Tina remembers readying a bow she did not possess. She shakes her and looks to get to the roof of the stables as a shortcut to the parapets. "I must be insane," she says to no one. "I'm running toward a dragon."
Name: Sebastian TenPennies Alignment: Lawful Evil Race: Gnome Effective Class: Illusionist/Assassin-1/1 Former Profession: no skill | Height: 3'-7" Weight: 48# Eyes: Golden Hair: White Age: 76 | Surprise: 1 in 6 Movement: 12" Initiative: +1 AC: 5 (8 base from Leather, -2 from DEX, -1 from Shield) Hit Points: 05/05 |
Strength: Intelligence: Wisdom: Dexterity: Constitution: Charisma: Comeliness: | 14 16 10 16 15 11 06 | Weight Allowed: +200 Open Door: 1-2 BB/LG: 4% Additional Languages: special due to race Magic Saves Adj: none Reaction/Missile Adj: +1 AC Bonus: -2 HP Adj: +1 System Shock Survival: 91% Resurrection Survival: 94% Max # Henchmen: 4 Loyalty Adj: normal Reaction Adj: normal |
SAVING THROWS Illusionist-1 | Paralyzation, Poison & Death Magic 14 | Petrification & Polymorph 13 | Rod, Staff & Wand 11 | Breath Weapon 15 | Spells 12 |
Armor Class Assassin-1 | 10 11 | 9 12 | 8 13 | 7 14 | 6 15 | 5 16 | 4 17 | 3 18 | 2 19 | 1 20 | 0 20 | -1 20 | -2 20 | -3 20 | -4 20 | -5 21 | -6 22 | -7 23 | -8 24 | -9 25 | -10 26 |
Weapon Scimitar Dagger Lasso | To Hit Bonus +0 +0 +1 | Damage Vs Small/Medium 1d8 1d4 none | Damage Vs Large 1d8 1d3 none | Range S/M/L none 1/2/3 1/2/3 | Attacks per Round 1/1 1/1 1/2 |
Features Languages Spoken: Common, Gnome, Goblin, Dwarf, Kobold, Halfling, Hobgoblin, Elf, may speak with small burrowing mammals Illusionist/Assassin Level: 1/1 XP Earned: (I)330/2,250-(A)250/1,500 XP Bonus: +10% (Illusionist only) # of Weapon Proficiencies: 3; Non-Proficiency Penalty: -2; Next Proficiency: Assassin Level 5 Weapon Proficiencies: scimitar, dagger, lasso Spells Prepared Level One: Equipment Leather Shield, small wooden Scimitar Dagger w/scabbard Lasso (x2) Gloves of Magic Missiles boots, low hard pouch, belt small 2 doses Assassin's Blood (Type A poison) backpack traveling spellbook (belonged to Sebastian's brother) 1st: read illusionist magic, phantasmal force, audible glamer, detect illusion 2nd: invisibility, alter self, detect magic 3rd: paralyzation, suggestion, fear candles, wax (x5) flint&steel rations, iron (1 week) waterskin bedroll Treasure: GP: 13 SP: 00 CP: 00 History Sebastian Tenpennies and his family were members of the Cult of the Dragon, until our rivals in the cult arranged to wipe all of us out. Attacked during a magical experiment, all of my family was slaughtered and I alone survived, but the Cult of the Dragon believes me to be dead also. Although I survived, I was changed and scarred by the magical backlash, and I want revenge! My hit list consists of three names: a human cultist named Frulam Mondath, a half-orc named Bog Luck, and a half-dragon named Rezmir. I have now infiltrated a small group of cultists, who linked up with the main assault force set to attack Greenest. | View attachment 97224 |