sound instantly fills the ears of everyone save for Benat, who shrugs off the effects of the demoralizing cry.

"What is it? Can you turn it off?" Nameroc shouts

"Throw the vial!" Benat yells at Paquito

Paquito cocks his arm and watches in horror as the visage of a desiccated head appears. It's shriveled eyes are on short stalks that protrude from the sockets. A thin greenish tinged liquid constantly seeps from it's eye sockets and runs down the length of it's arms ending in the palms of it's hands where a toothy maw slowly drinks up the fluid.

Paquito drops the first vial in fright, the blessed water within ruined as it seeps into the dirt floor.

"Fool!" Benat yells at Paquito, while firing an arrow into the leathery skin of the undead thing. Gronar and Korg both miss as they take wild swings at the creature while trying to back away from it.

The wheep's eyes lock onto Korg, and slash out with it's biting hands. It's claws rake a path across the giant's abdomen. Gronar watches as Korg's face seems to wither just a little after the blow. Paquito throws the other vial, but overthrows it and it smashes against the wall of the room they just left.

Benat moves to get a better line of sight, but still misses with an arrow, "All you had to do was pour the stuff on the creature. That's it!" Benat shouts to Paquito, who shrugs his shoulders in an "I told you so" manner.

Gronar moves behind the thing so as to flank it with Korg. Korg raises his holy symbol and attempts a turning, but the beast presses on. It rolls out of it's former prison and advances on Korg, missing with it's hands but biting a chunk of flesh from Korg's arm. His arm withers to near skin and bones from the virulent poison pumped into his Korg's body. Paquito decides to try his new spell out, and sends a scorching ray into the floor below the sarcophagus.

"Moron! Is this the part where you turn traitor?" Benat shouts to Paquito
"I am trying. No?" Paquito responds with a smile.

Nameroc moves up and casts cure light wounds on Korg. Gronar and Korg both give up 5' to the wheep, but maintain the flanking advantage. Nameroc moves up and casts soften stone on the floor beneath the wheep. The undead creature ignores the ground change, and presses the attack to Korg. The wheep grabs the throat of Korg, and slowly squeezes. The teeth on it's palm bite into the soft flesh of the hill giant, and pump his dying body with more poison. Korg's body looks like an undead creature itself, his heart goes into shock as the poison works it's way through Korg's system and the giant falls limp in the hand of the wheep. The wheep tosses the dead giant off to it's right and awaits it's next victim.

Paquito blasts another scorching ray at the wheep, and this one sears past the undead's head and burns into the damp earth of the wall behind it. Benat sends two more arrows into the wheep, as Gronar pounds away on the back of the beast. Nameroc moves up and takes Korg's place in front of the wheep. The beast apparently liking to try some elf meat, slashes it's talons across Nameroc's chest sending it's wasting poison into a new body. Nameroc's chest tightens as his health rapidly deteriorates.

Paquito tries another scorching ray, this time using two hands and focusing with one eye, Paquito sends the flaming beam crashing into the back of the wheep.

"Yes, I did it. I am the greatest. No?" Paquito announces

Gronar takes advantage of Nameroc's presence to slam another flanking blow into the wheep. Benat nails the undead with two arrows, and Nameroc stands hoping the end comes quickly. The wheep however only manages a scratch on Nameroc, not enough to put the elf down. Paquito uses both hands to send his next scorching ray careening into the ceiling.

"Crud! No?" Paquito curses to himself

"Yes, yes that was." Benat assures the minotaur

Gronar however does not miss, and his blow ends the undead's threat.

"Heal, Korg!" Gronar shouts to Benat and Nameroc

"He's passed, no amount of healing can help him now." Benat answers, as Nameroc barely has the fortitude to stand on his own.

Gronar, goes to his friend and cradles the giant's desiccated head in his large hands. Tears of loss erupt from the giant's eyes. Paquito wished he had been strong enough to make Benat see the folly of returning to the maze.

Benat goes to the sarcophagus and retrieves a greatsword that was the source of the strong magic he detected earlier. Arcane runes and an inscription are engraved in the blade, casting comprehend languages, Benat reads the inscriptions as "to the eater of wills, there is nothing sweeter than the heart of an angel"

"Angelkiller." Paquito says aloud

"What?" Benat asks

"Angelkiller, that is the name of this blade. No?" Paquito answers

Gronar grabs the blade from the elf's hands. "Elfy say this has lots of magic?"

