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drnuncheon's Freeport Story Hour

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Hey guys, thaksfor the kind words!

But Paka, shouldn't you be writing your own Story Hour? ;) We've got to get some literary goodness in here to balance all this pulpy adventure.

Horacio, glad you're enjoying the Hawk & Fisher books.

I'm currently engaged in negotiations with my employer to find out if there will be any Freeport this weekend (read: trying to find out if I have to work on Saturday or not!) so stay tuned...


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drnuncheon said:
I'm currently engaged in negotiations with my employer to find out if there will be any Freeport this weekend (read: trying to find out if I have to work on Saturday or not!) so stay tuned...


I hope you had a Freport weekend instead of a woek one...


Horacio said:

I hope you had a Freport weekend instead of a woek one...

Sadly, no...the closest I came to Freeport was driving down Freeport Road for about a hundred yards today. 18 hours on Friday, 10 more on Saturday, only to have to back out the entire software upgrade because it turns out it was incompatible with a Solaris patch on our production server (that wasn't installed on the server we had done all our testing on)...and me with root access but not allowed to go in and remove the darn thing.

We get to try again next Friday. Yaay. Let's hope it doesn't spill over into Saturday again.

This does mean that all of you entering the Create a Cohort contest (see rules in the Rogues Gallery!) will have some more time before I need those NPCs...since I've only heard from one person...



Session Nine, Part Two: Speaking of the Unspeakable One...

Well, I see that I have fallen off the front page...this will not do! So, here's a mid-week update as I take a break from planning Swagfest and the Lighthouse Ball with Sea Lord Drac. He's quite keen to see you all there...oh, and Captain Donnach wants me to pass along that they're always looking for new Watch recruits.


The serpentmen moved sinuously forward, their heads swaying back and forth as they licked the air. The Watchmen split up, creeping towards the secret door left ajar by the creatures. The abominations looked at each other, and then began to slink back to their cavern. Dru snuck down the tunnel ahead of them, while Di'Fier barely managed to slip through the door before it closed.

Two more of the serpent people waited, standing to either side of a heavy wooden crate. A robed figure, the cowl thrown back to reveal short, dirty blonde hair, frowned at the serpentmen. "Well?"

"Sssmelled them...could not sssee them..."

The answer did not please the woman, who looked around the cavern. Turning to the other pair, she snapped, "Bring the crate." Her reptilian servitors bent to do just that, but Dru had other things in mind. Her unseen hands nocked a deadly arrow to her shortbow, and she let fly from point blank range, the shaft sinking deep into the muscular shoulder of the woman. Even as the elf faded into visibility, she was discarding her bow and drawing her blade to fend off the attacks of the serpentman warriors. Twisting out of the way of the javelins hurled at her, she whirled, her blade finding a soft spot on the closest creature's scales. Dark blood arced through the dim light to spatter on the uneven cavern floor.

Di'Fier, for his part, had drawn his massive sword, and begun incanting the mystical syllables that would shield him from harm more effectively than his leather jerkin. Meanwhile, the woman held up a three-armed golden pendant - the Yellow Sign. "Do not think to stand against the power of the Unspeakable One!" she roared.

Dru could feel the woman's will battering against her own, trying to send her into panicked flight. The priestess seemed to loom over her, a massive, invincible presence...but the elf merely narrowed her eyes. I refuse to run from someone a third my age, she growled to herself. Sorry, b---h, but my father's had three centuries to practice. You don't even come close. The priestess seemed to dwindle, and Dru smirked as she parried the spear thrust at her by one of the woman's minions.

Unluckily for her, though, the second of the creatures was swifter with its weapon. A line of red opened on Dru's arm as she threw herself desperately out of the way of the blow. Can't let her distract me... she thought, twisting inside the serpentman's guard and thrusting her blade up through the bottom of its jaw, transfixing the brain. Shoving the corpse off of her blade, she could see the other two serpentmen scrambling over the crate they had dropped.

