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Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne OOC


Nice picture Oni! I'm always so grateful to see good PC character art.:D

Work in Progress:


Loresong Faen Dragonfire Adept 1

CG Small humanoid (faen, dragonblood)
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Perception +5
Languages Common, Halfling, Varisian, Sylvan
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13
hp 28 (1d8 HD)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2
+1 bonus on saving throws against paralysis and sleep
Spd 20 ft.
Melee dagger 0 (1d3)
Ranged sling +3 (1d3)
Base Atk 0; Combat Maneuver Bonus -2
Special Attacks breath weapon (15-ft cone or 30-ft line of fire; 1d6 damage; Ref DC 13 half)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st):
1/day–detect magic, ghost sound, light
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Chr 15
SQ endure exposure (least invocation)
Feats Dragonblood, Entangling Exhalation
Traits Unhappy Childhood (Tortured)
Skills Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +5,
Spellcraft +4, Stealth +9, Use Magic Device +6
Possessions explorer's outfit, leather armor, dagger, sling,
sling bullets x5, backpack, bedroll, waterskin, sun rods x3
Treasure 54.85 gp
Experience 0
Appearance Barely knee high to a human, Dj'hân appears as a young halfling boy, roughly ten or twelve years of age. The bedraggled guttersnipe has large blue expressive eyes and tousled russet hair, usually covered by a floppy red cap. Although smooth and unlined, his face is often smudged with dirt or grime. A soft rounded chin and small mouth that dimples at the corners completes the appearance of cherubic innocence. Dj'hân's clothes are somewhat mismatched and threadbare, though still serviceable. His oversized linen tunic is a dirty off-white, and his loose drably colored breeches are patched at the knees. In addition, the street urchin has a leather jerkin, light slippers, a cloth belt, fingerless woolen gloves and appears unarmed.
Height 16-in. Weight 11 lbs
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First Post
Oni inspired me to go out and find my own character portrait.
Torson Berith, Half-Orc Barbarian

And no, I didn't draw this, wish I could! Maybe someday I'll be able to draw a straight line or a simple shape but for now, I'll borrow people's work and give credit whenever I can find the author.
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Dr Simon

Dragonfire Adepts normally gain the Dragonblooded feat for free at first level, which in turn grants the Dragonblood subtype.

If the character concept is proving to problematic I can ditch it and make something else instead.

I wouldn't say that the concept itself is problematic, I'm just not sure about that feat. As for dragonblooded, I was being pedantic about the fact that you wanted to swap the free Dragonblooded feat for Fey Heritage instead, hence he wouldn't get the dragonblood subtype. It's not really a biggie to fiddle the requirements. Still not sure about a feat that offers continuing damage with every attack though.

Edit: I see you are sticking with dragonblooded instead. Well, I'll allow Entangling Exhalation for now, but I think I'll go with WD's houserule that you get entangled if you fail your save, not get damaged (which is every time). Are you sticking with fire damage then?

Also, swap lesser glow-globe for light, it's pretty much the same power but brings it into the 3.5 spell list rather than the AE. (glowglobe being a weaker spell as you can't move it).

Nice pics guys. Oni, did you base that character off the picture or vice versa?
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Feats and power

I didn't think waste as such, I meant it comparatively.

And yes, soulblade is something you willingly give control of to DM, DM (hopefuly in agreement with PC) gives both powers/enchantemnst and XP to the item. Including attribute bonuses which can be reduced or simply ignored once the weapon becomes sentient.

First level duskblade is simply warrior with few cantrips, only at third level he gets arcane channeling.

I'l post char over the week, this is my first day on the job, I had to sit home babysitting, twins have pneumonia :(


Dr Simon said:
Edit: I see you are sticking with dragonblooded instead.
I figured it'd be easier for bookkeeping since it turns out to be a necessary prerequisite for Entangling Exhalation. It doesn't bother me; Dragontouched is clearly superior to Fey Heritage powerwise. My original desire to switch them was simply for background flavor. In the end it doesn't really change much. So, how would a +1 bonus to Spot, Listen and Search affect Pathfinder's Perception skill?
Dr Simon said:
Well, I'll allow Entangling Exhalation for now, but I think I'll go with WD's houserule that you get entangled if you fail your save, not get damaged (which is every time).
Fair enough. Though I can simply switch it with Ability Focus (from the Monster Manual) if you'd prefer.
Dr Simon said:
Are you sticking with fire damage then?
It's up to you really. I don't mind sticking with fire if you'd prefer a by-the-book dragonfire adept. A blistering/desiccating southern sirocco can be as flavorful as a bone-chilling north wind. I'll probably end up with both eventually anyway. A cold based effect has the added bonus of not starting city-destroying fires though. ;)
Dr Simon said:
Also, swap lesser glow-globe for light, it's pretty much the same power but brings it into the 3.5 spell list rather than the AE. (glowglobe being a weaker spell as you can't move it).
Will do.

In case you didn't notice, I added the +1 skill point for choosing a favored class. I'm not certain if making it so was your intention or not.

I added my CofCT background Trait. It's made me curious though; are any other Traits allowed? What about Flaws?

So any suggestion for an appropriate language for a streetwise urchin?
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Dr Simon

So, how would a +1 bonus to Spot, Listen and Search affect Pathfinder's Perception skill

I'd go with something like you get with the racial bonuses, which is +1 to sight and sound-based Percepetion checks. Hm.. need to check if Pathfinder seperates Search (which is Int-based). Well, +1 to Search as well if that is the case.

I don't mind sticking with fire if you'd prefer a by-the-book dragonfire adept. A blistering/desiccating southern sirocco can be as flavorful as a bone-chilling north wind. I'll probably end up with both eventually anyway. A cold based effect has the added bonus of not starting city-destroying fires though. ;)Will do.

If my reading of the dragonfire adept is correct, you get extra energy types as you go up levels anyway (with Cold at 2nd level), so I reckon by the book is as good as any.

I'll look into your other queries.

Dr Simon

In case you didn't notice, I added the +1 skill point for choosing a favored class. I'm not certain if making it so was your intention or not.

I added my CofCT background Trait. It's made me curious though; are any other Traits allowed? What about Flaws?

So any suggestion for an appropriate language for a streetwise urchin?

Language: In this setting Gnomes seem to occupy something of a guttersnipe position, so perhaps Gnome. Or Varisian would be a good one too.

No Flaws, and I'm sticking purely with the PG background traits.

As for Favoured Class, my thinking is that all favoured classes ought to be from the core selection. For Faen I would say Wizard for Loresong, Rogue for Quickling and probably a shared one (most PF races have a choice of two). Or perhaps Wizard and Bard for Loresong, Rogue and Fighter for Quickling. Spryte keeps the favoured class of its starting type.


First Post
Dr. Simon I drew the picture after I made the character, only just finished it yesterday.

Walking Dad I did. I kinda don't do pro bono work anymore as it kind of counteracts trying to get commissions and illustration work.

Walking Dad

First Post
Dr. Simon I drew the picture after I made the character, only just finished it yesterday.

Walking Dad I did. I kinda don't do pro bono work anymore as it kind of counteracts trying to get commissions and illustration work.
Oops, just realized your sig. I like Lynn most of your works. Really fantastic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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