"Yes, but I don't think it's the kind of magic you want to be wielding." Benat answers

"Gronar not care what elfy think, Gronar getting out of here with Korg. Then go to elfy temple and get Korg back." The hill giant announces.

Grasping the hilt, Gronar feels a wave of stomach churning numbness flow over him. The giant battles through the sickened feeling and grabs Korg's body and heads back up to the entry level. The rest of the party follows and decides to camp out near the closed off exit until morning so that Nameroc could ask for 3 soften stone spells in order to get through the three walls blocking the exit.

Within an hour, two bulls appear at the far end of the corridor. Benat shoots one and Gronar moves up and cleaves through them. A minotaur appears behind the party, and Paquito and Nameroc both race to get behind Gronar. Benat fires two arrows into the minotaur, as another minotaur appears where the bulls had been. Paquito sends magic missiles into the Minotaur Benat hit, and Gronar moves back and kills that minotaur. The other minotaur fires an arrow into the back of Gronar, sending a yelp out from the giant's mouth. Benat fires two arrows into that minotaur.

An albino female minotaur appears where the last minotaur fell, causing the party to shift again to get behind Gronar. The maze mage sends a crackling lightning bolt through Gronar, Nameroc, and Benat, the bolt then travels down the corridor and fries the minotaur standing at the far end of the hallway. Gronar puts away the "evil" greatsword and takes out his spear, he then permanently attaches the maze mage's spine to the wall behind her. The party lets out a sigh hoping that they've weathered the last of the assaults.

Another hour passes, and the party hears thundering crashes like huge stones slamming into stone. A moment later several pieces of the floor around the party begin to fall away opening gaping holes in the corridor floor. The party spots a minotaur climbing up out of a hole by the exit, Gronar quickly ends it's thoughts of drawing blood. Another minotaur appears at the far end of the hallway firing an arrow into Benat's back.

Nameroc and Paquito decide to let the fighters do the fighting, and they retreat through the hole in the south wall that Nameroc had created when they arrived. Gronar jumps down the hole the minotaur was climbing up from, and he finds four minotrices removing the floor at the far end of the hallway. He charges the nearest one but misses with his spear.

Collecting themselves on the other side of the wall, Paquito and Nameroc realize they are not alone, as a minotaur grabs Paquito in a bear hug, and another one slams a greataxe into the head of Nameroc. Nameroc crumples to the ground bleeding profusely, unconscious. Paquito tries to fight back but is nowhere near strong enough to break the hold, as the minotaur begins to squeeze the fight from Paquito. Paquito seizes on his one chance and bites into the arm of his opponent. The power of his collar is activated and poison enters the bloodstream of enemy, it's deadliness was not nearly enough however as the minotaur squeezes Paquito into blissful unconsciousness.

Two of the minotrices below charge Gronar with spears. Gronar however was ready and spears both of them before they get close, the other two minotrices charge Gronar and one manages to slip a spear tip under the defense of Gronar. Benat, who has flown down to assist Gronar, fires a killing shot into the nearest minotrice, and Gronar ends the threat of the other one.

Benat and Gronar both return to the corridor above, Gronar charges down after the remaining minotaur, he clears the first 5' jump, but misses the next one and falls 20' below into a small shaft barely big enough to hold his massive girth. Benat fires into the minotaur, and scares it off.

Benat goes off to look for Paquito and Nameroc, Gronar grabs the greataxes of the minotaurs, and begins to beat into the north wall of the corridor. Gronar breaks both greataxes, but he manages to reach the dirt beyond the wall, and begins to dig.

"I can't find Paquito or Nameroc. There's no tracks anywhere, I think they found a way out and didn't tell us, they left us for dead." Benat tells Gronar

"Gronar not die here with elfy, Gronar getting out even if have to join minotaurs and kill you." Gronar states. The seriousness of his comment is not lost on Benat as she helps the giant by clearing away the accumulated dirt from his digging.

Two more minotaurs appear to harass Benat and Gronar but they are easily dispatched, and Gronar returns to digging Benat and he out. He breaks through, grabs the body of Korg, and doesn't look back.

Voidrunner's Codex

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