Dimly, she heard words being shouted, in Di'Fier's voice, and then two shimmers, like heatwaves in the air. One resolved itself into the form of her partner, while the other expanded and then erupted into flame, rolling towards the serpent creatures and scattering them.

The woman continued to hold aloft her Yellow Sign. "Unspeakable One! Let your power rob my foes of their skill!"

Dru could feel a presence around her, a suffocating dread that made her falter momentarily. She gritted her teeth and spat, "For someone who's Unspeakable, his servants sure go on about him a lot." She could hear Di'Fier's laugh, and chuckled herself. Again it was the priestess' turn to falter, as the spell collapsed around her.

But then her shoulder erupted in pain. Damn! Let her get to me again! Dru tried to ignore the blood flowing from the bite, so close to her neck...tried to ignore the flickers and movement at the edges of her vision. She lunged forward and struck the serpentman before it had a chance to pull fully back, and it crashed to the floor.

She looked up, her vision swirling and her thoughts hazy. One of the remaining creatures was blackening under the sphere of flame that Di'Fier had conjured, and the other was falling to the floor, leaving only a blackish stain on her partner's blade. All that remained was the priestess, holding aloft her sigil as if it could protect her from the angry Guardsmen.

"Unspeakable One!" The woman swallowed nervously as she looked at the two. "Blind their eyes and shield my escape!"

A cold mist began to rise from the ground, filling the tunnel. In moments, it was nearly impossible for Dru to see the end of her blade. A moving flicker of light and the hiss of evaporating water marked the path of Di'Fier's flaming sphere, as it burned its way through the fog a short distance before expiring.

"I think she's gone," said her partner, his voice echoing eerily through the fog-shrouded cavern. "But there's no way she could have taken that crate. Let's go see what's in it."

The pair crept slowly down the tunnel, Dru's ears straining to detect what her eyes could not. All she heard was a muffled curse from Di'Fier as he slammed his shin into something solid.

"I found the crate," he muttered, rubbing his leg.

The wooden crate had been wrenched partially open when it was dropped, and Dru was able to yank the top open far enough to reach a hand in. As she did, she saw that an address was stenciled on the crate.

From: Bierce Vintners
To: 100 Wave Avenue

Frowning, the elf reached inside the crate. Her hand closed around something cold and heavy. Pulling it out revealed an ornate golden chalice. Di'Fier's eyebrows raised, and he thrust his own hand inside, only to emerge with...

"A brick?"


Session Nine, Part Three: I Never Liked His Sense of Humor Anyways

Three men crouched uncomfortably in the gloomy cellar, swords held loosely in their hands. On the arm of each was a band bearing a circled V. They conversed in hushed whispers.

"Are you sure they came down here?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I saw 'em watching us. They snuck in when I sent you guys 'round back."

"Batora was sure pissed at us for letting them in."

"Shut up."

"The boss will give us a big fat reward for taking care of them."

"Yeah, and we'll get back in his good graces."

"Shh! I hear 'em."

"Sounded like someone dropped a brick."

"Weymouth, go check it out."

A hesitation, and then one of the figures moved to the mouth of the open ale barrel. "I don't see anything."

"They've got to come out sometime."

A new voice floated up - from the cellar. "Forget Verlaine's men, they're idiots. Let's stay here and count the gold before we leave."

One of the men took a step forward, but the look he received from the leader of the band was enough to make him slink back to his hiding place.

Another, longer pause, and then a face cautiously peered out from the dark circle of the oak cask. With wolfish grins, Verlaine's men pounced.

That was their first mistake.


While you wait for the next update...

...why not check out a new Story hour?

Because they'll all go read that one instead of this one.


Go read Gospog's Dying Earth Story Hour. The man is utterly mad. This is the same man who leapt aboard a jet-ski dressed as Godzilla, and participated in the first time I ran Freeport, uttering the immortal words: "Did you think you were dealing with sane people?"

