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Dromus Characters


Play-by-Post Rules:

  1. Obviously, you have to follow all the rules of EN World as a whole.
  2. I'm looking for one post a day, or at least one longish post every other day, but beyond that the speed of the game will be set by the players.
  3. Use this to roll: Vacuum Elemental Games Die Roller. Make sure to say what you're rolling for in the comments section. I will have my own set of rolls under "KellerisDM", as well as a secret one for when I want to roll "behind the screen."
  4. Anything you say should be in quotes, of course. Additionally, you might want to pick a color, as I've seen some other PbP games use. You don't have to, though.
  5. Thoughts are in italics, and I encourage you to use them; it will give other people something to play off of when figuring out how their characters react to you, though they can't read your mind, of course.
  6. Anything you ask me directly, or any non-obvious checks you make (especially Knowledge checks) should go in spoiler tags.
  7. During any post made during a combat round, please put a title listing you current hps, max hps, AC, and all saving throws. I may change this in the future, once I have everyone's stats down a bit better.
  8. At the end of every combat round I will post a summary of what happened in that round; this is the official version of events.

Campaign Running:
  1. You will be able to make any changes you like to your characters, with my approval, during the first week of game time or the first month of RL time, whichever comes first.
  2. Divvying up treasure is the party's job. Do it however you like.
  3. I give nothing but ad hoc XP awards, so fair warning. I will tell you why you are getting how much you get, however. Don't expect too many individual XP awards.
  4. If you want to go on a side quest during campaign downtime, here is how I want it done:

  • [*]Post in the OOC thread what you want to do (go recharge a touchstone, or whatever).
    [*]I'll roll a series of 6 d20s to get the ups and downs of that side quest. Based on my assessment of the task's and your character's abilities, I'll decide what the end results of the quest were.
    [*]From that info, post on the game thread and tell th erest of the party what happened, in as much or as little detail as you like. I'm partial to mini short stories myself, but we don't all have that kind of time.
    [*]You can get anything in terms of equipment, gold, or unfortunately severed limbs from these things depending. However, you never gain XP when away from the party.

Campaign Tone:

Dromus is intended to be a setting that allows for almost any kind of character, happening, or wildly improbable coincidence, as the situation calls for. It's also meant to be a setting with more power players than is strictly necessary, healthy, or sane; the PCs are in this mix as much as anyone.

What this means is that I'm looking for a pretty wild game, with occasional bouts of downright weirdness. The city is a volatile concoction, full of barely-restrained energy, making for a place where heroic characters can get a lot done, even if they can never precisely predict the results of their actions. Try daring things! It's why everyone starts at so high a level. You strike at least mild heartburn into the hearts of everyone around, if you set your minds to it, and it'll only get more complex as you gain more insight into the secrets that flow like a river through Dromus, and more power, both in personal and political terms.

As far as combat goes, I encourage you to try daring things, and to use your abilties creatively. I will make up a way to resolve it if I have to, and you'll have a fair chance to attempt anything that I deem plausible (not hard, given my loose standard and your undoubted puissance). Knock over columns to trap enemies, save your friends from falling with a well-placed lightning bolt in the other direction, and use web spells as climbing aids. Many have been the times where a situation seemed hopeless until a desperate burst of creativity saved the day (just ask DemonWolfZero about the hill if you want an example).

Campaign Design Philosophy:

I'm a top-down designer by inclination and methodology, so there's a whole host of things at ground level that I haven't detailed. If something seems reasonable and affects no more than 2-3 thousand people regularly, it's liable to be around Dromus somewhere. Refer to people and places you know offhand. Don't be afraid to assign contacts that will make the world more interesting, just because it would add something I haven't specifically disallowed. Make something up if you need to. I will work it in, and we'll have a game everyone is contributing to.


  • Dromus Campaign Setting.doc
    121.5 KB · Views: 429
  • Equipment in Dromus.doc
    38.5 KB · Views: 356
  • Combat in Dromus.doc
    26 KB · Views: 372
  • Classes in Dromus.doc
    163.5 KB · Views: 383
  • Adventuring in Dromus.doc
    27 KB · Views: 393
  • Abilities in Dromus.doc
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Okay, here're more of them, the rest of the basics, anyway.

EDIT: It's having some kind of trouble uploading it. I'll see if it straightens itself out and try again.

EDITED EDIT: Fixes now. Documents are below.


  • Planar Touchstones.doc
    119 KB · Views: 398
  • Skills in Dromus.doc
    38.5 KB · Views: 378
  • Races in Dromus.doc
    29.5 KB · Views: 349
  • Magic in Dromus.doc
    28 KB · Views: 331
  • Feats in Dromus.doc
    35.5 KB · Views: 321
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And here's the Technologist stuff...


  • Technologist Abilities in Dromus.doc
    36 KB · Views: 386
  • Spell Effect Classifications.doc
    55 KB · Views: 373
  • Device Name.doc
    85.5 KB · Views: 340


First Post
Cagthail Minaesbart [Cag-tháil Mi´naes-bârt]

Male Human
Martial Artist 8
Chaotic Good

Size: M (6', 176 lb.)
HD: 8d8+16
HP: 56
Initiative: +5 (5 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. / 60 ft. (Surge)
AC: 20 (+5 Dex, +2 Class, +2 Bracers, +1 Ring)
BAB: +8
XP: 28,000 / 36,000 for level 9


Str: 14 (+2) [6 pts]
Dex: 20 (+5) [10 pts, +2 Levels, +2 Gloves]
Con: 14 (+2) [6 pts]
Int: 14 (+2) [6 pts]
Wis: 12 (+1) [4 pts]
Cha: 14 (+2) [6 pts]

Swift +14/+14/+9 (1d10+3, 17-20/x2) (+1 to attack & damage during surge)

Attack modifier: +14 (8 BAB, +5 Dex, +2 MW, -1 Flurry)
Parry: +21 (8 BAB, +5 Dex, +2 MW, +2 Main-Gauche, +2 Light, +2 Finessable)
AoO: 6 (1, +5 Dex)


Fort: +10 (6 base, +2 Con, +2 Cloak)
Ref: +13 (6 base, +5 Dex, +2 Cloak)
Will: +5 (2 base, +1 Wis, +2 Cloak)


Balance: +17 (10, +5 Dex, +2 Syn)
Bluff: +7 (5, +2 Cha)
Climb: +10 (8, +2 Str)
Diplomacy: +8 (4, +2 Cha, +2 Syn) (Class skill instead of Heal and Sense Motive)
Escape Artist: +11 (6, +5 Dex)
Intimidate: +8 (4, +2 Cha, +2 Syn)
Jump: +15 (11, +2 Str, +2 Syn)
Perception: +11 (10, +1 Wis) (Class skill instead of Profession and Concentration)
Swim: +10 (8, +2 Str)
Tumble: +18 (11, +5 Dex, +2 Syn)


Planar Touchstone (bonus)
Bastard Sword Proficiency (lvl1)
Combat Expertise (Human)
Weapon Finesse (MA1)
Improved Disarm (lvl3)
Guarded Defense (Ma5)
Combat Reflexes (Lvl6)

Class Abilities:

AC Bonus +2 (level/3)
Flurry of Blows (one more attack, all at -1)
Bonus Feat (Weapon Finesse)
Surge (MA to get +2 to Str&Dex, double movement for 5 rounds (3+Con), then fatigued (-2 Str&Dex, can't charge or run) 3/day)
Bonus Feat (at level 5)
Finishing Move (give up Dex&Dodge bonus to AC for +2d6 damage (level/3 d6) to one attack)
Martial Secrets:
- Blade Form (bastard sword is finessable)
- Uncanny Dodge (never lose Dexterity or dodge bonuses to AC)

Racial Abilities:

Bonus feat at 1st level
4 extra skill points at 1st level
1 extra skill point every level after 1st
Planar Touchstone:
- Cold resistance 6
- Righteous Might (Large size, Reach*2, +4 Str, +2 Con, +1 AC, DR 3/Cold Iron, 1d10->2d8 dmg, -1 attack) 2 times/Odensjakt


Caeldwystean Common


Swift (8335 gp) [6 lbs.]
Combat Expertise-Oriented Main-Gauche (312 gp) [1 lb.]

Bracers of Armor +2 (4000 gp) [1 lb.]
Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4000 gp)
Cloak of Reistance +2 (4000 gp) [1 lb.]
Ring of Feather Falling (2200 gp)
Signet Ring of Protection +1 (2000 gp)
Handy Haversack (2000 gp) [5 lbs.] (takes 80+20+20 lbs.)
- Everburning Torch (110 gp) [1 lb.]
- Trail rations, 10 days (5 gp) [10 lbs.]
- Silk rope (50 ft) (10 gp) [5 lbs.]
- Spade (2 gp) [8 lbs.]
- Two waterskins (2 gp) [8 lbs.]
Outfit as below

24 gp

Carrying 14 lbs.

