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Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne OOC

Walking Dad

First Post
But it makes you vulnerable to outsider only effects.

The biggest old abuse was to use the 3.5 Alter Self to get other outsider forms. But I'm not playing a caster and the spell was revised in the Beta.

BTW: Elves and Human (Mulan) can become native outsiders for the cost of one feat in FR (Otherworldly).

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I know the way skills work in PF. I was just pointing my intended direction for the benefit of my fellow players so we don't have too much overlap. At first level I will likely only have two skill points to work with. But over the long haul, Appraise will be maxed out while I spread points among other Diplomacy, Sense Motive, and Spellcraft. If someone else wants to focus on being a face, I will probably just focus on Appraise and Spellcraft.


Here is my submission.

Male dwarf cleric 1
LG Medium humanoid
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3 (+5 taste/touch, notice unusual stonework)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant

AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16; +4 vs. giants
(Dex +1, +4 armor, +2 shield)
hp 21 (1 HD)
resist hearty (+2 versus poison, spells, and spell-like abilities)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7 (+1 Will from Missing Child trait)

Spd 20 ft.; slow and steady (speed never reduced by armor)
Melee warhammer +2 (1d8+2/x3)
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +1 (1d8/19-20)
Ranged net -3 (entangled)
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; stability (+4 to resist bull rush or trip while on ground)
Atk Options acid dart (+1 ranged touch; 30 ft.; 1d6 acid)
Special Actions channel energy 6/day (1d6 positive energy; 30 ft.; DC 11), resistant touch (transfer own +1 resistance bonus to target for one minute)

Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st):
1st—bless, remove fear
0—create water, detect magic, vigor
Domains Earth, Protection

Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
SQ +1 to attack orcs and goblins, greed (Appraise a class skill to for nonmagical goods, gems, metals), favored class (cleric), stonecunning (automatic check to notice ununusual stonework when within 10 feet), weapon familiarity (dwarven weapons)
Feats Extra Turning, Martial Weapon proficiency (battleaxe, heavy pick, warhammer)
Skills Appraise +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5

Possessions warhammer, light crossbow, bolts (10), dagger, net, scale mail, large wooden shield, wooden symbol of Torag, cleric's vestments, 12 gp

Background Khadmeade came to Korvosa full of hopes and dreams. Like many dwarves, he hopes to one day amass a sizable fortune. For many, the priesthood of Torag is both an honorable an profitable career path, and so he took to it like so many in his family before him. Because Janderhoff was simply full to the brim with overeager priests of Torag seeking to make a name for themselves, he came to Korvosa, where his successful merchant brother Norhin assured him that prospects were much brighter. Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth.

Norhin's motives for summoning Khadmeade to Korvosa were less than transparent. Khadmeade arrived to find a city quite in need, but little to offer him in the way of glory or wealth for his efforts. Moreover it seemed that Norhin's troublesome son Roin needed constant attending to, a task Khadmeade was stuck with all too often like a mere nanny. Now, Roin has gone missing under Khadmeade's watch, and if Khadmeade cannot find him before Norhin returns from a business trip in Janderhoff, it will be a great stain upon his honor.

Personality Khadmeade has a good nature, a wise soul, and a healthful spirit, but he, like so many other dwarves, has a critical weakness in his desire for wealth. He treasures wealth above almost all things, sometimes placing it even above family, even above honor. He has been known to put himself in great peril for a copper piece (though wisdom of age has now taught him only gold is truly worth risking his beard).

He likes heady ale, stout mead, and strong brandy. Occasionally, he even fancies a bit of elven wine, if its a good year, mind you. He is often the life of the party and always a steadfast companion. He never lets his friends down although he will bawl his eyes out if it means being forced to leave treasure behind.
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First Post
But it makes you vulnerable to outsider only effects.

The biggest old abuse was to use the 3.5 Alter Self to get other outsider forms. But I'm not playing a caster and the spell was revised in the Beta.

