Patreon Drintera™ Magazine - multicultural fantasy world full of lore and adventure fuel

Andrew Gronosky

Founder, Shewstone Publishing LLC
My company, Shewstone Publishing, has launched Drintera™ -- a multicultural, system agnostic fantasy TTRPG world built by a professional team. By "system agnostic" we mean we're building lore, factions, and adventure fuel for the GM. Bring your favorite rules system --

Worldbuilding is a big job so we're doing it month by month in magazine form. Our first issue is FREE and focuses on our Chinese inspired continent, Mor Thia. Drintera by Shewstone Publishing | Patreon


  • Drintera Magazine Issue 1 March 2024 thumbnail.png
    Drintera Magazine Issue 1 March 2024 thumbnail.png
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