Load: light 58, medium 116, heavy 175, lift 350, drag 875

Swift: This long, heavy sword is masterfully designed and imbued with magic. The size of it gives it far greater power than an ordinary longsword. Thanks to the exquisite crafting though, those specially trained with it can still use it with the speed of a smaller sword. The runes inscribed in the blade keeps the edge ever perfect, letting it cause more damage and making even glancing hits penetrate armor to cause a more fatal wound. (Style-Oriented (Bastard Sword Focus) Keen Bastard Sword +1)

Description: Image
Whenever possible, Cagthail wears practical clothes of finest make. Leather breeches, a tight shirt, fencing gloves and bracers. On the right hand he wears his signet ring, depicting a sword with a stone spire by it's hilt. On his left hand is a smaller, white, stone ring. It is formed to seem like it was made of overlapping feathers, and in fact, sometimes one can almost see them ripple. In his belt hangs a somewhat oversized sword. It looks quite exotic, but there can be no doubt that it is a deadly weapon in the right hands. On the other side of the belt hangs a finely made main-gauche with some unusually placed prongs that might be usable for some special defensive maneuvers. Cowering his back is a finely broidered cloak, and over that, a haversack.

Cagthail is born to the Minaesbart family, a new noble family without much influence whose ancestors, three generations ago, were prospectors who discovered a major vein of fine iron and founded a fortified town close to it. What the Minaesbarts needed most to widen their influence was fame, without which they would never be fully accepted by the other noble families. To that effect Cagthail was sent to one of the warrior academies in the Caelder capital when five years old. He began training with the popular sword and dagger style and after some years became one of the best duelists of the school. Even so, Cagthail realised that the light sword he had used wasn't the optimal weapon for him. He talked with a skilled swordsmith about what kind of weapon he'd want, and after many tries the smith eventually managed to make a sword to Cagthail's standard, which he then had magically enhanced. The smith also made a main-gauche, which enabled a new range of defensive moves that Cagthail had designed. With these new weapons, Cagthail was virtualy undefeatable in single combat, earning his family lots of prestige, and him lots of money. Money that he spent buying various magical items to further increase his abilities.

Though always polite and often helpful, having always been succesful at all that he tries has made Cagthail arrogant. He enjoys challenges, but counts on always ending up on top, and will not consider it over until he has won.

Contacts: 1 Information, 1 Influence


Kestrel Pathfinder

Male Tangler [Wood Elf]
Ranger[2]Martial Artist [6]
Nuetral Good

Size: M (5'4"; 140 lbs.)
HD: 8d8+8
HP: 44
Damage: 5 lethal, 2 subdual

Initiative: +7 (7 Dex, )
Speed: 30 ft. / 60 ft. (Surge)
AC: 19 (+7 Dex, +2 [Class feature]])
BAB: +8/+3
XP: 28,000 / 36,000 for level 9


Str: 16 (+3) [6 pts,+2 [race]]
Dex: 24 (+7) [10 pts, +2 Levels, +2 [race] +4 [Gloves]
Con: 12 (+1) [6 pts]-2 [race]
Int: 12 (+1) [6 pts]-2 [race]
Wis: 14 (+2) [6 pts]
Cha: 12 (+1) [4 pts]

Valkaries Lance +1 Evil Outsider bane two-weapon style long spear I] Two handed 17/12 1-8+7 crit 20/x3 P reach
flurry 16/16/11 1-8+7 crit 20/x2 P reach
VS. Evil Outsiders 19/14 1-8 +11 +2d6 crit 20/x3 P
flurry 18/18/13 1-8+11 +2d6 crit 20/x3 P
Two-Weapon +16/16/11 1-8+6 P/1-8+3 B crit 20/x2
Two-Weapon flurry 15/15/15/10 1-8+6 P, 1-8+3 B crit 20/x2

Attack modifier: +17/12 (8 BAB, +7 [Dexterity], +1 [Weapon Focuse] +1 [Enhancement])
16/16/11 (8 BAB, +7 [Dexterity], +1 [Weapon Focus] +1 [Enhancement]-1 [Flurry])
19/14 (8 BAB, +7 [Dexterity], +1 [Weapon Focus] +3 [Enhancement])
18/15/13 (8 BAB, +7 [Dexterity], +1 [Weapon Focus] +3[Enhancement]-1[Flurry])
Two-Weapon 16/16/11 [8 BAB, +7 [Dexteriy], +1 [Weapon Focus] +2 [masterwork style weapon] -2 [style])
15/15/15/10 [8 BAB, +7 [Dexteriy], +1 [Weapon Focus] +2 [masterwork style weapon] -2 [style], -1 [Flurry])

Javelin 15/10 1-6+3 crit 20/x2 P RI 30'
Attack modifier:(8 BAB, +7 [Dexterity]

+19/14 (8 BAB, +7 [Dexterity], +1 [Weapon Focuse] +1 [Enhancement], +2 [Finessable weapon])
18/18/13 (8 BAB, +7 [Dexterity], +1 [Weapon Focus] +1 [Enhancement]-1 [Flurry], +2 [Finessable Weapon])
21/16(8 BAB, +7 [Dexterity], +1 [Weapon Focus] +3 [Enhancement], [Finessable Weapon])
20/17/15 (8 BAB, +7 [Dexterity], +1 [Weapon Focus] +3[Enhancement]-1[Flurry]+2 [Finessable Weapon])
Two-Weapon 20/20/15 [8 BAB, +7 [Dexteriy], +1 [Weapon Focus] +2 [masterwork style weapon] -2 [style], +2 [Finessable Weapon] +2 [Light Weapon])
19/19/19/14 [8 BAB, +7 [Dexteriy], +1 [Weapon Focus] +2 [masterwork style weapon] -2 [style], -1 [Flurry] +2 [Finessable Weapon] +2 [Light Weapon])


Fort: +[9] (8 base, +1 Con,)
Ref: +[15] (8 base, +7 Dex)
Will: +[4] (2 base, +2 Wis)


Perception: +[9] ([5 ranger] C, +2 [Wisdom], +2 [race])
Climb: +[14] ([11] C, +3 [Strength])
Knowledge, Geograpy: +[6] ([5 ranger] C, +1 [Intelligence])
Knowledge, the Planes+[6] ([5 ranger} C, +1 [Intelligence] [no heal or use rope])
Planar Geomerty +[14] ([11] C, +1 [Intelliegence] +2 [Synergy], [ranger class skill no hide or move silently, Martial Artist class skill no bluff or Concentration])
Survival +[7] ([5 ranger] C, +2 [Wisdom],[If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (geography), you get a +2 bonus on Survival checks made to keep from getting lost or to avoid natural hazards.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (the planes), you get a +2 bonus on Survival checks made while on other planes
If you have 5 or more ranks in Survival, you can automatically determine where true north lies in relation to yourself.
A ranger gains a bonus on Survival checks when using this skill to find or follow the tracks of a favored enemy.])
Jump +[16] ([11] C, +3 [Strength], +2 [ Synergy])
Balance +[20] ([11] C, +7 [Dexterity], +2 [Synergy])
Tumbling +[20] ([11] C, +7 [Dexteriyt], +2 [Synergy], [ If you have 5 or more ranks in Tumble, you gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC when fighting defensively instead of the usual +2 dodge bonus to AC.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Tumble, you gain a +6 dodge bonus to AC when executing the total defense standard action instead of the usual +4 dodge bonus to AC.])
Knowledge, Nature +[3] ([0] C, +1[Intelligence], +2 [Synergy]


Planar Touchstone (campaign bonus)
[Weapon Focus, Spear] (lvl1)
[Track] (ranger 1)
[Two-Weapon Fighting] (ranger 2)
[Wepon Finnesse] (martial artist 1)
[Planar Touchstone, Tila’kun (Island Tribes)] (lvl3)
[Weapon Specialization, Spear] (martial artists 5)
[Planar Touchstone, Yesheveran (Surface-Dwellers)] (Lvl6)

Class Abilities:

[Surge +2 str +2 dex double move for 4 rounds 1/day]
[Finishiing Move AC 12 for additional 2d6 damage]
[Wild Empathy +3]
[Combat Style: Two-weapon]
[Favoured Enemy: Evil Outsiders +2 damage, bluff, etc.]
[Martial Secerets:
Spear Form]

Racial Abilities:
[Low Light Vision]
[+2 search and perception]
[Auto-search doors within 10']
[Immune to sleep effects]

