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Dungeon 112: Castle Maure comments?


WotC's bitch
Okay, my players, shoo. Or stick around, since I'll probably be jacking the module around to such a degree that it'll be unrecognisable anyway, so finding out stuff won't be a problem. ;)

Has anyone had a chance to run the revisited Castle Maure in Dungeon 112 yet? This thing is massive! 4 dungeon levels, new items, new monsters, a new template. I'm drooling already.

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*wipes hong's schtick*

not yet... but it is being converted for my OD&D campaign. by the time the PCs are high enough level i might have it finished.

say 10 or so years from now. :D


First Post
I haven't run it yet but I'm also drooling over it. It updated a lot of old great material and looks to be quite well done. I dont' know who handled the mechcnics but it looks a lot better than previous work by these two in the d20 field.


First Post
Started running it two weeks ago.....it's a lot of fun.....The Terrible Iron Golem was a great humbling expeareance for my high level campaign...... they plan to break thhrough the stone wall, next session.

It's always a challenge to deal with a high level campaign (plus i have 7 players, and that always means buffing up the badguys to get a reasonable ECL).... so far that has not been a problem, i added two Bodaks, and the party was nice enough to screw up the carpet room....

...reading ahead there are a lot of old school challenges, and plenty of chance for expansion...... the Seekers alone can become a full time campaign menace.....


Azer Paladin
This is great! I hope Dungeon & Co. can revisit some other classic modules!

I'm adapting this adventure to fit into my running FR campaign, as a replacement for Hellgate Keep, and I'll be cosmetically changing critters, but whoo boy, what a great dungeon crawl!

The other thing that *really* impressed me is the way that Paizo captured the "Greyhawk" atmosphere and feel. It made me yearn for my old Brown Box and days of yore.


Yes, this is the greatest adventure I think Dungeon has ever published. I can't wait to run it, maybe a marathon session at Gencon?

To answer your question, I haven't run it, but here's hoping your characters aren't the types to fire off all their baddest abilities in the first combat they happen upon. :)


Creature Cataloguer
waaugh! i wanted to buy and read through this module, but now my DM says he will want to run it in a month or 2 when we are high enough level for it. :p

hong - I haven't run this current incarnation of this adventure, but here are some thoughts. I guess these could be spoilers so I will use the spoiler tags.

There are a lot of nasty encounters, but they are widely spaced out. If you let the PCs explore and retreat, explore and retreat, they should be able to handle things.

However, it would be more rat bastardly to have the evil leaders begin taking action against the PCs. Example, after the PCs defeat the Terrible Iron Golem, wouldn't the evil leaders want to respond to such obviously dangerous intruders? I know I would! Reinforce key positions, increase the frequency of patrols, maybe even abandon certain indefensible areas.

It may also make sense to have one of the warring factions attempt to co-opt the PCs to their efforts - this would be the NPCs approaching the PCs, not the other way around. Of course the NPCs will withhold certain key information....

Finally, I would role-play Eli Tomorast as paranoid in the extreme. He's already died once, and he doesn't want to die again. At the first hint of trouble, have him use maximum lethal force against the PCs - sending minions to assassinate them, constantly scrying upon their progress, casting long duration spells to impede their efforts, etc. That would make him not only a nastier villain, but one whose ultimate defeat is that much more satisfying.


I have read it, but haven't started running it yet. I'm considering using it and Temple of Kubla Khan as the basis for my next campaign or going totally homebrew.

I would expect the Terrible Iron Golem to kill my party off, no matter which group I was playing with. One group can't seem to understand golems in 3E are deadly and the other would think "the DM will never put us in a position to die" despite being told this is a deadly adventure.

One thing I'd use sparingly is the ID Core, if the players come to the conclusion it could act like a XP generator since it
spawns monsters

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