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Dungeon Raiders: The Wolf's Den


As Bartleby enters the inner cave, he is caught in a volley of arrows and clashing longspears!

That "as" part makes it sound as though those were readied actions on the part of the hobgoblins. I looked in the How to Play document and didn't find any provision for a character's Initiative number to change when using a readied action; does this mean that the hobgoblins will get to take another action after Sulannus takes hers?

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Li Shenron

That "as" part makes it sound as though those were readied actions on the part of the hobgoblins. I looked in the How to Play document and didn't find any provision for a character's Initiative number to change when using a readied action; does this mean that the hobgoblins will get to take another action after Sulannus takes hers?

[OoC: I am afraid so... It's something I have been wanting for a while to start a thread about, in the main forum, but didn't want to give you out any clue ;) "Ready an action" is one of the things that I wanted to test a bit with this PbP game using 5e rules]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Bartleby curses in Goblin, screaming at the pain.

As he pulls his thoughts together, he then calls back to his colleagues, "Tock! You started this fight -- get in here! Two spearmen at the gate and some archers at two o'clock! Everybody!"


First Post
Someone brushes past Bartlesby, taking advantage of the opening created as the spearmen recover from their thrusts. Sulannus, that squishiest of elves who looks better suited to lounging on a divan than to scrapping in the basement of some forsaken fort, enters the room beyond the chokepoint and advances on the archers. Her face is a stern mask, calm but with anger in her eyes.

"That is quite enough of that," she informs the hobgoblins. "Now know what it means to face the House of Phaedran!"

She lifts her hands, fingers spread wide, and speaks a word. Just a word.

Golden-yellow flames, bright enough to light the entire passage, gusts forth from her fingers in a broad fan that washes over the assembled archers!

(Move into position and cast Burning Hands. Damage is 12 fire. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4348416/ Half on successful defense.)

Li Shenron

Sulannus's Burning Hands engulfs all the hobgoblins archers in a giant pyre of flames... all of them but one catch on fire and are burnt into a crisp, while the last one standing, albeit severely wounded by the fire, manages to hold on. She immediately strikes an arrow at Sulannus, but the elf's natural grace saves her noble saddle cover, and as she instinctively dodges, the arrow only strips away a small flock of her hair. Then the hobgoblin switches weapon to a spear and walks over her comrades' dead bodies towards the elf shouting "For the Broken Spear tribe...!!""

In the meantime, the two hobgoblins with the longspears manage to keep their focus on Bartleby despite the mage's entrance, and work in concert with their longspears to chink through the flanked dwarf's armor. As one of them uses his weapon to open up Bartleby's defenses, the other strikes through for 4 points of damage.

[sblock=Behind the curtains]The first hobgoblin didn't attack but used his action for the Disciplined ability to grant the second hobgoblin advantage on the attack roll.[/sblock]

[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION], Bartleby should be down to -2 hp if I counted right, but in the current rules this automatically defaults to 0, because exact negative points don't matter. By the rules he is unconscious (you fall prone, drop your weapon, cannot take actions, etc.) but for roleplaying reasons if you want you can be still conscious in terms of speaking to the others and perceiving the surroundings.
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION], Bartleby should be down to -2 hp if I counted right, but in the current rules this automatically defaults to 0, because exact negative points don't matter. By the rules he is unconscious (you fall prone, drop your weapon, cannot take actions, etc.) but for roleplaying reasons if you want you can be still conscious in terms of speaking to the others and perceiving the surroundings.

OOC: Sounds good. Starting round 6, I'll start making death saves. :p


[OOC: Happy New Year to all.]

Hearing the attacks in the cave and seeing the flames still illuminating the interior of it, Aeiyan jumps down from the top of the boulder and drops his now-superfluous torch against its inward side. [No action]
(Aeiyan no longer cares whether the torch keeps burning.)

"For Bartleby," he cries, advancing a bit and drawing one of his light hammers. With as clear a shot as he can get, he throws the hammer as an attack against the more clearly visible of the two hobgoblins bearing longspears. "Rest ye gently," he advises his target.

1d20+4;1d4+3 --> [8,4] = (12)

1d20+4;1d4+3 --> [3,3] = (6)

Link http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4349503/
BBCode 1d20+4=12, 1d4+3=6

[OOC: That's a retry -- I first entered a 1d8 for damage at Invisible Castle -- which is right for the longbow but wrong for the hammer -- and got a 16 tohit that time. Given the incorrect damage, the roll didn't count. (That'll teach me a thing or two, but will I learn the lesson?)]

Li Shenron

"For Bartleby," he cries, advancing a bit and drawing one of his light hammers. With as clear a shot as he can get, he throws the hammer as an attack against the more clearly visible of the two hobgoblins bearing longspears.

At the moment those two hobgoblins are still on the flanking sides of Bartleby and they have 10ft reach, thus they are still quite hidden from anyone on the outer cave, or at least they have good cover. Are you [MENTION=61026]tuxgeo[/MENTION] sure you want to throw at them? With your movement rate, you can certainly reach melee range with your move and then attack one of them without penalty. (Also, you won't be blocking the other PCs from entering the inner cave, in case you're worried about that.)

An update about illumination: Aeiyan's dropped torch provides bright light in the whole outer cave, and Sulannus' hobgoblin-powered giant torch provides bright light in the inner cave, at least for a while.


At the moment those two hobgoblins are still on the flanking sides of Bartleby and they have 10ft reach, thus they are still quite hidden from anyone on the outer cave, or at least they have good cover. Are you @tuxgeo sure you want to throw at them? With your movement rate, you can certainly reach melee range with your move and then attack one of them without penalty. (Also, you won't be blocking the other PCs from entering the inner cave, in case you're worried about that.)

An update about illumination: Aeiyan's dropped torch provides bright light in the whole outer cave, and Sulannus' hobgoblin-powered giant torch provides bright light in the inner cave, at least for a while.

[OOC: I'm willing to restate Aeiyan's attack in light of that information. However, Light Hammers are not finesse weapons, so a Melee attack would be at 1d20+3 (using STR) instead of 1d20+4 (using DEX at range). Aeiyan primarily views his hammers as throwing hammers.]

[Alright, let's try it this way - ]
Having dropped his torch, Aeiyan draws one of his Light Hammers and rushes into the room, leaping over the top of the prone figure of Bartleby, and whirls around as far into the room as he can get. From there, he throws the hammer at whichever hobgoblin he has a better view of. [same attack stats as already posted (if that works?)]


Rejik gasps and turns his face away from the scorching orange heat of Sulannus' spell. Warhammer in-hand, he works hard to resist the consuming temptation to leap over Bartleby's prone form and join the fray. As if answering an unspoken command, he rolls his eyes at the heavens and mutters, "Yes, yes, if I need your advice I'll ask for it."

OOC: Rejik Round 5

Two options here, since I'm a little unclear on my proximity to Bartleby.

If I'm adjacent to him, I first haul him back from the bottle-neck so as to give him cover from the spear-carrying goblins (max drag weight in the 700lbs range with 14 Str; page 4 of "How to Play" implies that dragging less than your maximum drag weight doesn't affect your move, but I find that hard to believe! I'll leave to you as to how far I can pull him), then cast Cure Wounds ("On your feet, slacker!").

If I'm not adjacent, I use my move action to get adjacent, then cast the Cure Wounds.

Cure Wounds: 2d8+2=11 hit points healed.

OOC 2: Happy New Year everyone! I hope your holidays were all the things that you like your holidays to be. :)

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