Planar Touchstone:
- Base Ability:Automatically sense the location of any variety of portal within 30 feet, though you gain no further information from this ability. In addition, Whenever someone uses a teleportation or plane-shifting spell or effect to arrive at a spot within 30 feet of you, you may make a DC 10 Wisdom check to predict where they will arrive one round before they do.
- Higher-order Ability (Once per day, a character with this ability may invoke a tree stride spell as a 15th-level Ranger.) 4 times/[Recharge Condition: Conquer the Qillathe. Although most of the Tangle is stable as far as portals go, in certain places the vegetation has grown so thick that it forms a web of interlinked passages towering into the sky. These areas, called Qillathes after the famous Tangler ranger who first discovered their potential, are natural labyrinths and homes to all sorts of plant creatures. The fecundity of the areas mean that portals open and close with a frequency unmatched elsewhere on the plane, making these excellent training grounds for natives who wish to hone their natural skills. By meditating in the heart of a Qillathe, the character meets the recharge condition for the higher-order ability of the Tangle. Navigating there requires a complex Survival skill check, with a DC of 17 and requiring 5 successes. Failure means that the unlucky seeker is shunted 2d100 miles in a random direction by a portal he or she failed to catch.]
-Base Ability: Recover twice the normal number of hit points and ability points in a day of rest or light activity. Even on days of strenuous activity you regain 1 hit point per level per day and a single ability score point. This also allows you to harmlessly dissipate temporary hit points at will, at a rate of 1 point per round, allowing you to survive even on minor positive dominant planes.
-High-order Ability: The severe and repeated beatings of the Kuolokai ritual prepare your body to quickly spring back from even the most grievous of injuries. Once per day you may use this ability and gain the effects of a vigor spell, as cast by a Druid with a caster level equal to your character level. 5 times. Recharge Condition: Defeat all challengers in the sacred Kuolokai ritual. This violent contest generates a controlled reserve of positive energy just as the Astral traveling of the monasteries does, but uses and altogether different method. The ritualized combat entails a group of men, sometimes ranging into the hundreds, beating each other into unconsciousness over a long span of time. Combat takes place normally, except that all contestants strike for nonlethal damage only and each round lasts one full minute. As the day wears on and more and more people fall, those left standing can capitalize on the stressful experience and gain the ability to rapidly heal wounds in future battle. Roll on the chart below to find the character’s opponent; he or she must defeat at least 3 challengers (and take damage in those battles) in order to meet the recharge condition for this higher-order ability: Sample Kuolokai Challengers: d% Encounter 01-20 6th-level Ranger 21-50 7th-level Barbarian 51-75 8th-level Martial Artist 76-90 9th-level Barbarian 91-100 10th-level Monk
-Base Ability: You gain a +4 bonus on all Fortitude saves versus diseases. In addition, you do not fail saves against diseases on a natural 1; treat the 1 as you would any other number and calculate the results accordingly.




Valkaries Lance +1 Evil Outsider bane two-weapon style long spear (8,415 gp) [9 lb.] under Everburning enchantment
18 Javelins (18 gp)[36 lb.][in quiver no weight]

Efficient Quiver (1800 gp) [3 lb.]
Gloves of the Viper (18,000 gp) [green snake skin gloves of dexterity +4]

Backpack (2 gp) [2 lb.]
- Travlers Outfit (1 gp) [8 lb.]
- Cold Weather Outfit (8 gp) [7 lb.]
- 2 weeks Trail Rations (7 gp) [14 lb]
- 50' Silk Rope (10 gp) [ 5 lb.}
- Waterskin (1 gp) [4 lb]
- Bedroll (1 sp) [5 lb]
- Blanket, Winter (5 sp) [3 lb]
Explorer's Outfit (8 gp) [10 lb.]
Planar Touchstones [x2] (500 gp) [unknown]
[20 PP, 27 GP. 4 SP]

Carrying 70 lbs.

Load: light 76, medium 77-153, heavy 154-230, lift 230 over head, 460 off ground, drag 1,150

Valkerie's Lance Description: A Long spear made of birch with a burnished steel head. The head is engraved with runes hurtful and hateful to evil outsiders.

Gloves of the Viper: These are green snakeskin gloves of exquisite beauty and craftmanship.

Description: A Tangler of above average height and weight, with red hair. He is dressed in greens and browns, with Valkarie's Lance usually in his hand and a quiver on his back.

Background:As his name suggests, Kestrel started as a guide, on his home plane of Tangle. He later expanded to include other planes. During his travels he met up with Illiria and has agreed to protect her from her demon enemies. He has recently come to Dromus, along with Illiria who seems to drawn here for some reason.

Personality: Quiet and introspective.

Contacts: # Information, # Influence, # Skill
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First Post
Illira Astirel

Female Human
Fighter 1 / Sorceress 4 / Spellsword 3

Size: M (5'8''; 130 lbs.)
HD: 1d10 +7d8 +16
HP: 58
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 21 [+4 dex, +6 Armor, +1 natural]
BAB: +7/+2
XP: 28,000 / 36,000 for level 9


Str: 18 (+4) (8 pts), +1 demon bloodline, +2 bracers
Dex: 18 (+4) (8 pts), +1 level 4, +2 gloves
Con: 14 (+2) (6 pts)
Int: 14 (+2) (6 pts)
Wis: 10 (+0) (2 pts)
Cha: 16 (+3) (8 pts), +1 level 8

Heaven’s Edge +13/+8 (2d6+7, 15-20/x2)

Attack modifier: +13 (+7 BAB, +4 Str, +1 enchantment, +1 Weapon Focus)
Parry: +12 (+7 BAB, +4 Dex, +1 enchantment)

Ranged touch spells (Scorching Ray)

Attack modifier: +11 (+7 BAB, +4 Dex)


Fort: +8 (base 6, +2 Con)
Ref: +6 (base 2, +4 Dex)
Will: +7 (base 7, +0 Wis)


Balance: +6 (2 CC, +4 Dex)
Climb: +8 (4 C, +4 Str)
Concentration: +13 (11 C, +2 Con)
Intimidate: +14 (11 C, +3 Cha) (bluff & profession dropped as Sorceress, climb & profession dropped as Spellsword)
Jump: +9 (5 C, +4 Str)
Knowledge (arcana): +8 (6 C, +2 Int)
Knowledge (planes): +7 (5 C, +2 Int)
Move Silently: +6 (+4 Dex, +2 demon bloodline)
Spellcraft: +9 (5 C, +2 Int, +2 synergy)
Swim: +8 (4 C, +4 Str)


Planar Touchstone: Tila’kun monasteries (campaign bonus)
Dodge (human bonus)
Mobility (1st)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Jovar (Fighter 1st)
Combat Expertise (3rd)
Power Attack (demon bloodline 2nd)
Spring Attack (6th)
Weapon Focus: Jovar (Spellsword 2nd)

Class Abilities:

Major bloodline (demon)
+2 Move Silently (1st)
Power Attack (2nd)
Str +1 (3rd)
Resistance to electricity 5 (ex) (4th)

Ignore spell failure 15%

Racial Abilities:

Bonus feat at 1st level
One extra skill point per level



Sorceress spells: (caster level 6th)

0 – acid splash, detect magic, read magic, light, mage hand, message, prestidigitation
1st – shield, true strike, burning hands, expeditious retreat
2nd – scorching ray, see invisibility
3rd – displacement

Spells per day: 4/6/4/2
Spell Save DC: 13/14/15/16


Heaven’s Edge, +1 blessed keen cold iron Jovar (11,000 gp) [13 lb.]
+2 elemental resistance (2/fire) mithral shirt (5,100 gp) [10 lb.]

Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4,000 gp)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2,000 gp)
Bracers of Strength +2 (4,000 gp)
Explorer’s outfit (free)
Spell component pouch (5 gp) [2 lb.]
Scroll case (1 gp) [0.5 lb.]
- Scroll of spider climb (150 gp)
- Scroll of rope trick (150 gp)
Belt Pouch (1 gp) [0.5 lb.]
- Inkpen (1 sp)
- Vial of ink (8 gp)
- Paper sheet x5 (2 gp)
Belt Pouch (1 gp) [0.5 lb.]
- Sunrod x2 (4 gp) [2 lb.]
- Flint and steel (1 gp)
- Small steel mirror (10 gp) [0.5 lb.]
- Potion of cure light wounds x2 (100 gp)
Backpack (2 gp) [2 lb.]
- Waterskin (1 gp) [4 lb.]
- Bedroll (1 sp) [5 lb.]
- Winter blanket (5 sp) [3 lb.]

162 gp, 3 sp

Carrying 43 lbs.

Load: light 100 lb. or less, medium 101-200 lb., heavy 201-300 lb., lift 600 lb., drag 1,500 lb.

