Dragon Crunch Index



For my own purposes I have put together a list of feats, magic items, monsters, paragon paths, epic destinies, powers, races & classes in the dragon magazines. So far I have gone through issues 364 and 365. I haven't noticed any similar projects on the forum so I thought I would share what I ahve so far. The plan is to keep the lists updated on a monthly basis when the compilation pdf is available.

PLease let me know if I have left anything out and if there are any errors.

Kouk at the Gleemax forums has been doing a similar project for the Dungeon E-Magazines :). You can find his thread here:

The Hidden Gems of Dungeon e-Magazine - Wizards Community

I have also added monster keywords at his suggestion.

28 December
Updated to include the Dragon Magazines up to 371, Dragon 372 will be added on the weekend, after the compilation goes live on Friday.

I have left the file with the pre-subscription info up for those that are interested.



  • Dragon Index.xls
    112 KB · Views: 441
  • Dragon Index Subscription.xls
    110.5 KB · Views: 329
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First Post
Interesting, indexes like this one are always appreciated and a huge time-saver. Thanks

On a completely off-topic comment: "Dragon Crunch" sounds like the breakfast cereal of choice for your typical D&Der. At least it would be mine ;)


I am checking with him now, as it will be a bit redundant for two serperate people to do the same work, that and I am naturally lazy :blush:.



I am checking with him now, as it will be a bit redundant for two serperate people to do the same work, that and I am naturally lazy :blush:.

If you're doing Dragon and he's doing Dungeon, that sounds like two complementary projects to me, not something where you need to worry about stepping on each other's toes.

Thanks to both of you for doing this, by the way.


This'd be nice in the Wiki. Then anyone could contribute to maintaining it.

Feel free ;), my wiki skills are not really up to scrath. I will maintain the spreadsheet as it has all sorts of usefull sort, search and filter functionality.


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