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Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne OOC

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As usual, I have several ideas that I'll shotgun out to try to narrow the focus a bit.

1) A celestial bloodline sorcerer who was raised in a convent or monastery most of her life and has thus been well educated, but also very sheltered. Circumstances have changed of late, compelling her to leave this protected enclave and venture out into the world. Perhaps there was some kind of attack, and it was deemed unsafe. Or perhaps it was even destroyed, with only the most fortunate of circumstances allowing her to survive. Or maybe there was simply a calling to go forth. I'll leave the specifics open for now. The character is unfailingly polite and almost ridiculously compassionate and just plain nice. Despite her upbringing she's not a zealot, nor particularly judgmental in a religious sense...though she has no truck with cruelty. She's delighted to actually see the things she's only read about on musty old scrolls, and tends to be annoyingly perky; prone to see the best in any situation, however grim. Probably a "summoner" sorceror, with secondary focus on buffs and utility.

2) Draconic bloodline sorcerer (possibly with draconic heritage feats or feats from Dragon Magic if you permit) who has been part of a traveling 'circus' of sorts, using magic to assist in the spectacles and of course moonlighting as The Astounding Snake Woman and various other monikers. Again, the reason for her leaving this environment is flexible, but I imagine it could easily just be a desire to accomplish something of consequence. This character is more troubled; oscillating between almost manic bouts of hauteur as she glories in her superhuman abilities and maudlin moments of depression as she wallows in her limitations. She has good basic values, but struggles sometimes to do the right thing against temptations of power, riches and knowledge about her favorite subject: dragons. I'm thinking this sorcerer would focus on personal augmentation/transformations, with some blasties as well.

3) Air elemental bloodline sorcerer; the product of an ancient noble line now fallen and scattered that consorted with djinn in days now long gone. This could be Shoanti, perhaps, representing a descendant of the old kingdoms that dotted this land before its colonization from outside. This character is a study in contrasts. Quite literally 'airy' and flaky, but who considers any sworn oath to be an unbreakable bond. Self-centered, but compelled to perform random acts of kindness. Resentful of these intruders to her people's lands, but disdainful of the Shoanti's slowness to adapt and unite. She loathes what has become of her people, but freely works with Varisians and others to try to understand their strengths...and weaknesses. In time I could see her choosing to try to bring the tribes of Shoanti together and forge them into a real power, perhaps eventually attempting to carve a Shoanti nation that can defend itself from these foreigners. This would be an "artillery" sorcerer, primarily.

Those are the main ones, though I have other ideas I can develop if none of those appeal.

Whaddya think, sirs?

Walking Dad

First Post
Would you allow a standard Tiefling as pathfinder race without LA? They already have a +2 in two abilities and the standard races got a boost.

I would like to play an Acadamae Guard (class: rogue) who entered a forbidden love with a student. Suddenly she disappeared. One of her collagues used drugs and had contact to Gaedren. (Love Lost: Widowed backround trait).


[SBLOCK="Dr Simon"]Gaedron's violence and an unexpected manifestation of powers sound good – nicely gritty and dramatic, just the way I like it. :]
Anyone *not* going for some kind of caster? :)
I could pitch a different character concept based on the final makeup of the party, what we're missing and whether I make the cut or not. So has it been settled who's playing yet? Seems we've got a rogue, at least one martial character and plenty of arcanists up for consideration. A who's who list to clarify things would be helpful.;)


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Given what people all seem to be leaning toward, I'm going to toss out a character concept for a half-orc barbarian in the next couple hours, it seems we need something a little less squishy :)


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I feel like I had better post something before all the spots fill up.

I'm still working on fleshing out the particulars in my mind, but this is it in a nutshell.

She is a half-elf, the result of a short tryst between a minor noble woman and an elf from the elven ambassador's enclave. Even though she might have been considered a stain on the family's honor they raised her as one of their own, despite this she's always felt seperated by her heritage and this wasn't helped by the onset of strange sorcerous powers. This sense of seperation has let her to explore a more bohemian lifestyle amoung the radical students, artists, writers, and other ne'er do wells, who frequent shady bars and pontificate on the corruption of the establishment. One of her closer friends in this group, a student and writer, became involved with a certain unsavory character over a sum of lent money. After an increasing escalation of attempted debt collection and inability to pay her friend it would seem that our dear Mr. Lamm decided he'd frame her friend for murder as punishment. And so our young sorceress has become imbroiled in this affair after watching her friend's life be destroyed by this horrible little man.

She, feels like a person out of place, trapped between worlds of heritage and social standing, and values. She would be either arcane or fey bloodline, I've not quite made up my mind yet.

Not very slick at this point, but that's the basic idea.

Dr Simon

Shayuri - all look fine to me. I guess you and Oni need to hash out roles between you. The latter two backgrounds would mesh with the campaign in interesting ways. Don't forget to work on a tie to Gaedran Lamm.

WD - Hm, reckon a tiefling wouldn't hurt. The resistances are possibly slightly more powerful than the standard race package, but perhaps not too much as they have little else.

In strict terms of who expressed interest first, I'm going to give first shout to:

Walking Dad

Neurotic, Ambrus and Valthosian you are currently in reserve. If any of the above don't get a character sorted (at least the basics) by Monday then you're in, or you can hang around in case somebody drops out. Sorry about that folks, but I think it's fairer than having to judge on the basis of character concepts.

Current character concepts are:

Shayuri - sorceress (celestial, draconic or air elemental bloodline)
Kinem - human wizard
Airwalkrr - dwarf cleric
Walking Dad - tielfling rogue
Halford - something martial
Oni - half elf sorcerer (arcane or fey bloodline)

Neurotic - duskblade
Ambrus - faen dragonbreath adept
Valthosian - human rogue or half-orc barbarian.

Actually, the other option would be to run an Alpha and Beta game, with a pary of four and a pary of five, through the same adventure. Once the set-up is established that won't be too much work.


Edit: I suppose that's fair. Shame, I was getting rather excited at the though of this campaign.

Another concept I could offer if it'd fit in better would be a Romani-esque Varisian bladed-scarf warrior / dancer; a downtrodden member of a marginalized and persecuted race. He'd be rustic and superstitious in nature, but also possessed of a charming romanticism. He could either be a straight fighter (if we need the muscle) or possibly a bard (if we need the extra healing and group support) or possibly something more unusual such as a Soulblade or an AE Witch of one sort or another. I can further flesh it out if given the go ahead. :)
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First Post
Re: Tiefling - One thing to watch out for is that they have the Outsider (Native) creature type, making them immune to effects that target "persons," like most low level enchantments. This is not an issue at higher levels, but is often overlooked when doing comparative analysis.

As for ties to the campaign's villain, I have ideas. Will update shortly.

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