Sadly, this is exactly it. I've now ranted to my wife and youngest son about this magazine (they came home at different times). I find myself annoyed that such a poor product has been put out to market. It could have been brilliant. Great idea. Get in a young crop of players with a streamlined product. It's treating them as mentally limited that bothers me the most.I dunno if they do this is in the US, but this is typical with UK hobby magazines - you take a big hit on the first issue then the rest are significantly more expensive - as @June Soler shows, this is exactly what they're doing here.
This has been "a thing" in the UK since when I was a little kid, so like 40 years.
As someone who remembers being a 10-y/o, no I wouldn't have been excited by this. I might have been excited to GET it, but then I would have been disappointed by what was in it.