Go read. Come back here tomorrow.


...why are you still here? don't you believe me? go!


Next time, on "Cops"...

No update yet, but we did play on Saturday - a game that was perhaps more suited for Hallowe'en than Easter weekend. As Drac's lighthouse nears completion, things are getting even stranger than usual in Freeport, and our heros are in the midst of it.

This last session introduced a character who is 'trying out' for the cohort role - so if you're planning on entering the Create a Cohort contest, get the submissions to me this week! (If you've emailed me and I haven't responded, I wasn't ignoring you - it means I didn't get it!) Until that point, Dru and Di'Fier get 'rotating cohorts' - some reader submissions, some existing NPCs.

Sadly, the other "temporary cohort" - Hallfred, the strongest guard in Freeport - was...well...you'll see.

I am going to make a concerted effort to catch up to the "present day" over the course of this week - I've got two extra-long sessions to cover, including:

* Tracking down the mastermind behind the stolen contracts - and the missing journeyman!

* A betrayal by the one person they thought they could trust!

* A nasty surprise at Councillor Verlaine's house!

* Bloodbath at the Temple of Knowledge!

and much, much more...and the action is not going to slow down as the city plunges into the dual celebration of Swagfest and the completion of the Lighthouse of Drac!



Session Ten, Part One: Decent, Law-Abiding Citizens?


"Look at this." The young guardsman turned the object over in his hands while his partner ate.

"Look at what?"

"This brick has a seam around it."

A pause. "Bash it open."

For once, Di'Fier reflected, his partner might be on the right track. Setting the brick down on the table, he pulled out his dagger and began working the mortar free.

With a grunt of disgust, Dru reached over and plucked the brick from in front of him. "Hey!" he protested.

"Like this." The elven guard's wiry muscles contracted, slamming the brick down into the table with a sharp crack. The top of the brick split into two, and then the pieces fell away from the other half. Dru frowned. "It's solid all the way through. Why would you put a seam on a brick..."

Di'Fier interrupted her by reaching out for the broken halves. Tipping them over onto their sides, he fitted them back together, and both guardsmen looked down to see the sigil imprinted on the surface in golden ink: the symbol of the Unspeakable One...the Yellow Sign.


Nine of the Clock - Warehouse District - the Hall of Records

"Reed." Dru leaned over the stout man's desk with a small smile - one of her rare genuine ones. "How's it going?"

The man looked up from his stack of filing with a snarl - but it quickly changed to a wide grin when he saw who was in his office. "Dru...Di'Fier. I thought you was Verlaine's thugs come back again."

The Watchmen looked at each other. There's something to come back to, thought Di'Fier as he took a step forward. "We're looking for information on a man named Gil of Highgate. Does he own any property in the city? Especially in the merchant's quarter...maybe near the Street of Flowers?"

Reed grunted, moved to one of the racks of papers as he quickly sorted through them. "I don't recall anyone from out of town owning land out there," he muttered, his blunt fingers flipping with surprising agility through the sheaves.

As he hunted on, Dru leaned up against the wall. "What did Verlaine's men want, anyway?"

Her question brought a derisive snort from the clerk. "They was lookin' for a map of the sewers. Wanted to know if they could get across the city underground, into the Merchant's Quarter. 'course they sealed all that off, locked it up so no theives or nothin' could get in. Left marks all over my maps, too." Finally he finished his searching. "Nope, no Gil of Highgate owns property 'round there," he said, with assurance.

Di'Fier pondered these new pieces of information. "Could we see that map that they were looking at?"

"Sure. I haven't even put it away yet." The clerk unrolled it on top of the papers already on his desk, and jabbed at it. "Just look at that."

The pair dutifully followed his accusing finger - there was indeed a smudge, in the Eastern District. Di'Fier looked at the street it was on. "That's where the temple was..."