Special item description:
Jovar, Heaven's Edge. This sword looks like a oddly weighted greatsword. It is made of cold iron and has Celestial runes carved on it's blade. The runes bear the sword's name - Heaven's Edge. It was given to Illira by the monks of the monastery, where she was raised. They told it once belonged to her great grandfather, a mighty warrior in service of goodness and justice, but it's origins are otherwise a mystery. It is probable, that the sword was not even made by a mortal, so fine and otherwordly is it's design.


Description: Illira is 5’8’’ and weighs 130 lbs, giving her a slender, but still surprisingly powerful frame. She has long dark brown hair usually tied to a ponytail. The most striking and perhaps intimidating thing in her are the glowing copper-colored eyes, which are an obvious proof about her demonic heritage. For the same reason her skin is also slightly reddish, but not too much to gather any special attention. She wears a custom-made mithral shirt under a see-through light blue silk cloak with blue baggy silk trousers. From her neck hangs a heavy-looking amulet with three separate bronze plates (amulet of natural armor). She has bronze bracelets of the same material covering both wrists (bracers of Str). On her back is sheathed a shiny large sword, which has a very sharp strange-shaped blade (Heaven’s Edge).


Background: Illira comes from a family with rich tradition of warriors. One of her ancestors was a notable monk/paladin, who in his time managed to defeat and imprison a powerful demon. The demon was banished back to whence it came from, but swore revenge on the family of the warrior, even though the demon knew he could not return before his captor’s mortal life was over. But he had left offspring, so the demon decided to torment them.

When the time of revenge had arrived, the demon created a master plan to corrupt the righteous family by infecting them with demonic blood. A succubus in disguise was sent to seduce the son of the family and give birth to a child, who was destined to put an end to her own family in the schemes of the demon lord. What a perfectly brutal and sweet revenge it would be!

But the evil plan never worked like it was meant to. The father managed to find out about his demonic wife’s true nature. With the help of wise sages he was able to reveal the mystery behind the demon lord and the old grudge. The father, a paladin from Kelluna, thought about killing the child and ending the evil plan right here and now. But as much as he tried, he could not raise his hand to kill his own daughter. The child was not purely demonic, she was his daughter as well, so maybe there was still a chance to save her.

He decided to keep the child he named Illira and raise her according to family tradition. But it wasn’t that easy, because the infuriated demon lord kept sending those loyal to him to harrass them. Fearing for his daughter’s life, the father decided to give her to a remote monastery in Tila’kun he trusted, where some members of the family had been sent to train during many generations. There Illira would spend her childhood under the strict but caring tutelage of the monks. The monks found out she was very gifted as a warrior and student.

Her life was happy and normal until her teens, when strange and scary things began to haunt her. Not only did her magical powers start to manifest themselves, but she kept having frightening nightmares, where she killed her own father, who she had never known or seen. A sinister voice talked to her in the dreams promising great power, if she did how was asked. The voice spoke in an unknown language, that she could still understand like she had always known it.

Illira talked to the monks about her dreams, but didn’t tell all the details. Notably the part about killing her father. The monks were not frightened, almost like they knew to expect this. She was taught meditation, which would help her to keep the dreams away or at least help her live with them. Her martial training intensified and the monks presented her a strange large sword bearing celestial runes. She was told this weapon once belonged to her great grandfather and that now she should have it, because she would probably need it. Why, they would not say. Illira embraced the old sword so much, that she began to develop a personal fighting style, which would in time give her an ability to channel her magic through her weapon and allow casting spells with ease even when armored.

Some years passed and she learned to master her magic better. The dreams kept repeating, but now she could at least live with them. Then one day, the monastery was attacked by cultists commanding horrible creatures, who spoke the same language Illira had heard in her dreams. She fought alongside the monks and together they defeated the enemy, but many gave their lives in the effort.

The monks spoke very little, when Illira demanded to know, what was going on, but she knew they had came for her. They could keep their secrets, she had had enough of living inside the monastery. She also cared for the monks and didn’t want to endanger them by staying any longer, so she ran away during the night. She was accompanied by Kestrel, an elven man, who had been visiting the monastery during the cultist attack. He proved to be a well-traveled man, who had little fear of horrible creatures, so she felt safe traveling with him having spent almost her entire life inside the safety of the monastery.

Personality: Illira has a serious mind and rarely smiles or shows any signs of happiness. This is because she has seen quite a lot during her short life. She has suspicions about her heritage and is afraid, that the scary dreams she has had coupled with the strange happenings, that follow her could endanger those around her, so she is recluctant to speak about her past or to let anyone really close to her. Her training and monastic upbringing have thus far kept the demonic nature in check, but she fears loosing control and feels like she’s constantly walking on a fine line between good and evil.

Contacts: # Information, # Influence, # Skill
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Narine Valborg, The Luminous Arc

Female Maenad
Wilder 8
Chaotic Good

Size: M (6'3", 150lbs)
Hit Dice: 8d6 + 8
HP: 39
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 35ft (45ft when psionically focused)
AC: 17 (+5 armor, +2 Dex) [Touch attack 17 (+5 Cha [elude touch], +2 Dex]
ACP: 0
BAB/Grapple: +6/+6
XP: 28,000 / 36,000 for level 9

Current Patron Deity:
Region: Kelluna
Age: 50


Str: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Dex: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Con: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Int: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Wis: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Cha: 20 (+5) [10 points, +2 level, +2 headband]

Charmed +7/+2 (1d8+1/x3, +1 lucky spear)
Javelin +8 (1d6/x2/20 ft range, javelin)

Melee Attack Modifier: +6 (+6 BAB, +0 Str)
Ranged Attack Modifer: +8 (+6 BAB, +2 Dex)
Parry: +8 (+6 BAB, +2 Dex)

Fortitude: +3 [+2 base, +1 Con]
Reflex: +4 [+2 base, +2 Dex]
Will: +8 [+6 base, +2 Wis]

Autohypnosis +14 [11 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 synergy]
Concentration +12 [11 ranks, +1 Con]
Control +15 [11 ranks, +4 Cha]
Diplomacy +7 [0 ranks, +4 Cha, +3 touchstone]
Knowledge (Psionics) +16 [11 ranks, +3 Int, +2 synergy]
Perception +13 [11 ranks, +2 Wis]
Psicraft +15 [11 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 synergy]
Tumble +13 [11 ranks, +2 Dex]

Planar Touchstone [Kelluna] (bonus)
Speed of Thought (1st level)
Up The Walls (3rd level)
Outgoing (6th level)

Class Abilities
Psionic powers
Wild surge +3
Elude touch
Surging euphoria +1
Volatile mind (1 power point)
Proficiency in all simple weapons, light armor, and all shields but tower shields.

Racial Abilities
Naturally psionic (+2 power points)
energy ray 1/day, sonic only
Outburst (1/day, up to 4 rounds, take –2 to Int and Wis for a +2 to Str)
Planar Touchstone
-Base ability - You gain a +3 bonus on all Diplomacy checks.
-Higher-order ability - 1/day one of these powers aid, auguary, consecrate/desecrate (depending on Proxy's alignment), detect chaos/evil/good/law (alignment opposed to the Proxy’s only), or protection from chaos/evil/good/law (alignment opposed to the Proxy’s only). 5 higher-order uses.
Recharge Condition: Swear fealty to a Proxy, receiving their mark and a measure of their power. This requires a personal audience with a Proxy. If the worshipper is deemed worthy he or she is given a mark of justice and swears to serve the Proxy granting the mark. The mark of justice cannot be removed by any means short of a wish or miracle while the power granted by the Proxy remains; all higher-order ability uses must be relinquished first. At this point, the mark fades of its own accord.


Powers Known
Save DC +5 – Power points available – 80
1st – energy ray, mind thrust
2nd – energy push
3rd – energy bolt
4th – death urge


Charmed, +1 lucky spear (8,302 gp) [6 lbs.]
Bottomless Quiver (as Quiver of Ehlonna) (1,800 gp) [3 lbs.]
~18 Javelins (18 gp) [36 lbs.]
Dagger (2 gp) [1 lb.]
Swiftkill, +1 mithril chain shirt of quickness (5,100 gp) [12.5 lbs.]

Boots of landing (1,000gp) [n/a lbs.]
Headband of Charisma +2 (4,000 gp) [- lbs.]
Gate compass (2,500 gp) [1 lb.]
Dorje of detect psionics (750 gp) [- lbs.]
*Power stone of psionic dimension door (700 gp) [- lbs.] used
Power stone of body adjustment (375 gp) [- lbs.]
Power stone of energy burst (electricity) (375 gp) [- lbs.]
Fireproof Traveler’s outfit (50 gp) [Worn, no weight]
Belt pouch (1 gp) [1/2 lb.]
Backpack (2 gp) [2 lbs.]
~Bedroll (5 sp) [5 lbs.]
~Waterskin (1 gp) [4 lbs.]
~Trail rations (20 days worth) (10 gp) [20 lbs.]
~Fireproof explorer’s outfit (60 gp) [8 lbs.]
~Winter blanket (5 sp) [3 lbs]
~4 sacks (4 sp) [2 lbs.]
~Tent (10 gp) [20 lbs.]

