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E-Tools Monte's Ranger


Do you think it would be possible to add Monte Cook's ranger as a class to E Tools? I am using this class for my new character I am rolling up and would like to use E Tools to keep track of him. Thanks

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I know some people have had success adding the Alt. Sorcerer from BoEM 2, so I imagine the ranger wouldn't be too much harder. Both of these are beyond my ability however.


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I've attempted it already. So far, you have to change the rate at which feats are aquired and you cannot select favored enemies.

If anyone else can do better be my guest.


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Hmm. I keep intending to try this, and see if I can find a way around the problems you ran into. If I understand you correctly it gets the feats wrong because they're not an even progression (e.g. every 3rd level and the like), and you've not been able to get the favored enemies stuff to work, correct?


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I just changed the first bonus feat from fourth to third level, because every bonus feat after that one comes every three levels...so I figured making them every three levels from the start was not so bad.

The favored enemies are the more interesting problem. Even though I addedd the Favored Enemies feature to the class (copying the way it was done for the ranger) the program does not recognize the addition on the class features screen where one is allowed to select a ranger favored enemy.


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I've determined the class GUID is key for the Ranger's Favored Enemy...at least for turning on the button and calculating how many to "pick".

With that in mind, there are two possible routes:

a) If your group(s) don't ever use the "normal" ranger, you may want to simply retrofit the normal one to match the alternate.

b) Or, you can try something that I experimented with, but I don't know if it will have repercussions: 1) use access to turn off primary key setting on the guid on the info class table (hmm...I also had to turn off "autonumber", although you may be able to turn it back on after the cut n' paste, I've not gotten that far), 2) cut and paste the "Ranger" guid to the alternate ranger key. I suspect you may run into some oddities going this way, but I don't know. One that immediately comes to mind is that the 2 rangers would stack in odd ways, if some was crazy enough to put levels in both. ;)

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