Dru's finger traced along a faint crease in the map, a barely perceptible line threading its way through the tunnels under the city, until it reached its destination...in the Merchant's District.


Ten of the Clock - Merchant's District


Di'Fier lifted his hand, and the massive raven took to the air, circling as it rose, then winged its way across the city.

"Spruce will love that," Dru observed dryly. "He'll treat it like some kind of secret mission."

Di'Fier grinned. "I like to give him some excitement. Maybe this Gil person has a warrant out for his arrest somewhere..."

"All right. Let's go talk to some merchants." Unconsciously, Dru cracked her knuckles. "I'm sure that the decent, law-abiding citizens of Freeport would have no problem helping the Guard." They hadn't taken more than a dozen steps before Dru nudged her partner. Without speaking a word, the pair of them turned the corner and then waited.

The small man that Dru had spotted tailing them hurried around the corner, only to nearly collide with his quarry. Dru smiled sweetly - the exact inverse of the smile she had given Reed earlier. "Can I help you?"

The man turned as pale as his dusky skin would allow. "Perhaps...perhaps it is Iwho can help you..."

Dru's brow furrowed. "Talk, and talk fast. I don't like being followed."

The man turned even more pale, if that were possible. "Perhaps...a more comfortable setting? A drink?"

Merchant's District - The Trade Winds Tavern

"My name is Gheldeig," the man began. "I am a moneychanger. I heard that you were looking for a missing person."

The Guards nodded, slowly. Dru leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, regarding the man coolly.

"You see, my booth is very near the Platinum Quill, and I could not help but overhear what the proprietor said to you," the man explained. "But I did see the young man that you are looking for. He met with Catellion, the owner of the Quill - they spent a good deal of time discussing their business, and then he signed some papers. I couldn't hear what he said, but Catellion pointed him towards the Silent Siren."

"That is interesting," mused Di'Fier. "Very interesting."

His partner leaned forward, as if finally taking an interest in the conversation. "You're near the Quill. Have you ever seen a short man, with dark hair in braids, smells of cologne all the time?"

"Yes...yes, I believe I have seen him at the Quill once or twice."

"Very interesting indeed. You've been quite a help, Gheldeig."

The small man smiled. "As a decent, law-abiding citizen of this city, it was my pleasure."


Eleven of the Clock - Merchant's District

"This is the place," said Dru.

"What is? This booth?"

The elf nodded. "The woman who works here is a shuffler - she buys and sells stolen paperwork. Chances are if they're trying to sell the contracts, she'll have heard of it."

The young woman looked up, and when she spotted Dru her eyes widened. Before the pair could even speak, she said in a quavering voice, "You're here about the contracts. I haven't bought them."

Dru frowned. Usually people didn't react like that until after she tried to intimidate them. It was a little disconcerting. She closed her mouth and composed herself, then demanded, "Why not?"

This was the second time that day that her innocent questions caused someone to nearly fly into a panic. "I...I was instructed not to..."

Di'Fier stepped smoothly forward, waving the indignant Dru back with his hand. "But you have been approached, have you not? What did the seller look like?"

"He was a northerner. Tall, broad shouldered, bright red hair." She paused a moment. "Always seemed like it was too hot for him."

"Was he sweating?" The woman flinched away from Dru's question like it was a crossbow bolt.


"All right," said Di'Fier carefully. "I think we can snare him. I have a plan..."


Re: Session Ten, Part One: Decent, Law-Abiding Citizens?

drnuncheon said:

The small man smiled. "As a decent, law-abiding citizen of this city, it was my pleasure."

Ohohohoh... If I were our heroes, I wouldn't trust on him. Everybody knows there isn't such a thing like a law-abiding citizen of Freeport...

Great update!


First Post
Heck I wouldn't trust him for the simple fact he used Dru's exact words -

Dru cracked her knuckles. "I'm sure that the decent, law-abiding citizens of Freeport would have no problem helping the Guard."

Not only was he following, but he was listening in as well...

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