BTW: Elves and Human (Mulan) can become native outsiders for the cost of one feat in FR (Otherworldly).

I can't think of anything offhand that's outsiders-only. Banishment and Dismissal only affect things with the Extraplanar subtype.

That said, I don't think it's a dealbuster. I personally have no problem with a tiefling along. I just felt a need to point out an oft-overlooked strength of the race.


First Post
airwalkrr mentioning the scarcity of his skill points reminded me of this.

Do you get the the +1 skill point/ +1 Hp at first level if you've taken your favored class, or only at subsequent levels when you gain a level in your favored class?


First Post
Here's what I've got. I may tweak the spells somewhat based on what the other casters are doing, but currently i'm thinking a little blasty and some debuff.


Lynn d'Arches
Half-Elf Sorceress 1 (favored class) Bloodline: Arcane
Alignment: Chaotic Good Age: 21 Height: 5'4" Weight: 98lb.

Size- Medium
Speed- 30 ft.

Str: 8 (-1) (Light Load: 26 or lighter, Medium Load: 27-53, Heavy Load: 54-80)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Chr: 19 (+4)

Fort: +0+1=+1
Ref: +0+2=+2
Will: +2+0=+2

HP: 19

Init: +6

BAB: +0
Melee: -1
Ranged: +2

Dagger: 1d4-1(19-20x2) 10ft. Piercing or Slashing

Spellcraft: +1+3+1=+4
Bluff: +1+3+4+3+2=+13
Appraise: +1+3+1+3=+7
Diplomacy: +1+4=+5
Perception: +0 no ranks(+2 sight or sound)(+2 and +4 respectively when familiar is within arms reach)

Skill Focus: Bluff
Eschew Marterials
Improved Initiative

Low-light Vision (see twice as far as humans in poor illumination)
Keen Senses (+2 bonus on sight and sound based perception checks and chances to find hidden doors by passing within 10 ft)
Elven Immunities (immunes to magic sleep and +2 to saving throws against enchantment spells or effects)
Elf Blood (I'm two great things in one....an elf and a human)

Languages - Common, Elven, Draconic

Save DC
0th: 14
1st: 15

Spells Per Day
1st: 4/4

Spells known
0th: Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st: Burning Hands, Colour Spray

26gp 1sp
Signet Ring
Scholar's Outfit
Belt Pouch
Small Steel Mirror
Signal Whistle
Journal (half full of poor drawings and worse poetry)
Ink 1oz. vial

Familiar: Raven (Speaks Common) Named Edward. (blah figure out stats later)

Lynn paused to reflect a moment on the unusual life that had brought her to this point. If someone had told her a month ago she would be hunting down a crimelord she would have laughed in their face at such a flight of fancy, but here she was doing just that. That bastard Lamm would pay for what he had done to Brenner if she had anything to do with it.
She had met Brenner around a year ago, while attending an opening of an art exhibition. It had turned out that they had a lot more in common than she had ever had with anyone else, not that they really shared any kind of background, but rather a common distaste for the regimented and disciplined nature of their mother city, a kindred spirit he was.
Brenner had brought her into a new and exciting social circle, where the lines of class blurred, and her mixed blood was a virtue, not a sin. Here rebels and rowdies, academics and artists rubbed elbows, pontificating on revolutionairy ideas and the evils of the establishment over pints. Amoung these actors, writers, iconoclasts and rebel students she found a connection she never had before.

Lynn had always been a lonely person, her mother had died during childbirth and had taken the name of Lynn's father with her to the grave. All she had to know either of them by was a locket that wouldn't open. It had been given to her mother by her elven lover and she had made it her dying wish that it be passed on to Lynn.
Lynn had always been lonely, but never unlucky. For many who had been brought into the world in her situation things could have been much worse, but she was not without compassionate relatives. Her mother had been a member of a minor noble family, the family d'Arches. Her Aunt Ophilia raised her along with her own children and she was never withheld any of the privileges that might belong to those more properly born to her
station. Despite all this, she never probably felt a part of the household, it was painfully obvious she was different from all the rest of her relatives. In society she was followed by a trail of gossip, in her wake a bevy of questions as to which of those randy elves might be responsible for this poor child.