Carrying - 88 lbs., Heavily encumbered.

193pp, 5gp, 5sp, 10cp

Appearance: Narine is a flamboyant woman, with a waist-long mane of wavy, dark blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a heart-shaped face. Her naturally shimmering skin enhances her beauty and feeds her sense of vanity. Tall and statuesque, wearing colors of blue, green, and gold to compliment her coloring, Narine tends to look more like a lady of wealth on a holiday than an adventurer. She tends to keep her weapons out of sight, having had her bottomless quiver decorated to look like a pretty, if oddly-shaped, purse. Where possible she will hire someone to carry the rest of her things. She doesn’t like beasts of burden, often complaining of their smell.


Personality: Flamboyant in personality as in appearance, Narine is given to grand gestures and broad declarations. She often professes great and undying loyalty… to whichever Proxy attracted her attention at the time. When in the thralls of a new Proxy to worship, she throws herself into it fervently, often putting other, more devout worshippers in the shade for a time. She’ll expound on their virtues at the drop of a hat, until she gets bored with them, and then she’s off to find another.

Narine has a great appreciation for the beautiful, the powerful, and the spectacular, as reflected in her psionic powers. She loves storms, and will often stay out in them to watch their wonderful fury. She likes to emulate them with her powers, stinging others with electricity, and shouting and roaring like thunder.

Background: Growing up in Kelluna, one almost always is in service to a Proxy. Narine was as well when she was little, to one of the wilder ones, but one with a good heart. This helped shape her heart and mind. While most of her people tended to be very reserved to control their inner spiritual anger, Narine resolved to accept it, and embraced it. This tended to manifest in her extremely wild and chaotic nature, as well as her inability to settle on only one Proxy, but instead to sample them all like wine.

Her powers manifested appropriately, in the form of powerful bursts of energy. Narine loves the feeling of using her powers; it makes her feel closer to her Proxy of the moment. She will willingly use her powers in service to her current Proxy, delighting in serving them in that way.

Narine’s own parents and two older sisters are securely tied to service with a very proper lawful proxy, driven there by the chaos of their daughter. Her parents speak very little of her, embarrassed by her Proxy-jumping, and her sisters just pretend she doesn’t exist. This seems to bother Narine very little, and she fills the need for relationships with a wide range of lovers of all shapes, sizes, ages, genders, kinks, and races. Through her network of lovers she learns about the different Proxies, and who might welcome her at the moment.

About a year ago Narine joined the fadacs in hopes of finding some new adventures to have. She’s still a member, which is a personal record for her in terms of commitment. By now she has done some traveling to Dromus, mostly because her last Proxy was one of travel, and so she traveled...


Elune Restat, Heart of Inner Peace – Informational contact – Narine met Elune during her time with a Proxy of passion. Usually found in her Proxy’s temple, Elune is devoted to sharing passion with all the temple’s worshippers. Many speak far more frankly than they intend when visiting Elune. Narine has gone back to spend time with her several times since, and Elune usually has some interesting tidbit of information to share.

Mitan Degern, Templar of the Straight Path – Skill contact (profession: barrister) – More than once Narina has run afoul of one law or another (or whole books of law). And more than once Mitan Dergern has helped her out of a bind. One of Narine’s oldest friends, Mitan is a skillful barrister often consulted by some of the leaders of the more lawful faiths. He doesn’t always have time to help her out of her latest scrape, so Narine is willing to wait and help him ease his “itch” until he can.

Lorad Steed, the Barley Brother – Information contact – Lorad can be found in the Fountain of Beer tavern on any day (or hour) of the week. A drunk with unparalleled capacity for ale, and a mind like a steel trap, he’s not too hard to find. Of course, getting what you want to know is rather difficult, as Lorad generally rambles through four or five subjects before getting around to your original question. Generally paying off his current bar tab is the easiest way to get him to talk. Narine met him through a very minor church, lead by a Proxy of drunkenness. It was a rather fun two-month binge, but eventually the headaches were more trouble than they were worth, so Narine moved on. However she remembered Lorad, as he was one of her sponsors (and taught her how to drink ten shots in a row and still look mostly sober).

Regetto, the Silent Hand – Influence contact – Regetto is one of Narine’s most dangerous contacts. A high-placed agent of a thieves’ guild, he’s a dash hand with a lockpick, and a quick hand with a dagger. During her one and only stint with a Proxy of questionable morals, she met Regetto. She stayed with him for several weeks, posing as his wife so that he could get close to a man that he meant to rob. He also killed him, but Narine didn’t find that out until later. Regetto actually grew rather fond of Narine, though Narine still holds some fear of him. She’s reluctant to go to him for assistance, as he often asks for her help in some shady dealings as payment, but occasionally has been forced to when things have looked rather bleak.

Two more as yet undetermined contacts, one influence, one skill
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First Post
Adinal Gyrfalcon

Male Human
Psion 5/Thrallherd 3
Chaotic Good

Size: M (5'8", 160 lb.)
HD: 8d4+0
HP: 20
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 11 (+1 Dex)/20 (+7 armor, +1 Dex, +1 Insight)
BAB: +3


Str 8 (-1) (0 points)
Dex 12 (+1) (4 points)
Con 10 (+0) (2 points)
Int 22 (+6) [+1 4th level, +1 8th level +2 Item] (16 points)
Wis 14 (+2) (6 points)
Cha 16 (+3) (10 points)


+1 Power Storing, Parrying dagger (+3, 1d4-1)


Fort: 4/5 (2 base + Cloak of Resistance +2/ + parrying dagger +1)
Ref: 5/6 (2 base + Cloak of Resistance +2/ + parrying dagger +1)
Will: 11/2 (7 base + Cloak of Resistance +2/ + parrying dagger +1)


Bluff: +17 (11 c)
Concentration: +5 (11 c)
Diplomacy: +27 (11 c)
Disguise: +14 (11 c)
Gather Info: +14 (11 c)
Knowledge(Psi): +17 (11 c)
Knowledge(local): +19(?) (11 c)
Knowledge(Nobility/Royalty): +17 (11 c)
Profession(Fixer): +15 (11 c)
Sense motive: +13 (11 c)

Traded Knowledge(Arcana and Architecture) for Disguise as Psion
Traded Autohypnosis and Craft for Disguise as Thrallherd


Planar Touchstone(Dromus) [+2 Craft and Profession (Lesser)/ Fabricate CL 10, 1/day, 3 uses (Higher)]
Psicrystal affinity (Human bonus)
Inquisitor (1st level)
Improved Psicrystal(Friendly)(3rd level)
Expanded Knowledge(Tongues) (6th level)

Class features:

Powers (9/3/3/2 known, 67 power points/day): 1st level: Mindlink, Aver, Judge, Broker, Inertial Armor, Disable, Crystal Shard,

Conceal thoughts, Psionic Charm; 2nd level: Read thoughts, Cloud mind, Tongues; 3rd level: Crisis of breath, Touchsight, Time

hop; 4th level: Correspond, Psionic Dominate


Droman, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Draconic, Infernal, Celestial


+1 Parrying Psicrystal staff (12,301 gp)
Companion stone of Diplomacy +4 (1700 gp)
4xTattoo of Body Adjustment (1200 gp)
Headband of Intellect +2 (4000 gp)
Heward's Handy Haversack (2000 gp)
10xTattoo of Enlarge (500 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000 gp)

Situational alchemical item fund (100 gp)

Hearthfire lantern (7 gp)
Hearthfire (12 uses) (10 gp)
Earthsilk jersey (150gp)
1 Brain lock pearl (300 gp)
Flint and steel (1 gp)
Bedroll (1 sp)
Ink (10 vials) (80 gp)
Inkpen (1 sp)
Paper (200 sheets) (80 gp)
Trail rations (10 days) (5 gp)
Earthsilk rope (50 ft) (12 gp)
Sealing wax (uses?) (1 gp)
signal whistle (8 sp)
Signet ring (5 gp)
Torch (2) (2 cp)
Soap (1 pound?) (5 sp)
Disguise kit (50 gp)
Extra-gaudy Jewelry (116 gp 4 sp 8 cp) (I'm such an ass.)

