Dwarven telepath build


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Oh Blue!!!!!
If thoughts could kill by Bruce Cordell from Malhavoc Press.
If you do not have it, you MUST get it.

There are some rule additions in there that are just plain fantastic.
Primary and secondary disciplines.
Using Power Points to INCREASE the number of Damage dice on certain powers.

More powers, etc.

I skimmed through it twice and I'm still mouth agape.

It's 5.00 for the adventure with the rules suppliment as part of it and It is very well worth it.

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Kyramus said:
Oh Blue!!!!!
If thoughts could kill by Bruce Cordell from Malhavoc Press.
If you do not have it, you MUST get it.

There are some rule additions in there that are just plain fantastic.
Primary and secondary disciplines.
Using Power Points to INCREASE the number of Damage dice on certain powers.

More powers, etc.

I skimmed through it twice and I'm still mouth agape.

It's 5.00 for the adventure with the rules suppliment as part of it and It is very well worth it.

Definitlly. The only reason I didnt mention it is because it sounded like your DM wouldnt allow it. A simple, elegant rules supplement that makes Psions much more competetive with the other classes. It is in no way overpowering, in fact Telepaths will gain little use from it since most of their powers are Save or Die, not Direct Damage.

It does give all Psions slightly more PP at higher levels though, something they need very much. If your DM gives you flack about it show him the name on the cover: Bruce Cordell. Show him the name on the PsiHB: Bruce Cordell. Basically he fixed the stuff that WotC management made him screw up in the PsiHB.


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Kyramus, Roland Delacroix -
Hmm. Maybe I'll go look at ITCK.

I had ruled it out for two reasons:

I don't like to buy PDFs. (Yeah. Well, I like books. The actual dead tree things you put on shelves.)

And I expect I'll be the one managing (and possibly adjudicating) psionics rules at the table because basically there's no one else to do it. The two GMs in the game don't know the psionics rules and they trust me to get it right.
They are already incredibly accommodating to allow me to bring this alien element into their game. It's going to be an experiment for all of us, and I don't want to make things more complicated than I have to.
-- Initially I tried to limit myself to the rules as written in the Psionics Handbook, but I broke down in no time when I saw the web supplements on the WotC web site. I have to have resculpt mind, if nothing else. So now maybe I'll have to take yet another steps outside the basic rules ... Sigh.

Torque -

thanks for pointing me to attraction. Its wide scope is certainly attractive :)rolleyes:), uhm, let's just rephrase that. A power inviting you to get creative with, how's that? Need some sleep here.

Thanks for the further comments, guys! Our next session has been postponed and it looks like I'll have a another fortnight to ponder on the character design.


If Thoughts Could Kill is in book form. In fact, its sitting just 2 feet away from me. If you don't want to buy a .pdf, go to your friendly neighborhood gaming store. You may be suprised.

Edit: Started making sense.
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Caliber said:
If Thoughts Could Kill is not in book form. In fact, its sitting just 2 feet away from me. If you don't want to buy a .pdf, go to your friendly neighborhood gaming store. You may be suprised.

er, i think you meant to say it is in book form. $10 IIRC. I haven't looked at the module portion yet, im gonna try to get someone to run it for me.


First Post
Roland Delacroix said:

er, i think you meant to say it is in book form. $10 IIRC. I haven't looked at the module portion yet, im gonna try to get someone to run it for me.

I will run it. Any time you want to take a few weeks off of running RttToEE let me know. Give me a few weeks notice.


First Post
I guess it could come out in book form. I remember getting Eldritch Might and it was pdf, then when I was browsing at my hobby store it showed up as a book form.

So I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up as a book form, but it is definitely a must have pdf.


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