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Dragonslayers: After the second dragon

Super Girl

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Ky's smile fades a little at being called little lady, but quickly decides its ok and the smirking grin returns. She rolls forward gracefully, coming up into a one-handed hand stand at the very edge of the barrel pyramid. Her body fully extended to her full height, albeit inverted, she tenses and pushes off into a graceful flip to land lightly on her feet 8 feet lower beside the group, showing off in a grandiose display of tumbling that wouldn't be out of place amongest the best acrobats in the Isles, or beyond.

"No sense in waiting around out here if all the interesting people are going in." Ky says, smiling at the by-play. The short girl strides past the barbarian, and into the building behind the Monk. She takes in the interior curiously wondering if there was anything interesting enough to merit closer inspection.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

"After you, Lord Aphram," Lalreth says with a mocking bow, and follows the warrior into the bar. He winks at the black-clad girl, with the owl mirroring his gesture.


Bursting out in a raucous laugh, Aphram claps the elf on the shoulder, shaking the poor little guy, "I thought you told me last time not to let an elf watch your back?" He grins, and then strolls into the bar, giving a respective nod to the agile young lady.


First Post

Only in town for but a few days, and already Grimhild overhears rumors of some sort of posting about someone looking to have a dragon slain. "Hmm, this is good luck... yes, good luck very much!" Grim thinks to himself.. He makes his way down to the docks where his ship had landed only a few days earlier. This was a place Grim was certainly familiar with.

He found a large crowd bustling about at the docks, it seemed alot of people where interested in this "posting", and others where just there to make some coin selling their wares. Almost everyone was small.. almost. There where a few others that where tall like Grim, but none where as thick as he was, he thought to himself. A few of them had to be warriors by the scars on their body.. Grim just shook his head "they don't have enough scars..

Grim had gotten there quite quickly after hearing the rumor, and he was noticing many others still arriving after him. He strode his way to the front (kind of impolitely forcing his way) and read the post. Afterwords he drifted off to the side and leaned up against a pole, crossing his arms infront of him, and observing the crowd, looking for others to potentially do battle against the dragon with. (all the while, getting QUITE the looks from others as well) Grim's intelligence is a bit limited, yes, but if there is one thing he does know, is battle, and he knew that travelling and battling alone, ESPECIALLY against a foe as mighty as a dragon, was setting one's self up for failure. Failure in battle is NOT the proper way to honor Grishnaak..

The crowd thinned a bit as some time passed, and only a few remained. One of them, a tanned human that was of the same height as Grim, but that is where the similarities in their bodies ended. He listened as the human and an elf with an owl sitting on his shoulder had a few words back and forth.. it was pretty amazing actually, the owl seemed quite relaxed and never moved from the elf's shoulder, even though the elf was moving around quite a bit! "Does it stay there all the time? Grim wondered.. What if it has to go... does it just poop all over him?, and at this Grim burst out in laughter.

Grim swaggered up to the two, after another human had approached them and walked away, to introduce himself. All the while, he was trying to get a closer look at the elve's leathers to see if there was owl poo running down his back!

"Greetings" Grim said in his deep voice as he strode forward. As if you hadn't noticed this behomoth before, you couldn't HELP but looking at him now. Walking in your general direction was a *large* fair-orc. This "man" was as tall as Aphram, but looked to be almost TWICE his weight/size! (even though he was wearing his armor, you could see the thickness in this fair-orc) Besides his size, one of the first two things that you noticed of this man was his armor. He was wearing beautifully crafted Full Plate Mail.. it wasn't a shiny metal like most suits of armor one is used to seeing, this armor was a dark, hazy grey that had the slightest hint of a blue tint to it.. The neck/collarbone area was almost a bit open, and he wore no helmet. At the top of the breastplate on the armor, where his collarbones would be, where two blackened/scorched "X" symbols.. (they where not perfect straight lines). This fair-orc's skin was a cross between a greyish and soft rust complexion. On the tops of his chest (that you could see a little bit sticking out of the FullPlate), along his neck, (and on the back of his bald head if you get that view) are "X" shaped scars all over his skin. His head (as mentioned) is completely bald, but his eyebrows and split, short beard have scraggly black hair. His lower jaw juts out a bit from the rest of his face, and his teeth are in plain view, you can see that two of his lower teeth are short tusks, it almost looks like he is smiling, and that he would have to concentrate on closing his hips. (ooc- page 19 of the phb, the half-orc with the goofy smile, that is *completely* what I imagine grim looking like!)