High Quality Noble's outfit (+2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy) (375 gp)
Traveler's outfit (1 gp)
Scholar's outfit (5 gp)

Plot Widget (not for sale) - An amulet (wasn't it a statue?) that possessed my acquaintance Vayshor for the time we spent in our otherworldly dungeon. I do not yet understand fully what it is, but it is certainly intelligent, though it seems vaguely childish in its intelligence. It pulls lines of power to it, though I know not how. The Tower Sorceire wants it, and that can only mean it will increase their power somehow and the last thing I wish for is for one of Dromus' players to gain power over the other. I must figure out what to do with this device!


The Gyrfalcon family is moderately well-known in Dromus as one of merchants. Their reputation is enhanced by the fact that they are among the oldest settled families in Dromus, having been around almost since the founding of the city itself. Originally hailing from Caeldwyste, the Gyrfalcons were once a nomadic barbarian tribe of Caeldwyste's frostfell. But almost 200 years ago, Theragrim Gyrfalcon decided to rebel against his family and start a new life in a new land. Theragrim and his family settled in Dromus and became prosperous merchants.

200 years later, a new rebel has shown up. Adinal Gyrfalcon, being the second son of Jeodren Gyrfalcon, sees no future in his life as a merchant and leaves the family to find his own future. His natural talents as a talker as well as his other 'abilities' lead him to being a diplomat. But with no connections to propel him into a position with the Droman Central Government, he finds himself becoming a lieutenant to one of Dromus' local Machine Bosses. Adinal sees this as a first step, though he wonders how much his first step will be held against him once he finally DOES enter the Droman political scene.

Adinal stands about 5'8" and weighs about 140 lbs. He has pale blonde hair and fair skin. He tends to wear white clothing, usually with more belts and buckles than necessary. He wears a fine cloak about his shoulders and a 'decorative' headband around his head. Carried with him at all times is a staff with a black gem nestled in a socket at its head.

Adinal is regularly followed by an acquaintance of his, the Loxo he calls Mathilde. Mathilde has been following him for almost a year now and Adinal is still not entirely certain why. He has some attachment to her, but mostly regards her in a bemused manner.

She, on the other hand, treats Adinal as if his every word were food and water and does everything Adinal asks her. (Note: Mathilde is Adinal's thrall, but Adinal does not understand the mental broadcast sent out by his Thrallherd levels.)

DemonWolfZero said:
Junatka "Mathilde" Kashtenar

Female Loxo
Bard 2
Chaotic Good

Size: L (6'8", 460 lb.)
HD: 8d4+0
HP: 54
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 17 (+4 armor, +4 Natural Armor and -1 size)
BAB: +5


Str 22 (+6)
Dex 10 (+0)
Con 15 (+2)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 16 (+3)


+1 Huge Morningstar (+11, 2d8+8+1)
Slam (+4, 1d6+3)
Trample (+4, 1d8+8)


Fort: 6 (1 base)
Ref: 8 (7 base)
Will: 9 (7 base)


Craft(Percussion Instruments): +9 (8 c)
Perception: +11 (10 c)
Perform(War Drums): +13 (10 c)
Intimidate: +8 (5 cc)


Power Attack
Improved Toughness
Great Fortitude

Special Abilities:

Berserk rage

Class features:

Bardic music, bardic knowledge, countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1
Spells: Per day - 3/1, Known - 5/2 (0 level - Mage hand, Dancing Lights, Light, Know Direction, Summon instrument, 1st level - Cure Light Wounds, Animate Rope)


Loxo, Common


+1 Huge Morningstar (2308 gp)
Chain shirt (100 gp)
Cloak of Charisma +2 (4000 gp)
Vest of Resistance +1 (2000 gp)


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Mad Hatter

First Post
Feiran Tegras na’Randis Holyfire

Female Human
Technologist 8
Chaotic Neutral

Size: M (5’6’’, 155 lb.)
HD: 8d6+ 16
HP: 47
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 18 (+2 Dex, +5 armor, +1 Ring of Pro)
BAB: +4
XP: 28,000/ 36,000 for level 9


Str: 16 (+3) [6 pts; 14+ +2 item]
Dex: 14 (+2) [4 pts; 12+ +2 item]
Con: 14 (+2) [6 pts]
Int: 15 (+2) [8 pts]
Wis: 12 (+1) [4 pts]
Cha: 20 (+5) [10 pts; 16+ 2 attribute pts.+ +2 item]


Shanko XI +10/5 1d6+4 x3
(+2 on trip attempts, 11/6 when in antimagic, +1 Style Oriented,
Tripping Mighty Nagaika (+3 Str))

Swift Striker +10/5 2d6+5 18-20/x2
(11/6 when in antimagic, +1 Style Oriented, Wicked Edge, Silvered

(5) Daggers +9/5 1d4+1 x2

Melee Attack Modifier: +9/+4 (+6 BAB, +3 STR)
Ranged Attack Modified: +8 (+6 BAB, +2 DEX)
Parry: +9 (+6 BAB, +2 DEX, +1 Magic, [+2 when in antimagic])


Fort: +5 (+2 base, +2 mod, +1 magic)
Ref: +5 (+2 base, +2 mod, +1 magic)
Will: +8 (+6 base, +1 mod, +1 magic)


Craft (Leatherworking): +7 (5 C + 2 mod)
Decipher Script: +10 (8 C + 2 mod)
Disable Device: +12 (10 C + 2 mod)
Handle Animal: +16 (11 C + 5 mod)
Knowledge (Arcana): +9 (7 C + 2 mod)
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering): +7 (5 C + 2 mod)
Knowledge (Nature): +13 (11 C + 2 mod)
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): +11 (6 C + 2 mod+ 3 feat)
Knowledge (Planes): +13 (11 C + 2 mod)
Knowledge (Technology): +13 (11 C + 2 mod)
Perception: +6 (5 C + 1 mod)
Profession (Animal Trainer): +12 (11 + 1 mod)
Spellcraft: +9 (7 C + 2 mod)
Ride: +7 (3 cc+ 2 mod+ 2 misc)


Tech Adept (Human Bonus)
Tech Adept (1st Level)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Whip (3rd Level)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Jovar (6th Level)

Class Abilities:

Artificer: 13 (+2, +3, +3, +3, +1, +1)
Fundamentals of Null Magic (3)
1. Disrupt Magic Dependent
2. Dispel Magic
3. Suppress Spell
Master of Artifice
Technologist 4 (+1, +1, +1, +1)
Lesser Technologist Ability
1. Instinctual Teaching
2. Dynamic Linguist
3. Master Craftsman
Stabilization Points: 225/day

Racial Abilities:

Bonus feat at 1st level
4 extra skill points at 1st level
1 extra skill point every level after 1st

Planar Touchstone Abilities:

Lower Order: +3 Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), free travel
Higher Order: Antimagic field 2/day as 10th lvl Sorceror


Droman Regional Dialect


+1 Reinforced Vitals Chainshirt (1250 gp) [25 lbs]
+1 Style Oriented, Tripping Mighty Nagaika [+3 STR] (2725 gp) [7 lbs.]
+1 Style Oriented, Wicked Edge Silvered, Jovar (2980 gp) [8 lbs]
Daggers [5 lbs]

Ring of Dexterity +2 (4000 gp) [--]
Ring of Protection +1 (2000 gp) [--]
Bracers of Strength +2 (4000 gp) [1 lb]

Circlet of Charisma +2 (4000 gp) [--]
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000 gp) (1 lb.)

1. Vitriol Projector [7 lbs]
2. Wheedling Stone [2 lbs]
3. Sphere of Savagery [3 lb]
4. Sense Link, Forced [1 lb]
5. Photon Scattering Shield [6 lbs]
6. Wire Coil of Summon Swarm [6 lbs]
7. Nocturnal Goggles [1 lb]
8. Velocitous Footgear [4 lbs]
9. Phlogiston Control Gear [3 lbs]
10. Phlogistic Hammer [4 lbs]
11.Tullius's Effacious Nostrum [1 lb]
Earplugs, crystalline (14 sets) [--]
Earplugs, crystalline (10 sets, modified for animals)[--]
Holyfire Royal Signet Ring (--) ***
Backpack/ Saddlebag fitted for a tiger (2 lbs)%
Artisan’s Tools, Masterwork (5 lbs.)*
Magnifying Glass (--)
Leather Gloves
Scroll Case (1/2 lb):
1. Scrolls: 6 Device Blueprints (3 lbs)
2. 5 Blank Parchments (--)
3. 5 Blank Papers (--)
2 Vials of Ink (2 oz)
10 Inkpens (--)
Sealing Wax (1 lb)
Bedroll and Tent (25 lbs.)%
Silk Rope 50 ft (5 lbs)%
Flint, Steel and Whetstone [5] (--)
10 Flasks Alchemist's Fire (10 lbs)%
3 Sunrods (3 lbs.)*
3 Bags of Caltrops (6 lbs.)%
4 Days Trail Rations (4 lbs)%
Explorer’s Outift: Leather boots (brown), wool breeches (black), belt (black), shirt (hunter green) w/ vest [8 lbs]
(2) Noble’s Outfit w/ Jewelry [Colors of House Randis] (10 lbs)**^
(2) Courtier’s Outfit w/ Jewelry [Colors of Clan Holyfire] (6 lbs)**^
Scholar’s Outfit [Colors of the Technologist Guild on Dromus]**
Glass, masterwork (15 gp) [3 lbs] %^^
Leather (40 gp) [5 lbs] **^^
Dyes: red, dark blue, purple, white (100 gp) ^^#

