Dungeon Crawler Pre-painted Plastic Miniatures : Behemoth


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Hi Folks,

We will be launching our Storm Riders Kickstarter (Dungeon Crawler) September 7th!

Six of the sculpts and renders have been shown off already. We're finalizing the finishing steps on our first DCM Kickstarter, but we stuck with it and will persevere! We believe we've ironed out the kinks in our production process, and as this will be our second project with the same factory, we should be able to excel on delivery.

The behemoth stands on a monstrous 8" diameter base to rival our Kraken.

Our Storm Riders have a great feature where the mounts and riders are interchangeable whose usefulness only grows as new mounts and riders are added to the series!


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First Post
This is a great looking figure. And on an 8"x8" base no less. I want one painted and my friend wants one as well. Pledged for two. Less than $70 USD for painted colossal figures just does not seem that bad at all.


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This was cancelled a few days early due to lack of funding (we went from funded to not several times), I will be taking another approach starting with the Riders, just working out something to get this in USD funding.

Voidrunner's Codex

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