The other of the two things that you imediately notice about this large humanoid, is something you may have never seen before. Instead of strapped to his back, this fair-orc's sword is strapped to the *front* of his body! It is a large sword that goes from top left corner to bottom right across his body, it's scabbard seems to fit into a small groove in his Plate that looks like it was made especially to accomodate this. The sword's handle is a black pommel with Jet jewels in it, and it's "hand-gaurds" where a pair of black dragon wings. The scabbard was very interesting itself! It was a greyish metal that was completely bubbled over (as though it had been exposed to some sort of corrosive acid). There was a black leather "snap" that held over the wings to keep it in place, and the top quarter portion looked to be cut open (to allow the man to reach with his right arm across his body, grab the hilt, and pull it out with an upward motion at an angle, compared to a normal sword scabbard where one slides it out the entire length of the blade out of the top.)

"I am Grimhild Uggluck, holy warrior to the great god, Grishnaak!" As he came closer, you could also see that this man was not wearing the plate mail gauntlets, but instead had black leather gloves on his hands. Silver rivits went down the backs of the fingers, but on the backs of the hands was an open circle in each of them. In this open circle you could see the fair-orcs skin, where, on both hands, was a freshly-scabbed scar that ran in an "X" pattern. "Of all other people that where here, you two look like good warriors" Grim looks at the human that had approached them but had walked off to the bar, the Stout that was standing a bit away, and the small woman that was sitting atop some barrels. "Them looks like they know what they are doing also. Are you going to go and do battle with this dragon on paper? (Grim points to the post) "I've come from far away place, across big ocean, to fight dragons! My friend Fizzlewick told me all about them, and about this place, the Green Isles! Here he say are many dragons waiting to do battle! I know it's not good to fight alone, so I look for others to go slay dragons with! You want to go and pay homage to Grishnaak by slaying dragons with Grimhild!?" And, even more so than before, the fair-orcs lips curl back even further and you can see more of his teeth - he is smiling (although it is perhaps the goofiest, toothiest smile you have ever seen!).

(edit- fixed some spelling that I saw from a quick glance)
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The bar is dimly lit as the rattan screens that serve as windows on 3 sides of the building are closed to keep out the drizzle. Light leaks through them and around the edges. The smell of grilled fish fills the air. The bar is in the center, and there are no waiters. The stout behind the bar is quite buxom, unfortunately, and a tattoo covers half his face. Most of the tables are full but a three ferals at a large table duck their heads and get up moving to the bar. Their whispered comment reaches most of you (all but Kylia & Hond)
They’s Drac Hunters

OoC: assume you all have enough pocket change to cover minor expenses.

Super Girl

First Post
Kylala sticks out her tongue in disaproval of the decor. It was too dank, too smelly, but that could be foregiven as it looked like the sort of place interesting things could happen in. The short girl glides over to he recently vacated table and seats herself cross-legged in the chair. She pulls out a number of oddly sized balls, a dagger, and a few other trinkets and begins to juggle without really seeming to pay attention, all of her attention on her 'companions', if they could be called that. It seemed like she was just doing it to have her hands in action at all times. They were an interesting bunch, especially that fair orc, though he sounded about as intelligent as a door knob, she wondered if all of these people actually hunted dragons or if this would be their first time doing it.

OOC: As before taking 10, so result of a 20


First Post
Velsouvus takes a seat at the table with Kylala and orders a drink before continuing. Perhaps the first thing we need to decide is our method of transportation. It would take a week to walk there by the low road, perhaps shorter if we could find a ship willing to take us, or a day if we hire the post mounts. I am not particularly interested in owning a phantom steed, and I do not know much of sea travel, so my suggestion would be to walk.
Secondly, I would like to know the abilities of those I will be working with. Some talents are obvious, and some not so. I fight both unarmed and with the chain of Vixzu, and I have some ability with calling down his holy power. What are your talents?