*Equipped on Jack, the Imperial Service Widget
**Equipped on Jill, the Imperial Service Widget
%Equipped on Terak
*** Not always worn (FYI)
^^ Arbitrary prices
# Dyes are rare


Carrying- 71 lbs. (light load)

Load: light 76 lbs, medium 153 lbs, heavy 230 lbs, lift 230 lbs, drag 460 lbs


Feiran wears practical clothing that are of exceptional make. She has the look of someone who is used to hauling hay bales, working a farm, or traipsing through forests. Feiran sports the Holyfire Royal tattoo, which looks like an orb surrounded by rings of fire. She has short dark hair and gray eyes. On her right hand (her off-hand), she occasionally wears the Holyfire Royal signet ring given to her by House Elders. Also on her right arm and shoulder is leather padding for when the monkey or owl want to rest. Feiran wields the whip and the jovar. Her mighty nagaika hangs on her left hip. It is blue dyed with glass shards woven throughout the leather. Strapped to her back is a jovar. Both weapons are finely made weapons. Feiran has three animal companions.


Feiran is a member of House Randis. She is an oddity in the House because of her proclivity for cultivating relationships with animals and the natural world. She expressed this interest because she was fostered to House Altair. Once at the House Altair domains, she was trained to be a ranger and self sufficient. Because her parents wished for her to obtain a high rank within the Conclave, she was removed from House Altair and fostered to House Ketral when she was 14. At House Ketral, she discovered a new discipline called technology. Only three Houses have adopted this form of magic but not magic. Feiran was intrigued to say the least. She made a pledge to join the Technologist Guild and to learn the craft. To attain her Master’s status within the guild, she created a device that mimics the speak with animals spell and animal messenger spell. Despite this, she is still in training to become a member of the upper echelon of the Technologist’s Guild. During the time she was fostered at House Ketral, she was trained to use the jovar and whip by a tutor from House Dorran. Because their founder was once a Hound Archon, the jovar has been adopted by a few sub families within House Dorran. And as such, House Ketral approved the training on this weapon for its children. After Feiran attained her majority and was considered an adult, Feiran was appointed as a Legate Candidate for House Randis. She is currently adventuring to prove herself worthy of her possible station within House Randis.


Feiran is arrogant, and sometimes brash. She will, however, work with anyone who has a good plan or is willing to work with her. She is as comfortable in frayed trousers tracking through the mud after one of her animal companions as she is attending a meeting of technologists or of higher ranking members of her House or any other. Feiran is outgoing and rough and tumble when there is call. Her weapon choice is a major indicator of her mood for the day. If she uses her whip, she is more or less willing to negotiate or converse with the perceived "Big Bad". If she has her jovar, then she hacks and takes names later. If she pulls out one of her trusty ray guns, then she is all business and unwilling to engage in melee fighting. Feiran is analytical and curious about anything and everything. She enjoys learning new languages and is willing to learn from any party member who wishes to teach her. Likewise, she will and can wax poetic on her many devices, skills, knowledges, languages, maths, politics, animals, and pretty much everything else if it's brought up in a conversation. As a sign of nervousness, indecision, or deep thought Feiran will play with her ear.

Animal Companions​
Name: Terak
Species: Tiger
Size: Large
Hit Points: 49 (6d8+18)
Initiative: 3
Speed: 40 ft
Armor Class: 21(10 + 3 natural armor + 4 DEX + 4 chainshirt)
Touch: 12; Flat-footed: 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+16
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d8+16)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d8+8) and bite +7 melee (2d6+4)
Space/Reach: 10 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Improved grab, pounce, rake 1d8+4
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8; Ref +8, Will +3
Abilities: STR 26 [6 pts], DEX 16 [4 pts], CON 16 [2 pts], INT 2 [2 pts], WIS 10 [0 pts], CHA 6 [2 pts]
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +4, Listen +3, Move Silently +10, Spot +3, Swim +11
Feats: Light Armor Proficiency, Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Improved Natural Attack (Claw)
Height: 3 ft
Length: 9 ft
Weight: 575 lbs

Special: Because Terak was raised well, his claws and bite are better than the average tiger. As such, Terak gets a +1 enhancement bonus to his claw, rake and bite attack.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a tiger must hit with a claw or bite attack. It can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins, it can rake.
Pounce (Ex): If a tiger charges a foe, it can make a full attack including two rakes.
Rake (Ex): Atk Bonus +11 melee, dam. 1d8+4
Skills +4 racial bonus to balance, hide and move silently. In areas od tall grass or heavy undergrowth, hide improves to +8.

Gauntlet's of the Iron Ogre [7 lbs]
Barkskin [10 lbs]
Armor [50 lbs]
Military Exotic Saddle [40 lbs]

173 lbs carried (light load)

Name: Eron
Species: Owl
Size: Small
Hit Points: 15 (2d8+2)
Initiative: 5
Speed: 10 ft; 80 ft fly (average)
Armor Class: 18 (10 + 2 natural armor + 5 DEX+ 1 Padded)
Touch: 15; Flat-footed: 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/ -6
Attack: Talons +7 melee (1d4-3)
Full Attack: Talons +7 melee (1d4-3)
Space/Reach: 2 1/2 ft/0 ft
Special Attacks: --
Special Qualities: Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +3; Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: STR 4 [2 pts], DEX 20 [6 pts], CON 12 [4 pts], INT 2 [2 pts], WIS 14 [2 pts], CHA 4 [0 pts]
Skills: Listen +16, Move Silently +19, Spot +10 (in shadows)/+6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (claws)
Height: 2 ft (long)
Length: 6 ft (wingspan)
Weight: 35 lbs

Animal Messenger [3 lbs]
Jabberblast [5 lbs]
Armor [5 lbs]
13 lbs carried (light load)

Name: Grax
Species: Monkey (colobus)
Size: Small
Hit Points: 15 (2d8+2)
Initiative: 4
Speed: 30 ft; climb 30 ft
Armor Class: 17(10 + 4 DEX+ 1 size+ 2 Leather)
Touch: 14; Flat-footed: 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-6
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d3-3)
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d3-3)
Space/Reach: 2 1/2 ft/0 ft
Special Attacks: --
Special Qualities: Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +4; Ref +9, Will +1
Abilities: STR 4 [2 pts], DEX 18 [6 pts], CON 12 [4 pts], INT 2 [2 pts], WIS 10 [0 pts], CHA 6 [2 pts]
Skills: Balance +14, Climb +14, Hide +14, Sleight of Hand +6, Perception +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (Bite)
Height: 1'7"
Tail Length: 2'1''
Length: --
Weight: 25 lbs

Monkeys can take a 10 on climb checks even if rushed. They also use their DEX mod instead of STR for climb checks.

Technologist's Magnifying Glass [2 lbs]
Barding [7 lbs]

9 lbs carried (light load)

Tricks: all animals know these, except where specified

1. Activate Device
2. Calm
3. Come
4. Stay
5. Hide
6. Attack
7. Stalk (tiger only)
8. Down
9. Loyal
10. Accept Barding
11. Steal (monkey only)
12. Hunt (owl only)
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Keys Whisper Gnome Rogue 7/Professional Thief 1

Female Whisper Gnome Rogue 7/Professional Thief 1
Chaotic Neutral

Str 12 +1 (6 pts, -2 racial)
Dex 23 +6 (13 pts, +2 racial, +2 lvl, +2 enh)
Con 12 +1 (2 pts, +2 racial)
Int 18 +4 (16 pts)
Wis 8 -1 (0 pts)
Cha 7 -2 (1 pts, -2 racial)

Hit Points 56 (8d6+8)
AC 24 [10, +4 armor, +2 shield, +1 size, +6 dex], Touch 17, Flat 23
Init +6
BAB +5, Grap +2
Speed 30 (base 30, load 31.75/32, light)
Fort +3 [+2 base, +1 Con]
Refl +13 [+7 base, +6 Dex]
Will +1 [+2 base, -1 Wis]

+1 Shortsword +14 melee (1d4+2, 19-20/x2, piercing)
Sap +13 melee (1d4+1, 20/x2, subdual bludgeoning)
Light Crossbow +13 ranged (1d6, 19-20/x2, 80 ft., piercing)

Small humanoid, 3'2" tall, 33 wt, 44 yrs old
Dark brown hair, Black-brown eyes, tanned skin

Speaks common, halfling, gnome, draconic, dwarven and elven.

