No rule is inviolate
Looking to craft a network of lost dwarven towns, forts and crossroads during a portion of our campaign wherein the party is tracking clues to follow someone through a vast network of a dwarven empire long ago overrun, connected once by a massive underground road system. If familiar with Dragon Age, the Deep Roads where the party discovers the truth about golems, leading to some consequential decisions. As a lifelong DM, I consider it an art to piece together work from any system, so long as it's quality. I want to avoid it becoming a dungeon crawl slog, so that each exploration area becomes something novel. This could be things like:
- Good ole hack n slash
- Puzzles/riddles
- Clever environmental that takes more than skill checks to resolve
- A true roleplaying opportunity
- Something disconnected from the main plot (search for an NPC's fate) but still tempting to sidetrack