Lynn looked down at the back of her hands and swore softly to herself. The Varisian blood that muddied the veins of the d'Arches family was plain to see in her dusky complexion and she knew her elven heritage wasn't any less obvious. And there was something else, maybe others couldn't see it, but she felt it in her bones and in her blood, some "other" thing. Just what was she? Lynn felt like a piece that didn't quite fit into the puzzle, and now the one person who had helped her forget that terrible thought needed her help.

Brenner had owed Lamm money. It had been a foolish thing to do, to take money from that evil man, but it had been done. Had she known, Lynn would have lent him the money herself. When Brenner couldn't pay back the loan, that's when it all started to go wrong. Insensed that the loan couldn't be repaid in full on demand, despite prior arrangements Lamm had sworn revenge. Three days later Brenner had been brutally pulled from his home by a group of Hellknights. An old man, a shop keeper, had been murdered and robbed and a witness had placed Brenner at the scene. The witness had been a man named Kleys, a mediocre painter and two-bit shiver addict. It was a ludicrous charge of course, Lynn had been with Brenner the evening in question, it simply wouldn't have been possible. She had
confronted Kleys, and with a little cleverness of the tongue he had spilt the dark of it.

Kleys never made it to court to recant, when he did turn up it was face down in the river. After that the case crumbled, but it was too late, Brenner had been ruined. The University had kicked the promising young writer out, and society now gladly closed its doors to him. Lynn's faith in him had never wavered, she felt him the closest thing to a brother she had ever had, but this was too much even for the forgiving d'Arches family. She had been told to leave until she became of a right mind of the situation and quite
herself of such riffraff and dragging the rest of her family through the mud with her.

Shaking her head, Lynn brought herself back to the task at hand. She would find Lamm and she would make him confess. After everything Brenner had done for her, she owed him this. With that thought she launched herself back into the still thick foot traffic and disappeared into the crowd and fading light.
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Dr Simon

As far as I know, yes.

This might seem silly...but what level are we starting at?

Not that silly if I haven't told you!

First level.

Oni - As far as I know you get the bonus points every level, including first.

I'll look over character concepts and get back to you, those who have submitted.

May divide into two groups to give everyone a chance to play. Current splits are:

Group A
Shayuri - sorceress (celestial, draconic or air elemental bloodline)
Kinem - human wizard
Airwalkrr - dwarf cleric
Walking Dad - tielfling rogue
Halford - something martial

Group B
Oni - half elf sorcerer (arcane or fey bloodline)
Neurotic - duskblade
Ambrus - faen dragonbreath adept or varisian scarf-fighter
Valthosian - human rogue or half-orc barbarian.


Oni - character looks good to me. I assume that you're going for the "Framed" background trait, which would give you an extra +2 bonus to Bluff checks.

Airwalkrr - If you're going with Cleric for chosen class, you get either an extra +1 skill point or +1 hit point per level; I'm including 1st.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Hey, kinem, shall we connect our backgrounds? I just saw that we are in the same group and you are playing a wizard. If your character studied at the Acdamae, we could possible know each other (or maybe even the brother of my lost love?).

I would like to play an Acadamae Guard (all tieflings) (class: rogue) who entered a forbidden love with a student. Suddenly she disappeared. One of her collagues used drugs and had contact to Gaedren. (Love Lost: Widowed backround trait).

BTW: Tieflings are also 'immune' against some helpful spells, like Enlarge Person.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.

I like two groups idea :)

Since this group seems to lack heavy hitter, I'll make more melee based duskblade (as opposed to secondary fighter/support caster)...

How do you like soulblade idea?
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