Skills (132 skill points)
+29 Hide* [11 ranks, +6 Dex, +4 Size, +4 Race, +4 Circ]
+25 Move Silently* [11 ranks, +6 Dex, +4 Race, +4 Circ]
+16 Climb [11 ranks, +1 Str, +4 Circ]
+21 Disable Device* [11 ranks, +4 Int, +4 Circ, +2 Comp]
+14 Jump [11 ranks, +1 Str, +2 Syn]
+17 Balance* [11 ranks, +6 Dex, +2 Syn]
+21 Escape Artist* [11 ranks, +6 Dex, +4 Circ]
+15 Perception* [11 ranks, -1 Wis, +3 feat, +2 Race]
+22 Sleight of Hand [11 ranks, +6 Dex, +4 Circ]
+19 Search* [11 ranks, +4 Int, +4 Circ]
+19 Tumble* [11 ranks, +6 Dex, +2 Syn]
+10 Appraise [5 ranks, +4 Int, +1 Circ]
+10 Knowledge (local) [6 ranks, +4 Int]

*Skill Mastery

-Skill Focus (perception) (level 1)
-Weapon Finesse (level 3)
-Skill Mastery (level 6)
-Skill Mastery (prof thief 1)

Whisper Gnome Traits
- Small size
- Base Speed 30
- Low-light vision
- Darkvision 60 ft.
- Weapon Familiarity
- +1 racial attack bonus against kobolds and goblinoids
- +4 dodge bonus against monsters of the giant type
- +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks
- +2 racial bonus on Perception checks
- Spell-like abilities: 1/day ? silence

Rogue Abilities
-Sneak Attack +4d6
-Trap Sense +2
-Uncanny Dodge

Professional Thief Abilities
-Skill Feat
-Resourceful Troubleshooter: A professional thief can take apart and put back together any sort of contraption that dares to stand in his way. Even when a professional thief has absolutely nothing resembling a tool handy, he suffers from no penalty to his Disable Device and Open Lock checks. If he has a thieves' tool kit, he gets a +2 competence bonus to his checks. He only takes half as much time as normal to use Disable Device or Open Lock (a full-round action becomes a standard action). The DC of his Disable Device checks do not increase when he tries to leave behind no trace of his tampering, and if he does not already have levels of Rogue, he counts as a Rogue for the purpose of disarming (but not finding) difficult or magical traps.

Equipment (27000gp)

+1 Custom Fitted Leafweave Leather Scale (worn, 10wt, 1935gp)
+1 Custom Fitted Buckler (left arm, 5wt, 1315gp)
Explorers Outfit (worn, 2wt, -gp)

+1 Style Oriented Shortsword (belt left, 1wt, 2310gp)
Style Oriented Sap (belt right, 1wt, 301gp)
Cold Iron Exceptionally Balanced Light Mace (belt front, 2wt, 310gp)
Silver Exceptionally Balanced Dagger (quiver scabbard, .5wt, 322gp)

Exceptionally Balanced Light Crossbow (left shoulder, 2wt, 335gp)
Quiver Scabbard (right shoulder, 1wt, 10gp)
+1 Bolts (5 & 5) (quiver & haversack, .75wt, 470gp)
Bolts (5 & 35) (quiver & haversack, 3wt, 2gp)

Gnostic Lens? (+4 to Search) (eyes, -wt, 1600gp)
Furtive Shroud (+4 to Hide) (worn, -wt, 1600gp)
Shirking Shirt (+4 to Escape Artist) (worn, -wt, 1600gp)
Filchers Friend (+4 to Sleight of Hand) (left pointer finger, -wt, 1600gp)
Nimble Fingers (+2 to Dexterity) (hands, -wt, 4000gp)
Brachiating Bracers (+4 to Climb) (worn, -wt, 1600gp)
Boots of Footpaddin' (+4 to Move Silently) (feet, -wt, 1600gp)

Heward's Handy Haversack (center back, 5wt, 2000gp)
Adamantine Thieves Tools (+4 to Disable Device) (haversack, 2.5wt, 2650gp)
Potions (haversack)
--Hide from Animals (50gp)
--Hide from Undead (50gp)
--Pass without Trace (50gp)
--Sanctuary (2) (100gp)
--Cure Light Wounds (3) (150gp)
--Invisibility (300gp)
Jeweler?s Loupe (haversack, -wt, 20gp)
Silk Rope (100 ft.) (haversack, 5wt, 20gp)
Grappling Hook, Collapsible (haversack, 1wt, 3gp)
Glass Cutter (haversack, .5wt, 2gp)
Heat Mat (2) (haversack, -wt, 90gp)
Small Magnet (haversack, 1wt, 10gp)
Expandable Pole (haversack, 1wt, 10gp)
Scroll case (haversack, .25wt, 1gp)
Chalk (20 pieces) (haversack, -wt, 2sp)
Flint and Steel (haversack, -wt, 1gp)
Vial of Ink (3) (haversack, -wt, 24gp)
Inkpen (10) (haversack, -wt, 1gp)
Paper (10 sheets) (scroll case, -wt, 4gp)
Masterwork Manacles (haversack, 2wt, 50gp)
Small Steel Mirror (haversack, .5wt, 10gp)
Flask of Oil (5) (haversack, 5wt, 5sp)
Train Rations- 8 days (haversack, 2wt, 4gp)
Waterskins (2) (haversack, 2wt, 2gp)
Sack (4) (haversack, 1wt, 4sp)
Soap (haversack, .5wt, 5sp)
Whetstone (haversack, .5wt, 2cp)
Alchemical Items
--Acid (4 flasks) (haversack, 2wt, 40gp)
--Alchemists Fire (2 flasks) (haversack, 2wt, 40gp)
--Antitoxin (1 vial) (haversack, -wt, 50gp)
--Smokesticks (2) (haversack, 1wt, 40gp)
--Sunrods (10) (haversack, 5wt, 20gp)
--Tanglefoot Bags (2) (haversack, 8wt, 100gp)
--Thunderstone (2) (haversack, 2wt, 60gp)
--Tindertwigs (10) (haversack, -wt, 10gp)

Coins- 135gp, 3sp, 8cp (haversack, 2.92wt)

Appearance: Keys entire head is scarred from an "accident" with acid in her youth leaving her face horribly disfigured, the only remaining beauty about her face is a pair of exquisitely dark brown eyes bearing almost upon black and beautiful dark brown locks of hair which she wears in a short bob. She normally wears a veil of royal blue silk to cover up to her eyes, hiding her face from others. Generally clad in blue and purple died skin-tight clothing which leaves little of her tightly muscled body to the imagination, she occasionally wears a suit of leather armor died a shadowy purple and once in a while has a short sword or light crossbow at her side.

Personality: Keys is incredibly quiet, generally trying to hide behind her veil whenever she can. She has little use for gentle words as they couldn't save her once from the horrible wounds that have been left on her. Jaded and bitter about a great many things, she takes it out on the world and others with sharp and biting remarks and her general disdain for reciprocity. To get by in such a dismal world is her motivation, she does what she can to make herself comfortable but doesn't go out of her way to injure others who can't afford it. A cynic and a pragmatist, she has no use for religions, chiding others for their reliance upon gods who can only leave them to suffer. She believes to survive you need to look out for number one, if others are worth it to you, you might go out of your way to help them, but usually they just leave you or hurt you anyways.

Background: Keys grew up on the road with her mother and father, they traveled with a performing group but were nothing more than servants. Hard from the start, her life has been scraping moment to moment. Her parents were killed when a carriage propelled along by a crazed driver trampled them in the streets. Left to fend for herself she worked within the performing group for many years, eventually falling into a sense of self-depravity.

Soon after she was "discovered" by a young entrepreneurial man who thought he could use her talents, being young she didn't realize what was happening until too late when she was being physically abused and mentally cajoled into performing degrading acts. This lasted only so long until she tried to run away. She was caught and he punished her by pouring acid onto her face, disfiguring her forever and then casting her into the streets.

Forced into a life on the streets, she quickly picked up the habits of a pick pocket, stealing petty change when she impinged upon the grounds of a local thieves guild. Rather than taking her hands, the guild found her incredibly sharp both mentally and physically, definitely not an opportunity to be passed up. She was taken in and her training began, however her misfortune just didn't run out. The guild she was taken into was wiped out in a purge by a rival guild and she was lucky to be spared by being out that evening.

She has established herself as a professional within the city of Dromus for now.
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