D&D General Dungeon23 Companion thread - Discussion


Here's a good post from Sean McCoy about not letting the hype overwhelm you.

I think he is very likely right about the hype going quiet by February and the field being very thin by August. I hope to see it through -- one of the reasons I decided to do it is that I usually get a wild idea and go hard at it for a couple weeks. if I am lucky I have enough to use. Usually, though, it goes in the graveyard of half baked ideas. I want to learn sustained enthusiasm when possible, and shutting up and doing the work anyway when not.
Nicely said. I think that's a really grounded way to approach this. Find joy in the creative process, push through the hard days, don't get swept up in hype.

I put together my personal master list of resources for this crazy endeavor, and thought I'd share. The attached PDF is hyperlinked, but the image is merely illustrative.

Screen Shot 2023-01-02 at 4.55.59 PM.png


  • quickleaf's dungeon23 master table.pdf
    236.8 KB · Views: 72

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Nicely said. I think that's a really grounded way to approach this. Find joy in the creative process, push through the hard days, don't get swept up in hype.

I put together my personal master list of resources for this crazy endeavor, and thought I'd share. The attached PDF is hyperlinked, but the image is merely illustrative.

View attachment 271093
There is a bunch of great stuff on that list, but by far my favorite must be The Dungeon Alphabet.


There is a bunch of great stuff on that list, but by far my favorite must be The Dungeon Alphabet.
Dungeon Alphabet is great, I love Michael Curtis' work and illustrations! One of my favorite RPG art pieces of all time is that 2-page black and white spread of the adventurers in the dungeon.

I have everything on my list – a lot of pdfs and a few books – except for Jade Colossus. If I pass my upcoming license exam I'm rewarding myself by picking it up at my FLGS. A friend recommended it and I was surprised to see Bruce Cordell show up – I haven't followed his recent works, but loved his stuff for AD&D.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Cool! Besides the other thread here on ENWorld, are you seeing most people sharing their dungeons on Twitter, or Mastodon, or elsewhere?
yes, yes, and on WordPress as I updated my Reader rss when Twitter started to fail.
I expect to see stuff on Insta if I search the tags, as the visual medium is great for it.

edited to add: your question reminded me to follow the tag on WordPress. I already found new D&D blogs posting regularly.
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B/X Known World


My tip: after finishing your room today, plan what you are going to to the next day.
First you are already in a creative flow after creating your room for today and secondly you can directly start creating the next day because you already know what you are creating.
So in the morning (or whenever your write/draw) you are not sitting in front of an empty page and don't know what to create.
So after finishing of my room, I write down the datenof tomorrow and the room number and name.


It's so weird. I see a bunch of people on reddit getting frustrated already, and I just want to respond to them all with "It's YOUR challenge. Do it however you want, and don't worry about anyone else."

It's a marathon. Find your pace early.
If you're already frustrated...it's only freaking day three. Do yourself (and your friends, colleagues, fellow forum posters) a favor and just stop now. No need to be whining about it going forward. Just...stop.
Edit: My apologies for being negative. We all love this game and should support one another.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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