Isida Kep'Tukari

RedSwan78 said:
"Them looks like they know what they are doing also. Are you going to go and do battle with this dragon on paper? (Grim points to the post) "I've come from far away place, across big ocean, to fight dragons! My friend Fizzlewick told me all about them, and about this place, the Green Isles! Here he say are many dragons waiting to do battle! I know it's not good to fight alone, so I look for others to go slay dragons with! You want to go and pay homage to Grishnaak by slaying dragons with Grimhild!?" And, even more so than before, the fair-orcs lips curl back even further and you can see more of his teeth - he is smiling (although it perhaps the goofiest, toothiest smile you have ever seen!).
*Lalreth takes a look at the hulking fair orc and breaks out into a grin that perhaps matches his in cheesiness, but never in size.*

"Grimhild, I say I think I'd be delighted to have you along. I'm Lalreth, Lal most call me, and this sack of feathers is Hibou. The other wretch here is Aphram. Come on, anything is best discussed over food and drink," the slender elf says cheerfully. Inside he listens to the overly-serious Velsouvus and shakes his head at his reluctance to take a boat.

"I'll tell you, I say a phantom steed is too pricey and a trek through the tunnels is too slow. I say we spring for a ship and be there to beat out our competitors! Oh, I'm Lalreth Evermoon, by the by, and my feathered friend is Hibou. I'm an archer extraordinaire, quite knowledgeable about dragons, don't you know."


First Post
Hond Arvild (barbarian)

Hond seats himself "I am Hond Arvild and my skills lie in combat, and this is Aya" Hond pats the hilt of the sword hanging from his back "A most capable ally" the warrior begins to smile. "I believe either walking or a boat would be best, how much is boat fare?."


First Post
Grimhild Uggluck, fair-orc Cleric

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Grimhild, I say I think I'd be delighted to have you along. I'm Lalreth, Lal most call me, and this sack of feathers is Hibou. The other wretch here is Aphram. Come on, anything is best discussed over food and drink"

Grim nods in approval and starts to walk with them towards the bar. Without trying to make it look too apparent, (meaning, to Lalreth it's pretty obvious) he is looking at Lal's shoulder where Hibou sits and down his back, searching for evidence of owl poo. Grim busts out in laughter at the mental image of the owl releiving itself down Lalreth's backside, and Lal sighing as if it where a normal occurance!

Upon entering the bar, Grim notices the ferals leave the large table, and as they approach hears what they say, and smiles to himself at the thought of others already thinking of him as a dragon hunter! He watches as the small girl that was sitting atop the barrels daintily sits down, crosses her legs, and pulls out various objects and juggles them effortlessly! Grim grabs a chair that is almost accross from her, but closer to her than directly opposite. He turns the chair around backwards (so that the "back" of the chair is facing the table), straddles it, and crosses his arms along the top of the "back". He listens a bit as the human in the cotton talks, but definately seems more interested in the objects the girl is effortlessly tossing around. His gaze locks onto one of the balls and first his eyes, then his head follows it around in a circle. Grim blinks in amazement, as if he was almost mesmerised just as Hond finishes talking and notices that Lalreth is giving him a bit of a look, as if he is suppossed to say something.

"Uhmmm" he stammers, "I already told them" (he motions to Lalreth and Aphram) "but I tell you also. I am Grimhild Uggluck, holy warrior and divine channeler of energies of the great god Grishnaak! I do battle in his honor; and from stories that my friend Fizzlewick told, this be good place to battle challenging opponents, dragons!" Grim smiles that large, cheesy grin again! "So how we get there? 'ahm poor, I spent almost all of my monies on the trip over here. Me walk for long times though if needed, or take boat, although 'ahm not too sure if ready for another boat ride. Grim don't like boats much, but I go if you all want to." Grim gets a confused look on his face, almost like his own words confused him! He pauses a moment and then points to Lalreth, "I do whatever he wants to do!"

Seemingly satisfied with his decision, Grim goes back to watching the small human girl juggle her trinkets.

Voidrunner's Codex

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